Updated 14/03/2025
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Version from: 12/02/2024
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Article 53 - Delegated Regulation 231/2013

Article 53

Qualitative requirements concerning AIFMs exposed to securitisations


Before becoming exposed to the credit risk of a securitisation on behalf of one or more AIFs, and as appropriate thereafter, AIFMs shall be able to demonstrate to the competent authorities for each of their individual securitisation positions that they have a comprehensive and thorough understanding of those positions and have implemented formal policies and procedures appropriate to the risk profile of the relevant AIF’s investments in securitised positions for analysing and recording:


information disclosed under Article 51, by originators or sponsors to specify the net economic interest that they maintain, on an ongoing basis, in the securitisation;


the risk characteristics of the individual securitisation position;


the risk characteristics of the exposures underlying the securitisation position;


the reputation and loss experience in earlier securitisations of the originators or sponsors in the relevant exposure classes underlying the securitisation position;


the statements and disclosures made by the originators or sponsors, or their agents or advisors, about their due diligence on the securitised exposures and, where applicable, on the quality of the collateral supporting the securitised exposures;


where applicable, the methodologies and concepts on which the valuation of collateral supporting the securitised exposures is based and the policies adopted by the originator or sponsor to ensure the independence of the valuer;


all the structural features of the securitisation that can materially impact the performance of the institution’s securitisation position, such as the contractual waterfall and waterfall related triggers, credit enhancements, liquidity enhancements, market value triggers, and deal-specific definitions of default.

Where an AIFM has assumed exposure to a material value of the credit risk of a securitisation on behalf of one or more AIFs, it shall regularly perform stress tests appropriate to such securitisation positions in accordance with point (b) of Article 15(3) of Directive 2011/61/EU. The stress test shall be commensurate with the nature, scale and complexity of the risk inherent in the securitisation positions.

AIFMs shall establish formal monitoring procedures in line with the principles laid down in Article 15 of Directive 2011/61/EU commensurate with the risk profile of the relevant AIF in relation to the credit risk of a securitisation position in order to monitor on an ongoing basis and in a timely manner performance information on the exposures underlying such securitisation positions. Such information shall include (if relevant to the specific type of securitisation and not limited to such types of information further described herein), the exposure type, the percentage of loans more than 30, 60 and 90 days past due, default rates, prepayment rates, loans in foreclosure, collateral type and occupancy, frequency distribution of credit scores or other measures of credit worthiness across underlying exposures, industry and geographical diversification and frequency distribution of loan to value ratios with bandwidths that facilitate adequate sensitivity analysis. Where the underlying exposures are themselves securitisation positions, AIFMs shall have the information set out in this subparagraph not only on the underlying securitisation tranches, such as the issuer name and credit quality, but also on the characteristics and performance of the pools underlying those securitisation tranches.

AIFMs shall apply the same standards of analysis to participations or underwritings in securitisation issues purchased from third parties.

For the purposes of appropriate risk and liquidity management, AIFMs assuming exposure to the credit risk of a securitisation on behalf of one or more AIFs shall properly identify, measure, monitor, manage, control and report the risks that arise because of mismatches between the assets and liabilities of the relevant AIF, concentration risk or investment risk arising from these instruments. The AIFM shall ensure that the risk profile of such securitisation positions corresponds to the size, overall portfolio structure, investment strategies and objectives of the relevant AIF as laid down in the AIF rules or instruments of incorporation, prospectus and offering documents.
AIFMs shall ensure, in line with the requirements laid down in Article 18 of Directive 2011/61/EU, that there is an adequate degree of internal reporting to the senior management so that senior management is fully aware of any material assumption of exposure to securitisations and that the risks arising from those exposures are adequately managed.
AIFMs shall include appropriate information on their exposures to the credit risk of securitisation and their risk management procedures in this area in the reports and disclosures to be submitted in accordance with Articles 22, 23 and 24 of Directive 2011/61/EU.