TITLE I - VALUATION AND RISK-BASED CAPITAL REQUIREMENTS (PILLAR I), ENHANCED GOVERNANCE (PILLAR II) AND INCREASED TRANSPARENCY (PILLAR III) (Article 1-327)CHAPTER I - GENERAL PROVISIONS (Article 1-6)CHAPTER II - VALUATION OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES (Article 7-16)CHAPTER III - RULES RELATING TO TECHNICAL PROVISIONS (Article 17-61)SECTION 1 - General provisions (Article 17-18)SECTION 2 - Data quality (Article 19-21)SECTION 3 - Methodologies to calculate technical provisions (Article 22-42)Subsection 1 - Assumptions underlying the calculation of technical provisions (Article 22-26)Subsection 2 - Information underlying the calculation of best estimates (Article 27)Subsection 3 - Cash flow projections for the calculation of the best estimate (Article 28-36)Article 28 - Cash flows Q&AGLArticle 29 - Expected future developments in the external environment GLArticle 30 - Uncertainty of cash flows Q&AGLArticle 31 - Expenses Q&AGLArticle 32 - Contractual options and financial guarantees GLArticle 33 - Currency of the obligation Q&AGLArticle 34 - Calculation methods Q&AGLArticle 35 - Homogeneous risk groups of life insurance obligations Q&AGLArticle 36 - Non-life insurance obligations Q&AGLSubsection 4 - Risk margin (Article 37-39)Subsection 5 - Calculation of technical provisions as a whole (Article 40)Subsection 6 - Recoverables from reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles (Article 41-42)SECTION 4 - Relevant risk-free interest rate term structure (Article 43-54)SECTION 5 - Lines of business (Article 55)SECTION 6 - Proportionality and simplifications (Article 56-61)CHAPTER IV - OWN FUNDS (Article 62-82)CHAPTER V - SOLVENCY CAPITAL REQUIREMENT STANDARD FORMULA (Article 83-221)CHAPTER VI - SOLVENCY CAPITAL REQUIREMENT — FULL AND PARTIAL INTERNAL MODELS (Article 222-247)CHAPTER VII - MINIMUM CAPITAL REQUIREMENT (Article 248-253)CHAPTER VIII - INVESTMENTS IN SECURITISATION POSITIONS (Article 254-257)CHAPTER IX - SYSTEM OF GOVERNANCE (Article 258-275a)CHAPTER X - CAPITAL ADD-ON (Article 276-287)CHAPTER XI - EXTENSION OF THE RECOVERY PERIOD (Article 288-289)CHAPTER XII - PUBLIC DISCLOSURE (Article 290-303)CHAPTER XIII - REGULAR SUPERVISORY REPORTING (Article 304-314)CHAPTER XIV - TRANSPARENCY AND ACCOUNTABILITY OF SUPERVISORY AUTHORITIES (Article 315-317)CHAPTER XV - SPECIAL PURPOSE VEHICLES (Article 318-327)
CHAPTER III - RULES RELATING TO TECHNICAL PROVISIONS (Article 17-61)SECTION 1 - General provisions (Article 17-18)SECTION 2 - Data quality (Article 19-21)SECTION 3 - Methodologies to calculate technical provisions (Article 22-42)Subsection 1 - Assumptions underlying the calculation of technical provisions (Article 22-26)Subsection 2 - Information underlying the calculation of best estimates (Article 27)Subsection 3 - Cash flow projections for the calculation of the best estimate (Article 28-36)Article 28 - Cash flows Q&AGLArticle 29 - Expected future developments in the external environment GLArticle 30 - Uncertainty of cash flows Q&AGLArticle 31 - Expenses Q&AGLArticle 32 - Contractual options and financial guarantees GLArticle 33 - Currency of the obligation Q&AGLArticle 34 - Calculation methods Q&AGLArticle 35 - Homogeneous risk groups of life insurance obligations Q&AGLArticle 36 - Non-life insurance obligations Q&AGLSubsection 4 - Risk margin (Article 37-39)Subsection 5 - Calculation of technical provisions as a whole (Article 40)Subsection 6 - Recoverables from reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles (Article 41-42)SECTION 4 - Relevant risk-free interest rate term structure (Article 43-54)SECTION 5 - Lines of business (Article 55)SECTION 6 - Proportionality and simplifications (Article 56-61)
SECTION 3 - Methodologies to calculate technical provisions (Article 22-42)Subsection 1 - Assumptions underlying the calculation of technical provisions (Article 22-26)Subsection 2 - Information underlying the calculation of best estimates (Article 27)Subsection 3 - Cash flow projections for the calculation of the best estimate (Article 28-36)Article 28 - Cash flows Q&AGLArticle 29 - Expected future developments in the external environment GLArticle 30 - Uncertainty of cash flows Q&AGLArticle 31 - Expenses Q&AGLArticle 32 - Contractual options and financial guarantees GLArticle 33 - Currency of the obligation Q&AGLArticle 34 - Calculation methods Q&AGLArticle 35 - Homogeneous risk groups of life insurance obligations Q&AGLArticle 36 - Non-life insurance obligations Q&AGLSubsection 4 - Risk margin (Article 37-39)Subsection 5 - Calculation of technical provisions as a whole (Article 40)Subsection 6 - Recoverables from reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles (Article 41-42)
Subsection 3 - Cash flow projections for the calculation of the best estimate (Article 28-36)Article 28 - Cash flows Q&AGLArticle 29 - Expected future developments in the external environment GLArticle 30 - Uncertainty of cash flows Q&AGLArticle 31 - Expenses Q&AGLArticle 32 - Contractual options and financial guarantees GLArticle 33 - Currency of the obligation Q&AGLArticle 34 - Calculation methods Q&AGLArticle 35 - Homogeneous risk groups of life insurance obligations Q&AGLArticle 36 - Non-life insurance obligations Q&AGL