Table 1
Fields to be reported
Number |
Field |
Content to be reported |
Standard and format to be used |
1 |
Name of the fund |
Full name of the fund. |
{ALPHANUM-350} |
2 |
National identification code of the fund |
Unique identifier of the fund. |
3 |
LEI of the fund |
Legal Entity Identifier of the fund. |
{LEI} |
4 |
Share class ISIN |
International Securities Identification Number of the share class. |
{ISIN} |
5 |
Name of the management company |
Full name of the management company. |
{ALPHANUM-350} |
6 |
Management company LEI |
Legal Entity Identifier of the management company. |
{LEI} |
7 |
National identification code of the fund management company |
Unique identifier of the fund management company assigned by the competent authority. |
8 |
Fund type |
Type of fund. |
Choice from list of predefined fields: — [UCIT] for UCITS — [AIFS] for AIF — [ESEF] for EuSEF — [EVCA] for EuVECA — [LTIF] for ‘ELTIF’ |
9 |
Sending Member State |
Name of the sending Member State. |
10 |
Host Member State |
Competent authorities must indicate all the host Member States in which the fund has been notified for marketing. |
11 |
Notification date |
For each host Member State, the competent authority must indicate when it sent the notification of marketing of the fund to the competent authority of the host Member States. |
12 |
De-notification date |
For each host Member State, the competent authority must indicate when it sent the de-notification of marketing of the fund to the competent authority of the host Member States. |
13 |
Notification documentation as referred to in Article 93(1) of Directive 2009/65/EC and in Articles 31(2) and 32(2) of Directive 2011/61/EU |
Competent authorities must indicate the file name used to report the notification documentation. |
Format that allows the document contents to be analysed without the need to convert the document into another format. |
14 |
Language of the notification documentation |
Language in which the notification documentation is drafted. |
15 |
De-notification documentation as referred to in Article 93a(2) of Directive 2009/65/EC and in Article 32a(2) of Directive 2011/61/EU |
Where applicable, indicates the file name used to report the de-notification documentation. |
Format that allows the document contents to be analysed without the need to convert the document into another format. |
16 |
Language of the de-notification documentation |
Language in which the de-notification documentation is drafted. |
17 |
Marketed |
Competent authorities must indicate, if available, whether the fund is actually marketed. |
Choice from list of predefined fields: — [Y] for Yes — [N] for No — [NA] for not available |
18 |
Form of the fund |
Competent authorities must indicate whether the fund is internally managed. |
Choice from list of predefined fields: — [Y] for Yes — [N] for No |
Table 2
Field formats
Number |
Symbol |
Data type |
Definition |
1 |
Up to n alphanumerical characters |
Free text field |
2 |
{LEI} |
20 alphanumerical characters |
Legal Entity Identifier as defined in ISO 17442 |
3 |
{ISIN} |
12 alphanumerical characters |
ISIN code, as defined in ISO 6166 |
4 |
Two alphanumerical characters |
Two-letter country code, as defined by ISO 3166-1 alfa-2 country code |
5 |
Two-letter code |
ISO 639-1 |
6 |
Dates in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD; Dates must be reported in UTC |
ISO 8601 date format |