Article 43
Coordination by ESMA and EBA
ESMA or, for structured deposits, EBA shall perform a facilitation and coordination role in relation to action taken by competent authorities under Article 42. In particular ESMA or, for structured deposits, EBA shall ensure that action taken by a competent authority is justified and proportionate and that where appropriate a consistent approach is taken by competent authorities.
After receiving notification under Article 42 of any action that is to be imposed under that Article, ESMA or, for structured deposits, EBA shall adopt an opinion on whether the prohibition or restriction is justified and proportionate. If ESMA or, for structured deposits, EBA considers that the taking of a measure by other competent authorities is necessary to address the risk, it shall state this in its opinion. The opinion shall be published on ESMA’s or, for structured deposits, EBA website.
Where a competent authority proposes to take, or takes, action contrary to an opinion adopted by ESMA or EBA under paragraph 2 or declines to take action contrary to such an opinion, it shall immediately publish on its website a notice fully explaining its reasons for so doing.