Article 26
Reporting obligations in respect of execution of subscription and redemption orders
Where AIFMs have carried out a subscription or, where relevant, a redemption order from an investor, they shall promptly provide the investor, by means of a durable medium, with the essential information concerning the execution of that order or the acceptance of the subscription offer, as the case may be.
Paragraph 1 shall not apply where a third person is required to provide the investor with a confirmation concerning the execution of the order and where the confirmation contains the essential information.
AIFMs shall ensure that the third person complies with its obligations.
The essential information referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 shall include the following information:
the identification of the AIFM;
the identification of the investor;
the date and time of receipt of the order;
the date of execution;
the identification of the AIF;
the gross value of the order including charges for subscription or the net amount after charges for redemptions.
AIFMs shall supply the investor, upon request, with information about the status of the order or the acceptance of the subscription offer, or both as the case may be.