Updated 12/03/2025
In force

Version from: 01/01/2023
Amendments (6)
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Article 1 - Delegated Regulation 2017/653

Article 1

General information section

The section in the key information document that relates to the identity of the PRIIP manufacturer and its competent authority shall contain all of the following information:


the name of the PRIIP assigned by the PRIIP manufacturer and, where present, the PRIIP's International Securities Identification Number or Unique Product Identifier;


the legal name of the PRIIP manufacturer;


the PRIIP manufacturer's specific website address providing retail investors with information on how to get in contact with the PRIIP manufacturer, and a telephone number;


the name of the competent authority responsible for the supervision of the PRIIP manufacturer in relation to the key information document;


the date of production or, where the key information document has been subsequently revised, the date of the latest revision of the key information document;


where applicable, in cases where the PRIIP manufacturer forms part of a group of companies for legal, administrative or marketing purposes, the name of that group;


where the PRIIP takes the form of an undertaking for collective investment in transferable securities (UCITS) or an alternative investment fund (AIF), the identification of the UCITS or AIF including the share class or investment compartment thereof, stated prominently;


authorisation details, where applicable;


where the PRIIP takes the form of a UCITS or AIF and in cases where a UCITS is managed by a management company as defined in Article 2(1), point (b), of Directive 2009/65/EC or where it is an investment company as referred to in Article 27 of that Directive (collectively ‘UCITS management company’) which is exercising in respect of that UCITS rights under Article 16 of that Directive, or in cases where an AIF is managed by an alternative investment fund manager (AIFM) which is exercising in respect of that AIF rights under Articles 31, 32 and 33 of Directive 2011/61/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council ( 1 ), an additional statement in respect of that fact shall be included.

Information in the section referred to in the first subparagraph shall also include the comprehension alert referred to in Article 8(3)(b) of Regulation (EU) No 1286/2014 where the PRIIP meets one of the following conditions:


it is an insurance-based investment product which does not meet the requirements laid down in Article 30(3)(a) of Directive (EU) 2016/97 of the European Parliament and of the Council ( 2 );


it is a PRIIP which does not meet the requirements laid down in points (i)-(vi) of Article 25(4)(a) of Directive 2014/65/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council. ( 3 )

For the purposes of the first paragraph, point (g), in the case of an investment compartment or share class, the name of the UCITS or AIF shall follow the compartment or share class name. Where a code number identifying the UCITS or AIF, investment compartment or share class exists, it shall form part of the identification of the UCITS or AIF.

( 1 ) Directive 2011/61/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 8 June 2011 on Alternative Investment Fund Managers and amending Directives 2003/41/EC and 2009/65/EC and Regulations (EC) No 1060/2009 and (EU) No 1095/2010 (OJ L 174, 1.7.2011, p. 1).

( 2 ) Directive (EU) 2016/97 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 January 2016 on insurance distribution (OJ L 26, 2.2.2016, p. 19).

( 3 ) Directive 2014/65/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 May 2014 on markets in financial instruments and amending Directive 2002/92/EC and Directive 2011/61/EU (OJ L 173, 12.6.2014, p. 349).