Article 107
Simplified calculation of the risk mitigating effect for reinsurance arrangements or securitisation
Where both Article 88 is complied with and the best estimate of amounts recoverable from a reinsurance arrangement or securitisation and the corresponding debtors is not negative, insurance and reinsurance undertakings may calculate the risk-mitigating effect on underwriting risk of that reinsurance arrangement or securitisation referred to in Article 196 as follows:
RMre,all denotes the risk mitigating effect on underwriting risk of the reinsurance arrangements and securitisations for all counterparties calculated in accordance with paragraph 2;
Recoverablesi denotes the best estimate of amounts recoverable from the reinsurance arrangement or securitisation and the corresponding debtors for counterparty i and Recoverablesall denotes the best estimate of amounts recoverable from the reinsurance arrangements and securitisations and the corresponding debtors for all counterparties.
The risk mitigating effect on underwriting risk of the reinsurance arrangements and securitisations for all counterparties referred to in paragraph 1 is the difference between the following capital requirements:
the hypothetical capital requirement for underwriting risk of the insurance or reinsurance undertaking if none of the reinsurance arrangements and securitisations exist;
the capital requirements for underwriting risk of the insurance or reinsurance undertaking.