Updated 06/01/2025
In force

Initial Legal Act
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Article 1 - Complaint handling procedures

Article 1

Complaint handling procedures

1.   For the purposes of this Regulation, ‘complaint’ means a statement of dissatisfaction addressed to a crowdfunding service provider by one of its clients relating to the provision of crowdfunding services.

2.   The procedures for complaints handling as referred to in Article 7(1) of Regulation (EU) 2020/1503 shall provide the clients of crowdfunding service providers with clear and accurate information and shall contain at least all of the following:


the conditions for the admissibility of complaints;


information that complaints are filed and handled free of charge;


a detailed description of how to file complaints, including:


information that complaints must be filed using the standard template set out in the Annex;


the type of information and evidence to be provided by the complainant;


the identity and contact details of the person to whom or the department to which complaints must be addressed;


the electronic platform, system or address to which complaints must be submitted;


the language or languages in which a complainant is allowed to file a complaint pursuant to Article 2(2);


the process for complaints handling, as specified in Articles 3 to 5;


the timeframe within which a decision on the complaint is notified to the complainant.

3.   Crowdfunding service providers shall be able to amend the procedures for complaints handling, where appropriate. They shall publish an up-to-date description of such procedures on their website, as well as the standard template set out in the Annex, and ensure that both the description and that template are easily accessible on their website.

4.   The description of the complaint handling procedures and the standard template set out in the Annex shall be published in each of the languages of the key investment information sheet referred to in Articles 23 and 24 of Regulation (EU) 2020/1503 or the marketing communications referred to in Article 27(1) of that Regulation.