Article 17
Access to quotes
In order to ensure the efficient valuation of shares, depositary receipts, ETFs, certificates and other similar financial instruments and maximise the possibility for investment firms to obtain the best deal for their clients, the Commission shall adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 50 specifying:
the criteria specifying when a quote is published on a regular and continuous basis and is easily accessible as referred to in Article 15(1) as well as the means by which investment firms may comply with their obligation to make public their quotes, which shall include the following possibilities:
through the facilities of any regulated market which has admitted the financial instrument in question to trading;
through an APA;
through proprietary arrangements;
the criteria specifying those transactions where execution in several securities is part of one transaction or those orders that are subject to conditions other than current market price as referred to in Article 15(3);
the criteria specifying what can be considered as exceptional market conditions that allow for the withdrawal of quotes as well as the conditions for updating quotes as referred to in Article 15(1);
the criteria specifying when the number and/or volume of orders sought by clients considerably exceeds the norm as referred to in paragraph 2.
the criteria specifying when prices fall within a public range close to market conditions as referred to in Article 15(2).