Updated 18/10/2024
In force

Version from: 15/06/2021
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Template for the publication of regulatory fees and charges

[Indicate the date when the information was last modified]

This page contains information on the fees and charges levied by [name of the competent authority] for carrying out its duties in relation to the cross-border activities of AIFMs, EuSEF managers, EuVECA managers and UCITS management companies referred to in Article 10(1) of Regulation (EU) 2019/1156 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 June 2019 on facilitating cross-border distribution of collective investment undertakings.

[Competent authorities must use this template to publish all fees and charges they levy for carrying out their duties in relation to the cross-border activities of AIFMs, EuSEF managers, EuVECA managers and UCITS management companies, breaking down the fees and charges into, among other things, the following categories, as applicable].

Cross-border management fees and charges*


registration fees;


fees levied for the notification of documents and for any subsequent update of prior notification;


passporting fees;


management fees;


any other applicable fees or charges established under the law of the Member State [where applicable].

Cross-border marketing fees and charges*


pre-marketing fees;


registration fees;


fees levied for the notification of documents and for any subsequent update of prior notification;


passporting fees;


de-notification fees;


any other fees or charges established under the law of the Member State

[where applicable].

*  Where no fees or charges are levied in relation to the categories listed above, the following disclaimer must be included: ‘No fees and charges are levied by [name of the competent authority] in relation to [relevant category of activity]’.

[In addition to the list of fees and charges they levy to carry out their duties in relation to the cross-border activities of AIFMs, EuSEF managers,

EuVECA managers and UCITS management companies, which is set out below, competent authorities may provide general information on the structure of these fees and charges.]

Template for fees and charges

(Name or a short description of the fee or charge)

(Legal basis and hyperlink to the full version of the relevant legal text) (Entity liable for paying the fee or charge)

(Activity giving rise to the fee or charge)

(Description of the fee or charge structure, including, inter alia, the following information:


The amount – where it is set out as a fixed amount – or the calculation methodology for calculating the fee or charge – including, in particular, the percentage, calculation basis, and the indication, as applicable, of the minimum or maximum amount of the fee or charge, along with an example;


Whether it is an initial or an ongoing fee or charge and, as applicable, the periodicity;


The date on which the fee or charge has to be paid; and


Any additional detail.)

(Competent authorities may provide additional information on the structure, the periodicity, or the calculation methodology of the fee or charge. When the authority deems that the information contained in the above rows could be unclear or misleading, additional information is mandatory.)

Disclaimer: The fees or charges listed above are those that are levied by [name of the competent authority]. However, marketing UCITS or AIFs in [name of the Member State] may incur other costs relating to administrative obligations, third-party advice or commercial development. [Name of the competent authority] is not responsible for maintaining external websites and is not liable for any error or omission on any external website to which hyperlinks are provided on this webpage.