Updated 17/10/2024
In force

Version from: 02/07/2014
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Article 14 - Cooperation within the Union

Article 14

Cooperation within the Union

DGSs shall cover the depositors at branches set up by their member credit institutions in other Member States.
Depositors at branches set up by credit institutions in another Member State shall be repaid by a DGS in the host Member State on behalf of the DGS in the home Member State. The DGS of the host Member State shall make repayments in accordance with the instructions of the DGS of the home Member State. The DGS of the host Member State shall not bear any liability with regard to acts done in accordance with the instructions given by DGS of the home Member State. The DGS of the home Member State shall provide the necessary funding prior to payout and shall compensate the DGS of the host Member State for the costs incurred.

The DGS of the host Member State shall also inform the depositors concerned on behalf of the DGS of the home Member State and shall be entitled to receive correspondence from those depositors on behalf of the DGS of the home Member State.

If a credit institution ceases to be member of a DGS and joins another DGS, the contributions paid during the 12 months preceding the end of the membership, with the exception of the extraordinary contributions under Article 10(8), shall be transferred to the other DGS. This shall not apply if a credit institution has been excluded from a DGS pursuant to Article 4(5).

If some of the activities of a credit institution are transferred to another Member State and thus become subject to another DGS, the contributions of that credit institution paid during the 12 months preceding the transfer, with the exception of the extraordinary contributions in accordance with Article 10(8), shall be transferred to the other DGS in proportion to the amount of covered deposits transferred.

Member States shall ensure that DGS of the home Member State exchange information referred to under Article 4(7) or (8) and (10) with those in host Member States. The restrictions set out in that Article shall apply.

If a credit institution intends to transfer from one DGS to another in accordance with this Directive, it shall give at least six months’ notice of its intention to do so. During that period, the credit institution shall remain under the obligation to contribute to its original DGS in accordance with Article 10 both in terms of ex-ante and ex-post financing.

In order to facilitate an effective cooperation between DGSs, with particular regard to this Article and to Article 12, the DGSs, or, where appropriate, the designated authorities, shall have written cooperation agreements in place. Such agreements shall take into account the requirements laid down in Article 4(9).

The designated authority shall notify EBA of the existence and the content of such agreements and EBA may issue opinions in accordance with Article 34 of Regulation (EU) No 1093/2010. If designated authorities or DGSs cannot reach an agreement or if there is a dispute about the interpretation of an agreement, either party may refer the matter to EBA in accordance with Article 19 of Regulation (EU) No 1093/2010 and EBA shall act in accordance with that Article.

The absence of such agreements shall not affect the claims of depositors under Article 9(1) or of credit institutions under paragraph 3 of this Article.

Member States shall ensure that appropriate procedures are in place to enable DGSs to share information and communicate effectively with other DGSs, their affiliated credit institutions and the relevant competent and designated authorities within their own jurisdictions and with other agencies on a cross-border basis, where appropriate.
EBA and the competent and designated authorities shall cooperate with each other and exercise their powers in accordance with the provisions of this Directive and with Regulation (EU) No 1093/2010.

Member States shall inform the Commission and EBA of the identity of their designated authority by 3 July 2015.

EBA shall cooperate with the European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB), established by Regulation (EU) No 1092/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council ( 17 ) on systemic risk analysis concerning DGSs.

( 17 ) Regulation (EU) No 1092/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 November 2010 on European Union macro-prudential oversight of the financial system and establishing a European Systemic Risk Board (OJ L 331, 15.12.2010, p. 1).