Article 8
‘Other relevant information’ section
For UCITS as defined in point 1(a) of Annex VIII, AIFs as defined in point 1(b) of that Annex, or unit-linked insurance-based investment products as defined in point 1(c) of that Annex, the section titled ‘Other relevant information’ of the key information document shall include:
a link to the website, or a reference to a document, where the information about past performance published by the PRIIP manufacturer in accordance with Annex VIII is made available;
the number of years for which past performance data is presented.
For PRIIPs referred to in Annex II, Part 1, point 5, that are open-ended funds, or other PRIIPs open to subscription, previous performance scenario calculations shall be published on a monthly basis and the section titled ‘Other relevant information’ shall state where those calculations can be found.