Updated 22/10/2024
In force

Initial Legal Act
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Article 6 - Designation to identify natural persons

Article 6

Designation to identify natural persons

1.   A natural person shall be identified in a transaction report using the designation resulting from the concatenation of the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 (2 letter country code) of the nationality of the person, followed by the national client identifier listed in Annex II based on the nationality of the person.

2.   The national client identifier referred to in paragraph 1 shall be assigned in accordance with the priority levels provided in Annex II using the highest priority identifier that a person has regardless of whether that identifier is already known to the investment firm.

3.   Where a natural person is a national of more than one European Economic Area (EEA) country, the country code of the first nationality when sorted alphabetically by its ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code and the identifier of that nationality assigned in accordance with paragraph 2 shall be used. Where a natural person has a non-EEA nationality, the highest priority identifier in accordance with the field referring to ‘all other countries’ provided in Annex II shall be used. Where a natural person has EEA and non-EEA nationality, the country code of the EEA nationality and the highest priority identifier of that nationality assigned in accordance with paragraph 2 shall be used.

4.   Where the identifier assigned in accordance with paragraph 2 refers to CONCAT, the natural person shall be identified by the investment firm using the concatenation of the following elements in the following order:


the date of birth of the person in the format YYYYMMDD;


the five first characters of the first name;


the five first characters of the surname.

5.   For the purposes of paragraph 4, prefixes to names shall be excluded and first names and surnames shorter than five characters shall be appended by ‘#’ so as to ensure that references to names and surnames in accordance with paragraph 4 contain five characters. All characters shall be in upper case. No apostrophes, accents, hyphens, punctuation marks or spaces shall be used.