Balance Sheet Statement [Statement of Financial Position] |
1.1 |
F 01.01 |
Balance Sheet Statement: assets |
1.2 |
F 01.02 |
Balance Sheet Statement: liabilities |
1.3 |
F 01.03 |
Balance Sheet Statement: equity |
2 |
F 02.00 |
Statement of profit or loss |
3 |
F 03.00 |
Statement of comprehensive income |
Breakdown of financial assets by instrument and by counterparty sector |
4.1 |
F 04.01 |
Breakdown of financial assets by instrument and by counterparty sector: financial assets held for trading |
4.2.1 |
F 04.02.1 |
Breakdown of financial assets by instrument and by counterparty sector: non-trading financial assets mandatorily at fair value through profit or loss |
4.2.2 |
F 04.02.2 |
Breakdown of financial assets by instrument and by counterparty sector: financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss |
4.3.1 |
F 04.03.1 |
Breakdown of financial assets by instrument and by counterparty sector: financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income |
4.4.1 |
F 04.04.1 |
Breakdown of financial assets by instrument and by counterparty sector: financial assets at amortised cost |
4.5 |
F 04.05 |
Subordinated financial assets |
5.1 |
F 05.01 |
Breakdown of non-trading loans and advances by product |
6.1 |
F 06.01 |
Breakdown of loans and advances other than held for trading to non-financial corporations by NACE codes |
Financial assets subject to impairment that are past due |
7.1 |
F 07.01 |
Financial assets subject to impairment that are past due |
Breakdown of financial liabilities |
8.1 |
F 08.01 |
Breakdown of financial liabilities by product and by counterparty sector |
8.2 |
F 08.02 |
Subordinated financial liabilities |
Loan commitments, financial guarantees and other commitments |
9.1.1 |
F 09.01.1 |
Off-balance sheet exposures: loan commitments, financial guarantees and other commitments given |
9.2 |
F 09.02 |
Loan commitments, financial guarantees and other commitments received |
10 |
F 10.00 |
Derivatives – Trading and economic hedges |
Hedge accounting |
11.1 |
F 11.01 |
Derivatives – Hedge accounting: Breakdown by type of risk and type of hedge |
11.3 |
F 11.03 |
Non-derivative hedging instruments: Breakdown by accounting portfolio and type of hedge |
11.4 |
F 11.04 |
Hedged items in fair value hedges |
Movements in allowances and provisions for credit losses |
12.1 |
F 12.01 |
Movements in allowances and provisions for credit losses |
12.2 |
F 12.02 |
Transfers between impairment stages (gross basis presentation) |
Collateral and guarantees received |
13.1 |
F 13.01 |
Breakdown of collateral and guarantees by loans and advances other than held for trading |
13.2.1 |
F 13.02.1 |
Collateral obtained by taking possession during the period [held at the reference date] |
13.3.1 |
F 13.03.1 |
Collateral obtained by taking possession accumulated |
14 |
F 14.00 |
Fair value hierarchy: financial instruments at fair value |
15 |
F 15.00 |
Derecognition and financial liabilities associated with transferred financial assets |
Breakdown of selected statement of profit or loss items |
16.1 |
F 16.01 |
Interest income and expenses by instrument and counterparty sector |
16.2 |
F 16.02 |
Gains or losses on derecognition of financial assets and liabilities not measured at fair value through profit or loss by instrument |
16.3 |
F 16.03 |
Gains or losses on financial assets and liabilities held for trading and trading financial assets and trading financial liabilities by instrument |
16.4 |
F 16.04 |
Gains or losses on financial assets and liabilities held for trading and trading financial assets and trading financial liabilities by risk |
16.4.1 |
F 16.04.1 |
Gains or losses on non-trading financial assets mandatorily at fair value through profit or loss by instrument |
16.5 |
F 16.05 |
Gains or losses on financial assets and liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss by instrument |
16.6 |
F 16.06 |
Gains or losses from hedge accounting |
16.7 |
F 16.07 |
Impairment on non-financial assets |
16.8 |
F 16.08 |
Other administrative expenses |
Reconciliation between accounting and CRR scope of consolidation: Balance Sheet |
17.1 |
F 17.01 |
Reconciliation between accounting and CRR scope of consolidation: Assets |
17.2 |
F 17.02 |
Reconciliation between accounting and CRR scope of consolidation: Off-balance sheet exposures – loan commitments, financial guarantees and other commitments given |
17.3 |
F 17.03 |
Reconciliation between accounting and CRR scope of consolidation: Liabilities |
Information on performing and non-performing exposures |
18 |
F 18.00 |
Information on performing and non-performing exposures |
18.1 |
F 18.01 |
Inflows and outflows of non-performing exposures – loans and advances by counterparty sector |
18.2 |
F 18.02 |
Commercial Real Estate (CRE) loans and additional information on loans secured by immovable property |
19 |
F 19.00 |
Forborne exposures |
Geographical breakdown |
20.1 |
F 20.01 |
Geographical breakdown of assets by location of the activities |
20.2 |
F 20.02 |
Geographical breakdown of liabilities by location of the activities |
20.3 |
F 20.03 |
Geographical breakdown of main statement of profit or loss items by location of the activities |
20.4 |
F 20.04 |
Geographical breakdown of assets by residence of the counterparty |
20.5 |
F 20.05 |
Geographical breakdown of off-balance sheet exposures by residence of the counterparty |
20.6 |
F 20.06 |
Geographical breakdown of liabilities by residence of the counterparty |
20.7.1 |
F 20.07.1 |
Geographical breakdown by residence of the counterparty of loans and advances other than held for trading to non-financial corporations by NACE codes |
21 |
F 21.00 |
Tangible and intangible assets: assets subject to operating lease |
Asset management, custody and other service functions |
22.1 |
F 22.01 |
Fee and commission income and expenses by activity |
22.2 |
F 22.02 |
Assets involved in the services provided |
Loans and advances: additional information |
23.1 |
F 23.01 |
Loans and advances: Number of instruments |
23.2 |
F 23.02 |
Loans and advances: Additional information on gross carrying amounts |
23.3 |
F 23.03 |
Loans and advances collateralised by immovable property: Breakdown by LTV ratios |
23.4 |
F 23.04 |
Loans and advances: Additional information on accumulated impairments and accumulated negative changes in fair value due to credit risk |
23.5 |
F 23.05 |
Loans and advances: Collateral received and financial guarantees received |
23.6 |
F 23.06 |
Loans and advances: Accumulated partial write-offs |
Loans and advances: Flows of non performing exposures, impairment & write offs since the end of the last financial year |
24.1 |
F 24.01 |
Loans and advances: Inflows and outflows of non-performing exposures |
24.2 |
F 24.02 |
Loans and advances: Flow of impairments and accumulated negative changes in fair value due to credit risk on non-performing exposures |
24.3 |
F 24.03 |
Loans and advances: Inflow of write-offs of non-performing exposures |
Collateral obtained by taking possession and execution processes |
25.1 |
F 25.01 |
Collateral obtained by taking possession other than collateral classified as Property Plant and Equipment (PP&E): Inflows and Outflows |
25.2 |
F 25.02 |
Collateral obtained by taking possession other than collateral classified as Property Plant and Equipment (PP&E): Type of collateral obtained |
25.3 |
F 25.03 |
Collateral obtained by taking possession classified as Property Plant and Equipment (PP&E) |
26 |
F 26.00 |
Forbearance management and quality of forbearance |
Off-balance sheet activities: interests in unconsolidated structured entities |
30.1 |
F 30.01 |
Interests in unconsolidated structured entities |
30.2 |
F 30.02 |
Breakdown of interests in unconsolidated structured entities by nature of the activities |
Related parties |
31.1 |
F 31.01 |
Related parties: amounts payable to and amounts receivable from |
31.2 |
F 31.02 |
Related parties: expenses and income generated by transactions with |
Group structure |
40.1 |
F 40.01 |
Group structure: ‘entity-by-entity’ |
40.2 |
F 40.02 |
Group structure: ‘instrument-by-instrument’ |
Fair value |
41.1 |
F 41.01 |
Fair value hierarchy: financial instruments at amortised cost |
41.2 |
F 41.02 |
Use of the Fair Value Option |
42 |
F 42.00 |
Tangible and intangible assets: carrying amount by measurement method |
43 |
F 43.00 |
Provisions |
Defined benefit plans and employee benefits |
44.1 |
F 44.01 |
Components of net defined benefit plan assets and liabilities |
44.2 |
F 44.02 |
Movements in defined benefit plan obligations |
44.3 |
F 44.03 |
Staff expenses by type of benefits |
44.4 |
F 44.04 |
Staff expenses by structure and category of staff |
Breakdown of selected items of statement of profit or loss |
45.1 |
F 45.01 |
Gains or losses on financial assets and liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss by accounting portfolio |
45.2 |
F 45.02 |
Gains or losses on derecognition of non-financial assets other than held for sale and investments in subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates |
45.3 |
F 45.03 |
Other operating income and expenses |
46 |
F 46.00 |
Statement of changes in equity |
47 |
F 47.00 |
Average duration and recovery periods |
1. Balance Sheet Statement [Statement of Financial Position]
1.1 Assets
References |
Breakdown in table |
Carrying amount |
Annex V.Part 1.27 |
010 |
010 |
Cash, cash balances at central banks and other demand deposits |
IAS 1.54 (i) |
020 |
Cash on hand |
Annex V.Part 2.1 |
030 |
Cash balances at central banks |
Annex V.Part 2.2 |
040 |
Other demand deposits |
Annex V.Part 2.3 |
5 |
050 |
Financial assets held for trading |
IFRS 9.Appendix A |
060 |
Derivatives |
IFRS 9.Appendix A |
10 |
070 |
Equity instruments |
IAS 32.11 |
4 |
080 |
Debt securities |
Annex V.Part 1.31 |
4 |
090 |
Loans and advances |
Annex V.Part 1.32 |
4 |
096 |
Non-trading financial assets mandatorily at fair value through profit or loss |
IFRS 7.8(a)(ii); IFRS |
4 |
097 |
Equity instruments |
IAS 32.11 |
4 |
098 |
Debt securities |
Annex V.Part 1.31 |
4 |
099 |
Loans and advances |
Annex V.Part 1.32 |
4 |
100 |
Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss |
IFRS 7.8(a)(i); IFRS |
4 |
120 |
Debt securities |
Annex V.Part 1.31 |
4 |
130 |
Loans and advances |
Annex V.Part 1.32 |
4 |
141 |
Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income |
IFRS 7.8(h); IFRS |
4 |
142 |
Equity instruments |
IAS 32.11 |
4 |
143 |
Debt securities |
Annex V.Part 1.31 |
4 |
144 |
Loans and advances |
Annex V.Part 1.32 |
4 |
181 |
Financial assets at amortised cost |
IFRS 7.8(f); IFRS |
4 |
182 |
Debt securities |
Annex V.Part 1.31 |
4 |
183 |
Loans and advances |
Annex V.Part 1.32 |
4 |
240 |
Derivatives – Hedge accounting |
IFRS; Annex V.Part 1.22 |
11 |
250 |
Fair value changes of the hedged items in portfolio hedge of interest rate risk |
IAS 39.89A(a); IFRS |
260 |
Investments in subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates |
IAS 1.54(e); Annex V.Part 1.21, Part 2.4 |
40 |
270 |
Tangible assets |
280 |
Property, Plant and Equipment |
IAS 16.6; IAS 1.54(a); IFRS 16.47(a) |
21, 42 |
290 |
Investment property |
IAS 40.5; IAS 1.54(b); IFRS 16.48 |
21, 42 |
300 |
Intangible assets |
IAS 1.54(c); CRR art 4(1)(115) |
310 |
Goodwill |
IFRS 3.B67(d); CRR art 4(1)(113) |
320 |
Other intangible assets |
IAS 38.8,118; IFRS 16.47 (a) |
21, 42 |
330 |
Tax assets |
IAS 1.54(n-o) |
340 |
Current tax assets |
IAS 1.54(n); IAS 12.5 |
350 |
Deferred tax assets |
IAS 1.54(o); IAS 12.5; CRR art 4(1)(106) |
360 |
Other assets |
Annex V.Part 2.5 |
370 |
Non-current assets and disposal groups classified as held for sale |
IAS 1.54(j); IFRS 5.38, Annex V.Part 2.7 |
380 |
IAS 1.9(a), IG 6 |
1.2 Liabilities
References |
Breakdown in table |
Carrying amount |
Annex V.Part 1.27 |
010 |
010 |
Financial liabilities held for trading |
IFRS 7.8 (e) (ii); IFRS 9.BA.6 |
8 |
020 |
Derivatives |
IFRS 9.Appendix A; IFRS; IFRS 9.BA.7(a) |
10 |
030 |
Short positions |
IFRS 9.BA7(b) |
8 |
040 |
Deposits |
ECB/2013/33 Annex 2.Part 2.9; Annex V.Part 1.36 |
8 |
050 |
Debt securities issued |
Annex V.Part 1.37 |
8 |
060 |
Other financial liabilities |
Annex V.Part 1.38-41 |
8 |
070 |
Financial liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss |
IFRS 7.8 (e)(i); IFRS |
8 |
080 |
Deposits |
ECB/2013/33 Annex 2.Part 2.9; Annex V.Part 1.36 |
8 |
090 |
Debt securities issued |
Annex V.Part 1.37 |
8 |
100 |
Other financial liabilities |
Annex V.Part 1.38-41 |
8 |
110 |
Financial liabilities measured at amortised cost |
IFRS 7.8(g); IFRS |
8 |
120 |
Deposits |
ECB/2013/33 Annex 2.Part 2.9; Annex V.Part 1.36 |
8 |
130 |
Debt securities issued |
Annex V.Part 1.37 |
8 |
140 |
Other financial liabilities |
Annex V.Part 1.38-41 |
8 |
150 |
Derivatives – Hedge accounting |
IFRS; Annex V.Part 1.26 |
11 |
160 |
Fair value changes of the hedged items in portfolio hedge of interest rate risk |
IAS 39.89A(b), IFRS |
170 |
Provisions |
IAS 37.10; IAS 1.54(l) |
43 |
180 |
Pensions and other post employment defined benefit obligations |
IAS 19.63; IAS 1.78(d); Annex V.Part 2.9 |
43 |
190 |
Other long term employee benefits |
IAS 19.153; IAS 1.78(d); Annex V.Part 2.10 |
43 |
200 |
Restructuring |
IAS 37.71, 84(a) |
43 |
210 |
Pending legal issues and tax litigation |
IAS 37.Appendix C. Examples 6 and 10 |
43 |
220 |
Commitments and guarantees given |
IFRS,(d), 9.5.5, 9.B2.5; IAS 37, IFRS 4, Annex V.Part 2.11 |
9 12 43 |
230 |
Other provisions |
IAS 37.14 |
43 |
240 |
Tax liabilities |
IAS 1.54(n-o) |
250 |
Current tax liabilities |
IAS 1.54(n); IAS 12.5 |
260 |
Deferred tax liabilities |
IAS 1.54(o); IAS 12.5; CRR art 4(1)(108) |
270 |
Share capital repayable on demand |
IAS 32 IE 33; IFRIC 2; Annex V.Part 2.12 |
280 |
Other liabilities |
Annex V.Part 2.13 |
290 |
Liabilities included in disposal groups classified as held for sale |
IAS 1.54 (p); IFRS 5.38, Annex V.Part 2.14 |
300 |
IAS 1.9(b);IG 6 |
1.3 Equity
References |
Breakdown in table |
Carrying amount |
010 |
010 |
Capital |
IAS 1.54(r), BAD art 22 |
46 |
020 |
Paid up capital |
IAS 1.78(e) |
030 |
Unpaid capital which has been called up |
Annex V.Part 2.14 |
040 |
Share premium |
IAS 1.78(e); CRR art 4(1)(124) |
46 |
050 |
Equity instruments issued other than capital |
Annex V.Part 2.18-19 |
46 |
060 |
Equity component of compound financial instruments |
IAS 32.28-29; Annex V.Part 2.18 |
070 |
Other equity instruments issued |
Annex V.Part 2.19 |
080 |
Other equity |
IFRS 2.10; Annex V.Part 2.20 |
090 |
Accumulated other comprehensive income |
CRR art 4(1)(100) |
46 |
095 |
Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss |
IAS 1.82A(a) |
100 |
Tangible assets |
IAS 16.39-41 |
110 |
Intangible assets |
IAS 38.85-87 |
120 |
Actuarial gains or (-) losses on defined benefit pension plans |
IAS 1.7, IG6; IAS 19.120(c) |
122 |
Non-current assets and disposal groups classified as held for sale |
IFRS 5.38, IG Example 12 |
124 |
Share of other recognised income and expense of investments in subsidaries, joint ventures and associates |
IAS 1.IG6; IAS 28.10 |
320 |
Fair value changes of equity instruments measured at fair value through other comprehensive income |
IAS 1.7(d); IFRS 9 5.7.5, B5.7.1; Annex V.Part 2.21 |
330 |
Hedge ineffectiveness of fair value hedges for equity instruments measured at fair value through other comprehensive income |
IAS 1.7(e);IFRS;.6.5.3; IFRS 7.24C; Annex V.Part 2.22 |
340 |
Fair value changes of equity instruments measured at fair value through other comprehensive income [hedged item] |
IFRS;.6.5.8(b); Annex V.Part 2.22 |
350 |
Fair value changes of equity instruments measured at fair value through other comprehensive income [hedging instrument] |
IAS 1.7(e);IFRS;.6.5.8(a); Annex V.Part 2.57 |
360 |
Fair value changes of financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss attributable to changes in their credit risk |
IAS 1.7(f); IFRS 9 5.7.7;Annex V.Part 2.23 |
128 |
Items that may be reclassified to profit or loss |
IAS 1.82A(a) (ii) |
130 |
Hedge of net investments in foreign operations [effective portion] |
IFRS9.6.5.13(a); IFRS7.24B(b)(ii)(iii); IFRS 7.24C(b)(i)(iv),.24E(a); Annex V.Part 2.24 |
140 |
Foreign currency translation |
IAS 21.52(b); IAS 21.32, 38-49 |
150 |
Hedging derivatives. Cash flow hedges reserve [effective portion] |
IAS 1.7 (e); IFRS 7.24B(b)(ii)(iii); IFRS 7.24C(b)(i);.24E; IFRS; Annex V.Part 2.25 |
155 |
Fair value changes of debt instruments measured at fair value through other comprehensive income |
IAS 1.7(da); IFRS; 5.7.10; Annex V.Part 2.26 |
165 |
Hedging instruments [not designated elements] |
IAS 1.7(g)(h); IFRS, .6.5.16; IFRS 7.24 E (b)(c); Annex V.Part 2.60 |
170 |
Non-current assets and disposal groups classified as held for sale |
IFRS 5.38, IG Example 12 |
180 |
Share of other recognised income and expense of investments in subsidaries, joint ventures and associates |
IAS 1.IG6; IAS 28.10 |
190 |
Retained earnings |
CRR art 4(1)(123) |
200 |
Revaluation reserves |
IFRS 1.30, D5-D8; Annex V.Part 2.28 |
210 |
Other reserves |
IAS 1.54; IAS 1.78(e) |
220 |
Reserves or accumulated losses of investments in subsidaries, joint ventures and associates accounted for using the equity method |
IAS 28.11; Annex V.Part 2.29 |
230 |
Other |
Annex V.Part 2.29 |
240 |
(-) Treasury shares |
IAS 1.79(a)(vi); IAS 32.33-34, AG 14, AG 36; Annex V.Part 2.30 |
46 |
250 |
Profit or loss attributable to owners of the parent |
IAS 1.81B (b)(ii) |
2 |
260 |
(-) Interim dividends |
IAS 32.35 |
270 |
Minority interests [Non-controlling interests] |
IAS 1.54(q) |
280 |
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income |
CRR art 4(1)(100) |
46 |
290 |
Other items |
46 |
300 |
IAS 1.9(c), IG 6 |
46 |
310 |
IAS 1.IG6 |
2. Statement of profit or loss
References |
Breakdown in table |
Current period |
010 |
010 |
Interest income |
IAS 1.97; Annex V.Part 2.31 |
16 |
020 |
Financial assets held for trading |
IFRS 7.20(a)(i), B5(e); Annex V.Part 2.33, 34 |
025 |
Non-trading financial assets mandatorily at fair value through profit or loss |
IFRS 7.20(a)(i), B5(e), IFRS |
030 |
Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss |
IFRS 7.20(a)(i), B5(e) |
041 |
Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income |
IFRS 7.20(b); IFRS; IFRS |
051 |
Financial assets at amortised cost |
IFRS 7.20(b);IFRS; IFRS |
070 |
Derivatives – Hedge accounting, interest rate risk |
IFRS 9.Appendix A; .B6.6.16; Annex V.Part 2.35 |
080 |
Other assets |
Annex V.Part 2.36 |
085 |
Interest income on liabilities |
IFRS, Annex V.Part 2.37 |
090 |
(Interest expenses) |
IAS 1.97; Annex V.Part 2.31 |
16 |
100 |
(Financial liabilities held for trading) |
IFRS 7.20(a)(i), B5(e); Annex V.Part 2.33, 34 |
110 |
(Financial liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss) |
IFRS 7.20(a)(i), B5(e) |
120 |
(Financial liabilities measured at amortised cost) |
IFRS 7.20(b); IFRS |
130 |
(Derivatives – Hedge accounting, interest rate risk) |
IAS 39.9; Annex V.Part 2.35 |
140 |
(Other liabilities) |
Annex V.Part 2.38 |
145 |
(Interest expense on assets) |
IFRS, Annex V.Part 2.39 |
150 |
(Expenses on share capital repayable on demand) |
IFRIC 2.11 |
160 |
Dividend income |
Annex V.Part 2.40 |
31 |
170 |
Financial assets held for trading |
IFRS 7.20(a)(i), B5(e); Annex V.Part 2.40 |
175 |
Non-trading financial assets mandatorily at fair value through profit or loss |
IFRS 7.20(a)(i), B5(e),IFRS; Annex V.Part 2.40 |
191 |
Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income |
IFRS 7.20(a)(ii); IFRS; IFRS; Annex V.Part 2.41 |
192 |
Investments in subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates accounted for using other than equity method |
Annex V Part 2 .42 |
200 |
Fee and commission income |
IFRS 7.20(c) |
22 |
210 |
(Fee and commission expenses) |
IFRS 7.20(c) |
22 |
220 |
Gains or (-) losses on derecognition of financial assets and liabilities not measured at fair value through profit or loss, net |
Annex V.Part 2.45 |
16 |
231 |
Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income |
IFRS 9.4.12A; IFRS |
241 |
Financial assets at amortised cost |
IFRS 7.20(a)(v);IFRS; IFRS |
260 |
Financial liabilities measured at amortised cost |
IFRS 7.20(a)(v); IFRS |
270 |
Other |
280 |
Gains or (-) losses on financial assets and liabilities held for trading, net |
IFRS 7.20(a)(i); IFRS; Annex V.Part 2.43, 46 |
16 |
287 |
Gains or (-) losses on non-trading financial assets mandatorily at fair value through profit or loss, net |
IFRS 7.20(a)(i); IFRS; Annex V.Part 2.46 |
290 |
Gains or (-) losses on financial assets and liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss, net |
IFRS 7.20(a)(i); IFRS; Annex V.Part 2.44 |
16, 45 |
300 |
Gains or (-) losses from hedge accounting, net |
Annex V.Part 2.47 |
16 |
310 |
Exchange differences [gain or (-) loss], net |
IAS 21.28, 52 (a) |
330 |
Gains or (-) losses on derecognition of non-financial assets, net |
IAS 1.34; Annex V. Part 2.48 |
45 |
340 |
Other operating income |
Annex V.Part 2.314-316 |
45 |
350 |
(Other operating expenses) |
Annex V.Part 2.314-316 |
45 |
355 |
360 |
(Administrative expenses) |
370 |
(Staff expenses) |
IAS 19.7; IAS 1.102, IG 6 |
44 |
380 |
(Other administrative expenses) |
16 |
385 |
(Cash contributions to resolution funds and deposit guarantee schemes) |
Annex V.Part 2.48i |
390 |
(Depreciation) |
IAS 1.102, 104 |
400 |
(Property, Plant and Equipment) |
IAS 1.104; IAS 16.73(e)(vii) |
410 |
(Investment Properties) |
IAS 1.104; IAS 40.79(d)(iv) |
420 |
(Other intangible assets) |
IAS 1.104; IAS 38.118(e)(vi) |
425 |
Modification gains or (-) losses, net |
IFRS, IFRS 9 Appendix A; Annex V Part 2.49 |
426 |
Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income |
IFRS 7.35J |
427 |
Financial assets at amortised cost |
IFRS 7.35J |
430 |
(Provisions or (-) reversal of provisions) |
IAS 37.59, 84; IAS 1.98(b)(f)(g) |
9 12 43 |
435 |
(payment commitments to resolution funds and deposit guarantee schemes) |
Annex V.Part 2.48i |
440 |
(Commitments and guarantees given) |
IFRS,(d),9.B2.5; IAS 37, IFRS 4, Annex V.Part 2.50 |
450 |
(Other provisions) |
460 |
(Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment on financial assets not measured at fair value through profit or loss) |
IFRS 7.20(a)(viii); IFRS; Annex V Part 2.51, 53 |
12 |
481 |
(Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income) |
IFRS,,, |
12 |
491 |
(Financial assets at amortised cost) |
IFRS,, |
12 |
510 |
(Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment of investments in subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates) |
IAS 28.40-43 |
16 |
520 |
(Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment on non-financial assets) |
IAS 36.126(a)(b) |
16 |
530 |
(Property, plant and equipment) |
IAS 16.73(e)(v-vi) |
540 |
(Investment properties) |
IAS 40.79(d)(v) |
550 |
(Goodwill) |
IFRS 3.Appendix B67(d)(v); IAS 36.124 |
560 |
(Other intangible assets) |
IAS 38.118 (e)(iv)(v) |
570 |
(Other) |
IAS 36.126 (a)(b) |
580 |
Negative goodwill recognised in profit or loss |
IFRS 3.Appendix B64(n)(i) |
590 |
Share of the profit or (-) loss of investments in subsidaries, joint ventures and associates accounted for using the equity method |
Annex V.Part 2.54 |
600 |
Profit or (-) loss from non-current assets and disposal groups classified as held for sale not qualifying as discontinued operations |
IFRS 5.37; Annex V.Part 2.55 |
610 |
IAS 1.102, IG 6; IFRS 5.33 A |
620 |
(Tax expense or (-) income related to profit or loss from continuing operations) |
IAS 1.82(d); IAS 12.77 |
630 |
IAS 1, IG 6 |
640 |
Profit or (-) loss after tax from discontinued operations |
IAS 1.82(ea) ; IFRS 5.33(a), 5.33 A; Annex V Part 2.56 |
650 |
Profit or (-) loss before tax from discontinued operations |
IFRS 5.33(b)(i) |
660 |
(Tax expense or (-) income related to discontinued operations) |
IFRS 5.33 (b)(ii),(iv) |
670 |
IAS 1.81A(a) |
680 |
Attributable to minority interest [non-controlling interests] |
IAS 1.81B (b)(i) |
690 |
Attributable to owners of the parent |
IAS 1.81B (b)(ii) |
3. Statement of comprehensive income
References |
Current period |
010 |
010 |
Profit or (-) loss for the year |
IAS 1.7, IG6 |
020 |
Other comprehensive income |
IAS 1.7, IG6 |
030 |
Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss |
IAS 1.82A(a)(i) |
040 |
Tangible assets |
IAS 1.7, IG6; IAS 16.39-40 |
050 |
Intangible assets |
IAS 1.7; IAS 38.85-86 |
060 |
Actuarial gains or (-) losses on defined benefit pension plans |
IAS 1.7, IG6; IAS 19.120(c) |
070 |
Non-current assets and disposal groups held for sale |
IFRS 5.38 |
080 |
Share of other recognised income and expense of entities accounted for using the equity method |
IAS 1.IG6; IAS 28.10 |
081 |
Fair value changes of equity instruments measured at fair value through other comprehensive income |
IAS 1.7(d) |
083 |
Gains or (-) losses from hedge accounting of equity instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income, net |
IFRS;.6.5.3; IFRS 7.24C; Annex V.Part 2.57 |
084 |
Fair value changes of equity instruments measured at fair value through other comprehensive income [hedged item] |
IFRS;.6.5.8(b); Annex V.Part 2.57 |
085 |
Fair value changes of equity instruments measured at fair value through other comprehensive income [hedging instrument] |
IFRS;.6.5.8(a); Annex V.Part 2.57 |
086 |
Fair value changes of financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss attributable to changes in their credit risk |
IAS 1.7(f) |
090 |
Income tax relating to items that will not be reclassified |
IAS 1.91(b); Annex V.Part 2.66 |
100 |
Items that may be reclassified to profit or loss |
IAS 1.82A(a)(ii) |
110 |
Hedge of net investments in foreign operations [effective portion] |
IFRS; IFRS 7.24C(b)(i)(iv),.24E(a); Annex V.Part 2.58 |
120 |
Valuation gains or (-) losses taken to equity |
IAS 1.IG6;IFRS; IFRS 7.24C(b)(i);.24E(a); Annex V.Part 2.58 |
130 |
Transferred to profit or loss |
IAS 1.7, 92-95; IAS 21.48-49; IFRS; Annex V.Part 2.59 |
140 |
Other reclassifications |
Annex V.Part 2.65 |
150 |
Foreign currency translation |
IAS 1.7, IG6; IAS 21.52(b) |
160 |
Translation gains or (-) losses taken to equity |
IAS 21.32, 38-47 |
170 |
Transferred to profit or loss |
IAS 1.7, 92-95; IAS 21.48-49 |
180 |
Other reclassifications |
Annex V.Part 2.65 |
190 |
Cash flow hedges [effective portion] |
IAS 1.7, IG6; IAS 39.95(a)-96 IFRS; IFRS 7.24C(b)(i);.24E(a); |
200 |
Valuation gains or (-) losses taken to equity |
IAS 1.7(e),IG6; IFRS; IFRS 7.24C(b)(i), .24E(a) |
210 |
Transferred to profit or loss |
IAS 1.7, 92-95, IG6; IFRS;IFRS 7.24C(b)(iv),.24E(a) Annex V.Part 2.59 |
220 |
Transferred to initial carrying amount of hedged items |
230 |
Other reclassifications |
Annex V.Part 2.65 |
231 |
Hedging instruments [not designated elements] |
IAS 1.7(g)(h); IFRS, .6.5.16;IFRS 7.24E(b)(c); Annex V.Part 2.60 |
232 |
Valuation gains or (-) losses taken to equity |
IAS 1.7(g)(h); IFRS, .6.5.16; IFRS 7.24E (b)(c) |
233 |
Transferred to profit or loss |
IAS 1.7(g)(h); IFRS, .6.5.16;IFRS 7.24E(b)(c); Annex V.Part 2.61 |
234 |
Other reclassifications |
Annex V.Part 2.65 |
241 |
Debt instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income |
IAS 1.7(da), IG 6; IAS 1.IG6; IFRS; Annex V.Part 2.62-63 |
251 |
Valuation gains or (-) losses taken to equity |
IFRS 7.20(a)(ii); IAS 1.IG6; IFRS |
261 |
Transferred to profit or loss |
IAS 1.7, IAS 1.92-95, IAS 1.IG6; IFRS; Annex V.Part 2.64 |
270 |
Other reclassifications |
IFRS 5.IG Example 12;IFRS; Annex V.Part 2.64-65 |
280 |
Non-current assets and disposal groups held for sale |
IFRS 5.38 |
290 |
Valuation gains or (-) losses taken to equity |
IFRS 5.38 |
300 |
Transferred to profit or loss |
IAS 1.7, 92-95; IFRS 5.38 |
310 |
Other reclassifications |
IFRS 5.IG Example 12 |
320 |
Share of other recognised income and expense of Investments in subsidaries, joint ventures and associates |
IAS 1.IG6; IAS 28.10 |
330 |
Income tax relating to items that may be reclassified to profit or (-) loss |
IAS 1.91(b), IG6; Annex V.Part 2.66 |
340 |
Total comprehensive income for the year |
IAS 1.7, 81A(a), IG6 |
350 |
Attributable to minority interest [Non-controlling interest] |
IAS 1.83(b)(i), IG6 |
360 |
Attributable to owners of the parent |
IAS 1.83(b)(ii), IG6 |
4. Breakdown of financial assets by instrument and by counterparty sector
4.1 Financial assets held for trading
References |
Carrying amount |
Annex V.Part 1.27 |
010 |
005 |
Derivatives |
010 |
Equity instruments |
IAS 32.11, Annex V.Part 1.44(b) |
030 |
of which: credit institutions |
Annex V.Part 1.42(c) |
040 |
of which: other financial corporations |
Annex V.Part 1.42(d) |
050 |
of which: non-financial corporations |
Annex V.Part 1.42(e) |
060 |
Debt securities |
Annex V.Part 1.31, 44(b) |
070 |
Central banks |
Annex V.Part 1.42(a) |
080 |
General governments |
Annex V.Part 1.42(b) |
090 |
Credit institutions |
Annex V.Part 1.42(c) |
100 |
Other financial corporations |
Annex V.Part 1.42(d) |
110 |
Non-financial corporations |
Annex V.Part 1.42(e) |
120 |
Loans and advances |
Annex V.Part 1.32, 44(a) |
130 |
Central banks |
Annex V.Part 1.42(a) |
140 |
General governments |
Annex V.Part 1.42(b) |
150 |
Credit institutions |
Annex V.Part 1.42(c) |
160 |
Other financial corporations |
Annex V.Part 1.42(d) |
170 |
Non-financial corporations |
Annex V.Part 1.42(e) |
180 |
Households |
Annex V.Part 1.42(f) |
190 |
IFRS 9.Appendix A |
4.2.1 Non-trading financial assets mandatorily at fair value through profit or loss
References |
Carrying amount |
Accumulated negative changes in fair value due to credit risk on non-performing exposures |
Annex V.Part 1.27 |
Annex V.Part 2.69 |
010 |
020 |
010 |
Equity instruments |
IAS 32.11, Annex V.Part 1.44(b) |
020 |
of which: credit institutions |
Annex V.Part 1.42(c) |
030 |
of which: other financial corporations |
Annex V.Part 1.42(d) |
040 |
of which: non-financial corporations |
Annex V.Part 1.42(e) |
050 |
Debt securities |
Annex V.Part 1.31, 44(b) |
060 |
Central banks |
Annex V.Part 1.42(a) |
070 |
General governments |
Annex V.Part 1.42(b) |
080 |
Credit institutions |
Annex V.Part 1.42(c) |
090 |
Other financial corporations |
Annex V.Part 1.42(d) |
100 |
Non-financial corporations |
Annex V.Part 1.42(e) |
110 |
Loans and advances |
Annex V.Part 1.32, 44(a) |
120 |
Central banks |
Annex V.Part 1.42(a) |
130 |
General governments |
Annex V.Part 1.42(b) |
140 |
Credit institutions |
Annex V.Part 1.42(c) |
150 |
Other financial corporations |
Annex V.Part 1.42(d) |
160 |
Non-financial corporations |
Annex V.Part 1.42(e) |
170 |
Households |
Annex V.Part 1.42(f) |
180 |
IFRS 7.8(a)(ii); IFRS |
4.2.2 Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss
References |
Carrying amount |
Accumulated negative changes in fair value due to credit risk on non-performing exposures |
Annex V.Part 1.27 |
Annex V.Part 2.69 |
010 |
020 |
060 |
Debt securities |
Annex V.Part 1.31, 44(b) |
070 |
Central banks |
Annex V.Part 1.42(a) |
080 |
General governments |
Annex V.Part 1.42(b) |
090 |
Credit institutions |
Annex V.Part 1.42(c) |
100 |
Other financial corporations |
Annex V.Part 1.42(d) |
110 |
Non-financial corporations |
Annex V.Part 1.42(e) |
120 |
Loans and advances |
Annex V.Part 1.32, 44(a) |
130 |
Central banks |
Annex V.Part 1.42(a) |
140 |
General governments |
Annex V.Part 1.42(b) |
150 |
Credit institutions |
Annex V.Part 1.42(c) |
160 |
Other financial corporations |
Annex V.Part 1.42(d) |
170 |
Non-financial corporations |
Annex V.Part 1.42(e) |
180 |
Households |
Annex V.Part 1.42(f) |
190 |
IFRS 7.8(a)(i); IFRS |
4.3.1. Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income
References |
Carrying amount |
Gross carrying amount Annex V.Part 1.34(b) |
Accumulated impairment Annex V.Part 2.70(b), 71 |
Accumulated partial write-offs |
Accumulated total write-offs |
Assets without significant increase in credit risk since initial recognition (Stage 1) |
Assets with significant increase in credit risk since initial recognition but not credit-impaired (Stage 2) |
Credit-impaired assets (Stage 3) |
Assets without significant increase in credit risk since initial recognition (Stage 1) |
Assets with significant increase in credit risk since initial recognition but not credit-impaired (Stage 2) |
Credit-impaired assets (Stage 3) |
of which: instruments with low credit risk |
Annex V.Part 1.27 |
IFRS; IFRS 7.35M(a) |
IFRS 9.B5.5.22-24; Annex V.Part 2.75 |
IFRS, IFRS 7.35M(b)(i) |
IFRS, 7.35M(b)(ii) |
IFRS; IFRS7.35H(a), IFRS 7.16A |
IFRS; IFRS; IFRS 7.35H(b)(i), IFRS 7.16A |
IFRS; IFRS; IFRS 7.35H(b)(ii), IFRS 7.16A |
IFRS and B5.4.9 ; Annex V.Part 2.72-74 |
IFRS and B5.4.9; Annex V.Part 2.72-74 |
010 |
015 |
020 |
030 |
040 |
050 |
060 |
070 |
080 |
090 |
010 |
Equity instruments |
IAS 32.11; Annex V.Part 1.44(b) |
020 |
of which: credit institutions |
Annex V.Part 1.42(c) |
030 |
of which: other financial corporations |
Annex V.Part 1.42(d) |
040 |
of which: non-financial corporations |
Annex V.Part 1.42(e) |
050 |
Debt securities |
Annex V.Part 1.31, 44(b) |
060 |
Central banks |
Annex V.Part 1.42(a) |
070 |
General governments |
Annex V.Part 1.42(b) |
080 |
Credit institutions |
Annex V.Part 1.42(c) |
090 |
Other financial corporations |
Annex V.Part 1.42(d) |
100 |
Non-financial corporations |
Annex V.Part 1.42(e) |
110 |
Loans and advances |
Annex V.Part 1.32, 44(a) |
120 |
Central banks |
Annex V.Part 1.42(a) |
130 |
General governments |
Annex V.Part 1.42(b) |
140 |
Credit institutions |
Annex V.Part 1.42(c) |
150 |
Other financial corporations |
Annex V.Part 1.42(d) |
160 |
Non-financial corporations |
Annex V.Part 1.42(e) |
165 |
Of which: Small and Medium-sized Enterprises |
SME Art 1 2(a) |
170 |
Households |
Annex V.Part 1.42(f) |
180 |
IFRS 7.8(h); IFRS |
190 |
of which: purchased credit-impaired financial assets |
IFRS; IFRS 7.35M(c); Annex V.Part 2.77 |
4.4.1 Financial assets at amortised cost
References |
Carrying amount |
Gross carrying amount Annex V.Part 1.34(b) |
Accumulated impairment Annex V.Part 2.70(a), 71 |
Accumulated partial write-offs |
Accumulated total write-offs |
Assets without significant increase in credit risk since initial recognition (Stage 1) |
Assets with significant increase in credit risk since initial recognition but not credit-impaired (Stage 2) |
Credit-impaired assets (Stage 3) |
Assets without significant increase in credit risk since initial recognition (Stage 1) |
Assets with significant increase in credit risk since initial recognition but not credit-impaired (Stage 2) |
Credit-impaired assets (Stage 3) |
of which: instruments with low credit risk |
Annex V.Part 1.27 |
IFRS; IFRS 7.35M(a) |
IFRS 9.B5.5.22-24; Annex V.Part 2.75 |
IFRS, IFRS 7.35M(b)(i) |
IFRS, 7.35M(b)(ii) |
IFRS; IFRS7.35H(a) |
IFRS; IFRS; IFRS 7.35H(b)(i) |
IFRS 5.5.1; IFRS; IFRS 7.35H(b)(ii) |
IFRS and B5.4.9 ; Annex V.Part 2.72-74 |
IFRS and B5.4.9; Annex V.Part 2.72-74 |
010 |
015 |
020 |
030 |
040 |
050 |
060 |
070 |
080 |
090 |
010 |
Debt securities |
Annex V.Part 1.31, 44(b) |
020 |
Central banks |
Annex V.Part 1.42(a) |
030 |
General governments |
Annex V.Part 1.42(b) |
040 |
Credit institutions |
Annex V.Part 1.42(c) |
050 |
Other financial corporations |
Annex V.Part 1.42(d) |
060 |
Non-financial corporations |
Annex V.Part 1.42(e) |
070 |
Loans and advances |
Annex V.Part 1.32, 44(a) |
080 |
Central banks |
Annex V.Part 1.42(a) |
090 |
General governments |
Annex V.Part 1.42(b) |
100 |
Credit institutions |
Annex V.Part 1.42(c) |
110 |
Other financial corporations |
Annex V.Part 1.42(d) |
120 |
Non-financial corporations |
Annex V.Part 1.42(e) |
125 |
Of which: Small and Medium-sized Enterprises |
SME Art 1 2(a) |
130 |
Households |
Annex V.Part 1.42(f) |
140 |
IFRS 7.8(f); IFRS |
150 |
of which: purchased credit-impaired financial assets |
IFRS 9.5.13 and IFRS 7.35M(c); Annex V.Part 2.77 |
4.5 Subordinated financial assets
References |
Carrying amount |
Annex V.Part 1.27 |
010 |
010 |
Loans and advances |
Annex V.Part 1.32 |
020 |
Debt securities |
Annex V.Part 1.31 |
030 |
Annex V.Part 2.78, 100 |
5. Breakdown of non-trading loans and advances by product
5.1 Loans and advances other than held for trading and trading assets by product
References |
Gross carrying amount |
Carrying amount Annex V.Part 1.27 |
Central banks |
General governments |
Credit institutions |
Other financial corporations |
Non-financial corporations |
Households |
Annex V.Part 1.34 |
Annex V.Part 1.42(a) |
Annex V.Part 1.42(b) |
Annex V.Part 1.42(c) |
Annex V.Part 1.42(d) |
Annex V.Part 1.42(e) |
Annex V.Part 1.42(f) |
005 |
010 |
020 |
030 |
040 |
050 |
060 |
By product |
010 |
On demand [call] and short notice [current account] |
Annex V.Part 2.85(a) |
020 |
Credit card debt |
Annex V.Part 2.85(b) |
030 |
Trade receivables |
Annex V.Part 2.85(c) |
040 |
Finance leases |
Annex V.Part 2.85(d) |
050 |
Reverse repurchase loans |
Annex V.Part 2.85(e) |
060 |
Other term loans |
Annex V.Part 2.85(f) |
070 |
Advances that are not loans |
Annex V.Part 2.85(g) |
080 |
Annex V.Part 1.32, 44(a) |
By collateral |
090 |
of which: Loans collateralized by immovable property |
Annex V.Part 2.86(a), 87 |
100 |
of which: other collateralized loans |
Annex V.Part 2.86(b), 87 |
By purpose |
110 |
of which: credit for consumption |
Annex V.Part 2.88(a) |
120 |
of which: lending for house purchase |
Annex V.Part 2.88(b) |
By subordination |
130 |
of which: project finance loans |
Annex V.Part 2.89; CRR Art 147(8) |
6. Breakdown of non-trading loans and advances to non-financial corporations by NACE codes
6.1 Breakdown of loans and advances other than held for trading to non-financial corporations by NACE codes
References |
Non-financial corporations Annex V.Part 1.42(e), Part 2.91 |
Gross carrying amount |
Accumulated impairment |
Accumulated negative changes in fair value due to credit risk on non-performing exposures |
of which: loans and advances subject to impairment |
Of which: non-performing |
of which: defaulted |
Annex V.Part 1.34 |
Annex V.Part 2.93 |
Annex V.Part 2. 213-232 |
CRR art 178; Annex V.Part 2.237(b) |
Annex V.Part 2.70-71 |
Annex V.Part 2.69 |
010 |
011 |
012 |
013 |
021 |
022 |
010 |
A Agriculture, forestry and fishing |
NACE Regulation |
020 |
B Mining and quarrying |
NACE Regulation |
030 |
C Manufacturing |
NACE Regulation |
040 |
D Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply |
NACE Regulation |
050 |
E Water supply |
NACE Regulation |
060 |
F Construction |
NACE Regulation |
070 |
G Wholesale and retail trade |
NACE Regulation |
080 |
H Transport and storage |
NACE Regulation |
090 |
I Accommodation and food service activities |
NACE Regulation |
100 |
J Information and communication |
NACE Regulation |
105 |
K Financial and insurance activities |
NACE Regulation, Annex V.Part 2.92 |
110 |
L Real estate activities |
NACE Regulation |
120 |
M Professional, scientific and technical activities |
NACE Regulation |
130 |
N Administrative and support service activities |
NACE Regulation |
140 |
O Public administration and defence, compulsory social security |
NACE Regulation |
150 |
P Education |
NACE Regulation |
160 |
Q Human health services and social work activities |
NACE Regulation |
170 |
R Arts, entertainment and recreation |
NACE Regulation |
180 |
S Other services |
NACE Regulation |
190 |
Annex V.Part 1.32, Part 2.90 |
7. Financial assets subject to impairment that are past due
7.1 Financial assets subject to impairment that are past due
References |
Carrying amount Annex V.Part 1.27 |
Assets without significant increase in credit risk since initial recognition (Stage 1) |
Assets with significant increase in credit risk since initial recognition but not credit-impaired (Stage 2) |
Credit-impaired assets (Stage 3) |
≤ 30 days |
> 30 days ≤ 90 days |
> 90 days |
≤ 30 days |
> 30 days ≤ 90 days |
> 90 days |
≤ 30 days |
> 30 days ≤ 90 days |
> 90 days |
IFRS;B5.5.37; IFRS 7.B8I, Annex V.Part 2.96 |
010 |
020 |
030 |
040 |
050 |
060 |
070 |
080 |
090 |
060 |
Debt securities |
Annex V.Part 1.31, 44(b) |
070 |
Central banks |
Annex V.Part 1.42(a) |
080 |
General governments |
Annex V.Part 1.42(b) |
090 |
Credit institutions |
Annex V.Part 1.42(c) |
100 |
Other financial corporations |
Annex V.Part 1.42(d) |
110 |
Non-financial corporations |
Annex V.Part 1.42(e) |
120 |
Loans and advances |
Annex V.Part 1.32, 44(a) |
130 |
Central banks |
Annex V.Part 1.42(a) |
140 |
General governments |
Annex V.Part 1.42(b) |
150 |
Credit institutions |
Annex V.Part 1.42(c) |
160 |
Other financial corporations |
Annex V.Part 1.42(d) |
170 |
Non-financial corporations |
Annex V.Part 1.42(e) |
180 |
Households |
Annex V.Part 1.42(f) |
190 |
Annex V Part 2.94-95 |
Loans and advances by product, by collateral and by subordination |
200 |
On demand [call] and short notice [current account] |
Annex V.Part 2.85(a) |
210 |
Credit card debt |
Annex V.Part 2.85(b) |
220 |
Trade receivables |
Annex V.Part 2.85(c) |
230 |
Finance leases |
Annex V.Part 2.85(d) |
240 |
Reverse repurchase loans |
Annex V.Part 2.85(e) |
250 |
Other term loans |
Annex V.Part 2.85(f) |
260 |
Advances that are not loans |
Annex V.Part 2.85(g) |
270 |
of which: Loans collateralized by immovable property |
Annex V.Part 2.86(a), 87 |
280 |
of which: other collateralized loans |
Annex V.Part 2.86(b), 87 |
290 |
of which: credit for consumption |
Annex V.Part 2.88(a) |
300 |
of which: lending for house purchase |
Annex V.Part 2.88(b) |
310 |
of which: project finance loans |
Annex V.Part 2.89; CRR Art 147(8) |
8. Breakdown of financial liabilities
8.1 Breakdown of financial liabilities by product and by counterparty sector
References National GAAP compatible IFRS |
Carrying amount Annex V.Part 1.27 |
Accumulated changes in fair value due to credit risk |
Held for trading |
Designated at fair value through profit or loss |
Amortised cost |
Hedge accounting |
IFRS 7.8(e)(ii); IFRS 9 Appendix A, IFRS 9.BA.6-BA.7, IFRS 9.6.7 |
IFRS 7.8(e)(i); IFRS, IFRS |
IFRS 7.8(g); IFRS |
IFRS 7.24A(a); IFRS 9.6 |
CRR art 33(1)(b), art 33(1)(c); Annex V.Part 2.101 |
010 |
020 |
030 |
037 |
040 |
010 |
Derivatives |
IFRS 9.BA.7(a) |
020 |
Short positions |
FRS 9.BA.7(b) |
030 |
Equity instruments |
IAS 32.11 |
040 |
Debt securities |
Annex V.Part 1.31 |
050 |
Deposits |
ECB/2013/33 Annex 2.Part 2.9; Annex V.Part 1.36 |
060 |
Central banks |
Annex V.Part 1.42(a), 44(c) |
070 |
Current accounts / overnight deposits |
ECB/2013/33 Annex 2.Part 2.9.1 |
080 |
Deposits with agreed maturity |
ECB/2013/33 Annex 2.Part 2.9.2 |
090 |
Deposits redeemable at notice |
ECB/2013/33 Annex 2.Part 2.9.3; Annex V.Part 2.97 |
100 |
Repurchase agreements |
ECB/2013/33 Annex 2.Part 2.9.4 |
110 |
General governments |
Annex V.Part 1.42(b), 44(c) |
120 |
Current accounts / overnight deposits |
ECB/2013/33 Annex 2.Part 2.9.1 |
130 |
Deposits with agreed maturity |
ECB/2013/33 Annex 2.Part 2.9.2 |
140 |
Deposits redeemable at notice |
ECB/2013/33 Annex 2.Part 2.9.3; Annex V.Part 2.97 |
150 |
Repurchase agreements |
ECB/2013/33 Annex 2.Part 2.9.4 |
160 |
Credit institutions |
Annex V.Part 1.42(c),44(c) |
170 |
Current accounts / overnight deposits |
ECB/2013/33 Annex 2.Part 2.9.1 |
180 |
Deposits with agreed maturity |
ECB/2013/33 Annex 2.Part 2.9.2 |
190 |
Deposits redeemable at notice |
ECB/2013/33 Annex 2.Part 2.9.3; Annex V.Part 2.97 |
200 |
Repurchase agreements |
ECB/2013/33 Annex 2.Part 2.9.4 |
210 |
Other financial corporations |
Annex V.Part 1.42(d),44(c) |
220 |
Current accounts / overnight deposits |
ECB/2013/33 Annex 2.Part 2.9.1 |
230 |
Deposits with agreed maturity |
ECB/2013/33 Annex 2.Part 2.9.2 |
240 |
Deposits redeemable at notice |
ECB/2013/33 Annex 2.Part 2.9.3; Annex V.Part 2.97 |
250 |
Repurchase agreements |
ECB/2013/33 Annex 2.Part 2.9.4 |
260 |
Non-financial corporations |
Annex V.Part 1.42(e), 44(c) |
270 |
Current accounts / overnight deposits |
ECB/2013/33 Annex 2.Part 2.9.1 |
280 |
Deposits with agreed maturity |
ECB/2013/33 Annex 2.Part 2.9.2 |
290 |
Deposits redeemable at notice |
ECB/2013/33 Annex 2.Part 2.9.3; Annex V.Part 2.97 |
300 |
Repurchase agreements |
ECB/2013/33 Annex 2.Part 2.9.4 |
310 |
Households |
Annex V.Part 1.42(f), 44(c) |
320 |
Current accounts / overnight deposits |
ECB/2013/33 Annex 2.Part 2.9.1 |
330 |
Deposits with agreed maturity |
ECB/2013/33 Annex 2.Part 2.9.2 |
340 |
Deposits redeemable at notice |
ECB/2013/33 Annex 2.Part 2.9.3; Annex V.Part 2.97 |
350 |
Repurchase agreements |
ECB/2013/33 Annex 2.Part 2.9.4 |
360 |
Debt securities issued |
Annex V.Part 1.37, Part 2.98 |
370 |
Certificates of deposits |
Annex V.Part 2.98(a) |
380 |
Asset-backed securities |
CRR art 4(1)(61) |
390 |
Covered bonds |
CRR art 129 |
400 |
Hybrid contracts |
Annex V.Part 2.98(d) |
410 |
Other debt securities issued |
Annex V.Part 2.98(e) |
420 |
Convertible compound financial instruments |
IAS 32.AG 31 |
430 |
Non-convertible |
440 |
Other financial liabilities |
Annex V.Part 1.38-41 |
445 |
of which: lease liabilities |
IFRS 16.22, 26-28, 47(b) |
450 |
8.2 Subordinated financial liabilities
References |
Carriyng amount |
Designated at fair value through profit or loss |
At amortized cost |
IFRS 7.8(e)(i); IFRS, IFRS |
IFRS 7.8(g); IFRS |
010 |
020 |
010 |
Deposits |
ECB/2013/33 Annex 2.Part 2.9; Annex V.Part 1.36 |
020 |
Debt securities issued |
Annex V.Part 1.37 |
030 |
Annex V.Part 2.99-100 |
9. Loan commitments, financial guarantees and other commitments
9.1.1 Off-balance sheet exposures: Loan commitments, financial guarantees and other commitments given
References National GAAP compatible IFRS |
Nominal amount of off-balance sheet commitments and financial guarantees under IFRS 9 impairment Annex V.Part 2.107-108, 118 |
Provisions on off-balance sheet commitments and financial guarantees under IFRS 9 impairment Annex V Part 2.106-109 |
Other commitments measured under IAS 37 and financial guarantees measured under IFRS 4 |
Commitments and financial guarantees measured at fair value |
Instruments without significant increase in credit risk since initial recognition (Stage 1) |
Instruments with significant increase in credit risk since initial recognition but not credit-impaired (Stage 2) |
Credit-impaired instruments (Stage 3) |
Instruments without significant increase in credit risk since initial recognition (Stage 1) |
Instruments with significant increase in credit risk since initial recognition but not credit-impaired (Stage 2) |
Credit-impaired instruments (Stage 3) |
Nominal amount |
Provision |
Nominal amount |
Accumulated negative changes in fair value due to credit risk on non-performing commitments |
IFRS 9.2.1(e),(g), IFRS 9.4.2.(c), IFRS 9.5.5, IFRS 9.B2.5; IFRS 7.35M |
IFRS 9.2.1(e),(g), IFRS 9.4.2.(c), IFRS 9.5.5, IFRS 9.B2.5; IFRS 7.35M |
IFRS 9.2.1(e),(g), IFRS 9.4.2.(c), IFRS 9.5.5, IFRS9.B2.5; IFRS 7.35M |
IFRS 9.2.1(e),(g), IFRS 9.4.2.(c), IFRS9.5.5, IFRS 9.B2.5; IFRS 7.35H(a) |
IFRS 9.2.1(e),(g), IFRS 9.4.2.(c),IFRS9.5.5, IFRS 9.B2.5; IFRS 7.35H(b)(i) |
IFRS 9.2.1(e),(g), IFRS 9.4.2.(c),IFRS9.5.5, IFRS 9.B2.5; IFRS 7.35H(b)(ii) |
IAS 37, IFRS 9.2.1(e), IFRS 9.B2.5; IFRS 4; Annex V.Part 2.111, 118 |
IAS 37, IFRS 9.2.1(e), IFRS 9.B2.5; IFRS 4; Annex V.Part 2.106, 111 |
IFRS 9.2.3(a), 9.B2.5; Annex V Part 2.110, 118 |
Annex V Part 2.69 |
010 |
020 |
030 |
040 |
050 |
060 |
100 |
110 |
120 |
130 |
010 |
Loan commitments given |
CRR Annex I; Annex V.Part 1.44(g), Part 2.102-105, 113, 116 |
021 |
of which: non-performing |
Annex V.Part 2.117 |
030 |
Central banks |
Annex V.Part 1.42(a) |
040 |
General governments |
Annex V.Part 1.42(b) |
050 |
Credit institutions |
Annex V.Part 1.42(c) |
060 |
Other financial corporations |
Annex V.Part 1.42(d) |
070 |
Non-financial corporations |
Annex V.Part 1.42(e) |
080 |
Households |
Annex V.Part 1.42(f) |
090 |
Financial guarantees given |
IFRS 4 Annex A; CRR Annex I; Annex V.Part 1.44(f), Part 2.102-105, 114, 116 |
101 |
of which: non-performing |
Annex V.Part 2.117 |
110 |
Central banks |
Annex V.Part 1.42(a) |
120 |
General governments |
Annex V.Part 1.42(b) |
130 |
Credit institutions |
Annex V.Part 1.42(c) |
140 |
Other financial corporations |
Annex V.Part 1.42(d) |
150 |
Non-financial corporations |
Annex V.Part 1.42(e) |
160 |
Households |
Annex V.Part 1.42(f) |
170 |
Other Commitments given |
CRR Annex I; Annex V.Part 1.44(g), Part 2.102-105, 115, 116 |
181 |
of which: non-performing |
Annex V.Part 2.117 |
190 |
Central banks |
Annex V.Part 1.42(a) |
200 |
General governments |
Annex V.Part 1.42(b) |
210 |
Credit institutions |
Annex V.Part 1.42(c) |
220 |
Other financial corporations |
Annex V.Part 1.42(d) |
230 |
Non-financial corporations |
Annex V.Part 1.42(e) |
240 |
Households |
Annex V.Part 1.42(f) |
9.2 Loan commitments, financial guarantees and other commitments received
References |
Maximum amount of the guarantee that can be considered |
Nominal amount |
IFRS 7.36 (b); Annex V.Part 2.119 |
Annex V.Part 2.119 |
010 |
020 |
010 |
Loan commitments received |
IFRS 9.2.1(g), .BCZ2.2; Annex V.Part 1.44(h), Part 2.102-103, 113 |
020 |
Central banks |
Annex V.Part 1.42(a) |
030 |
General governments |
Annex V.Part 1.42(b) |
040 |
Credit institutions |
Annex V.Part 1.42(c) |
050 |
Other financial corporations |
Annex V.Part 1.42(d) |
060 |
Non-financial corporations |
Annex V.Part 1.42(e) |
070 |
Households |
Annex V.Part 1.42(f) |
080 |
Financial guarantees received |
IFRS 9.2.1(e ), .B2.5, .BC2.17, IFRS 8.Appendix A; IFRS 4 Annex A; Annex V.Part 1.44(h), Part 2.102-103, 114 |
090 |
Central banks |
Annex V.Part 1.42(a) |
100 |
General governments |
Annex V.Part 1.42(b) |
110 |
Credit institutions |
Annex V.Part 1.42(c) |
120 |
Other financial corporations |
Annex V.Part 1.42(d) |
130 |
Non-financial corporations |
Annex V.Part 1.42(e) |
140 |
Households |
Annex V.Part 1.42(f) |
150 |
Other Commitments received |
Annex V.Part 1.44(h), Part 2.102-103, 115 |
160 |
Central banks |
Annex V.Part 1.42(a) |
170 |
General governments |
Annex V.Part 1.42(b) |
180 |
Credit institutions |
Annex V.Part 1.42(c) |
190 |
Other financial corporations |
Annex V.Part 1.42(d) |
200 |
Non-financial corporations |
Annex V.Part 1.42(e) |
210 |
Households |
Annex V.Part 1.42(f) |
10. Derivatives – Trading and economic hedges
By type of risk / By product or by type of market |
References |
Carrying amount |
Notional amount |
Financial assets Held for trading and trading |
Financial liabilities Held for trading and trading |
Total Trading |
of which: sold |
Annex V.Part 2.120, 131 |
IFRS 9.BA.7 (a); Annex V.Part 2.120, 131 |
Annex V.Part 2.133-135 |
Annex V.Part 2.133-135 |
010 |
020 |
030 |
040 |
010 |
Interest rate |
Annex V.Part 2.129(a) |
020 |
of which: economic hedges |
Annex V.Part 2.137-139 |
030 |
OTC options |
Annex V.Part 2.136 |
040 |
OTC other |
Annex V.Part 2.136 |
050 |
Organized market options |
Annex V.Part 2.136 |