Updated 11/03/2025
In force

Version from: 02/07/2014
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ANNEX I - Directive 2014/49/EU (DGSD)



Basic information about the protection of deposit

Deposits in [insert name of credit institution] are protected by:

[insert the name of the relevant DGS(1)

Limit of protection:

EUR 100 000 per depositor per credit institution (2)

[replace by adequate amount if currency not EUR]

[where applicable:] The following trademarks are part of your credit institution [insert all trademarks which operate under the same licence]

If you have more deposits at the same credit institution:

All your deposits at the same credit institution are ‘aggregated’ and the total is subject to the limit of EUR 100 000 [replace by adequate amount if currency not EUR] (2)

If you have a joint account with other person(s):

The limit of EUR 100 000 [replace by adequate amount if currency not EUR] applies to each depositor separately (3)

Reimbursement period in case of credit institution’s failure:

7 working days (4)

[replace by another deadline if applicable]

Currency of reimbursement:

euro [replace by another currency where applicable]


[insert the contact data of the relevant DGS

(address, telephone, e-mail, etc.)]

More information:

[insert the website of the relevant DGS]

Acknowledgement of receipt by the depositor:


Additional information (all or some of the below)


Scheme responsible for the protection of your deposit

[Only where applicable:] Your deposit is covered by a contractual scheme officially recognised as a Deposit Guarantee Scheme. If insolvency of your credit institution should occur, your deposits would be repaid up to EUR 100 000 [replace by adequate amount if currency not EUR].

[Only where applicable:] Your credit institution is part of an Institutional Protection Scheme officially recognised as a Deposit Guarantee Scheme. This means that all institutions that are members of this scheme mutually support each other in order to avoid insolvency. If insolvency should occur, your deposits would be repaid up to EUR 100 000 [replace by adequate amount if currency not EUR].

[Only where applicable:] Your deposit is covered by a statutory Deposit Guarantee Scheme and a contractual Deposit Guarantee Scheme. If insolvency of your credit institution should occur, your deposits would in any case be repaid up to EUR 100 000 [replace by adequate amount if currency not EUR].

[Only where applicable:] Your deposit is covered by a statutory Deposit Guarantee Scheme. In addition, your credit institution is part of an Institutional Protection Scheme in which all members mutually support each other in order to avoid insolvency. If insolvency should occur, your deposits would be repaid up to EUR 100 000 [replace by adequate amount if currency not EUR] by the Deposit Guarantee Scheme.


General limit of protection

If a deposit is unavailable because a credit institution is unable to meet its financial obligations, depositors are repaid by a Deposit Guarantee Scheme. This repayment covers at maximum EUR 100 000 [replace by adequate amount if currency not EUR] per credit institution. This means that all deposits at the same credit institution are added up in order to determine the coverage level. If, for instance a depositor holds a savings account with EUR 90 000 and a current account with EUR 20 000 , he or she will only be repaid EUR 100 000 .

[Only where applicable:] This method will also be applied if a credit institution operates under different trademarks. The [insert name of the account-holding credit institution] also trades under [insert all other trademarks of the same credit institution]. This means that all deposits with one or more of these trademarks are in total covered up to EUR 100 000 .


Limit of protection for joint accounts

In case of joint accounts, the limit of EUR 100 000 applies to each depositor.

[Only where applicable:] However, deposits in an account to which two or more persons are entitled as members of a business partnership, association or grouping of a similar nature, without legal personality, are aggregated and treated as if made by a single depositor for the purpose of calculating the limit of EUR 100 000 [replace by adequate amount if currency not EUR].

In some cases [insert cases defined in national law] deposits are protected above EUR 100 000 [replace by adequate amount if currency not EUR]. More information can be obtained under [insert the website of the relevant DGS].



The responsible Deposit Guarantee Scheme is [insert name and address, telephone, e-mail and website]. It will repay your deposits (up to EUR 100 000 [replace by adequate amount if currency not EUR]) within [insert repayment period as is required by national law] at the latest, from [31 December 2023] within [7 working days].

[Add information on emergency/interim payout if repayable amount(s) are not available within 7 working days.]

If you have not been repaid within these deadlines, you should contact the Deposit Guarantee Scheme since the time to claim reimbursement may be barred after a certain time limit. Further information can be obtained under [insert website of the responsible DGS].

Other important information

In general, all retail depositors and businesses are covered by Deposit Guarantee Schemes. Exceptions for certain deposits are stated on the website of the responsible Deposit Guarantee Scheme. Your credit institution will also inform you on request whether certain products are covered or not. If deposits are covered, the credit institution shall also confirm this on the statement of account.