Updated 16/09/2024
In force since 11/04/2013

Version from: 12/02/2024
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Delegated Regulation 231/2013

Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 231/2013 of 19 December 2012 supplementing Directive 2011/61/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to exemptions, general operating conditions, depositaries, leverage, transparency and supervision (Text with EEA relevance)

Article 16 - General obligations for competent authoritiesArticle 17 - Duty to act in the best interests of the AIF or the investors in the AIF and the integrity of the market Article 18 - Due diligence Q&AArticle 19 - Due diligence when investing in assets of limited liquidity Article 20 - Due diligence in the selection and appointment of counterparties and prime brokersArticle 21 - Acting honestly, fairly and with due skillsArticle 22 - Resources GLArticle 23 - Fair treatment of investors in the AIFArticle 24 - Inducements Article 25 - Effective employment of resources and procedures — handling of ordersArticle 26 - Reporting obligations in respect of execution of subscription and redemption ordersArticle 27 - Execution of decisions to deal on behalf of the managed AIF Article 28 - Placing orders to deal on behalf of AIFs with other entities for execution Article 29 - Aggregation and allocation of trading orders
Article 57 - General requirements GLArticle 58 - Electronic data processing GLArticle 59 - Accounting procedures Article 60 - Control by the governing body, senior management and supervisory function Article 61 - Permanent compliance function Article 62 - Permanent internal audit function Article 63 - Personal transactions Article 64 - Recording of portfolio transactions Article 65 - Recording of subscription and redemption orders Article 66 - Recordkeeping requirements
Article 67 - Policies and procedures for the valuation of the assets of the AIF Article 68 - Use of models to value assetsArticle 69 - Consistent application of valuation policies and proceduresArticle 70 - Periodic review of valuation policies and proceduresArticle 71 - Review of individual values of assets Article 72 - Calculation of the net asset value per unit or share Q&AArticle 73 - Professional guarantees Q&AArticle 74 - Frequency of valuation of assets held by open-ended AIFs
Article 85 - Cash monitoring — general requirements Q&AArticle 86 - Monitoring of the AIF’s cash flows Q&AArticle 87 - Duties regarding subscriptions Q&AArticle 88 - Financial instruments to be held in custody Q&AArticle 89 - Safekeeping duties with regard to assets held in custody Q&AArticle 90 - Safekeeping duties regarding ownership verification and record keeping Q&AArticle 91 - Reporting obligations for prime brokers Q&AArticle 92 - Oversight duties — general requirements GLArticle 93 - Duties regarding subscription and redemptions Article 94 - Duties regarding the valuation of shares/units Article 95 - Duties regarding the carrying out of the AIFM’s instructions Q&AGLArticle 96 - Duties regarding the timely settlement of transactions Article 97 - Duties related to the AIF’s income distribution Article 98 - Due diligence Q&AGLArticle 99 - Segregation obligation GL
Article 103 - General principles for the annual report Q&AArticle 104 - Content and format of the balance sheet or statement of assets and liabilities and of the income and expenditure accountArticle 105 - Report on the activities of the financial yearArticle 106 - Material changesArticle 107 - Remuneration disclosure Q&AArticle 108 - Periodic disclosure to investors Q&AArticle 109 - Regular disclosure to investors Q&AArticle 110 - Reporting to competent authorities Q&AArticle 111 - Use of leverage on a substantial basis Q&A