TITLE I - SUBJECT MATTER, SCOPE AND DEFINITIONS (Article 1-3)Article 1 - Subject matter and scope Q&AArticle 2 - Definitions IAQ&AArticle 2a - Equivalence decisions for the purposes of the definition of OTC derivatives IAQ&AArticle 3 - Intragroup transactions Q&A
TITLE II - CLEARING, REPORTING AND RISK MITIGATION OF OTC DERIVATIVES (Article 4-13a)Article 4 - Clearing obligation RTSDAQ&AArticle 4a - Financial counterparties that are subject to the clearing obligation Q&AArticle 5 - Clearing obligation procedure RTSQ&AArticle 6 - Public register RTSQ&AArticle 6a - Suspension of clearing obligationArticle 6b - Suspension of clearing obligation in the case of resolutionArticle 7 - Access to a CCPArticle 8 - Access to a trading venue RTSArticle 9 - Reporting obligation ITSRTSQ&AGLArticle 10 - Non-financial counterparties RTSQ&AArticle 11 - Risk-mitigation techniques for OTC derivative contracts not cleared by a CCP RTSIAQ&AArticle 12 - Penalties Q&AArticle 13 - Mechanism to avoid duplicative or conflicting rules IAQ&AArticle 13a - Amendments to legacy contracts for the purpose of the implementation of benchmark reforms
TITLE III - AUTHORISATION AND SUPERVISION OF CCPs (Article 14-25q)CHAPTER 1 - Conditions and procedures for the authorisation of a CCP (Article 14-21)Article 14 - Authorisation of a CCP Q&AArticle 15 - Extension of activities and services RTSGLArticle 16 - Capital requirements RTSQ&AArticle 17 - Procedure for granting and refusing authorisation Q&AGLArticle 18 - College RTSQ&AGLArticle 19 - Opinion of the college Article 20 - Withdrawal of authorisationArticle 21 - Review and evaluation GLCHAPTER 2 - Supervision and oversight of CCPs (Article 22)Article 22 - Competent authority GLCHAPTER 3 - Cooperation (Article 23-24)Article 23 - Cooperation between authoritiesArticle 23a - Supervisory cooperation between competent authorities and ESMA with regards to authorised CCPsArticle 24 - Emergency situations CHAPTER 3A - CCP Supervisory Committee (Article 24a-24e)Article 24a - CCP Supervisory Committee Article 24b - Consultation of central banks of issueArticle 24c - Decision making within the CCP Supervisory CommitteeArticle 24d - Decision making within the Board of SupervisorsArticle 24e - AccountabilityCHAPTER 4 - Relations with third countries (Article 25-25q)Article 25 - Recognition of a third-country CCP RTSDAIAQ&AGLArticle 25a - Comparable compliance DAArticle 25b - Ongoing compliance with the conditions for recognitionArticle 25c - Third-country CCP collegeArticle 25d - Fees DAArticle 25e - Exercise of the powers referred to in Articles 25f to 25hArticle 25f - Request for informationArticle 25g - General investigationsArticle 25h - On-site inspectionsArticle 25i - Procedural rules for taking supervisory measures and imposing fines DAArticle 25j - FinesArticle 25k - Periodic penalty payments DAArticle 25l - Hearing of the persons concerned DAArticle 25m - Disclosure, nature, enforcement and allocation of fines and periodic penalty payments Article 25n - Review by the Court of JusticeArticle 25o - Amendments to Annex IVArticle 25p - Withdrawal of recognition Article 25q - Supervisory measures by ESMA
CHAPTER 1 - Conditions and procedures for the authorisation of a CCP (Article 14-21)Article 14 - Authorisation of a CCP Q&AArticle 15 - Extension of activities and services RTSGLArticle 16 - Capital requirements RTSQ&AArticle 17 - Procedure for granting and refusing authorisation Q&AGLArticle 18 - College RTSQ&AGLArticle 19 - Opinion of the college Article 20 - Withdrawal of authorisationArticle 21 - Review and evaluation GL
CHAPTER 3 - Cooperation (Article 23-24)Article 23 - Cooperation between authoritiesArticle 23a - Supervisory cooperation between competent authorities and ESMA with regards to authorised CCPsArticle 24 - Emergency situations
CHAPTER 3A - CCP Supervisory Committee (Article 24a-24e)Article 24a - CCP Supervisory Committee Article 24b - Consultation of central banks of issueArticle 24c - Decision making within the CCP Supervisory CommitteeArticle 24d - Decision making within the Board of SupervisorsArticle 24e - Accountability
CHAPTER 4 - Relations with third countries (Article 25-25q)Article 25 - Recognition of a third-country CCP RTSDAIAQ&AGLArticle 25a - Comparable compliance DAArticle 25b - Ongoing compliance with the conditions for recognitionArticle 25c - Third-country CCP collegeArticle 25d - Fees DAArticle 25e - Exercise of the powers referred to in Articles 25f to 25hArticle 25f - Request for informationArticle 25g - General investigationsArticle 25h - On-site inspectionsArticle 25i - Procedural rules for taking supervisory measures and imposing fines DAArticle 25j - FinesArticle 25k - Periodic penalty payments DAArticle 25l - Hearing of the persons concerned DAArticle 25m - Disclosure, nature, enforcement and allocation of fines and periodic penalty payments Article 25n - Review by the Court of JusticeArticle 25o - Amendments to Annex IVArticle 25p - Withdrawal of recognition Article 25q - Supervisory measures by ESMA
TITLE IV - REQUIREMENTS FOR CCPs (Article 26-50d)CHAPTER 1 - Organisational requirements (Article 26-35)Article 26 - General provisions RTSQ&AGLArticle 27 - Senior management and the boardArticle 28 - Risk committee Q&AGLArticle 29 - Record keeping ITSRTSArticle 30 - Shareholders and members with qualifying holdingsArticle 31 - Information to competent authorities GLArticle 32 - Assessment GLArticle 33 - Conflicts of interest GLArticle 34 - Business continuity RTSGLArticle 35 - Outsourcing GLCHAPTER 2 - Conduct of business rules (Article 36-39)Article 36 - General provisions GLArticle 37 - Participation requirements GLArticle 38 - Transparency Q&AGLArticle 39 - Segregation and portability Q&AGLCHAPTER 3 - Prudential requirements (Article 40-50)Article 40 - Exposure management GLArticle 41 - Margin requirements RTSQ&AGLArticle 42 - Default fund RTSQ&AGLArticle 43 - Other financial resources RTSQ&AGLArticle 44 - Liquidity risk controls RTSQ&AGLArticle 45 - Default waterfall RTSQ&AGLArticle 45a - Temporary restrictions in the case of a significant non-default event GLArticle 46 - Collateral requirements RTSQ&AGLArticle 47 - Investment policy RTSQ&AGLArticle 48 - Default procedures Q&AGLArticle 49 - Review of models, stress testing and back testing RTSQ&AGLArticle 50 - Settlement GLCHAPTER 4 - Calculations and reporting for the purposes of Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 (Article 50a-50d)Article 50a - Calculation of KCCP ITSQ&AGLArticle 50b - General rules for the calculation of KCCP Q&AGLArticle 50c - Reporting of information ITSGLArticle 50d - Calculation of specific items to be reported by the CCP Q&AGL
CHAPTER 1 - Organisational requirements (Article 26-35)Article 26 - General provisions RTSQ&AGLArticle 27 - Senior management and the boardArticle 28 - Risk committee Q&AGLArticle 29 - Record keeping ITSRTSArticle 30 - Shareholders and members with qualifying holdingsArticle 31 - Information to competent authorities GLArticle 32 - Assessment GLArticle 33 - Conflicts of interest GLArticle 34 - Business continuity RTSGLArticle 35 - Outsourcing GL
CHAPTER 2 - Conduct of business rules (Article 36-39)Article 36 - General provisions GLArticle 37 - Participation requirements GLArticle 38 - Transparency Q&AGLArticle 39 - Segregation and portability Q&AGL
CHAPTER 3 - Prudential requirements (Article 40-50)Article 40 - Exposure management GLArticle 41 - Margin requirements RTSQ&AGLArticle 42 - Default fund RTSQ&AGLArticle 43 - Other financial resources RTSQ&AGLArticle 44 - Liquidity risk controls RTSQ&AGLArticle 45 - Default waterfall RTSQ&AGLArticle 45a - Temporary restrictions in the case of a significant non-default event GLArticle 46 - Collateral requirements RTSQ&AGLArticle 47 - Investment policy RTSQ&AGLArticle 48 - Default procedures Q&AGLArticle 49 - Review of models, stress testing and back testing RTSQ&AGLArticle 50 - Settlement GL
CHAPTER 4 - Calculations and reporting for the purposes of Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 (Article 50a-50d)Article 50a - Calculation of KCCP ITSQ&AGLArticle 50b - General rules for the calculation of KCCP Q&AGLArticle 50c - Reporting of information ITSGLArticle 50d - Calculation of specific items to be reported by the CCP Q&AGL
TITLE V - INTEROPERABILITY ARRANGEMENTS (Article 51-54)Article 51 - Interoperability arrangements GLArticle 52 - Risk management Q&AGLArticle 53 - Provision of margins among CCPs Q&AGLArticle 54 - Approval of interoperability arrangements Q&AGL
TITLE VI - REGISTRATION AND SUPERVISION OF TRADE REPOSITORIES (Article 55-77)CHAPTER 1 - Conditions and procedures for registration of a trade repository (Article 55-74)Article 55 - Registration of a trade repository DAGLArticle 56 - Application for registration ITSRTSQ&AGLArticle 57 - Notification of and consultation with competent authorities prior to registrationArticle 58 - Examination of the applicationArticle 59 - Notification of ESMA decisions relating to registrationArticle 60 - Exercise of the powers referred to in Articles 61 to 63Article 61 - Request for informationArticle 62 - General investigationsArticle 63 - On-site inspectionsArticle 64 - Procedural rules for taking supervisory measures and imposing fines DAArticle 65 - Fines DAArticle 66 - Periodic penalty payments DAArticle 67 - Hearing of the persons concerned DAArticle 68 - Disclosure, nature, enforcement and allocation of fines and periodic penalty paymentsArticle 69 - Review by the Court of JusticeArticle 70 - Amendments to Annex IIArticle 71 - Withdrawal of registrationArticle 72 - Supervisory fees DAArticle 73 - Supervisory measures by ESMA Article 74 - Delegation of tasks by ESMA to competent authoritiesCHAPTER 2 - Relations with third countries (Article 75-77)Article 75 - Equivalence and international agreementsArticle 76 - Cooperation arrangementsArticle 76a - Mutual direct access to dataArticle 77 - Recognition of trade repositories DA
CHAPTER 1 - Conditions and procedures for registration of a trade repository (Article 55-74)Article 55 - Registration of a trade repository DAGLArticle 56 - Application for registration ITSRTSQ&AGLArticle 57 - Notification of and consultation with competent authorities prior to registrationArticle 58 - Examination of the applicationArticle 59 - Notification of ESMA decisions relating to registrationArticle 60 - Exercise of the powers referred to in Articles 61 to 63Article 61 - Request for informationArticle 62 - General investigationsArticle 63 - On-site inspectionsArticle 64 - Procedural rules for taking supervisory measures and imposing fines DAArticle 65 - Fines DAArticle 66 - Periodic penalty payments DAArticle 67 - Hearing of the persons concerned DAArticle 68 - Disclosure, nature, enforcement and allocation of fines and periodic penalty paymentsArticle 69 - Review by the Court of JusticeArticle 70 - Amendments to Annex IIArticle 71 - Withdrawal of registrationArticle 72 - Supervisory fees DAArticle 73 - Supervisory measures by ESMA Article 74 - Delegation of tasks by ESMA to competent authorities
CHAPTER 2 - Relations with third countries (Article 75-77)Article 75 - Equivalence and international agreementsArticle 76 - Cooperation arrangementsArticle 76a - Mutual direct access to dataArticle 77 - Recognition of trade repositories DA
TITLE VII - REQUIREMENTS FOR TRADE REPOSITORIES (Article 78-82)Article 78 - General requirements RTSGLArticle 79 - Operational reliability GLArticle 80 - Safeguarding and recording GLArticle 81 - Transparency and data availability RTSQ&AGLArticle 82 - Exercise of the delegation
TITLE VIII - COMMON PROVISIONS (Article 83-84)Article 83 - Professional secrecyArticle 84 - Exchange of information
TITLE IX - TRANSITIONAL AND FINAL PROVISIONS (Article 85-91)Article 85 - Reports and review DAArticle 86 - Committee procedureArticle 87 - Amendment to Directive 98/26/ECArticle 88 - Websites Article 89 - Transitional provisions ITSDAIAQ&AArticle 90 - Staff and resources of ESMAArticle 91 - Entry into force Q&A