Article 54
Calculation of the fundamental spread
The fundamental spread referred to in Article 77c(2) shall be calculated in a transparent, prudent, reliable and objective manner that is consistent over time, based on relevant indices where available. The methods to derive fundamental spread of a bond shall be the same for each currency and each country and may be different for government bonds and for other bonds.
The calculation of the credit spread referred to in Article 77c(2)(a)(i) of Directive 2009/138/EC shall be based on the assumption that in case of default 30 % of the market value can be recovered.
The long-term average referred to in Article 77c(2)(b) and (c) of Directive 2009/138/EC shall be based on data relating to the last 30 years. Where a part of that data is not available, it shall be replaced by constructed data. The constructed data shall be based on the available and reliable data relating to the last 30 years. Data that is not reliable shall be replaced by constructed data using that methodology. The constructed data shall be based on prudent assumptions.
The expected loss referred to in Article 77c(2)(a)(ii) of Directive 2009/138/EC shall correspond to the probability-weighted loss the insurance or reinsurance undertaking incurs where the asset is downgraded to a lower credit quality step and is replaced immediately afterwards. The calculation of the expected loss shall be based on the assumption that the replacing asset meets all of the following criteria:
the replacing asset has the same cash flow pattern as the replaced asset before downgrade;
the replacing asset belongs to the same asset class as the replaced asset;
the replacing asset has the same credit quality step as the replaced asset before downgrade or a higher one.