Article 33
Contingency measures for a dedicated interface
For this purpose, account servicing payment service providers shall ensure that the payment service providers referred to in Article 30(1) can be identified and can rely on the authentication procedures provided by the account servicing payment service provider to the payment service user. Where the payment service providers referred to in Article 30(1) make use of the interface referred to in paragraph 4 they shall:
take the necessary measures to ensure that they do not access, store or process data for purposes other than for the provision of the service as requested by the payment service user;
continue to comply with the obligations following from Article 66(3) and Article 67(2) of Directive (EU) 2015/2366 respectively;
log the data that are accessed through the interface operated by the account servicing payment service provider for its payment service users, and provide, upon request and without undue delay, the log files to their competent national authority;
duly justify to their competent national authority, upon request and without undue delay, the use of the interface made available to the payment service users for directly accessing its payment account online;
inform the account servicing payment service provider accordingly.
Competent authorities, after consulting EBA to ensure a consistent application of the following conditions, shall exempt the account servicing payment service providers that have opted for a dedicated interface from the obligation to set up the contingency mechanism described under paragraph 4 where the dedicated interface meets all of the following conditions:
it complies with all the obligations for dedicated interfaces as set out in Article 32;
it has been designed and tested in accordance with Article 30(5) to the satisfaction of the payment service providers referred to therein;
it has been widely used for at least 3 months by payment service providers to offer account information services, payment initiation services and to provide confirmation on the availability of funds for card-based payments;
any problem related to the dedicated interface has been resolved without undue delay.