Updated 04/02/2025
In force since 18/01/2015

Version from: 14/11/2024
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Delegated Regulation 2015/35

Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35 of 10 October 2014 supplementing Directive 2009/138/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the taking-up and pursuit of the business of Insurance and Reinsurance (Solvency II) (Text with EEA relevance)

Article 7 - Valuation assumptions GLArticle 8 - Scope Q&AGLArticle 9 - Valuation methodology — general principles Q&AGLArticle 10 - Valuation methodology — valuation hierarchy Q&AGLArticle 11 - Recognition of contingent liabilities GLArticle 12 - Valuation methods for goodwill and intangible assets Q&AGLArticle 13 - Valuation methods for related undertakings Q&AGLArticle 14 - Valuation methods for specific liabilities GLArticle 15 - Deferred taxes Q&AGLArticle 16 - Exclusion of valuation methods Q&AGL
Article 28 - Cash flows Q&AGLArticle 29 - Expected future developments in the external environment GLArticle 30 - Uncertainty of cash flows Q&AGLArticle 31 - Expenses Q&AGLArticle 32 - Contractual options and financial guarantees GLArticle 33 - Currency of the obligation Q&AGLArticle 34 - Calculation methods Q&AGLArticle 35 - Homogeneous risk groups of life insurance obligations Q&AGLArticle 36 - Non-life insurance obligations Q&AGL
Article 56 - Proportionality Q&AArticle 57 - Simplified calculation of recoverables from reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehiclesArticle 58 - Simplified calculation of the risk margin Q&AArticle 59 - Calculations of the risk margin during the financial yearArticle 60 - Simplified calculation of the best estimate for insurance obligations with premium adjustment mechanismArticle 61 - Simplified calculation of the counterparty default adjustment Q&A
Article 62 - Assessment of the application Q&AGLArticle 63 - Assessment of the application — Status of the counterparties GLArticle 64 - Assessment of the application — Recoverability of the funds GLArticle 65 - Assessment of the application — Information on the outcome of past calls GLArticle 66 - Specification of amount relating to an unlimited amount of ancillary own funds GLArticle 67 - Specification of amount and timing relating to the approval of a method GL
Article 69 - Tier 1 — List of own-fund items Q&AGLArticle 70 - Reconciliation Reserve Q&AGLArticle 71 - Tier 1 — Features determining classification Q&AGLArticle 72 - Tier 2 Basic own-funds — List of own-fund items Q&AGLArticle 73 - Tier 2 Basic own-funds — Features determining classification Q&AGLArticle 74 - Tier 2 Ancillary own-funds — List of own-fund items GLArticle 75 - Tier 2 Ancillary own-funds — Features determining classification GLArticle 76 - Tier 3 Basic own-funds– List of own-fund items Q&AGLArticle 77 - Tier 3 Basic own-funds– Features determining classification Q&AGLArticle 78 - Tier 3 Ancillary own-funds– List of own-funds items GLArticle 79 - Supervisory Authorities approval of the assessment and classification of own-fund items GL
Article 83 Q&A
Article 85
Article 87
Article 88 - Proportionality Q&AArticle 89 - General provisions for simplifications for captivesArticle 90 - Simplified calculation for captive insurance and reinsurance undertakings of the capital requirement for non-life premium and reserve risk Q&AArticle 90a - Simplified calculation for discontinuance of insurance policies in the non-life lapse risk sub-module Q&AArticle 90b - Simplified calculation of the sum insured for natural catastrophe risks Q&AArticle 90c - Simplified calculation of the capital requirement for fire risk Q&AArticle 91 - Simplified calculation of the capital requirement for life mortality risk Q&AArticle 92 - Simplified calculation of the capital requirement for life longevity risk Q&AArticle 93 - Simplified calculation of the capital requirement for life disability-morbidity risk Q&AArticle 94 - Simplified calculation of the capital requirement for life-expense risk Q&AArticle 95 - Simplified calculation of the capital requirement for permanent changes in lapse rates Q&AArticle 95a - Simplified calculation of the capital requirement for risks in the life lapse risk sub-module Q&AArticle 96 - Simplified calculation of the capital requirement for life-catastrophe risk Q&AArticle 96a - Simplified calculation for discontinuance of insurance policies in the NSLT health lapse risk sub-module Q&AArticle 97 - Simplified calculation of the capital requirement for health mortality risk Q&AArticle 98 - Simplified calculation of the capital requirement for health longevity risk Q&AArticle 99 - Simplified calculation of the capital requirement for medical expense disability-morbidity risk Q&AArticle 100 - Simplified calculation of the capital requirement for income protection disability-morbidity risk Q&AArticle 101 - Simplified calculation of the capital requirement for health expense risk Q&AArticle 102 - Simplified calculation of the capital requirement for SLT health lapse risk Q&AArticle 102a - Simplified calculation of the capital requirement for risks in the SLT health lapse risk sub-module Q&AArticle 103 - Simplified calculation of the capital requirement for interest rate risk for captive insurance or reinsurance undertakings Q&AArticle 104 - Simplified calculation for spread risk on bonds and loans Q&AArticle 105 - Simplified calculation for captive insurance or reinsurance undertakings of the capital requirement for spread risk on bonds and loans Q&AArticle 105a - Simplified calculation for the risk factor in the spread risk sub-module and the market risk concentration sub-module Q&AArticle 106 - Simplified calculation of the capital requirement for market risk concentration for captive insurance or reinsurance undertakings Q&AArticle 107 - Simplified calculation of the risk mitigating effect for reinsurance arrangements or securitisation Q&AArticle 108 - Simplified calculation of the risk mitigating effect for proportional reinsurance arrangements Q&AArticle 109 - Simplified calculations for pooling arrangements Q&AArticle 110 - Simplified calculation — grouping of single name exposures Q&AArticle 111 - Simplified calculation of the risk mitigating effect Q&AArticle 111a - Simplified calculation of the risk-mitigating effect on underwriting risk Q&AArticle 112 - Simplified calculation of the risk adjusted value of collateral to take into account the economic effect of the collateral Q&AArticle 112a - Simplified calculation of the loss-given-default for reinsuranceArticle 112b - Simplified calculation of the capital requirement for counterparty default risk on type 1 exposures
Article 113
Article 114 - Non-life underwriting risk moduleArticle 115 - Non-life premium and reserve risk sub-moduleArticle 116 - Volume measure for non-life premium and reserve risk Q&AArticle 117 - Standard deviation for non-life premium and reserve risk Q&AArticle 118 - Non-life lapse risk sub-module Q&AArticle 119 - Non-life catastrophe risk sub-module Q&AGLArticle 120 - Natural catastrophe risk sub-module Q&AGLArticle 121 - Windstorm risk sub-module Q&AGLArticle 122 - Earthquake risk sub-module Q&AGLArticle 123 - Flood risk sub-module Q&AGLArticle 124 - Hail risk sub-module Q&AGLArticle 125 - Subsidence risk sub-module Q&AGLArticle 126 - Interpretation of catastrophe scenarios Q&AGLArticle 127 - Sub-module for catastrophe risk of non-proportional property reinsurance Q&AGLArticle 128 - Man-made catastrophe risk sub-module Q&AGLArticle 129 - Motor vehicle liability risk sub-module Q&AGLArticle 130 - Marine risk sub-module Q&AGLArticle 131 - Aviation risk sub-module Q&AGLArticle 132 - Fire risk sub-module Q&AGLArticle 133 - Liability risk sub-module Q&AGLArticle 134 - Credit and suretyship risk sub-module Q&AGLArticle 135 - Sub-module for other non-life catastrophe risk Q&AGL
Article 144 - Health underwriting risk module Q&AArticle 145 - NSLT health underwriting risk sub-moduleArticle 146 - NSLT health premium and reserve risk sub-moduleArticle 147 - Volume measure for NSLT health premium and reserve risk Q&AArticle 148 - Standard deviation for NSLT health premium and reserve riskArticle 149 - Health risk equalisation systemsArticle 150 - NSLT health lapse risk sub-moduleArticle 151 - SLT health underwriting risk sub-moduleArticle 152 - Health mortality risk sub-moduleArticle 153 - Health longevity risk sub-moduleArticle 154 - Health disability-morbidity risk sub-moduleArticle 155 - Capital requirement for medical expense disability-morbidity risk Q&AArticle 156 - Capital requirement for income protection disability-morbidity risk Q&AArticle 157 - Health expense risk sub-moduleArticle 158 - Health revision risk sub-module Q&AArticle 159 - SLT health lapse risk sub-moduleArticle 160 - Health catastrophe risk sub-module Q&AGLArticle 161 - Mass accident risk sub-module Q&AGLArticle 162 - Accident concentration risk sub-module Q&AGLArticle 163 - Pandemic risk sub-module Q&AGL
Article 168 - General provisions Q&AGLArticle 168a - Qualifying unlisted equity portfolios GLArticle 169 - Standard equity risk sub-module Q&AGLArticle 170 - Duration-based equity risk sub-module Q&AGLArticle 171 - Strategic equity investments Q&AGLArticle 171a - Long-term equity investments Q&AGLArticle 172 - Symmetric adjustment of the equity capital charge GLArticle 173 - Criteria for the use of transitional measure for standard equity risk Q&AGL
Article 175 - Scope of the spread risk sub-module Q&AGLArticle 176 - Spread risk on bonds and loans Q&AGLArticle 176a - Internal assessment of credit quality steps of bonds and loans GLArticle 176b - Requirements for an undertaking's own internal credit assessment of bonds and loans GLArticle 176c - Assessment of credit quality steps of bonds and loans based on an approved internal model GLArticle 177 - Spread risk on securitisation positions: general provisions [repealed] Q&AGLArticle 178 - Spread risk on securitisation positions: calculation of the capital requirement Q&AGLArticle 178a - Spread risk on securitisation positions: transitional provisions GLArticle 179 - Spread risk on credit derivatives Q&AGLArticle 180 - Specific exposures Q&AGLArticle 181 - Application of the spread risk scenarios to matching adjustment portfolios GL
Article 189 - Scope Q&AGLArticle 190 - Single name exposures Q&AGLArticle 191 - Mortgage loans Q&AGLArticle 192 - Loss-given-default Q&AGLArticle 192a - Exposure to clearing members GLArticle 193 - Loss-given-default for pool exposures of type A GLArticle 194 - Loss-given-default for pool exposures of type B GLArticle 195 - Loss-given-default for pool exposures of type C GLArticle 196 - Risk-mitigating effect Q&AGLArticle 197 - Risk-adjusted value of collateral Q&AGLArticle 198 - Risk-adjusted value of mortgage GL
Article 221
Article 228 - Probability distribution forecast GLArticle 229 - Adequate, applicable and relevant actuarial techniques GLArticle 230 - Information and assumptions used for the calculation of the probability distribution forecast GLArticle 231 - Data used in the internal model GLArticle 232 - Ability to rank risk GLArticle 233 - Coverage of all material risks Q&AGLArticle 234 - Diversification effects GLArticle 235 - Risk-mitigation techniques GLArticle 236 - Future management actions GLArticle 237 - Understanding of external models and data GL
Article 239 GL
Article 254 - Risk retention requirements relating to the originators, sponsors or original lenders [repealed] Q&AArticle 255 - Exemptions to risk retention requirements [repealed] Q&AArticle 256 - Qualitative requirements relating to insurance and reinsurance undertakings [repealed] Q&AArticle 257 - Requirements for investments in securitisation that no longer comply with the risk-retention and qualitative requirements Q&A
Article 258 - General governance requirements Q&AGLArticle 259 - Risk Management System Q&AGLArticle 260 - Risk management areas Q&AGLArticle 261 - Risk management in undertakings providing loans and/or mortgage insurance or reinsurance Q&AGLArticle 261a - Risk management for qualifying infrastructure investments or qualifying infrastructure corporate investments Q&AArticle 262 - Overall solvency needs Q&AGLArticle 263 - Alternative methods for valuation GLArticle 264 - Valuation of technical provisions — validation GLArticle 265 - Valuation of technical provisions — documentation GLArticle 266 - Internal control system GLArticle 267 - Internal control of valuation of assets and liabilities GL
Article 276 - Assessment of a significant deviation as regards the SCR Article 277 - Assessment of a significant deviation as regards the governanceArticle 278 - Assessment of a significant deviation as regards adjustments to the relevant risk-free rate and transitional measures Article 279 - Add-ons in relation to deviations from Solvency Capital Requirement assumptions Q&AArticle 280 - Assessment of the requirement to use an internal modelArticle 281 - Appropriate timeframe for adapting the internal model
Article 282 - Calculation of add-ons in relation to deviations from SCR assumptionsArticle 283 - Scope and approach of modifications as regards a deviation from SCR assumptionsArticle 284 - Calculation of add-ons in relation to adjustments to the relevant risk-free rate or transitional measuresArticle 285 - Scope and approach of modifications as regards adjustments to the relevant risk-free rate and transitional measuresArticle 286 - Calculation of add-ons in relation to deviations from governance standardsArticle 287 - Apportionment of add-ons for undertakings which simultaneously pursue life and non-life insurance activities
Article 299
Article 331 - Classification of own-fund items of related insurance and reinsurance undertakings at group level Q&AGLArticle 332 - Classification of own-fund items of related third-country insurance or reinsurance undertakings at group level GLArticle 333 - Classification of own-fund items of insurance holding companies, mixed financial holding companies, and subsidiary ancillary services undertakings at group level Q&AGLArticle 334 - Classification of own-fund items of residual related undertakings GLArticle 335 - Method 1: determination of consolidated data Q&AGLArticle 336 - Method 1: Calculation of the consolidated group Solvency Capital Requirement Q&AGLArticle 337 - Method 1: determination of the local currency for the purposes of the currency risk calculation GLArticle 338 - Method 1: group-specific parameters GLArticle 339 - Method 1: best estimate GLArticle 340 - Method 1: Risk margin GLArticle 341 - Combination of methods 1 and 2: minimum consolidated group Solvency Capital Requirement GLArticle 342 - Method 2: Elimination of intra-group creation of capital in relation to the best estimate GL
Article 343 - Application for the use of an internal model to calculate only the consolidated group Solvency Capital Requirement GLArticle 344 - Assessment of the application for the use of an internal model to calculate only the consolidated group Solvency Capital RequirementArticle 345 - Decision on the application and transitional plan to extend the scope of a partial internal model used to calculate only the consolidated group Solvency Capital RequirementArticle 346 - Use test for internal models used to calculate only the consolidated group Solvency Capital Requirement
Article 358
Article 381