Article 262
Overall solvency needs
The assessment of an insurance or reinsurance undertaking's overall solvency needs, referred to in Article 45(1)(a) of Directive 2009/138/EC shall be forward-looking and include all of the following elements:
risks the undertaking is or could be exposed to, taking into account potential future changes in its risk profile due to the undertaking's business strategy or the economic and financial environment, including operational risks;
the nature and quality of own fund items or other resources appropriate to cover the risks identified in point (a) of this paragraph.
The elements referred to paragraph 1 shall take the following into account:
the time periods that are relevant for taking into account the risks the undertaking faces in the long-term;
valuation and recognition bases that are appropriate for the undertaking's business and risk profile;
the undertaking's internal control and risk-management systems and approved risk tolerance limits.