Updated 14/03/2025
In force

Version from: 12/02/2024
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ANNEX IV - Delegated Regulation 231/2013


Reporting Templates: AIFM

(Articles 3(3)(d) and 24 of Directive 2011/61/EU)

AIFM-specific information to be reported

(Articles 3(3)(d) and 24(1) of Directive 2011/61/EU)



Most important market/instrument

Second most important market/instrument

Third most important market/instrument

Fourth most important market/instrument

Fifth most important market/instrument


Principal markets in which it trades on behalf of the AIFs it manages







Principal instruments in which it trades on behalf of the AIFs it manages







Values of assets under management for all AIFs managed, calculated as set out in Article 2

In base currency (if the same for all AIFs)



Please provide official name, location and jurisdiction of markets

Detailed list of all AIFs which the AIFM manages

to be provided on request for the end of each quarter

(Article 24(3) of Directive 2011/61/EU)

Name of the AIF

Fund identification code

Inception date

AIF type

(Hedge Fund, Private Equity, Real Estate, Fund of Funds, Other (*1))


EU AIF: Yes/No

























































If Other please indicate the strategy that best describes the AIF type.

Monetary values should be reported in the base currency of the AIF.

Reporting Templates: AIF

(Articles 3(3)(d) and 24 of Directive 2011/61/EU)

AIF-specific information to be provided

(Articles 3(3)(d) and 24(1) of Directive 2011/61/EU)

Data Type

Reported Data

Identification of the AIF


AIF name


EU AIF: yes/no


Fund manager

(Legal name and standard code, where available)


EU AIFM: yes/no


Fund identification codes,

as applicable




Inception date of the AIF




Domicile of the AIF




Identification of prime broker(s) of the AIF

(Legal name and standard code, where available)




Base currency of the AIF according to ISO 4217 and assets under management calculated as set out in Article 2


Total AuM


Jurisdictions of the three main funding sources (excluding units or shares of the AIF bought by investors)
















Predominant AIF type (select one)

Hedge Fund

Private Equity Fund

Real Estate Fund

Fund of Funds





Breakdown of investment strategies

(Provide a breakdown of the investment strategies of the AIF depending on the predominant AIF type selected in question 1. See guidance notes for further information on how to complete this question.)



Indicate the strategy that best describe the AIF’s strategy

Share in NAV


a)  Hedge Fund Strategies

(Complete this question if you selected ‘Hedge Fund’ as the predominant AIF type in question 1.)


Indicate the hedge fund strategies that best describe the AIFs strategies

Equity: Long Bias

Equity: Long/Short

Equity: Market Neutral

Equity: Short Bias

Relative Value: Fixed Income Arbitrage

Relative Value: Convertible Bond Arbitrage

Relative Value: Volatility Arbitrage

Event Driven: Distressed/Restructuring

Event Driven: Risk Arbitrage/Merger Arbitrage

Event Driven: Equity Special Situations

Credit Long/Short

Credit Asset Based Lending


Managed Futures/CTA: Fundamental

Managed Futures/CTA: Quantitative

Multi-strategy hedge fund

Other hedge fund strategy



b)  Private Equity Strategies

(Complete this question if you selected ‘Private Equity’ as the predominant AIF type in question 1.)


Indicate the private equity strategies that best describe the AIFs strategies

Venture Capital

Growth Capital

Mezzanine Capital

Multi-strategy private equity fund

Other private equity fund strategy



c)  Real Estate Strategies

(Complete this question if you selected ‘Real Estate’ as the predominant AIF type in question 1.)


Indicate the real estate strategies that best describe the AIFs strategies

Residential real estate

Commercial real estate

Industrial real estate

Multi-strategy real estate fund

Other real estate strategy



d)  Fund of Fund Strategies

(Complete this question if you selected ‘Fund of Funds’ as the predominant AIF type in question 1.)


Indicate the ‘fund of fund’ strategy that best describe the AIFs strategies

Fund of hedge funds

Fund of private equity

Other fund of funds



e)  Other Strategies

(Complete this question if you selected ‘Other’ as the predominant AIF type in question 1.)


Indicate the ‘other’ strategy that best describe the AIFs’ strategies

Commodity fund

Equity fund

Fixed income fund

Infrastructure fund

Other fund



Principal exposures and most important concentration


Main instruments in which the AIF is trading





Type of instrument/instrument code

Value (as calculated under Article 3 AIFMD)

Long/short position


Most important instrument





2nd most important instrument





3rd most important instrument





4th most important instrument





5th most important instrument





Geographical focus




Provide a geographical breakdown of the investments held by the AIF by percentage of the total net asset value of the AIF

% of NAV







Asia and Pacific (other than Middle East)




Europe (EEA)




Europe (other than EEA)




Middle East




North America




South America




Supranational/multiple region




10 principal exposures of the AIF at the reporting date (most valuable in absolute terms):



Type of asset/liability

Name/description of the asset/liability

Value (as calculated under Article 3)

% of gross market value

Long/short position

Counterparty (where relevant)


















































































5 most important portfolio concentrations:



Type of asset/liability

Name/description of the market

Value of aggregate exposure (as calculated under Article 3)

% of gross market value

Long/short position

Counterparty (where relevant)










































Typical deal/position size

(Complete this question if you selected as your predominant AIF type ‘private equity fund’ in question 1)

[Select one]

Very small


Lower mid market

Upper mid market

Large cap

Mega cap



Principal markets in which AIF trades




Please enter name and identifier (e.g. MIC code) where available, of market with greatest exposure




Please enter name and identifier (e.g. MIC code) where available, of market with second greatest exposure




Please enter name and identifier (e.g. MIC code) where available, of market with third greatest exposure




Investor Concentration




Specify the approximate percentage of the AIF’s equity that is beneficially owned by the five beneficial owners that have the largest equity interest in the AIF (as a percentage of outstanding units/shares of the AIF; look-through to the beneficial owners where known or possible)




Breakdown of investor concentration by status of investors (estimate if no precise information available):




— Professional clients (as defined in Directive 2004/39/EC (MiFID):

— Retail investors:



Monetary values should be reported in the base currency of the AIF.

AIF-specific information to be provided to competent authorities

(Article 24(2) of Directive 2011/61/EU)


Data Type

Reported Data

Identification of the AIF


AIF name


EU AIF: yes/no


Fund manager


EU AIFM: yes/no


AIF name





Fund manager





Fund identification codes, as applicable





Inception date of the AIF





Base currency of the AIF according to ISO 4217 and assets under management calculated as set out in Article 2


Total AuM


Identification of prime broker(s) of the AIF





Jurisdictions of the three main funding sources




Instruments Traded and Individual Exposures


Individual Exposures in which it is trading and the main categories of assets in which the AIF invested as at the reporting date:


a)  Securities


Long Value

Short Value


Cash and cash equivalents




Of which are:

Certificates of deposit





Commercial papers





Other deposits





Other cash and cash equivalents (excluding government securities)




Listed equities




Of which are:

Issued by financial institutions





Other listed equity




Unlisted equities




Corporate bonds not issued by financial institutions




Of which are:

Investment grade





Non-investment grade




Corporate bonds issued by financial institutions




Of which are:

Investment grade





Non-investment grade




Sovereign bonds




Of which are:

EU bonds with a 0-1 year term to maturity





EU bonds with a 1 + year term to maturity





Non-G10 bonds with a 0-1 year term to maturity





Non-G10 bonds with a 1 + year term to maturity




Convertible bonds not issued by financial institutions




Of which are:

Investment grade





Non-investment grade




Convertible bonds issued by financial institutions




Of which are:

Investment grade





Non-investment grade








Of which are:

Leveraged loans





Other loans




Structured/securitised products




Of which are:
















Agency MBS















Structured certificates














b)  Derivatives

Long Value

Short Value


Equity derivatives




Of which are:

Related to financial institutions





Other equity derivatives




Fixed income derivatives








Of which are:

Single name financial CDS





Single name sovereign CDS





Single name other CDS





Index CDS





Exotic (incl. credit default tranche)





Gross Value



Foreign exchange (for investment purposes)




Interest rate derivatives





Long Value

Short Value


Commodity derivatives




Of which are:






Of which:





—  Crude oil





—  Natural gas





—  Power





Precious metals





Of which: Gold





Other commodities





Of which:





—  Industrial metals





—  Livestock





—  Agricultural products




Other derivatives




c)  Physical (Real/Tangible) Assets

Long Value



Physical: Real estate




Of which are:

Residential real estate





Commercial real estate




Physical: Commodities




Physical: Timber




Physical: Art and collectables




Physical: Transportation assets




Physical: Other




d)  Collective Investment Undertakings

Long Value



Investments in CIU operated/managed by the AIFM




Of which are:

Money Market Funds and Cash management CIU










Other CIU




Investments in CIU not operated/managed by the AIFM




Of which are:

Money Market Funds and Cash management CIU










Other CIU




e)  Investments in other asset classes


Long Value

Short Value


Total Other





Value of turnover in each asset class over the reporting months





a)  Securities


Market Value



Cash and cash equivalents





Listed equities





Unlisted equities





Corporate bonds not issued by financial institutions





Of which are:

Investment grade





Non-investment grade




Corporate bonds issued by financial institutions





Sovereign bonds





Of which are:

EU Member State bonds





Non-EU Member State bonds




Convertible bonds










Structured/securitised products





b)  Derivatives


Notional Value

Market Value


Equity derivatives





Fixed income derivatives










Foreign exchange (for investment purposes)





Interest rate derivatives





Commodity derivatives





Other derivatives





c)  Physical (Real/Tangible) Assets


Market Value



Physical: Commodities





Physical: Real estate





Physical: Timber





Physical: Art and collectables





Physical: Transportation assets





Physical: Other





d)  Collective investment undertakings





e)  Other asset classes





Currency of Exposures





Total long and short value of exposures (before currency hedging) by the following currency groups:

Long Value

Short Value















































Typical deal/position size

(Complete this question if you selected as your predominant AIF type ‘private equity fund’ above)

[Select one]

Very small

(< EUR 5 m)


(EUR 5 m to < EUR 25 m)

Low/mid market

(EUR 25 m to < EUR 150 m)

Upper mid market (EUR 150 m to EUR 500 m)

Large cap

(EUR 500 m to EUR 1 bn)

Mega cap

(EUR 1 bn and greater)



Dominant Influence (see Article 1 of Council Directive 83/349/EEC (OJ L 193, 18.7.1983, p. 1))

(Complete this question if you selected as your predominant AIF type ‘private equity fund’ above; please complete for each company over which the AIF has a dominant influence (leave blank if none) as defined in Article 1 of Directive 83/349/EEC)


% Voting Rights

Transaction Type











Risk Profile of the AIF

1.  Market Risk Profile


Expected annual investment return/IRR in normal market conditions (in %)




Net Equity Delta





Net DV01:





Net CS01:




2.  Counterparty Risk Profile


Trading and clearing mechanisms





a)  Estimated % (in terms of market value) of securities traded:

(leave blank if no securities traded)




On a regulated exchange










b)  Estimated % (in terms of trade volumes) of derivatives that are traded:

(leave blank if no derivatives traded)




On a regulated exchange










c)  Estimated % (in terms of trade volumes) of derivatives transactions cleared:

(leave blank if no derivatives traded)




By a CCP










d)  Estimated % (in terms of market value) of repo trades cleared:

(leave blank if no repos traded)




By a CCP















Value of collateral and other credit support that the AIF has posted to all counterparties




a)  Value of collateral posited in the form of cash and cash equivalents




b)  Value of collateral posited in the form of other securities (excluding cash and cash equivalents)




c)  Value of other collateral and credit support posted (including face amount of letters of credit and similar third party credit support)




Of the amount of collateral and other credit support that the reporting fund has posted to counterparties: what percentage has been re-hypothecated by counterparties?




Top Five Counterparty Exposures (excluding CCPs)




a)  Identify the top five counterparties to which the AIF has the greatest mark-to-market net counterparty credit exposure, measured as a % of the NAV of the AIF


Total Exposure


Counterparty 1





Counterparty 2





Counterparty 3





Counterparty 4





Counterparty 5





b)  Identify the top five counterparties that have the greatest mark-to-market net counterparty credit exposure to the AIF, measured as a percentage of the NAV of the AIF.


Total Exposure


Counterparty 1





Counterparty 2





Counterparty 3





Counterparty 4





Counterparty 5





Direct clearing through central clearing counterparties (CCPs)




a)  During the reporting period, did the AIF clear any transactions directly through a CCP?


No (if no, skip remainder of the question and go to question 21)



b)  If you answered ‘yes’ in 18(a), identify the top three central clearing counterparties (CCPs) in terms of net credit exposure


Value held


CCP 1 (leave blank if not applicable)





CCP 2 (leave blank if not applicable)





CCP 3 (leave blank if not applicable)




3.  Liquidity Profile

Portfolio Liquidity Profile


Investor Liquidity Profile

Percentage of portfolio capable of being liquidated within:


1 day or less

2-7 days

8-30 days

31-90 days

91-180 days

181-365 days

more than 365 days










Value of unencumbered cash



Investor Liquidity Profile


Investor Liquidity Profile

Percentage of investor equity that can be redeemed within (as % of AIF’s NAV)




1 day or less

2-7 days

8-30 days

31-90 days

91-180 days

181-365 days

more than 365 days










Investor redemptions





a)  Does the AIF provide investors with withdrawal/redemption rights in the ordinary course?








b)  What is the frequency of investor redemptions (if multiple classes of shares or units, report for the largest share class by NAV)

[Select one]












c)  What is the notice period required by investors for redemptions in days

(report asset weighted notice period if multiple classes or shares or units)




d)  What is the investor ‘lock-up’ period in days (report asset weighted notice period if multiple classes or shares or units)




Special arrangements and preferential treatment




a)  As at the reporting date, what percentage of the AIFs NAV is subject to the following arrangements:

% of NAV



Side pockets










Suspension of dealing





Other arrangements for managing illiquid assets (please specify)















b)  Indicate the percentage of net asset value of AIF’s assets that are currently subject to the special arrangements arising from their illiquid nature under Article 23(4)(a) of the AIFMD including those in question 25(a)?




Special arrangements as a % of NAV





c)  Are there any investors who obtain preferential treatment or the right to preferential treatment (e.g. through a side letter) and therefore are subject to disclosure to the investors in the AIF in accordance with Article 23(1)(j) of the AIFMD?

(Yes or no)



d)  If ‘yes’ to letter c) then please indicate all relevant preferential treatment:




Concerning different disclosure/reporting to investors





Concerning different investor liquidity terms





Concerning different fee terms for investors





Preferential treatment other than that specified above





Provide the breakdown of the ownership of units in the AIF by investor group (as % of NAV of AIF assets; look-through to the beneficial owners where known or possible)




Financing liquidity




a)  Provide the aggregate amount of borrowing by and cash financing available to the AIF (including all drawn and undrawn, committed and uncommitted lines of credit as well as any term financing)




b)  Divide the amount reported in letter a) among the periods specified below depending on the longest period for which the creditor is contractually committed to provide such financing:




1 day or less

2-7 days

8-30 days

31-90 days

91-180 days

181-365 days

longer than 365 days









4.  Borrowing and Exposure Risk


Value of borrowings of cash or securities represented by:




Unsecured cash borrowing:





Collateralised/secured cash borrowing — Via Prime Broker:





Collateralised/secured cash borrowing — Via (reverse) repo:





Collateralised/secured cash borrowing — Via Other:





Value of borrowing embedded in financial instruments




Exchange-traded Derivatives: Gross Exposure less margin posted





OTC Derivatives: Gross Exposure less margin posted





Value of securities borrowed for short positions





Gross exposure of financial and, as the case may be, or legal structures controlled by the AIF as defined in Recital 78 of the AIFMD




Financial and, as the case may be, or legal structure





Financial and, as the case may be, or legal structure





Financial and, as the case may be, or legal structure









Leverage of the AIF





a)  as calculated under the Gross Method





b)  as calculated under the Commitment Method




5.  Operational and Other Risk Aspects


Total number of open positions





Historical risk profile


a)  Gross Investment returns or IRR of the AIF over the reporting period (in %, gross of management and performance fees)




1st Month of Reporting Period





2nd Month of Reporting Period













Last Month of Reporting Period





b)  Net Investment returns or IRR of the AIF over the reporting period (in %, net of management and performance fees)




1st Month of Reporting Period





2nd Month of Reporting Period













Last Month of Reporting Period





c)  Change in Net Asset Value of the AIF over the reporting period (in %, including the impact of subscriptions and redemptions)




1st Month of Reporting Period





2nd Month of Reporting Period













Last Month of Reporting Period





d)  Subscriptions over the reporting period




1st Month of Reporting Period





2nd Month of Reporting Period













Last Month of Reporting Period





e)  Redemptions over the reported period




1st Month of Reporting Period





2nd Month of Reporting Period













Last Month of Reporting Period




Monetary values should be reported in the base currency of the AIF.

Results of stress tests

Please provide the results of the stress tests performed in accordance with point (b) of Article 15(3) of Directive 2011/61/EU [risks associated with each investment position of the AIF and their overall effect on the AIF’s portfolio can be properly identified, measured, managed and monitored on an ongoing basis, including through the use of appropriate stress testing procedures;] (free text)

Monetary values should be reported in the base currency of the AIF.

Please provide the results of the stress tests performed in accordance with the second subparagraph of Article 16(1) of Directive 2011/61/EU. [AIFMs shall regularly conduct stress tests, under normal and exceptional liquidity conditions, which enable them to assess the liquidity risk of the AIFs and monitor the liquidity risk of the AIFs accordingly.] (free text)

Monetary values should be reported in the base currency of the AIF.

AIF-specific information to be made available to the competent authorities

(Article 24(4) of Directive 2011/61/EU)


Data Type

Reported Data


Of the amount of collateral and other credit support that the reporting AIF has posted to counterparties: what percentage has been re-hypothecated by counterparties?



Borrowing and Exposure Risk


Value of borrowings of cash or securities represented by:




Unsecured cash borrowing:




Collateralised/secured cash borrowing — Via Prime Broker:




Collateralised/secured cash borrowing — Via (reverse) repo:




Collateralised/secured cash borrowing — Via Other:




Value of borrowing embedded in financial instruments




Exchange-traded Derivatives: Gross Exposure less margin posted




OTC Derivatives: Gross Exposure less margin posted




Five largest sources of borrowed cash or securities (short positions):








2nd largest:




3rd largest:




4th largest:




5th largest:




Value of securities borrowed for short positions




Gross exposure of financial and, as the case may be, or legal structures controlled by the AIF as defined in Recital 78 of the AIFMD




Financial and, as the case may be, or legal structure




Financial and, as the case may be, or legal structure




Financial and, as the case may be, or legal structure







Leverage of the AIF:




a)  Gross Method




b)  Commitment Method



Monetary values should be reported in the base currency of the AIF.