Comprehensive database
All legal acts in EU Financial Law
The judict database offers a complete repository of European financial regulatory law. This includes all the applicable Regulations and Directives as well as the related Level 2 legal acts, like Delegated Regulations or Implementing Decisions.
Banking supervision
This database segment contains 7 Regulations and Directives as well as the related Level 2 legal acts, including:
Financial instruments
This database segment contains 19 Regulations and Directives as well as the related Level 2 legal acts, including:
Investment funds & Asset management
This database segment contains 10 Regulations and Directives as well as the related Level 2 legal acts, including:
Sustainable Finance
This database segment contains 9 Regulations and Directives as well as the related Level 2 legal acts, including:
Crypto assets
This database segment contains 8 Regulations and Directives as well as the related Level 2 legal acts, including:
Payment services
This database segment contains 5 Regulations and Directives as well as the related Level 2 legal acts, including:
Anti-money laundering
This database segment contains 4 Regulations and Directives as well as the related Level 2 legal acts, including:
Investigations & white‑collar
This database segment contains 3 Regulations and Directives as well as the related Level 2 legal acts, including:
Restructuring & insolvency
This database segment contains 4 Regulations and Directives as well as the related Level 2 legal acts, including:
Insurance supervision
This database segment contains 7 Regulations and Directives as well as the related Level 2 legal acts, including:
Solvency II
Access to our Showcase Tool
To present the full functionality of the judict database, we offer free access to the CRR Tool, one of our 70 Tools.
In this fully operational Showcase Tool, we demonstrate our features and show all content in relation to the CRR. This includes all the Delegated Regulations & other Level 2 legal acts as well as supervisory documents (EBA/ESMA/EIOPA and ECB) based on the CRR. Furthermore, all features such as the amendment tracking, full-text search or the highlighting of legally defined terms are available.
In this fully operational Showcase Tool, we demonstrate our features and show all content in relation to the CRR. This includes all the Delegated Regulations & other Level 2 legal acts as well as supervisory documents (EBA/ESMA/EIOPA and ECB) based on the CRR. Furthermore, all features such as the amendment tracking, full-text search or the highlighting of legally defined terms are available.
Click here to access the CRR Tool

All Level 2 legal acts
All Related Documents
Amendment tracking
Full-text search
Quick Definitions
Free to use
Related documents & Level 2 legal acts
In the area of financial regulatory law, the European authorities publish vast amounts of resources. This makes it difficult to keep track of them all and poses the risk of overlooking important information. In our 'Related documents & Level 2 legal acts feature' we centralise all relevant documents from the European authorities on a daily basis and link them to the legal acts and specific articles they relate to.

European Commission
This section contains all Level 2 legal acts issued by the European Commission. They are linked to the articles of the Regulations and Directives they relate to or specify.
- Delegated Regulations
- Implementing Regulations
- Implementing Decisions

This section contains all related documents issued by the European supervisory authorities that are relevant for the interpretation of the specific article you are working on.
- Q&As
- Guidelines
- Opinions
- Draft RTS & Draft ITS

European Central Bank
This section contains all related documents issued by the European Central Bank that are relevant for the interpretation of the specific article you are working on.
- Regulations & Decisions
- Guidelines & Guides
- Opinions
- Recommendations
Amendment tracking
To help you keep up with changes in European financial regulatory law, we have created our amendment tracking feature.
This feature informs you about upcoming amendments at each article that is about to change. It also makes visible amendments that are already applicable but have not yet been included in the current consolidated version. Furthermore, the amendment history offers for each article a comprehensive overview of all changes that have been made to the respective article.
This feature informs you about upcoming amendments at each article that is about to change. It also makes visible amendments that are already applicable but have not yet been included in the current consolidated version. Furthermore, the amendment history offers for each article a comprehensive overview of all changes that have been made to the respective article.

Upcoming amendments
In the event that an article will be subject to change, a grey notice box gives an indication of the upcoming amendment. The notice box above the article contains information on the date from which the amendment applies and a reference to the amending legal act.

Unconsolidated amendments
In the event that a legislative amendment applies but has not yet been included on EUR-Lex, the current consolidated version is outdated. We therefore inform you with a red notice box above the article and tell you when the amendment came into application.

Amendment History
For each article within a Regulation or Directive, judict provides a timeline accessible via the 'Amendments'-Button. The timeline shows all historical changes, detailing when and how the article was amended, and by which amending legal act they were changed.
Quick definitions
European legal acts contain many legal definitions. It is easy to overlook a definition or mistake its scope of application. In addition, looking up definitions disturbs the reading flow and takes up time.
With our quick definitions feature, all defined terms within a legal act are automatically found, underlined in black and explained when you hover over them. This means you no longer have to switch back and forth between articles or wonder whether you have taken all the relevant definitions into account.
With our quick definitions feature, all defined terms within a legal act are automatically found, underlined in black and explained when you hover over them. This means you no longer have to switch back and forth between articles or wonder whether you have taken all the relevant definitions into account.
In view of the risk-sensitivity of the rules relating to capital
requirements, it is desirable to keep under review whether these
have significant effects on the economic cycle. The Commission,
the contribution of the European Central Bank (ECB), should
report on these aspects to the European Parliament and to the
Council. Due diligence should be used in order to properly
assess the risks arising from securitisation exposures for both
the trading book. In addition, due diligence obligations need to
be proportionate. Due diligence procedures need to be
proportionate and should contribut
original lenders
between and sponsors and investors. It is therefore desirable
that relevant information concerning the due diligence
procedures is properly disclosed.
Whenever a definition makes a cross-reference to another legal act, we display not only the original definition but also the one that is referenced. This saves you the time-consuming task of looking up the referenced definition in the other legal act.
In each case we provide you with the origin of the definition. Clicking on the origin will redirect you to the article in which the term is defined. There you will be taken to the corresponding passage and the defined term will be highlighted in yellow.
Scope of application
We point out the general scope of application of the definition. In addition, a green or orange box on top of the pop-up window indicates whether the article you are consulting falls within this scope and whether the definition is applicable or not.
Working with EU law made easy
In addition to the integration of quick definitions, related documents, Level 2 legal acts and tracking of ongoing amendments, we offer a range of features designed to make it easier for you to work with EU legislative texts. These include, inter alia, a live full-text search function, deep links to referenced legal acts and a mapping of Draft RTS/ITS to the specific articles they relate to.

Live full-text search
Search within the legal acts for any keyword and see the results immediately. Automatic grouping by articles allows for quick and easy navigation, helping you quickly pinpoint the passage you are looking for.

Deep links
References to other legal acts are automatically recognised and highlighted in blue. This feature facilitates navigation between the different legal acts through the provided links and reduces your overall research time.

Draft RTS/ITS Mapping
As soon as Draft RTS or ITS are released, we connect them to the specific articles they relate to. Also, we offer a timeline for each RTS and ITS showing when the Consultation and the Final Draft were published.
judict Pro vs EU websites
While the EU websites offer unstructured and partly outdated information scattered across many different websites, the judict database provides one central place for all legislative texts and all documents from the various European bodies.
judict database | EUR-Lex & ISRBs* | |
Complete and up-to-date
| Information not robust
| |
Stand-alone overview for every legal act
| No comprehensive availability of ISRBs
| |
Working with EU law made easy
| Limited functionality
*Interactive Single Rulebooks (ISRBs) on the websites of EBA, ESMA and EIOPA
Our vision
Our vision is to facilitate access to all areas of EU law by offering a truly comprehensive database. No more jumping back and forth between different websites. No more questioning whether the information you find is complete and up-to-date. Automatically analysing large volumes of legal documents, we aim to provide the best possible overview of all EU law resources and minimise your risk of overlooking relevant information.