Updated 22/10/2024
In force since 02/07/2014

Version from: 28/03/2024
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Markets in Financial Instruments Regulation (MiFIR)

Regulation (EU) No 600/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 May 2014 on markets in financial instruments and amending Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 (Text with EEA relevance)

Article 3 - Pre-trade transparency requirements for trading venues in respect of shares, depositary receipts, ETFs, certificates and other similar financial instruments RTSQ&AArticle 4 - Waivers for equity instruments RTSQ&AArticle 5 - Volume cap RTSQ&AArticle 6 - Post-trade transparency requirements for trading venues in respect of shares, depositary receipts, ETFs, certificates and other similar financial instruments RTSQ&AArticle 7 - Authorisation of deferred publication RTSQ&A
Article 8 - Pre-trade transparency requirements for trading venues in respect of bonds, structured finance products and emission allowances RTSQ&AArticle 8a - Pre-trade transparency requirements for trading venues in respect of derivatives Q&AArticle 8b - Pre-trade transparency requirements for trading venues in respect of package orders Q&AArticle 9 - Waivers for bonds, structured finance products, emission allowances, derivatives and package orders RTSDAQ&AArticle 10 - Post-trade transparency requirements for trading venues in respect of bonds, structured finance products, emission allowances and derivatives RTSQ&AArticle 11 - Deferred publication in respect of bonds, structured finance products or emission allowances RTSQ&AArticle 11a - Deferred publication in respect of derivatives Q&A
Article 14 - Obligation for systematic internalisers to make public firm quotes in respect of shares, depositary receipts, ETFs, certificates and other similar financial instruments RTSQ&AArticle 15 - Execution of client orders ITSDAQ&AGLArticle 16 - Obligations of competent authorities Q&AArticle 17 - Access to quotes DAQ&AArticle 17a - Tick sizes Q&AArticle 18 - Obligation for systematic internalisers to make public firm quotes in respect of bonds, structured finance products, emission allowances and derivatives [repealed] DAQ&AGLArticle 19 - Monitoring by ESMA [repealed] DAQ&AArticle 20 - Post-trade disclosure by investment firms, including systematic internalisers, in respect of shares, depositary receipts, ETFs, certificates and other similar financial instruments RTSQ&AArticle 21 - Post-trade disclosure by investment firms in respect of bonds, structured finance products, emission allowances and derivatives RTSQ&AArticle 21a - Designated publishing entities Q&AArticle 22 - Providing information for the purposes of transparency and other calculations RTSQ&AArticle 22a - Transmission of data to the CTP RTSQ&AArticle 22b - Data quality RTSQ&AArticle 22c - Synchronisation of business clocks RTSQ&AArticle 23 - Trading obligation for investment firms RTSIAQ&AArticle 23a - Accessibility of information on the European single access point Q&A
Article 27aArticle 27b - Requirement for authorisationArticle 27c - Authorisation of data reporting services providers GLArticle 27d - Procedures for granting and refusing applications for authorisation of ARMs and APAs ITSRTSArticle 27da - Procedure for the selection of a single CTP for each asset class RTSArticle 27db - Procedures for granting and refusing applications for authorisation of CTPs RTSArticle 27e - Withdrawal of authorisationArticle 27f - Requirements for the management body of a data reporting services provider RTSGL
Article 28 - Obligation to trade on regulated markets, MTFs or OTFs RTSIAQ&AArticle 29 - Clearing obligation for derivatives traded on regulated markets and timing of acceptance for clearing RTSQ&AArticle 30 - Indirect Clearing Arrangements RTSArticle 31 - Post-trade risk reduction services DAArticle 32 - Trading obligation procedure RTSArticle 32a - Stand-alone suspension of the trading obligationArticle 33 - Mechanism to avoid duplicative or conflicting rulesArticle 34 - Register of derivatives subject to the trading obligation
Article 38h - FinesArticle 38i - Periodic penalty payments DAArticle 38j - Disclosure, nature, enforcement and allocation of fines and periodic penalty paymentsArticle 38k - Procedural rules for taking supervisory measures and imposing fines DAArticle 38l - Hearing of the persons concerned DAArticle 38m - Review by the Court of JusticeArticle 38n - Authorisation and supervisory fees DAArticle 38o - Delegation of tasks by ESMA to competent authorities