Updated 12/03/2025
In force

Version from: 11/01/2018
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Article 7 - Implementing Regulation 2018/34

Article 7

‘Services and Fees’ table


Payment service providers shall list the services that are included in the national final list of most representative services linked to a payment account referred to in Article 3(5) of the Directive 2014/92/EU, where payment service provider offer such services, and their corresponding fees in the table on services and fees as follows:


the services shall be inserted in the column ‘Service’, left aligned, in bold type;


each service shall be listed only once and shall be displayed under the respective sub-heading shown in the table, such as the provision or the maintenance of the account shall be listed under sub-heading ‘General account services’;


the fees corresponding to the services shall be shown in the column ‘Fee’, right aligned;


where the fee is charged with regular frequency rather than on a per use basis, the frequency shall be indicated in the column ‘Fee’, left aligned, followed by the corresponding fee for that period, right aligned; the total annual fee shall be disclosed on the line directly underneath the frequency, in bold type, left aligned and using the wording ‘Total annual fee’ with the corresponding fee right aligned;


the line spacing shall be single, 0 pt before and 0 pt after each service and fee.

Where none of the services offered by a payment services provider, which would correspond a sub-heading, are included in the national final list of most representative services linked to a payment account, the entire row related to that sub-heading shall be deleted, including the title of the sub-heading.
Where payment service providers do not offer one or more services from the national final list of the most representative services referred to in Article 3(5) of the Directive 2014/92/EU, or where the service is not made available with the account, the phrase ‘service not available’ shall be used.

Where separate fees are charged in one or more of the following ways, payment services providers shall provide, in the column ‘Fee’ of that service and on a separate line, a description of each fee-charging instance, channel or condition (‘types of fees’):


for different fee-charging instances of the provision of the same service, such as an initial set-up fee and subsequent execution fees for the same service;


for different channels through which the same service is requested, used or provided, such as by phone, branch or online;


depending on whether a specific condition for the same service is met, such as adherence to a minimum or maximum threshold amount for credit transfers or cash withdrawals.

The description shall be left aligned and the fee shall be right aligned.

Where fees are charged dependent on a combination of several types of fees, such as fees that differ by channel and are then further separated depending on whether a threshold amount is met, payment service providers shall, in addition to applying paragraph 4,  right indent the description of each additional type of fee.