Article 301
Means of disclosure
Where insurance and reinsurance undertakings own and maintain a website related to their business, the solvency and financial condition report shall be disclosed on that website.
Where insurance and reinsurance undertakings do not own and maintain a website but are a member of a trade association which does own and maintain a website, the solvency and financial condition report shall, where permitted by that trade association, be disclosed on the website of that association.
Where insurance and reinsurance undertakings disclose their solvency and financial condition report on a website in accordance with paragraph 1 or 2, that report shall remain available on that website for at least five years after the disclosure date referred to in Article 300(1).
Where insurance and reinsurance undertakings do not disclose their solvency and financial condition report on a website in accordance with paragraphs 1 and 2, they shall send an electronic copy of their report to any person who, within five years of the disclosure date referred to in Article 300(1) requests the report. Insurance and reinsurance undertakings shall send the report within 10 working days from that request.
Insurance and reinsurance undertakings shall, irrespective of whether the undertaking's report has been made available on a website in accordance with paragraph 1 or 2, send, to any person who so requests within two years of the disclosure date referred to in Article 300(1), a printed copy of their report within 20 working days from that request.
Insurance and reinsurance undertakings shall submit to the supervisory authorities their solvency and financial condition report, and any updated version of that report thereto, in electronic form.