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C 01.00 – OWN FUNDS (CA1) |
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1. Overall, the framework consists of five blocks of templates:
capital adequacy, an overview of regulatory capital; total risk exposure amount;
group solvency, an overview of the fulfilment of the solvency requirements by all individual entities included in the scope of consolidation of the reporting entity;
credit risk (including counterparty, dilution and settlement risks);
market risk (including position risk in trading book, foreign exchange risk, commodities risk and CVA risk);
operational risk.
2. For each template legal references are provided. Further detailed information regarding more general aspects of the reporting of each block of templates, instructions concerning specific positions as well as validation rules are included in this part of this Implementing Regulation.
3. Institutions shall report only those templates that are relevant depending on the approach used for determining own funds requirements.
4. The document follows the labelling convention set in points 5 to 8, when referring to the columns, rows and cells of the templates. Those numerical codes are extensively used in the validation rules.
5. The following general notation is followed in the instructions: {Template; Row; Column}.
6. In the case of validations inside a template, in which only data points of that template are used, notations do not refer to a template: {Row; Column}.
7. In the case of templates with only one column, only rows are referred to. {Template; Row}
8. An asterisk sign is used to express that the validation is done for the rows or columns specified before.
9. Any amount that increases the own funds or the capital requirements shall be reported as a positive figure. On the contrary, any amount that reduces the total own funds or the capital requirements shall be reported as a negative figure. Where there is a negative sign (-) preceding the label of an item, no positive figure is expected to be reported for that item.
9a. For the purposes of this Annex, Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council ( 3 ) is referred to as ‘CRR’, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council ( 4 ) is referred to as ‘CRD’, Directive 2013/34/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council ( 5 ) is referred to as ‘AD’ and Council Directive 86/635/EEC ( 6 ) is referred to as ‘BAD’.
10. CA templates contain information about Pillar 1 numerators (own funds, Tier 1, Common Equity Tier 1), denominator (own funds requirements), and the application of CRR and CRD transitional provisions and is structured in five templates:
CA1 template contains the amount of own funds of the institutions, disaggregated in the items needed to get to that amount. The amount of own funds obtained includes the aggregate effect of the application of CRR and CRD transitional provisions per type of capital;
CA2 template summarises the total risk exposures amounts as defined in Article 92(3) CRR;
CA3 template contains the ratios for which CRR states a minimum level, and some other related data;
CA4 template contains memorandums items needed, among others, for calculating items in CA1 as well as information with regard to CRD capital buffers;
CA5 template contains the data needed for calculating the effect of the application of CRR transitional provisions in own funds. CA5 will cease to exist once those transitional provisions expire.
11. The templates shall be used by all reporting entities, irrespective of the accounting standards followed, although some items in the numerator are specific for entities applying IAS/IFRS-type valuation rules. Generally, the information in the denominator is linked to the final results reported in the correspondent templates for the calculation of the total risk exposure amount.
12. The total own funds consist of different types of capital: Tier 1 capital (T1), which is the sum of Common Equity Tier 1 capital (CET1) and Additional Tier 1 capital (AT1) as well as Tier 2 capital (T2).
13. The application of CRR and CRD transitional provisions is treated as follows in CA templates:
The items in CA1 are generally gross of transitional adjustments. That means that figures in CA1 items are calculated in accordance with the final provisions (i.e. as if there were no transitional provisions), with the exception of items summarizing the effect of those transitional provisions. For each type of capital (i.e. CET1; AT1 and T2), there are three different items in which all the adjustments due to those transitional provisions are included.
Transitional provisions may also affect the AT1 and the T2 shortfall (i.e. AT1 or T2 the excess of deduction, regulated in point (j) of Article 36(1) and point (e) of Article 56 CRR respectively), and thus the items containing those shortfalls may indirectly reflect the effect of those transitional provisions.
Template CA5 is exclusively used for reporting the effect due to the application of the CRR transitional provisions.
14. The treatment of Pillar II requirements can be different within the Union (Article 104(2) CRD has to be transposed into national regulation). Only the impact of Pillar II requirements on the solvency ratio or the target ratio shall be included in the solvency reporting required under CRR. A detailed reporting of Pillar II requirements is not within the mandate of Article 99 CRR.
The templates CA1, CA2 or CA5 only contain data on Pillar I issues.
The template CA3 contains the impact of additional Pillar II-requirements on the solvency ratio on an aggregated basis. One block focuses on the impact of amounts on the ratios, whereas the other block focuses on the ratio itself. Both blocks of ratios do not have any further link to the templates CA1, CA2 or CA5.
The template CA4 contains one cell regarding additional own funds requirements relating to Pillar II. That cell has no link via validation rules to the capital ratios of the CA3 template and reflects Article 104(2) CRD which explicitly mentions additional own funds requirements as one possibility for Pillar II decisions.
1.2. C 01.00 – OWN FUNDS (CA1)
1.2.1. Instructions concerning specific positions
Row |
Legal references and instructions |
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1. Own funds Point (118) of Article 4(1) and Article 72 CRR The own funds of an institution shall consist of the sum of its Tier 1 capital and Tier 2 capital. |
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1.1. Tier 1 capital Article 25 CRR The Tier 1 capital is the sum of Common Equity Tier 1 Capital and Additional Tier 1 capital |
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1.1.1. Common Equity Tier 1 capital Article 50 CRR |
030 | Capital instruments eligible as CET1 capital Points (a) and (b) of Articles 26(1), Articles 27 to 30, point (f) of Article 36(1) and Article 42 CRR |
040 | Paid up capital instruments Point (a) of Article 26(1) and Articles 27 to 31 CRR Capital instruments of mutual, cooperative societies or similar institutions (Articles 27 and 29 CRR) shall be included. The share premium related to the instruments shall not be included. Capital instruments subscribed by public authorities in emergency situations shall be included if all conditions of Article 31 CRR are fulfilled. |
045 |* Of which: Capital instruments subscribed by public authorities in emergency situations Article 31 CRR Capital instruments subscribed by public authorities in emergency situations shall be included in CET1 capital if all conditions of Article 31 CRR are fulfilled. |
050 |* Memorandum item: Capital instruments not eligible Points (b), (l) and (m) of Article 28(1) CRR Conditions in those points reflect different situations of the capital which are reversible, and thus the amount reported here can be eligible in subsequent periods. The amount to be reported shall not include the share premium related to the instruments |
060 | Share premium Point (124) of Article 4(1), point (b) of Article 26(1) CRR Share premium has the same meaning as under the applicable accounting standard. The amount to be reported in this item shall be the part related to the ‘Paid up capital instruments’. |
070 | (-) Own CET1 instruments Point (f) of Article 36(1) and Article 42 CRR Own CET1 held by the reporting institution or group at the reporting date. Subject to exceptions in Article 42 CRR. Holdings on shares included as ‘Capital instruments not eligible’ shall not be reported in this row. The amount to be reported shall include the share premium related to the own shares. Items to do not include actual or contingent obligations to purchase own CET1 instruments. Actual or contingent obligations to purchase own CET1 instruments are reported separately in item |
080 | (-) Direct holdings of CET1 instruments Point (f) of Article 36(1) and Article 42 CRR Common Equity Tier 1 instruments included in item held by institutions of the consolidated group. The amount to be reported shall include holdings in the trading book calculated on the basis of the net long position, as stated in point (a) of Article 42 CRR. |
090 | (-) Indirect holdings of CET1 instruments Point (114) of Article 4(1), point (f) of Article 36(1) and Article 42 CRR |
091 | (-) Synthetic holdings of CET1 instruments Point (126) of Article 4(1), point (f) of Article 36(1) and Article 42 CRR |
092 | (-) Actual or contingent obligations to purchase own CET1 instruments Point (f) of Article 36(1) and Article 42 CRR According to point (f) of Article 36(1) CRR, ‘own Common Equity Tier 1 instruments that an institution is under an actual or contingent obligation to purchase by virtue of an existing contractual obligation’ shall be deducted. |
130 | Retained earnings Point (c) of Article 26(1) and Article 26(2) CRR Retained earnings includes the previous year retained earnings plus the eligible interim or year-end profits |
140 | Previous years retained earnings Point (123) of Article 4(1) and point (c) of Article 26(1) CRR Point (123) of Article 4(1) CRR defines retained earnings as ‘Profit and losses brought forward as a result of the final application of profit or loss under the applicable accounting framework’. |
150 | Profit or loss eligible Point (121) of Article 4(1), Article 26(2) and point (a) of Article 36(1) CRR Article 26(2) CRR allows including as retained earnings interim or year-end profits, with the prior consent of the competent authorities, if some conditions are met. On the other hand, losses shall be deducted from CET1, as stated in point (a) of Article 36(1) CRR. |
160 | Profit or loss attributable to owners of the parent Article 26(2) and point (a) of Article 36(1) CRR The amount to be reported shall be the profit or loss reported in the accounting income statement. |
170 | (-) Part of interim or year-end profit not eligible Article 26(2) CRR This row shall not present any figure if, for the reference period, the institution has reported losses, because the losses shall be completely deducted from CET1. If the institution reports profits, the part, which is not eligible according to Article 26(2) CRR (i.e. profits not audited and foreseeable charges or dividends), shall be reported. Note that, in case of profits, the amount to be deduced shall be, at least, the interim dividends. |
180 | Accumulated other comprehensive income Point (100) of Article 4(1) and point (d) of Article 26(1) CRR The amount to be reported shall be net of any tax charge foreseeable at the moment of the calculation, and prior to the application of prudential filters. The amount to be reported shall be determined in accordance with Article 13(4) of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 241/2014 (1). |
200 | Other reserves Point (117) of Article 4(1) and point (e) of Article 26(1) CRR Other reserves are defined in CRR as ‘Reserves within the meaning of the applicable accounting framework that are required to be disclosed under that applicable accounting standard, excluding any amounts already included in accumulated other comprehensive income or retained earnings’. The amount to be reported shall be net of any tax charge foreseeable at the moment of the calculation. |
210 | Funds for general banking risk Point (112) of Article 4(1) and point (f) of Article 26(1) CRR Funds for general banking risk are defined in Article 38 BAD as ‘Amounts which a credit institution decides to put aside to cover such risks where that is required by the particular risks associated with banking’. The amount to be reported shall be net of any tax charge foreseeable at the moment of the calculation. |
220 | Transitional adjustments due to grandfathered CET1 Capital instruments Paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of Article 483 and Articles 484 to 487 CRR Amount of capital instruments transitionally grandfathered as CET1. The amount to be reported is directly obtained from CA5. |
230 | Minority interest given recognition in CET1 capital Point (120) of Article 4(1) and Article 84 CRR Sum of all the amounts of minority interests of subsidiaries that is included in consolidated CET1. |
240 | Transitional adjustments due to additional minority interests Articles 479 and 480 CRR Adjustments to the minority interests due to transitional provisions. This item is obtained directly from CA5. |
250 | Adjustments to CET1 due to prudential filters Articles 32 to 35 CRR |
260 | (-) Increases in equity resulting from securitised assets Article 32(1) CRR The amount to be reported is the increase in the equity of the institution resulting from securitised assets, in accordance with the applicable accounting standard. For example, this item includes the future margin income that results in a gain on sale for the institution, or, for originators, the net gains that arise from the capitalisation of future income from the securitised assets that provide credit enhancement to positions in the securitisation. |
270 | Cash flow hedge reserve Point (a) of Article 33(1) CRR The amount to be reported can be positive or negative. It shall be positive if cash flow hedges result in a loss (i.e. if it reduces accounting equity) and vice versa. Thus, the sign shall be contrary to the one used in accounting statements. The amount shall be net of any tax charge to be expected at the moment of the calculation. |
280 | Cumulative gains and losses due to changes in own credit risk on fair valued liabilities Point (b) of Article 33(1) CRR The amount to be reported can be positive or negative. It shall be positive if there is a loss due to changes in own credit risk (i.e. if it reduces accounting equity) and vice versa. Thus, the sign shall be contrary to the one used in accounting statements. Unaudited profit shall not be included in this item. |
285 | Fair value gains and losses arising from the institution’s own credit risk related to derivative liabilities Point (c) of Article 33(1) and Article 33(2) CRR The amount to be reported can be positive or negative. It shall be positive if there is a loss due to changes in own credit risk and vice versa. Thus, the sign shall be contrary to the one used in accounting statements. Unaudited profit shall not be included in this item. |
290 | (-) Value adjustments due to the requirements for prudent valuation Articles 34 and 105 CRR Adjustments to the fair value of exposures included in the trading book or non-trading book due to stricter standards for prudent valuation set in Article 105 CRR |
300 | (-) Goodwill Point (113) of Article 4(1), point (b) of Article 36(1) and Article 37 CRR |
310 | (-) Goodwill accounted for as intangible asset Point (113) of Article 4(1) and point (b) of Article 36(1) CRR Goodwill has the same meaning as under the applicable accounting standard. The amount to be reported here shall be the same as the amount that is reported in the balance sheet. |
320 | (-) Goodwill included in the valuation of significant investments Point (b) of Article 37 and Article 43 CRR |
330 | Deferred tax liabilities associated to goodwill Point (a) of Article 37 CRR Amount of deferred tax liabilities that would be extinguished if the goodwill became impaired or was derecognised under the relevant accounting standard. |
340 | (-) Other intangible assets Point (115) of Article 4(1), point (b) of Article 36(1) and point (a) of Article 37 CRR Other intangible assets are the intangibles assets under the applicable accounting standard, minus the goodwill, also according to the applicable accounting standard. |
350 | (-) Other intangible assets before deduction of deferred tax liabilities Point (115) of Article 4(1) and point (b) of Article 36(1) CRR Other intangible assets are the intangibles assets under the applicable accounting standard, minus the goodwill, also according to the applicable accounting standard. The amount to be reported here shall correspond to the amount reported in the balance sheet of intangible assets, other than goodwill. |
360 | Deferred tax liabilities associated to other intangible assets Point (a) of Article 37 CRR Amount of deferred tax liabilities that would be extinguished if the intangibles assets, other than goodwill, became impaired or was derecognised under the relevant accounting standard. |
370 | (-) Deferred tax assets that rely on future profitability and do not arise from temporary differences net of associated tax liabilities Point (c) of Article 36(1) and Article 38 CRR |
380 | (-) IRB shortfall of credit risk adjustments to expected losses Point (d) of Article 36(1), Articles 40, 158 and 159 CRR The amount to be reported shall not be reduced by a rise in the level of deferred tax assets that rely on future profitability, or other additional tax effect, that could occur if provisions were to rise to the level of expected losses" (Article 40 CRR). |
390 | (-) Defined benefit pension fund assets Point (109) of Article 4(1), point (e) of Article 36(1) and Article 41 CRR |
400 | (-) Defined benefit pension fund assets Point (109) of Article 4(1) and point (e) of Article 36(1) CRR Defined benefit pension fund assets are defined as ‘the assets of a defined pension fund or plan, as applicable, calculated after they have been reduced by the amount of obligations under the same fund or plan’. The amount to be reported here shall correspond to the amount reported in the balance sheet (if reported separately). |
410 | Deferred tax liabilities associated to defined benefit pension fund assets Points (108) and (109) of Article 4(1) and point (a) of Article 41(1) CRR Amount of deferred tax liabilities that would be extinguished if the defined benefit pension fund assets became impaired or were derecognised under the relevant accounting standard. |
420 | Defined benefit pension fund assets which the institution has an unrestricted ability to use Point (109) of Article 4(1) and point (b) of Article 41(1) CRR This item shall only present any amount if there is a prior consent of the competent authority to reduce the amount of defined benefit pension fund assets to be deducted. The assets included in this row shall receive a risk weight for credit risk requirements. |
430 | (-) Reciprocal cross holdings in CET1 Capital Point (122) of Article 4(1), point (g) of Article 36(1) and Article 44 CRR Holdings in CET1 instruments of financial sector entities (as defined in point (27) of Article 4(1) CRR) where there is a reciprocal cross holding that the competent authority considers to have been designed to inflate artificially the own funds of the institution. The amount to be reported shall be calculated on the basis of the gross long positions, and shall include Tier 1 own-fund insurance items. |
440 | (-) Excess of deduction from AT1 items over AT1 Capital Point (j) of Article 36(1) CRR The amount to be reported is directly taken from CA1 item ‘Excess of deduction from AT1 items over AT1 Capital’. The amount has to be deducted from CET1. |
450 | (-) Qualifying holdings outside the financial sector which can alternatively be subject to a 1 250 % risk weight Point (36) of Article 4(1), point (k)(i) of Article 36(1) and Articles 89 to 91 CRR Qualifying holdings are defined as ‘direct or indirect holding in an undertaking which represents 10 % or more of the capital or of the voting rights or which makes it possible to exercise a significant influence over the management of that undertaking’. According to point (k)(i) of Article 36(1) CRR qualifying holdings can, alternatively, be deducted from CET1 (using this item), or be subject to a risk weight of 1 250 %. |
460 | (-) Securitisation positions which can alternatively be subject to a 1250 % risk weight Point (b) of Articles 244(1), point (b) of Article 245(1) and Article 253(1) CRR. Securitisation positions, which are subject to a 1 250 % risk weight, but alternatively are allowed to be deducted from CET1 (point (k)(ii) of Article 36(1) CRR), shall be reported in this item. |
470 | (-) Free deliveries which can alternatively be subject to a 1,250 % risk weight Point (k)(iii) of Article 36(1) and Article 379(3) CRR Free deliveries are subject to a 1 250 % risk weight after 5 days post second contractual payment or delivery leg until the extinction of the transaction, according to the own funds requirements for settlement risk. Alternatively, they are allowed to be deducted from CET1 (point (k)(iii) of Article 36(1) CRR). In the latter case, they shall be reported in this item. |
471 | (-) Positions in a basket for which an institution cannot determine the risk weight under the IRB Approach, and can alternatively be subject to a 1 250 % risk weight Point (k)(iv) of Articles 36(1) and Article 153(8) CRR According to point (k)(iv) of Article 36(1) CRR, positions in a basket for which an institution cannot determine the risk weight under the IRB Approach can, alternatively, be deducted from CET1 (using this item), or subject to a risk weight of 1 250 %. |
472 | (-) Equity exposures under an internal models approach which can alternatively be subject to a 1 250 % risk weight Point (k)(v) of Article 36(1) and Article 155(4) CRR According to point (k)(v) of Article 36(1) CRR, equity exposures under an internal models approach can, alternatively, be deducted from CET1 (using this item), or be subject to a risk weight of 1 250 %. |
480 | (-) CET1 instruments of financial sector entities where the institution does not have a significant investment Point (27) of Article 4(1), point (h) of Article 36(1), Articles 43 to 46, paragraphs 2 and 3 of Article 49 and Article 79 CRR Part of holdings by the institution of instruments of financial sector entities (as defined in point (27) of Article 4(1) CRR) where the institution does not have a significant investment that has to be deducted from CET1. See alternatives to deduction when consolidation is applied (paragraphs 2 and 3 of Article 49). |
490 | (-) Deductible deferred tax assets that rely on future profitability and arise from temporary differences Point (c) of Article 36(1); Article 38 and point (a) of Article 48(1) CRR Part of deferred tax assets that rely in future profitability and arise from temporary differences (net of the part of associated deferred tax liabilities allocated to deferred tax assets that arise from temporary differences), which according to point (b) of Article 38(5) CRR has to be deducted applying the 10 % threshold referred to in point (a) of Article 48(1) CRR. |
500 | (-) CET1 instruments of financial sector entities where the institution has a significant investment Point (27) of Article 4(1), point (i) of Article 36(1); Articles 43, 45, 47, point (b) of Article 48(2), paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of Article 49 and Article 79 CRR Part of holdings by the institution of CET1 instruments of financial sector entities (as defined in point (27) of Article 4(1) CRR) where the institution has a significant investment that has to be deducted, applying the 10 % threshold referred to in point (b) of Article 48(1) CRR. See alternatives to deduction when consolidation is applied (paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of Article 49 CRR). |
510 | (-) Amount exceeding the 17,65 % threshold Article 48(2) CRR Part of deferred tax assets that rely in future profitability and arise from temporary differences, and direct, indirect and synthetic holdings by the institution of the CET1 instruments of financial sector entities (as defined in point (27) of Article 4(1) CRR) where the institution has a significant investment that has to be deducted, applying the 17,65 % threshold in Article 48(2) CRR. |
520 | Other transitional adjustments to CET1 Capital Articles 469 to 472, 478 and 481 CRR Adjustments to deductions due to transitional provisions. The amount to be reported is directly obtained from CA5. |
524 | (-) Additional deductions of CET1 Capital due to Article 3 CRR Article 3 CRR |
529 | CET1 capital elements or deductions – other This row is intended to provide flexibility solely for reporting purposes. It shall only be populated in the rare cases that there is no final decision on the reporting of specific capital items/deductions in the current CA1 template. As a consequence, this row shall only be populated if a CET1 capital element or a deduction from a CET1 element cannot be assigned to one of the rows 020 to 524. This row shall not be used to assign capital items/deductions which are not covered by CRR into the calculation of solvency ratios (e.g. an assignment of national capital items/deductions which are outside the scope of the CRR). |
530 |
540 | Capital instruments eligible as AT1 Capital Point (a) of Article 51, Articles 52, 53 and 54, point (a) of Article 56 and Article 57 CRR |
550 | Paid up capital instruments Point (a) of Article 51 and Articles 52, 53 and 54 CRR The amount to be reported shall not include the share premium related to the instruments |
560 |* Memorandum item: Capital instruments not eligible Points (c), (e) and (f) of Article 52(1) CRR Conditions in those points reflect different situations of the capital which are reversible, and thus the amount reported here can be eligible in subsequent periods. The amount to be reported shall not include the share premium related to the instruments |
570 | Share premium Point (b) of Article 51 CRR Share premium has the same meaning as under the applicable accounting standard. The amount to be reported in this item shall be the part related to the ‘Paid up capital instruments’. |
580 | (-) Own AT1 instruments Point (b) of Article 52(1), point (a) of Article 56 and Article 57 CRR Own AT1 instruments held by the reporting institution or group at the reporting date. Subject to exceptions in Article 57 CRR. Holdings on shares included as ‘Capital instruments not eligible’ shall not be reported in this row. The amount to be reported shall include the share premium related to the own shares. Items to do not include actual or contingent obligations to purchase own CET1 instruments. Actual or contingent obligations to purchase own AT1 instruments are reported separately in item |
590 | (-) Direct holdings of AT1 instruments Point (144) of Article 4(1), point (b) of Article 52(1), point (a) of Article 56 and Article 57 CRR Additional Tier 1 instruments included in item held by institutions of the consolidated group. |
620 | (-) Indirect holdings of AT1 instruments Point (b)(ii) of Article 52(1), point (a) of Article 56 and Article 57 CRR |
621 | (-) Synthetic holdings of AT1 instruments Point (126) of Article 4(1), point (b) of Article 52(1), point (a) of Article 56 and Article 57 CRR |
622 | (-) Actual or contingent obligations to purchase own AT1 instruments Point (a) of Article 56 and Article 57 CRR According to point (a) of Article 56 CRR, ‘own Additional Tier 1 instruments that an institution could be obliged to purchase as a result of existing contractual obligations’ shall be deducted. |
660 | Transitional adjustments due to grandfathered AT1 Capital instruments Paragraphs 4 and 5 of Article 483, Articles 484 to 487, Articles 489 and 491 CRR Amount of capital instruments transitionally grandfathered as AT1. The amount to be reported is directly obtained from CA5. |
670 | Instruments issued by subsidiaries that are given recognition in AT1 Capital Articles 83, 85 and 86 CRR Sum of all the amounts of qualifying T1 capital of subsidiaries that is included in consolidated AT1. Qualifying AT1 capital issued by a special purpose entity (Article 83 CRR) shall be included. |
680 | Transitional adjustments due to additional recognition in AT1 Capital of instruments issued by subsidiaries Article 480 CRR Adjustments to the qualifying T1 capital included in consolidated AT1 capital due to transitional provisions. This item is obtained directly from CA5. |
690 | (-) Reciprocal cross holdings in AT1 Capital Point (122) of Article 4(1), point (b) of Article 56 and Article 58 CRR Holdings in AT1 instruments of financial sector entities (as defined in point (27) of Article 4(1) CRR) where there is a reciprocal cross holding that the competent authority considers to have been designed to inflate artificially the own funds of the institution. The amount to be reported shall be calculated on the basis of the gross long positions, and shall include Additional Tier 1 own-fund insurance items. |
700 | (-) AT1 instruments of financial sector entities where the institution does not have a significant investment Point (27) of Article 4(1), point (c) of Article 56; Articles 59, 60 and 79 CRR Part of holdings by the institution of instruments of financial sector entities (as defined in point (27) of Article 4(1) CRR) where the institution does not have a significant investment that has to be deducted from AT1. |
710 | (-) AT1 instruments of financial sector entities where the institution has a significant investment Point (27) of Article 4(1), point (d) of Article 56, Articles 59 and 79 CRR Holdings by the institution of AT1 instruments of financial sector entities (as defined in point (27) of Article 4(1) CRR) where the institution has a significant investment are completely deducted |
720 | (-) Excess of deduction from T2 items over T2 Capital Point (e) of Article 56 CRR The amount to be reported is directly taken from CA1 item ‘Excess of deduction from T2 items over T2 Capital (deducted in AT1). |
730 | Other transitional adjustments to AT1 Capital Articles 474, 475, 478 and 481 CRR Adjustments due to transitional provisions. The amount to be reported is directly obtained from CA5. |
740 | Excess of deduction from AT1 items over AT1 Capital (deducted in CET1) Point (j) of Article 36(1) CRR Additional Tier 1 cannot be negative, but it is possible that AT1 deductions are greater than AT1 Capital plus related share premium. When this happens, AT1 has to be equal to zero, and the excess of AT1 deductions has to be deducted from CET1. With this item, it is achieved that the sum of items to is never lower than zero. Where this item shows a positive figure, item shall be the inverse of that figure. |
744 | (-) Additional deductions of AT1 Capital due to Article 3 CRR Article 3 CRR |
748 | AT1 capital elements or deductions – other This row is intended to provide flexibility solely for reporting purposes. It shall only be populated in the rare cases that there is no final decision on the reporting of specific capital items/deductions in the current CA1 template. As a consequence, this row shall only be populated if an AT1 capital element or a deduction from an AT1 element cannot be assigned to one of the rows 530 to 744. This row shall not be used to assign capital items/deductions which are not covered by CRR into the calculation of solvency ratios (e.g. an assignment of national capital items/deductions which are outside the scope CRR). |
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1.2. TIER 2 CAPITAL Article 71 CRR |
760 |
1.2.1. Capital instruments and subordinated loans eligible as T2 Capital Point (a) of Article 62, Articles 63 to 65, point (a) of Article 66 and Article 67 CRR |
770 | Paid up capital instruments and subordinated loans Point (a) of Article 62, Articles 63 and 65 CRR The amount to be reported shall not include the share premium related to the instruments |
780 |* Memorandum item: Capital instruments and subordinated loans not eligible Points (c), (e) and (f) of Article 63 and Article 64 CRR Conditions in those points reflect different situations of the capital which are reversible, and thus the amount reported here can be eligible in subsequent periods. The amount to be reported shall not include the share premium related to the instruments |
790 | Share premium Point (b) of Article 62 and Article 65 CRR Share premium has the same meaning as under the applicable accounting standard. The amount to be reported in this item shall be the part related to the ‘Paid up capital instruments’. |
800 | (-) Own T2 instruments Point (b)(i) of Article 63, point (a) of Article 66, and Article 67 CRR Own T2 instruments held by the reporting institution or group at the reporting date. Subject to exceptions in Article 67 CRR. Holdings on shares included as ‘Capital instruments not eligible’ shall not be reported in this row. The amount to be reported shall include the share premium related to the own shares. Items to do not include actual or contingent obligations to purchase own T2 instruments. Actual or contingent obligations to purchase own T2 instruments are reported separately in item |
810 | (-) Direct holdings of T2 instruments Point (b) of Article 63, point (a) of Article 66 and Article 67 CRR Tier 2 instruments included in item held by institutions of the consolidated group. |
840 | (-) Indirect holdings of T2 instruments Point (114) of Article 4(1), point (b) of Article 63, point (a) of Article 66 and Article 67 CRR |
841 | (-) Synthetic holdings of T2 instruments Point (126) of Article 4(1), point (b) of Article 63, point (a) of Article 66 and Article 67 CRR |
842 | (-) Actual or contingent obligations to purchase own T2 instruments Point (a) of Article 66 and Article 67 CRR According to point (a) of Article 66 CRR, ‘own Tier 2 instruments that an institution could be obliged to purchase as a result of existing contractual obligations’ shall be deducted. |
880 |
1.2.2. Transitional adjustments due to grandfathered T2 Capital instruments and subordinated loans Paragraphs 6 and 7 of Article 483, Articles 484, 486, 488, 490 and 491 CRR Amount of capital instruments transitionally grandfathered as T2. The amount to be reported is directly obtained from CA5. |
890 |
1.2.3. Instruments issued by subsidiaries that are given recognition in T2 Capital Articles 83, 87 and 88 CRR Sum of all the amounts of qualifying own funds of subsidiaries that is included in consolidated T2. Qualifying Tier 2 capital issued by a special purpose entity (Article 83 CRR) shall be included. |
900 |
1.2.4. Transitional adjustments due to additional recognition in T2 Capital of instruments issued by subsidiaries Article 480 CRR Adjustments to the qualifying own funds included in consolidated T2 capital due to transitional provisions. This item is obtained directly from CA5. |
910 |
1.2.5. IRB Excess of provisions over expected losses eligible Point (d) of Article 62 CRR For institutions calculating risk-weighted exposure amounts in accordance with IRB Approach, this item shall contain the positive amounts resulting from comparing the provisions and expected losses which are eligible as T2 capital. |
920 |
1.2.6. SA General credit risk adjustments Point (c) of Article 62 CRR For institutions calculating risk-weighted exposure amounts in accordance with standard approach, this item shall contain the general credit risk adjustments eligible as T2 capital. |
930 |
1.2.7. (-) Reciprocal cross holdings in T2 Capital Point (122) of Article 4(1), point (b) of Article 66 and Article 68 CRR Holdings in T2 instruments of financial sector entities (as defined in Article 4(1)(27) CRR) where there is a reciprocal cross holding that the competent authority considers to have been designed to inflate the own funds of the institution artificially. The amount to be reported shall be calculated on the basis of the gross long positions, and shall include Tier 2 and Tier 3 own-fund insurance items. |
940 |
1.2.8. (-) T2 instruments of financial sector entities where the institution does not have a significant investment Point (27) of Article 4(1), point (c) of Article 66, Articles 68 to 70 and Article 79 CRR Part of holdings by the institution of instruments of financial sector entities (as defined in point (27) of Article 4(1) CRR) where the institution does not have a significant investment that has to be deducted from T2. |
950 |
1.2.9. (-) T2 instruments of financial sector entities where the institution has a significant investment Point (27) of Article 4(1), point (d) of Article 66, Articles 68, 69 and Article 79 CRR Holdings by the institution of T2 instruments of financial sector entities (as defined in point (27) of Article 4(1) CRR) where the institution has a significant investment shall be completely deducted. |
960 |
1.2.10. Other transitional adjustments to T2 Capital Articles 476, 477, 478 and 481 CRR Adjustments due to transitional provisions. The amount to be reported shall be directly obtained from CA5. |
970 |
1.2.11. Excess of deduction from T2 items over T2 Capital (deducted in AT1) Point (e) of Article 56 CRR Tier 2 cannot be negative, but it is possible that T2 deductions are greater than T2 Capital plus related share premium. When this happens, T2 shall be equal to zero, and the excess of T2 deductions shall be deducted from AT1. With this item, the sum of items 1.2.1 to 1.2.13 is never lower than zero. Where this item shows a positive figure, item shall be the inverse of that figure. |
974 |
1.2.12. (-) Additional deductions of T2 Capital due to Article 3 CRR Article 3 CRR |
978 |
1.2.13. T2 capital elements or deductions – other This row provides flexibility solely for reporting purposes. It shall only be populated in the rare cases that there is no final decision on the reporting of specific capital items/deductions in the current CA1 template. As a consequence, this row shall only be populated if a T2 capital element or a deduction from a T2 element cannot be assigned to one of the rows 750 to 974. This row shall not be used to assign capital items/deductions which are not covered by CRR into the calculation of solvency ratios (e.g. an assignment of national capital items/deductions which are outside the scope CRR). |
(1) Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 241/2014 of 7 January 2014 supplementing Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to regulatory technical standards for Own Funds requirements for institutions (OJ L 74, 14.3.2014, p. 8). |
1.3.1. Instructions concerning specific positions
Row |
Legal references and instructions |
010 |
1. TOTAL RISK EXPOSURE AMOUNT Article 92(3) and Articles 95, 96 and 98 CRR |
020 |
1* Of which: Investment firms under Article 95 paragraph 2 and Article 98 CRR For investment firms under Article 95(2) and Article 98 CRR |
030 |
1** Of which: Investment firms under Article 96 paragraph 2 and Article 97 CRR For investment firms under Article 96(2) and Article 97 CRR |
040 |
050 |
1.1.1. Standardised Approach (SA) CR SA and SEC SA templates at the level of total exposures |
051 |
1.1.1* Of which: Additional stricter prudential requirements based on Article 124 CRR Institutions shall report the additional risk exposure amounts needed to comply with the stricter prudential requirements as communicated to the institutions after having been consulted with EBA, in accordance with paragraphs 2 and 5 of Article 124CRR. |
060 | SA exposure classes excluding securitisations positions CR SA template at the level of total exposures. The SA exposure classes are those mentioned in Article 112 CRR, excluding securitisation positions. |
070 | Central governments or central banks See CR SA template |
080 | Regional governments or local authorities See CR SA template |
090 | Public sector entities See CR SA template |
100 | Multilateral Development Banks See CR SA template |
110 | International Organisations See CR SA template |
120 | Institutions See CR SA template |
130 | Corporates See CR SA template |
140 | Retail See CR SA template |
150 | Secured by mortgages on immovable property See CR SA template |
160 | Exposures in default See CR SA template |
170 | Items associated with particular high risk See CR SA template |
180 | Covered bonds See CR SA template |
190 | Claims on institutions and corporate with a short-term credit assessment See CR SA template |
200 | Collective investments undertakings (CIU) See CR SA template |
210 | Equity See CR SA template |
211 | Other items See CR SA template |
240 |
1.1.2. Internal ratings based Approach (IRB) |
241 |
1.1.2* Of which: Additional stricter prudential requirements based on Article 164 CRR Institutions shall report the additional risk exposure amounts needed to comply with the stricter prudential requirements as communicated to the institutions after having been notified to EBA, in accordance with paragraphs 5 and 7 of Article 164 CRR. |
242 |
1.1.2** Of which: Additional stricter prudential requirements based on Article 124 CRR Institutions shall report the additional risk exposure amounts needed to comply with the stricter prudential requirements set by the competent authorities after having consulted EBA, as laid down in paragraphs 2 and 5 of Article 124 CRR and which are related to limits on the eligible market value of the collateral as laid down in point (d) of Article 125(2) and point (d) of Article 126(2) CRR. |
250 | IRB Approaches when neither own estimates of LGD nor Conversion Factors are used CR IRB template at the level of total exposures (when own estimates of LGD or CCF are not used) |
260 | Central governments and central banks See CR IRB template |
270 | Institutions See CR IRB template |
280 | Corporates – SME See CR IRB template |
290 | Corporates – Specialised Lending See CR IRB template |
300 | Corporates – Other See CR IRB template |
310 | IRB Approaches when own estimates of LGD and/or Conversion Factor are used CR IRB template at the level of total exposures (when own estimates of LGD and/or CCF are used) |
320 | Central governments and central banks See CR IRB template |
330 | Institutions See CR IRB template |
340 | Corporates – SME See CR IRB template |
350 | Corporates – Specialised Lending See CR IRB template |
360 | Corporates – Other See CR IRB template |
370 | Retail – secure by real estate SME See CR IRB template |
380 | Retail – secure by real estate non-SME See CR IRB template |
390 | Retail – Qualifying revolving See CR IRB template |
400 | Retail – Other SME See CR IRB template |
410 | Retail – Other non-SME See CR IRB template |
420 | Equity IRB See CR EQU IRB template |
450 | Other non credit-obligation assets The amount to be reported is the risk weighted exposure amount as calculated in accordance with Article 156 CRR. |
460 |
1.1.3. Risk exposure amount for contributions to the default fund of a CCP Articles 307, 308 and 309 CRR |
470 |
1.1.4. Securitisation positions See CR SEC template |
490 |
1.2. TOTAL RISK EXPOSURE AMOUNT FOR SETTLEMENT/DELIVERY Point (c)(ii) of Article 92(3) and point (b) of Article 92(4) CRR |
500 |
1.2.1. Settlement/delivery risk in the non-Trading book See CR SETT template |
510 |
1.2.2. Settlement/delivery risk in the Trading book See CR SETT template |
520 |
1.3. TOTAL RISK EXPOSURE AMOUNT FOR POSITION, FOREIGN EXCHANGE AND COMMODITIES RISKS Points (b)(i), (c)(i) and (c)(iii) of Article 92(3) and point (b) of Article 92(4) CRR |
530 |
1.3.1. Risk exposure amount for position, foreign exchange and commodities risks under Standardised Approaches (SA) |
540 | Traded debt instruments MKR SA TDI template at the level of total currencies. |
550 | Equity MKR SA EQU template at the level of total national markets. |
555 | Particular approach for position risk in CIUs Article 348(1), point (c) of Article 350(3) and point (a) of Article 364(2) CRR Total risk exposure amount for positions in CIUs if capital requirements are calculated in accordance with Article 348(1) CRR either immediately or as a consequence of the cap laid down in point (c) of Article 350(3) CRR. CRR does not explicitly assign those positions to either the interest rate risk or the equity risk. Where the particular approach laid down in the first sentence of Article 348(1) CRR is applied, the amount to be reported shall be 32 % of the net position of the CIU exposure in question, multiplied by 12,5 . Where the particular approach laid down in the second sentence of Article 348(1) CRR is applied, the amount to be reported shall be the lower of 32 % of the net position of the relevant CIU exposure and the difference between 40 % of this net position and the own funds requirements that arise from the foreign exchange risk associated with this CIU exposure, multiplied by 12,5 respectively. |
556 |* Memo item: CIUs exclusively invested in traded debt instruments Total risk exposure amount for positions in CIUs if the CIU is invested exclusively in instruments subject to interest rate risk. |
557 |** CIUs invested exclusively in equity instruments or in mixed instruments Total risk exposure amount for positions in CIUs if the CIU is invested either exclusively in instruments subject to equity risk or in mixed instruments or if the constituents of the CIU are unknown. |
560 | Foreign Exchange See MKR SA FX template |
570 | Commodities See MKR SA COM template |
580 |
1.3.2. Risk exposure amount for positions, foreign exchange and commodity risks under internal models (IM) See MKR IM template |
590 |
1.4. TOTAL RISK EXPOSURE AMOUNT FOR OPERATIONAL RISK (OpR) Point (e) of Article 92(3) and point (b) of Article 92(4) CRR For investment firms under Articles 95(2) and 96(2) and Article 98 CRR, this element shall be zero. |
600 |
1.4.1. OpR Basic Indicator approach (BIA) See OPR template |
610 |
1.4.2. OpR Standardised (TSA)/Alternative Standardised (ASA) approaches See OPR template |
620 |
1.4.3. OpR Advanced measurement approaches (AMA) See OPR template |
630 |
1.5. ADDITIONAL RISK EXPOSURE AMOUNT DUE TO FIXED OVERHEADS Articles 95(2) and 96(2), Article 97 and point (a) of Article 98(1) CRR Only for investment firms under Article 95(2), Article 96(2) and Article 98 CRR. See also Article 97 CRR. Investment firms under Article 96 CRR shall report the amount referred to in Article 97 multiplied by 12.5. Investment firms under Article 95 CRR shall report as follows: — Where the amount referred to in point (a) of Article 95(2) CRR is greater than the amount referred to in point (b) of Article 95(2) CRR, the amount to be reported is zero. — Where the amount referred to in point (b) of Article 95(2) CRR is greater than the amount referred to in point (a) of Article 95(2) CRR, the amount to be reported is the result of subtracting the latter amount from the former. |
640 |
650 |
1.6.1. Advanced method Own funds requirements for credit valuation adjustment risk in accordance with Article 383 CRR. See CVA template. |
660 |
1.6.2. Standardised method Own funds requirements for credit valuation adjustment risk in accordance with Article 384 CRR. See CVA template. |
670 |
1.6.3. Based on OEM Own funds requirements for credit valuation adjustment risk in accordance with Article 385 CRR. See CVA template. |
680 |
1.7. TOTAL RISK EXPOSURE AMOUNT RELATED TO LARGE EXPOSURES IN THE TRADING BOOK Point (b)(ii) of Article 92(3) and Articles 395 to 401 CRR |
690 |
1.8. OTHER RISK EXPOSURE AMOUNTS Articles 3, 458 and 459 CRR and risk exposure amounts which cannot be assigned to one of the items from 1.1 to 1.7. Institutions shall report the amounts needed to comply with the following: Stricter prudential requirements imposed by the Commission, in accordance with Articles 458 and 459 CRR. Additional risk exposure amounts due to Article 3 CRR. This item does not have a link to a details template. |
710 |
1.8.2. Of which: Additional stricter prudential requirements based on Article 458 CRR Article 458 CRR |
720 |
1.8.2* Of which: requirements for large exposures Article 458 CRR |
730 |
1.8.2** Of which: due to modified risk weights for targeting asset bubbles in the residential and commercial property Article 458 CRR |
740 |
1.8.2*** Of which: due to intra financial sector exposures Article 458 CRR |
750 |
1.8.3. Of which: Additional stricter prudential requirements based on Article 459 CRR Article 459 CRR |
760 |
1.8.4. Of which: Additional risk exposure amount due to Article 3 CRR Article 3 CRR The additional risk exposure amount has to be reported. It shall only include the additional amounts (e.g. if an exposure of 100 has a risk-weight of 20 % and the institutions applies a risk weight of 50 % based on Article 3 CRR, the amount to be reported is 30). |
1.4.1. Instructions concerning specific positions
Rows |
010 |
1. CET1 Capital ratio Point (a) of Article 92(2) CRR The CET1 capital ratio is the CET1 capital of the institution expressed as a percentage of the total risk exposure amount. |
020 |
2. Surplus(+)/Deficit(-) of CET1 capital This item shows, in absolute figures, the amount of CET1 capital surplus or deficit relating to the requirement set in point (a) of Article 92(1) CRR (4,5 %), i.e. without taking into account the capital buffers and transitional provisions on the ratio. |
030 |
3. T1 Capital ratio Point (b) of Article 92(2) CRR The T1 capital ratio is the T1 capital of the institution expressed as a percentage of the total risk exposure amount. |
040 |
4. Surplus(+)/Deficit(-) of T1 capital This item shows, in absolute figures, the amount of T1 capital surplus or deficit relating to the requirement set in point (b) of Article 92(1) CRR (6 %), i.e. without taking into account the capital buffers and transitional provisions on the ratio. |
050 |
5. Total capital ratio Point (c) of Article 92(2) CRR The total capital ratio is the own funds of the institution expressed as a percentage of the total risk exposure amount. |
060 |
6. Surplus(+)/Deficit(-) of total capital This item shows, in absolute figures, the amount of own funds surplus or deficit relating to the requirement set in point (c) of Article 92(1) CRR (8 %), i.e. without taking into account the capital buffers and transitional provisions on the ratio. |
130 |
13. Total SREP capital requirement (TSCR) ratio The sum of (i) and (ii) as follows: (i) the total capital ratio (8 %) as specified in point (c) of Article 92(1) CRR; (ii) the additional own funds requirements (Pillar 2 Requirements – P2R) ratio determined in accordance with the criteria specified in the EBA Guidelines on common procedures and methodologies for the supervisory review and evaluation process and supervisory stress testing (EBA SREP GL). This item shall reflect the total SREP capital requirement (TSCR) ratio as communicated to the institution by the competent authority. The TSCR is defined in Section 1.2 of the EBA SREP GL. Where no additional own funds requirements were communicated by the competent authority, only point (i) shall be reported. |
140 |
13* TSCR: to be made up of CET1 capital The sum of (i) and (ii) as follows: (i) the CET1 capital ratio (4,5 %) as per point (a) of Article 92(1) CRR; (ii) the part of the P2R ratio, referred to in point (ii) of row 130, which is required by the competent authority to be held in the form of CET1 capital. Where no additional own funds requirements, to be held in the form of CET1 capital, were communicated by the competent authority, only point (i) shall be reported. |
150 |
13** TSCR: to be made up of Tier 1 capital The sum of (i) and (ii) as follows: (i) the Tier 1 capital ratio (6 %) as per point (b) of Article 92(1) CRR; (ii) the part of P2R ratio, referred to in point (ii) of row 130, which is required by the competent authority to be held in the form of Tier 1 capital. Where no additional own funds requirements, to be held in the form of Tier 1 capital, were communicated by the competent authority, then only point (i) shall be reported. |
160 |
14. Overall capital requirement (OCR) ratio The sum of (i) and (ii) as follows: (i) the TSCR ratio referred to in row 130; (ii) to the extent it is legally applicable, the combined buffer requirement ratio referred to in point (6) of Article 128 CRD. This item shall reflect the Overall capital requirement (OCR) ratio as defined in Section 1.2 of the EBA SREP GL. Where no buffer requirement is applicable, only point (i) shall be reported. |
170 |
14* OCR: to be made up of CET1 capital The sum of (i) and (ii) as follows: (i) the TSCR ratio to be made up of CET1 capital referred to in row 140; (ii) to the extent it is legally applicable, the combined buffer requirement ratio referred to in point (6) of Article 128 CRD. Where no buffer requirement is applicable, only point (i) shall be reported. |
180 |
14** OCR: to be made up of Tier 1 capital The sum of (i) and (ii) as follows: (i) the TSCR ratio to be made up of Tier 1 capital referred to in row 150; (ii) to the extent it is legally applicable, the combined buffer requirement ratio referred to in point (6) of Article 128 CRD. Where no buffer requirement is applicable, only point (i) shall be reported. |
190 |
15. Overall capital requirement (OCR) and Pillar 2 Guidance (P2G) ratio The sum of (i) and (ii) as follows: (i) the OCR ratio referred to in row 160; (ii) where applicable, the Pillar 2 Guidance (P2G) as defined in the EBA SREP GL. P2G shall be included only if communicated to the institution by the competent authority. Where no P2G is communicated by the competent authority, only point (i) shall be reported. |
200 |
15* OCR and P2G: to be made up of CET1 capital The sum of (i) and (ii) as follows: (i) the OCR ratio to be made up of CET1 capital referred to in row 170; (ii) where applicable, the part of P2G, referred to in point (ii) in row 190, which is required by the competent authority to be held in the form of CET1 capital. P2G shall be included only if communicated to the institution by the competent authority. Where no P2G is communicated by the competent authority, only point (i) shall be reported. |
210 |
15** OCR and P2G: to be made up of Tier 1 capital The sum of (i) and (ii) as follows: (i) the OCR ratio to be made up of Tier 1 capital referred to in row 180; (ii) where applicable, the part of P2G, referred to in point (ii) in row 190, which is required by the competent authority to be held in the form of Tier 1 capital. P2G shall be included only if communicated to the institution by the competent authority. Where no P2G is communicated by the competent authority, only point (i) shall be reported. |
1.5. C 04.00 – MEMORANDUM ITEMS (CA4)
1.5.1. Instructions concerning specific positions
Rows |
010 |
1. Total deferred tax assets The amount reported in this item shall be equal to the amount reported in the most recent verified/audited accounting balance sheet. |
020 |
1.1. Deferred tax assets that do not rely on future profitability Article 39(2) CRR Deferred tax assets that do not rely on future profitability, and thus are subject to the application of a risk weight. |
030 |
1.2. Deferred tax assets that rely on future profitability and do not arise from temporary differences Point (c) of Article 36(1) and Article 38 CRR Deferred tax assets that rely on future profitability, but do not arise from temporary differences, and thus are not subject to any threshold (i.e. are completely deducted from CET1). |
040 |
1.3. Deferred tax assets that rely on future profitability and arise from temporary differences Point (c) of Article 36(1); Article 38 and point (a) of Article 48(1) CRR Deferred tax assets that rely on future profitability and arise from temporary differences, and thus, their deduction from CET1 is subject to 10 % and 17,65 % thresholds in Article 48 CRR. |
050 |
2. Total deferred tax liabilities The amount reported in this item shall be equal to the amount reported in the latest verified/audited accounting balance sheet. |
060 |
2.1. Deferred tax liabilities non deductible from deferred tax assets that rely on future profitability Paragraphs 3 and 4 of Article 38 CRR Deferred tax liabilities for which conditions in paragraphs 3 and 4 of Article 38 CRR are not met. Hence, this item shall include the deferred tax liabilities that reduce the amount of goodwill, other intangible assets or defined benefit pension fund assets required to be deducted, which are reported, respectively, in CA1 items, and |
070 |
2.2. Deferred tax liabilities deductible from deferred tax assets that rely on future profitability Article 38 CRR |
080 |
2.2.1. Deductible deferred tax liabilities associated with deferred tax assets that rely on future profitability and do not arise from temporary differences Paragraphs 3, 4 and 5 of Article 38 CRR Deferred tax liabilities which may reduce the amount of deferred tax assets that rely on future profitability, in accordance with paragraphs 3 and 4 of Article 38 CRR, and are not allocated to deferred tax assets that rely on future profitability and arise from temporary differences, as laid down in Article 38(5) CRR |
090 |
2.2.2. Deductible deferred tax liabilities associated with deferred tax assets that rely on future profitability and arise from temporary differences Paragraphs 3, 4 and 5 of Article 38 CRR Deferred tax liabilities which may reduce the amount of deferred tax assets that rely on future profitability, in accordance with paragraphs 3 and 4 of Article 38 CRR, and are allocated to deferred tax assets that rely on future profitability and arise from temporary differences, as laid down in Article 38(5) CRR |
093 |
2A Tax overpayments and tax loss carry backs Article 39(1) CRR The amount of tax overpayments and tax loss carry backs which is not deducted from own funds in accordance with Article 39(1) CRR; the amount reported shall be the amount before the application of risk weights. |
096 |
2B Deferred Tax Assets subject to a risk weight of 250 % Article 48(4) CRR The amount of deferred tax assets that are dependent on future profitability and arise from temporary differences that are not deducted pursuant to Article 48(1) CRR, but subject to a risk weight of 250 % in accordance with Article 48(4) CRR, taking into account the effect of Article 470 CRR. The amount reported shall be the amount of DTAs before the application of the risk weight. |
097 |
2C Deferred Tax Assets subject to a risk weight of 0 % Point (d) of Article 469(1), Article 470, Article 472(5) and Article 478 CRR The amount of deferred tax assets that are dependent on future profitability and arise from temporary differences that are not deducted pursuant to point (d) of Article 469(1) and Article 470 CRR, but subject to a risk weight of 0 % in accordance with Article 472(5) CRR. The amount reported shall be the amount of DTAs before the application of the risk weight. |
100 |
3. IRB excess (+) or shortfall (-) of credit risk adjustments, additional value adjustments and other own funds reductions to expected losses for non defaulted exposures Point (d) of Article 36(1), point (d) of Article 62, Articles 158 and 159 CRR This item shall only be reported by IRB institutions. |
110 |
3.1. Total credit risk adjustments, additional value adjustments and other own funds reductions eligible for inclusion in the calculation of the expected loss amount Article 159 CRR This item shall only be reported by IRB institutions. |
120 |
3.1.1. General credit risk adjustments Article 159 CRR This item shall only be reported by IRB institutions. |
130 |
3.1.2. Specific credit risk adjustments Article 159 CRR This item shall only be reported by IRB institutions. |
131 |
3.1.3. Additional value adjustments and other own funds reductions Articles 34, 110 and 159 CRR This item shall only be reported by IRB institutions. |
140 |
3.2. Total expected losses eligible Paragraphs 5, 6 and 10 of Article 158 and Article 159 CRR This item shall only be reported by IRB institutions. Only the expected loss related to non-defaulted exposures shall be reported. |
145 |
4. IRB excess (+) or shortfall (-) of specific credit risk adjustments to expected losses for defaulted exposures Point (d) of Article 36(1), point (d) of Article 62, Articles 158 and 159 CRR This item shall only be reported by IRB institutions. |
150 |
4.1. Specific credit risk adjustments and positions treated similarily Article 159 CRR This item shall only be reported by IRB institutions. |
155 |
4.2. Total expected losses eligible Paragraphs 5, 6 and 10 of Article 158, and Article 159 CRR This item shall only be reported by IRB institutions. Only the expected loss related to defaulted exposures shall be reported. |
160 |
5. Risk weighted exposure amounts for calculating the cap to the excess of provision eligible as T2 Point (d) of Article 62 CRR For IRB institutions, the excess amount of provisions (to expected losses) eligible for inclusion in Tier 2 capital is capped at 0,6 % of risk-weighted exposure amounts calculated with the IRB Approach, in accordance with point (d) of Article 62 CRR. The amount to be reported in this item is the risk weighted exposure amounts (i.e. not multiplied by 0,6 %) which is the base for calculating the cap. |
170 |
6. Total gross provisions eligible for inclusion in T2 capital Point (c) of Article 62 CRR This item includes the general credit risk adjustments that are eligible for inclusion in T2 capital, before cap. The amount to be reported shall be gross of tax effects. |
180 |
7. Risk weighted exposure amounts for calculating the cap to the provision eligible as T2 Point (c) of Article 62 CRR According to point (c) of Article 62 CRR, the credit risk adjustments eligible for inclusion in Tier 2 capital is capped at 1,25 % of risk-weighted exposure amounts. The amount to be reported in this item is the risk weighted exposure amounts (i.e. not multiplied by 1,25 %) which is the base for calculating the cap. |
190 |
8. Threshold non deductible of holdings in financial sector entities where an institution does not have a significant investment Point (a) of Article 46(1) CRR This item contains the threshold up to which holdings in a financial sector entity where an institution does not have a significant investment are not deducted. The amount results from adding up all items which are the base of the threshold and multiplying the sum thus obtained by 10 %. |
200 |
9. 10 % CET1 threshold Points (a) and (b) of Article 48(1) CRR This item contains the 10 % threshold for holdings in financial sector entities where an institution has a significant investment, and for deferred tax assets that are dependent on future profitability and arise from temporary differences. The amount results from adding up all items which are the base of the threshold and multiplying the sum thus obtained by 10 %. |
210 |
10. 17,65 % CET1 threshold Article 48(1) CRR This item contains the 17,65 % threshold for holdings in financial sector entities where an institution has a significant investment, and for deferred tax assets that are dependent on future profitability and arise from temporary differences, to be applied after the 10 % threshold. The threshold is to be calculated in such a way that the amount of the two items that is recognised does not exceed 15 % of the final Common Equity Tier 1 capital, i.e. the CET1 capital calculated after all deductions, not including any adjustment due to transitional provisions. |
225 |
11.1. Eligible capital for the purposes of qualifying holdings outside the financial sector Point (a) of point (71) of Article 4(1) CRR |
226 |
11.2. Eligible capital for the purposes of large exposures Point (b) of point (71) of Article 4(1) CRR |
230 |
12. Holdings of CET1 capital of financial sector entities where the institution does not have a significant investment, net of short positions Articles 44, 45, 46 and 49 CRR |
240 |
12.1. Direct holdings of CET1 capital of financial sector entities where the institution does not have a significant investment Articles 44, 45, 46 and 49 CRR |
250 |
12.1.1. Gross direct holdings of CET1 capital of financial sector entities where the institution does not have a significant investment Articles 44, 46 and 49 CRR Direct holdings of CET1 capital of financial sector entities where the institution does not have a significant investment, excluding: a) Underwriting positions held for 5 working days or fewer; b) The amounts relating to the investments for which any alternative in Article 49 is applied; and c) Holdings which are treated as reciprocal cross holdings in accordance with point (g) of Article 36(1) CRR |
260 |
12.1.2. (-) Permitted offsetting short positions in relation to the direct gross holdings included above Article 45 CRR Article 45 CRR allows offsetting short positions in the same underlying exposure provided the maturity of the short position matches the maturity of the long position or has a residual maturity of at least one year. |
270 |
12.2. Indirect holdings of CET1 capital of financial sector entities where the institution does not have a significant investment Point (114) of Article 4(1) and Articles 44 and 45 CRR |
280 |
12.2.1. Gross indirect holdings of CET1 capital of financial sector entities where the institution does not have a significant investment Point (114) of Article 4(1) and Articles 44 and 45 CRR The amount to be reported is the indirect holdings in the trading book of the capital instruments of financial sector entities that take the form of holdings of index securities. It is obtained by calculating the underlying exposure to the capital instruments of the financial sector entities in the indices. Holdings which are treated as reciprocal cross holdings in accordance with point (g) of Article 36(1) CRR shall not be included |
290 |
12.2.2. (-) Permitted offsetting short positions in relation to the indirect gross holdings included above Point (114) of Article 4(1) and Article 45 CRR Point (a) of Article 45 CRR allows offsetting short positions in the same underlying exposure provided the maturity of the short position matches the maturity of the long position or has a residual maturity of at least one year. |
291 |
12.3.1. Synthetic holdings of CET1 capital of financial sector entities where the institution does not have a significant investment Point (126) of Article 4(1) and Articles 44 and 45 CRR |
292 |
12.3.2. Gross synthetic holdings of CET1 capital of financial sector entities where the institution does not have a significant investment Point (126) of Article 4(1) and Articles 44 and 45 CRR |
293 |
12.3.3. (-) Permitted offsetting short positions in relation to the synthetic gross holdings included above Point (126) of Article 4(1) and Article 45 CRR |
300 |
13. Holdings of AT1 capital of financial sector entities where the institution does not have a significant investment, net of short positions Articles 58, 59 and 60 CRR |
310 |
13.1. Direct holdings of AT1 capital of financial sector entities where the institution does not have a significant investment Articles 58, 59 and Article 60(2) CRR |
320 |
13.1.1. Gross direct holdings of AT1 capital of financial sector entities where the institution does not have a significant investment Article 58 and Article 60(2) CRR Direct holdings of AT1 capital of financial sector entities where the institution does not have a significant investment, excluding: a) Underwriting positions held for 5 working days or fewer; and b) Holdings which are treated as reciprocal cross holdings in accordance with point (b) of Article 56 CRR |
330 |
13.1.2. (-) Permitted offsetting short positions in relation to the direct gross holdings included above Article 59 CRR Point (a) of Article 59 CRR allows offsetting short positions in the same underlying exposure provided the maturity of the short position matches the maturity of the long position or has a residual maturity of at least one year. |
340 |
13.2. Indirect holdings of AT1 capital of financial sector entities where the institution does not have a significant investment Point (114) of Article 4(1) and Articles 58 and 59 CRR |
350 |
13.2.1. Gross indirect holdings of AT1 capital of financial sector entities where the institution does not have a significant investment Point (114) of Article 4(1) and Articles 58 and 59 CRR The amount to be reported is the indirect holdings in the trading book of the capital instruments of financial sector entities that take the form of holdings of index securities. It is obtained by calculating the underlying exposure to the capital instruments of the financial sector entities in the indices. Holdings which are treated as reciprocal cross holdings according to point (b) of Article 56 CRR shall not be included. |
360 |
13.2.2. (-) Permitted offsetting short positions in relation to the indirect gross holdings included above Point (114) of Article 4(1) and Article 59 CRR Point (a) of Article 59 CRR allows offsetting short positions in the same underlying exposure provided the maturity of the short position matches the maturity of the long position or has a residual maturity of at least one year. |
361 |
13.3. Synthetic holdings of AT1 capital of financial sector entities where the institution does not have a significant investment Point (126) of Article 4(1) and Articles 58 and 59 CRR |
362 |
13.3.1. Gross synthetic holdings of AT1 capital of financial sector entities where the institution does not have a significant investment Point (126) of Article 4(1) and Articles 58 and 59 CRR |
363 |
13.3.2. (-) Permitted offsetting short positions in relation to the synthetic gross holdings included above Point (126) of Article 4(1) and Article 59 CRR |
370 |
14. Holdings of T2 capital of financial sector entities where the institution does not have a significant investment, net of short positions Articles 68, 69 and 70 CRR |
380 |
14.1. Direct holdings of T2 capital of financial sector entities where the institution does not have a significant investment Articles 68 and 69 and Article 70(2) CRR |
390 |
14.1.1. Gross direct holdings of T2 capital of financial sector entities where the institution does not have a significant investment Article 68 and Article 70(2) CRR Direct holdings of T2 capital of financial sector entities where the institution does not have a significant investment, excluding: a) Underwriting positions held for 5 working days or fewer; and b) Holdings which are treated as reciprocal cross holdings in accordance with point (b) of Article 66 CRR |
400 |
14.1.2. (-) Permitted offsetting short positions in relation to the direct gross holdings included above Article 69 CRR Point (a) of Article 69 CRR allows offsetting short positions in the same underlying exposure provided the maturity of the short position matches the maturity of the long position or has a residual maturity of at least one year. |
410 |
14.2. Indirect holdings of T2 capital of financial sector entities where the institution does not have a significant investment Point (114) of Article 4(1) and Articles 68 and 69 CRR |
420 |
14.2.1. Gross indirect holdings of T2 capital of financial sector entities where the institution does not have a significant investment Point (114) of Article 4(1) and Articles 68 and 69 CRR The amount to be reported is the indirect holdings in the trading book of the capital instruments of financial sector entities that take the form of holdings of index securities. It is obtained by calculating the underlying exposure to the capital instruments of the financial sector entities in the indices. Holdings which are treated as reciprocal cross holdings in accordance with Article 66 point (b) CRR shall not be included |
430 |
14.2.2. (-) Permitted offsetting short positions in relation to the indirect gross holdings included above Point (114) of Article 4(1) and Article 69 CRR Point (a) of Article 69 CRR allows offsetting short positions in the same underlying exposure provided the maturity of the short position matches the maturity of the long position or has a residual maturity of at least one year. |
431 |
14.3. Synthetic holdings of T2 capital of financial sector entities where the institution does not have a significant investment Point (126) of Article 4(1) and Articles 68 and 69 CRR |
432 |
14.3.1. Gross synthetic holdings of T2 capital of financial sector entities where the institution does not have a significant investment Point (126) of Article 4(1) and Articles 68 and 69 CRR |
433 |
14.3.2. (-) Permitted offsetting short positions in relation to the synthetic gross holdings included above Point (126) of Article 4(1) and Article 69 CRR |
440 |
15. Holdings of CET1 capital of financial sector entities where the institution has a significant investment, net of short positions Articles 44, 45, 47 and 49 CRR |
450 |
15.1. Direct holdings of CET1 capital of financial sector entities where the institution has a significant investment Articles 44, 45, 47 and 49 CRR |
460 |
15.1.1. Gross direct holdings of CET1 capital of financial sector entities where the institution has a significant investment Articles 44, 45, 47 and 49 CRR Direct holdings of CET1 capital of financial sector entities where the institution has a significant investment, excluding: a) Underwriting positions held for 5 working days or fewer; b) The amounts relating to the investments for which any alternative in Article 49 is applied; and c) Holdings which are treated as reciprocal cross holdings in accordance with point (g) of Article 36(1) CRR |
470 |
15.1.2. (-) Permitted offsetting short positions in relation to the direct gross holdings included above Article 45 CRR Point (a) of Article 45 CRR allows offsetting short positions in the same underlying exposure provided the maturity of the short position matches the maturity of the long position or has a residual maturity of at least one year. |
480 |
15.2. Indirect holdings of CET1 capital of financial sector entities where the institution has a significant investment Point (114) of Article 4(1) and Articles 44 and 45 CRR |
490 |
15.2.1. Gross indirect holdings of CET1 capital of financial sector entities where the institution has a significant investment Point (114) of Article 4(1) and Articles 44 and 45 CRR The amount to be reported shall be the indirect holdings in the trading book of the capital instruments of financial sector entities that take the form of holdings of index securities. It shall be obtained by calculating the underlying exposure to the capital instruments of the financial sector entities in the indices. Holdings which are treated as reciprocal cross holdings in accordance with point (g) of Article 36(1) CRR shall not be included. |
500 |
15.2.2. (-) Permitted offsetting short positions in relation to the indirect gross holdings included above Point (114) of Article 4(1) and Article 45 CRR Point (a) of Article 45 CRR allows offsetting short positions in the same underlying exposure provided the maturity of the short position matches the maturity of the long position or has a residual maturity of at least one year. |
501 |
15.3. Synthetic holdings of CET1 capital of financial sector entities where the institution has a significant investment Point (126) of Article 4(1) and Articles 44 and 45 CRR |
502 |
15.3.1. Gross synthetic holdings of CET1 capital of financial sector entities where the institution has a significant investment Point (126) of Article 4(1) and Articles 44 and 45 CRR |
503 |
15.3.2. (-) Permitted offsetting short positions in relation to the synthetic gross holdings included above Point (126) of Article 4(1) and Article 45 CRR |
510 |
16. Holdings of AT1 capital of financial sector entities where the institution has a significant investment, net of short positions Articles 58 and 59 CRR |
520 |
16.1. Direct holdings of AT1 capital of financial sector entities where the institution has a significant investment Articles 58 and 59 CRR |
530 |
16.1.1. Gross direct holdings of AT1 capital of financial sector entities where the institution has a significant investment Article 58 CRR Direct holdings of AT1 capital of financial sector entities where the institution has a significant investment, excluding: a) Underwriting positions held for 5 working days or fewer (point (d) of Article 56 CRR); and b) Holdings which are treated as reciprocal cross holdings in accordance with point (b) of Article 56 CRR. |
540 |
16.1.2. (-) Permitted offsetting short positions in relation to the direct gross holdings included above Article 59 CRR Point (a) of Article 59 CRR allows offsetting short positions in the same underlying exposure provided the maturity of the short position matches the maturity of the long position or has a residual maturity of at least one year. |
550 |
16.2. Indirect holdings of AT1 capital of financial sector entities where the institution has a significant investment Point (114) of Article 4(1) and Articles 58 and 59 CRR |
560 |
16.2.1. Gross indirect holdings of AT1 capital of financial sector entities where the institution has a significant investment Point (114) of Article 4(1) and Articles 58 and 59 CRR The amount to be reported shall be the indirect holdings in the trading book of the capital instruments of financial sector entities that take the form of holdings of index securities. It shall be obtained by calculating the underlying exposure to the capital instruments of the financial sector entities in the indices. Holdings which are treated as reciprocal cross holdings in accordance with point (b) of Article 56 CRR shall not be included. |
570 |
16.2.2. (-) Permitted offsetting short positions in relation to the indirect gross holdings included above Point (114) of Article 4(1) and Article 59 CRR Point (a) of Article 59 CRR allows offsetting short positions in the same underlying exposure provided the maturity of the short position matches the maturity of the long position or has a residual maturity of at least one year. |
571 |
16.3. Synthetic holdings of AT1 capital of financial sector entities where the institution has a significant investment Point (126) of Article 4(1) and Articles 58 and 59 CRR |
572 |
16.3.1. Gross synthetic holdings of AT1 capital of financial sector entities where the institution has a significant investment Point (126) of Article 4(1) and Articles 58 and 59 CRR |
573 |
16.3.2. (-) Permitted offsetting short positions in relation to the synthetic gross holdings included above Point (126) of Article 4(1) and Article 59 CRR |
580 |
17. Holdings of T2 capital of financial sector entities where the institution has a significant investment, net of short positions Articles 68 and 69 CRR |
590 |
17.1. Direct holdings of T2 capital of financial sector entities where the institution has a significant investment Articles 68 and 69 CRR |
600 |
17.1.1. Gross direct holdings of T2 capital of financial sector entities where the institution has a significant investment Article 68 CRR Direct holdings of T2 capital of financial sector entities where the institution has a significant investment, excluding: a) Underwriting positions held for 5 working days or fewer (point (d) of Article 66 CRR); and b) Holdings which are treated as reciprocal cross holdings in accordance with point (b) of Article 66 CRR |
610 |
17.1.2. (-) Permitted offsetting short positions in relation to the direct gross holdings included above Article 69 CRR Point (a) of Article 69 CRR allows offsetting short positions in the same underlying exposure provided the maturity of the short position matches the maturity of the long position or has a residual maturity of at least one year. |
620 |
17.2. Indirect holdings of T2 capital of financial sector entities where the institution has a significant investment Point (114) of Article 4(1) and Articles 68 and 69 CRR |
630 |
17.2.1. Gross indirect holdings of T2 capital of financial sector entities where the institution has a significant investment Point (114) of Article 4(1) and Articles 68 and 69 CRR The amount to be reported shall be the indirect holdings in the trading book of the capital instruments of financial sector entities that take the form of holdings of index securities. It shall be obtained by calculating the underlying exposure to the capital instruments of the financial sector entities in the indices. Holdings which are treated as reciprocal cross holdings in accordance with point (b) of Article 66 CRR shall not be included |
640 |
17.2.2. (-) Permitted offsetting short positions in relation to the indirect gross holdings included above Point (114) of Article 4(1) and Article 69 CRR Point (a) of Article 69 CRR allows offsetting short positions in the same underlying exposure provided the maturity of the short position matches the maturity of the long position or has a residual maturity of at least one year. |
641 |
17.3. Synthetic holdings of T2 capital of financial sector entities where the institution has a significant investment Point (126) of Article 4(1) and Articles 68 and 69 CRR |
642 |
17.3.1. Gross synthetic holdings of T2 capital of financial sector entities where the institution has a significant investment Point (126) of Article 4(1) and Articles 68 and 69 CRR |
643 |
17.3.2. (-) Permitted offsetting short positions in relation to the synthetic gross holdings included above Point (126) of Article 4(1) and Article 69 CRR |
650 |
18. Risk weighted exposures of CET1 holdings in financial sector entities which are not deducted from the institution’s CET1 capital Articles 46(4), 48(4) and 49(4) CRR |
660 |
19. Risk weighted exposures of AT1 holdings in financial sector entities which are not deducted from the institution’s AT1 capital Article 60(4) CRR |
670 |
20. Risk weighted exposures of T2 holdings in financial sector entities which are not deducted from the institution’s T2 capital Article 70(4) CRR |
680 |
21. Holdings on CET1 Capital Instruments of financial sector entities where the institution does not have a significant investment temporary waived Article 79 CRR A competent authority may waive on a temporary basis the provisions on deductions from CET1 due to holdings on instruments of a specific financial sector entity, where it deems those holdings to be for the purposes of a financial assistance operation designed to reorganise and save that entity. Note that those instruments shall also be reported on item 12.1. |
690 |
22. Holdings on CET1 Capital Instruments of financial sector entities where the institution has a significant investment temporary waived Article 79 CRR A competent authority may waive the provisions on deductions from CET1 due to holdings on instruments of a specific financial sector entity, when it deems those holdings to be for the purposes of a financial assistance operation designed to reorganise and save that entity. Note that those instruments shall also be reported on item 15.1. |
700 |
23. Holdings on AT1 Capital Instruments of financial sector entities where the institution does not have a significant investment temporary waived Article 79 CRR A competent authority may waive on a temporary basis the provisions on deductions from AT1 due to holdings on instruments of a specific financial sector entity, when it deems those holdings to be for the purposes of a financial assistance operation designed to reorganise and save that entity. Note that these instruments shall also be reported on item 13.1. |
710 |
24. Holdings on AT1 Capital Instruments of financial sector entities where the institution has a significant investment temporary waived Article 79 CRR A competent authority may waive on a temporary basis the provisions on deductions from AT1 due to holdings on instruments of a specific financial sector entity, when it deems those holdings to be for the purposes of a financial assistance operation designed to reorganise and save that entity. Note that these instruments shall also be reported on item 16.1. |
720 |
25. Holdings on T2 Capital Instruments of financial sector entities where the institution does not have a significant investment temporary waived Article 79 CRR A competent authority may waive the provisions on deductions from T2 due to holdings on instruments of a specific financial sector entity, when it deems those holdings to be for the purposes of a financial assistance operation designed to reorganise and save that entity. Note that those instruments shall also be reported on item 14.1. |
730 |
26. Holdings on T2 Capital Instruments of financial sector entities where the institution has a significant investment temporary waived Article 79 CRR A competent authority may waive the provisions on deductions from T2 due to holdings on instruments of a specific financial sector entity, when it deems those holdings to be for the purposes of a financial assistance operation designed to reorganise and save that entity. Note that those instruments shall also be reported on item 17.1. |
740 |
27. Combined buffer requirement Point (6) of Article 128 CRD |
750 |
Capital conservation buffer Point (1) of Article 128 and Article 129 CRD In accordance with Article 129(1) CRD, the capital conservation buffer is an additional amount of Common Equity Tier 1 capital. Due to the fact that the capital conservation buffer rate of 2,5 % is stable, an amount shall be reported in this row. |
760 |
Conservation buffer due to macro-prudential or systemic risk identified at the level of a Member State Point (d)(iv) of Article 458(2) CRR In this row, the amount of the conservation buffer due to macro-prudential or systemic risk identified at the level of a Member State, which can be requested in accordance with Article 458 CRR in addition to the capital conservation buffer, shall be reported. The amount reported shall represent the amount of own funds needed to fulfil the respective capital buffer requirements at the reporting date. |
770 |
Institution specific countercyclical capital buffer Point (2) of Article 128 and Articles 130, 135 to 140 CRD The amount reported shall represent the amount of own funds needed to fulfil the respective capital buffer requirements at the reporting date. |
780 |
Systemic risk buffer Point (5) of Article 128, Articles 133 and 134 CRD The amount reported shall represent the amount of own funds needed to fulfil the respective capital buffer requirements at the reporting date. |
800 |
Global Systemically Important Institution buffer Point (3) of Article 128 and Article 131 CRD The amount reported shall represent the amount of own funds needed to fulfil the respective capital buffer requirements at the reporting date. |
810 |
Other Systemically Important Institution buffer Point (4) Article 128 and Article 131 CRD The amount reported shall represent the amount of own funds needed to fulfil the respective capital buffer requirements at the reporting date. |
820 |
28. Own funds requirements related to Pillar II adjustments Article 104(2) CRD. If a competent authority decides that an institution has to calculate additional own funds requirements for Pillar II reasons, those additional own funds requirements shall be reported in this row. |
830 |
29. Initial capital Articles 12 and 28 to 31 CRD and Article 93 CRR |
840 |
30. Own funds based on Fixed Overheads Point (b) of Article 96(2), Article 97 and point (a) of Article 98(1) CRR |
850 |
31. Non-domestic original exposures Information necessary to calculate the threshold for reporting of the CR GB template in accordance with point (4) of Article 5(a) of this Implementing Regulation. The calculation of the threshold shall be done at the basis of the original exposure pre-conversion factor. Exposures shall be deemed to be domestic where they are exposures to counterparties located in the Member State where the institution is located. |
860 |
32. Total original exposures Information necessary to calculate the threshold for reporting of the CR GB template in accordance with point (4) of Article 5(a)of this Implementing Regulation. The calculation of the threshold shall be done at the basis of the original exposure pre-conversion factor Exposures shall be deemed to be domestic where they are exposures to counterparties located in the Member State where the institution is located. |
870 |
Adjustments to total own funds Article 500(4) CRR The difference between the amount reported in row 880 and the total own funds pursuant to CRR has to be reported in this row. If the SA alternative (Article 500(2) CRR) is applied, this row shall be empty. |
880 |
Own funds fully adjusted for Basel I floor Article 500(4) CRR Total own funds pursuant to CRR adjusted as required by Article 500(4) CRR (i.e. fully adjusted to reflect differences in the calculation of own funds under Council Directive 93/6/EEC (1) and Directive 2000/12/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (2) as those Directives stood prior to 1 January 2007 and the calculation of own funds under CRR deriving from the separate treatments of expected loss and unexpected loss under Chapter 3 of Title II of Part Three CRR) have to be reported in this position. If the SA alternative (Article 500(2) CRR) is applied, this row shall be empty. |
890 |
Own funds requirements for Basel I floor Point (b) of Article 500(1) CRR The amount of own funds required by point (b) of Article 500(1) CRR to be held (i.e. 80 % of the total minimum amount of own funds that the institution would be required to hold under Article 4 of Directive 93/6/EEC and Directive 2000/12/EC has to be reported in this position. |
900 |
Own funds requirements for Basel I floor – SA alternative Paragraphs 2 and 3 of Article 500 CRR The amount of own funds required by Article 500(2) CRR to be hold (i.e. 80 % of the own funds that the institution would be required to hold under Article 92 CRR calculating risk-weighted exposure amounts in accordance with Chapter 2 of Title II of Part Three and Chapters 2 and 3 of Title III of Part Three CRR, as applicable, instead of in accordance with Chapter 3 of Title II of Part Three, or Chapter 4 of Title III of Part Three CRR, as applicable) has to be reported in this position. |
910 |
Deficit of total own funds as regards the own funds requirements of the Basel I floor or SA alternative Point (b) of Article 500(1) and Article 500(2) CRR This row has to be filled with: — where point (b) of Article 500(1) CRR is applied and row 880 < row 890: the difference between row 890 and row 880; — or where Article 500(2) CRR is applied and row 010 of C 01.00 < row 900 of C 04.00: the difference between row 900 of C 04.00 and row 010 of C 01.00. |
(1) Council Directive 93/6/EEC of 15 March 1993 on the capital adequacy of investments firms and credit institutions (OJ L 141, 11.6.1993, p. 1). (2) Directive 2000/12/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 March 2000 relating to the taking up and pursuit of the business of credit institutions (OJ L 126, 26.5.2000, p. 1). |
1.6.1. General remarks
15. CA5 summarises the calculation of own funds elements and deductions subject to the transitional provisions laid down in Articles 465 to 491 CRR.
16. CA5 is structured as follows:
Template 5.1 summarises the total adjustments which need to be made to the different components of own funds (reported in CA1 in accordance with the final provisions) as a consequence of the application of the transitional provisions. The elements of this template are presented as ‘adjustments’ to the different capital components in CA1, in order to reflect in own funds components the effects of the transitional provisions.
Template 5.2 provides further details on the calculation of those grandfathered instruments which do not constitute state aid.
17. Institutions shall report in the first four columns the adjustments to Common Equity Tier 1 capital, Additional Tier 1 capital and Tier 2 capital as well as the amount to be treated as risk weighted assets. Institutions are also required to report the applicable percentage in column 050 and the eligible amount without the recognition of transitional provisions in column 060.
18. Institutions shall only report elements in CA5 during the period where transitional provisions laid down in Part Ten CRR apply.
19. Some of the transitional provisions require a deduction from Tier 1. If this is the case the residual amount of a deduction or deductions is applied to Tier 1 and there is insufficient AT1 to absorb this amount then the excess shall be deducted from CET1.
20. Institutions shall report in CA5.1 template the transitional provisions to own funds components as laid down in Articles 465 to 491 CRR, compared to applying the final provisions laid down in Title II of Part Two CRR.
21. Institutions shall report in rows 020 to 060 information about the transitional provisions of grandfathered instruments. The figures to be reported in columns 010 to 030 of row 060 of CA5.1 can be derived from the respective sections of CA5.2.
22. Institutions shall report in rows 070 to 092 information about the transitional provisions of minority interests and additional Tier 1 and Tier 2 instruments issued by subsidiaries (in accordance with Articles 479 and 480 CRR).
23. In rows 100 onwards institutions shall report information about the transitional provisions of unrealised gains and losses, deductions as well as additional filters and deductions.
24. There might be cases where the transitional deductions of CET1, AT1 or T2 capital exceed the CET1, AT1 or T2 capital of an institution. That effect – if it results from transitional provisions – shall be shown in the CA1 template using the respective cells. As a consequence, the adjustments in the columns of the CA5 template shall not include any spill-over effects in the case of insufficient capital available. Instructions concerning specific positions
Columns |
010 |
Adjustments to CET1 |
020 |
Adjustments to AT1 |
030 |
Adjustments to T2 |
040 |
Adjustments included in RWAs Column 040 includes the relevant amounts adjusting the total risk exposure amount of Article 92(3) CRR due to transitional provisions. The amounts reported shall consider the application of provisions of Chapter 2 or 3 of Title II of Part Three or of Title IV of Part Three in accordance with Article 92(4) CRR. That means that transitional amounts subject to Chapter 2 or 3 of Title II of Part Three shall be reported as risk weighted exposure amounts, whereas transitional amounts subject to Title IV of Part Three shall represent the own funds requirements multiplied by 12,5 . Whereas columns 010 to 030 have a direct link to the CA1 template, the adjustments to the total risk exposure amount do not have a direct link to the relevant templates for credit risk. If there are adjustments stemming from the transitional provisions to the total risk exposure amount, those adjustments shall be included directly in the CR SA, CR IRB, CR EQU IRB, MKR SA TDI, MKR SA EQU or MKR IM. Additionally, those effects shall be reported in column 040 of CA5.1. As a consequence, those amounts shall be memorandum items only. |
050 |
Applicable percentage |
060 |
Eligible amount without transitional provisions Column 060 includes the amount of each instrument prior the application of transitional provisions, i.e. the basis amount relevant to calculate the adjustments. |
Rows |
010 |
1. Total adjustments This row reflects the overall effect of transitional adjustments in the different types of capital, plus the risk weighted amounts arising from those adjustments |
020 |
1.1. Grandfathered instruments Articles 483 to 491 CRR This row reflects the overall effect of instruments transitionally grandfathered in the different types of capital. |
030 |
1.1.1. Grandfathered instruments: Instruments constituting state aid Article 483 CRR |
040 | Instruments that qualified as own funds according to 2006/48/EC Paragraphs 1, 2, 4 and 6 of Article 483 CRR |
050 | Instruments issued by institutions that are incorporated in a Member State that is subject to an Economic Adjustment Programme Paragraphs 1, 3, 5, 7 and 8 of Article 483CRR |
060 |
1.1.2. Instruments not constituting state aid The amounts to be reported shall be obtained from column 060 of CA5.2 template |
070 |
1.2. Minority interests and equivalents Articles 479 and 480 CRR This row reflects the effects of transitional provisions in the minority interests eligible as CET1; the qualifying T1 instruments eligible as consolidated AT1; and the qualifying own funds eligible as consolidated T2. |
080 |
1.2.1. Capital instruments and items that do not qualify as minority interests Articles 479 CRR The amount to be reported in column 060 of this row shall be the amount qualifying as consolidated reserves in accordance with prior regulation. |
090 |
1.2.2. Transitional recognition in consolidated own funds of minority interests Articles 84 and 480 CRR The amount to be reported in column 060 of this row shall be the eligible amount without transitional provisions. |
091 |
1.2.3. Transitional recognition in consolidated own funds of qualifying Additional Tier 1 capital Articles 85 and 480 CRR The amount to be reported in column 060 of this row shall be the eligible amount without transitional provisions. |
092 |
1.2.4. Transitional recognition in consolidated own funds of qualifying Tier 2 capital Articles 87 and 480 CRR The amount to be reported in column 060 of this row shall be the eligible amount without transitional provisions. |
100 |
1.3. Other transitional adjustments Articles 467 to 478 and Article 481 CRR This row reflects the overall effect of transitional adjustments in the deduction to different types of capital, unrealised gains and losses, additional filters and deductions plus the risk weighted amounts arising from these adjustments. |
110 |
1.3.1. Unrealised gains and losses Articles 467 and 468 CRR This row reflects the overall effect of transitional provisions on unrealised gains and losses measured at fair value. |
120 | Unrealised gains Article 468(1) CRR |
130 | Unrealised losses Article 467(1) CRR |
133 | Unrealised gains on exposures to central governments classified in the ‘Available for sale’ category of EU-endorsed IAS39 Article 468 CRR |
136 | Unrealised loss on exposures to central governments classified in the ‘Available for sale’ category of EU-endorsed IAS39 Article 467 CRR |
138 | Fair value gains and losses arising from the institution’s own credit risk related to derivative liabilities Article 468 CRR |
140 |
1.3.2. Deductions Article 36(1) and Articles 469 to 478 CRR This row reflects the overall effect of transitional provisions on deductions. |
150 | Losses for the current financial year Point (a) of Article 36(1), Articles 469(1) and 472(3) and Article 478 CRR The amount to be reported in column 060 of this row shall be the original deduction in accordance with point (a) of Article 36(1) CRR. Where firms have only been required to deduct material losses: — where the total interim net loss was ‘material’, the full residual amount would be deducted from Tier 1, or — where the whole total interim net loss was not ‘material’, no deduction of residual amount would be made. |
160 | Intangible assets Point (b) of Article 36(1), Articles 469(1) and 472(4) and Article 478 CRR When determining the amount of intangible assets to be deducted, institutions shall take into account the provisions of Article 37 CRR. The amount to be reported in column 060 of this row shall be the original deduction in accordance with point (b) of Article 36(1) CRR. |
170 | Deferred tax assets that rely on future profitability and do not arise from temporary differences Point (c) of Article 36(1), Articles 469(1) and 472(5) and Article 478 CRR When determining the amount of the above-mentioned deferred tax assets (DTA) to be deducted, institutions shall take into account the provisions of Article 38 CRR relating to the reduction of DTA by deferred tax liabilities. The amount to be reported in column 060 of this row: Total amount in accordance with Article 469(1) CRR. |
180 | IRB shortfall of provisions to expected losses Point (d) of Articles 36(1), Articles 469(1) and 472(6) and Article 478 CRR When determining the amount of the above-mentioned IRB shortfall of provisions to expected losses to be deducted, institutions shall take into account the provisions of Article 40 CRR. The amount to be reported in column 060 of this row: Original deduction in accordance with point (d) of Article 36(1) CRR |
190 | Defined benefit pension fund assets Point (e) of Article 33(1), Articles 469(1) and 472(7), Articles 473 and 478 CRR When determining the amount of the above-mentioned defined benefit pension fund assets to be deducted, institutions shall take into account the provisions of Article 41 CRR. The amount to be reported in column 060 of this row: Original deduction in accordance with point (e) of Article 36(1)CRR |
194 |* of which: Introduction of amendments to IAS 19 – positive item Article 473 CRR |
198 |** of which: Introduction of amendments to IAS 19 – negative item Article 473 CRR |
200 | Own instruments Point (f) of Article 36(1), Articles 469(1) and 472(8) and Article 478 CRR The amount to be reported in column 060 of this row: Original deduction in accordance with point (f) of Article 36(1)CRR. |
210 | Own CET1 instruments Point (f) of Article 36(1), Articles 469(1) and 472(8) and Article 478 CRR When determining the amount of the above-mentioned Own Common Equity Tier 1 instruments to be deducted, institutions shall take into account Article 42 CRR. Given that the treatment of the ‘residual amount’ differs depending upon the nature of the instrument, institutions shall break down holdings in own Common Equity instruments into ‘direct’ and ‘indirect’ holdings. The amount to be reported in column 060 of this row: Original deduction in accordance with point (f) of Article 36(1) CRR. |
211 |** of which: Direct holdings Point (b) of Article 469(1) and point (a) of Article 472(8) CRR The amount to be reported in column 060 of this row: Total amount of direct holdings, including instruments that an institution could be obliged to purchase by virtue of an existing or contingent contractual obligation. |
212 |* of which: Indirect holdings Point (b) of Article 469(1) and point (b) of Article 472(8) CRR The amount to be reported in column 060 of this row: Total amount of indirect holdings, including instruments that an institution could be obliged to purchase by virtue of an existing or contingent contractual obligation. |
220 | Own AT1 instruments Point (a) of Article 56, Article 474 and Article 475(2) and Article 478 CRR When determining the amount of the above-mentioned holdings to be deducted, institutions shall take into account the provisions of Article 57 CRR. Given that the treatment of the ‘residual amount’ differs depending upon the nature of the instrument (Article 475(2) CRR), institutions shall break down the above-mentioned holdings into ‘direct’ and ‘indirect’ own Additional Tier 1 holdings. The amount to be reported in column 060 of this row: Original deduction in accordance with point (a) of Article 56CRR. |
221 |** of which: Direct holdings The amount to be reported in column 060 of this row: Total amount of direct holdings, including instruments that an institution could be obliged to purchase by virtue of an existing or contingent contractual obligation, point (b) of Article 474 and point (a) of Article 475(2) CRR. |
222 |* of which: Indirect holdings The amount to be reported in column 060 of this row: Total amount of indirect holdings, including instruments that an institution could be obliged to purchase by virtue of an existing or contingent contractual obligation, point (b) of Article 474 and point (b) of Article 475(2) CRR. |
230 | Own T2 instruments Point (a) of Article 66, Article 476, Article 477(2) and Article 478 CRR When determining the amount of the holdings to be deducted, institutions shall take into account the provisions of Article 67 CRR. Given that the treatment of the ‘residual amount’ differs depending upon the nature of the instrument (Article 477(2) CRR), institutions shall break down the above-mentioned holdings according to ‘direct’ and ‘indirect’ own Tier 2 holdings. The amount to be reported in column 060 of this row: Original deduction in accordance with point (a) of Article 66 CRR. |
231 |
of which: Direct holdings The amount to be reported in column 060 of this row: Total amount of direct holdings, including instruments that an institution could be obliged to purchase by virtue of an existing or contingent contractual obligation, point (b) of Article 476 and point (a) of Article 477(2) CRR. |
232 |
of which: Indirect holdings The amount to be reported in column 060 of this row: Total amount of indirect holdings, including instruments that an institution could be obliged to purchase by virtue of an existing or contingent contractual obligation, point (b) of Article 476 and point (b) of Article 477(2) CRR. |
240 | Reciprocal cross holdings Given that the treatment of the ‘residual amount’ differs depending whether the holding of Common Equity Tier 1, Additional Tier 1 or Tier 2 in the financial sector entity is to be considered being significant or not (Articles 472(9), 475(3) and 477(3) CRR), institutions shall break down reciprocal cross holdings according to significant investments and non-significant investments. |
250 | Reciprocal cross holdings in CET1 Capital Point (g) of Article 36(1), Articles 469(1) and 472(9) and Article 478 CRR The amount to be reported in column 060 of this row: Original deduction in accordance with point (g) of Article 36(1)CRR. |
260 | Reciprocal cross holdings in CET1 Capital of financial sector entities where the institution does not have a significant investment Point (g) of Article 36(1), Article 469(1), point (a) of Article 472(9) and Article 478 CRR The amount to be reported in column 060 of this row: Residual amount in accordance with point (b) of Article 469(1) CRR. |
270 | Reciprocal cross holdings in CET1 Capital of financial sector entities where the institution has a significant investment Point (g) of Article 36(1), Article 469(1), point (b) of Article 472(9) and Article 478 CRR The amount to be reported in column 060 of this row: Residual amount in accordance with point (b) of Article 469(1) CRR |
280 | Reciprocal cross holdings in AT1 Capital Point (b) of Article 56, Article 474, Article 475(3) and Article 478 CRR The amount to be reported in column 060 of this row: Original deduction in accordance with point (b) of Article 56 CRR |
290 | Reciprocal cross holdings in AT1 Capital of financial sector entities where the institution does not have a significant investment Point (b) of Article 56, Article 474, point (a) of Article 475(3) and Article 478 CRR The amount to be reported in column 060 of this row: Residual amount in accordance with Article 475(3) CRR |
300 | Reciprocal cross holdings in AT1 Capital of financial sector entities where the institution has a significant investment Point (b) of Article 56, Article 474, point (b) of Article 475(3) and Article 478 CRR The amount to be reported in column 060 of this row: Residual amount in accordance with Article 475(3) CRR. |
310 | Reciprocal cross holdings in T2 Capital Point (b) of Article 66, Article 476, Article 477(3) and Article 478 CRR The amount to be reported in column 060 of this row: Original deduction in accordance with point (b) of Article 66 CRR |
320 | Reciprocal cross holdings in T2 Capital of financial sector entities where the institution does not have a significant investment Point (b) of Article 66, Article 476, point (a) of Article 477(3) and Article 478 CRR The amount to be reported in column 060 of this row: Residual amount in accordance with Article 477(3) CRR. |
330 | Reciprocal cross holdings in T2 Capital of financial sector entities where the institution has a significant investment Point (b) of Article 66, Article 476, point (a) of Article 477(3) and Article 478 CRR The amount to be reported in column 060 of this row: Residual amount in accordance with Article 477(3) CRR. |
340 | Own funds instruments of financial sector entities where the institution does not have a significant investment |
350 | CET1 instruments of financial sector entities where the institution does not have a significant investment Point (h) of Article 36(1), Articles 469(1) and 472(10) and Article 478 CRR The amount to be reported in column 060 of this row: Original deduction in accordance with point (h) of Article 36(1) CRR. |
360 | AT1 instruments of financial sector entities where the institution does not have a significant investment Point (c) of Article 56, Article 474, Article 475(4) and Article 478 CRR The amount to be reported in column 060 of this row: Original deduction in accordance with point (c) of Article 56 CRR |
370 | T2 instruments of financial sector entities where the institution does not have a significant investment Point (c) of Article 66, Article 476, Article 477(4) and Article 478 CRR The amount to be reported in column 060 of this row: Original deduction in accordance with point (c) of Article 66 CRR. |
380 | Deferred tax assets that are dependent on future profitability and arise from temporary differences and CET1 instruments of financial sector entities where the institution has a significant investment Paragraphs 2 and 3 of Article 470 CRR The amount to be reported in column 060 of this row: Article 470(1) CRR |
385 |
Deferred tax assets that are dependent on future profitability and arise from temporary differences Point (c) of Article 469(1), Article 472(5) and Article 478 CRR. Part of deferred tax assets that rely in future profitability and arise from temporary differences which exceeds the 10 % threshold in point (a) of Article 470(2) CRR. |
390 | Own funds instruments of financial sector entities where the institution has a significant investment |
400 | CET1 instruments of financial sector entities where the institution has a significant investment Point (i) of Article 36(1), Articles 469(1) and 472(11) and Article 478 CRR The amount to be reported in column 060 of this row: Original deduction in accordance with point (i) of Article 36(1) CRR |
410 | AT1 instruments of financial sector entities where the institution has a significant investment Point (d) of Article 56, Article 474, Article 475(4) and Article 478 CRR The amount to be reported in column 060 of this row: Original deduction in accordance with point (d) of Article 56CRR. |
420 | T2 instruments of financial sector entities where the institution has a significant investment Point (d) of Article 66, Article 476, Article 477(4) and Article 478 CRR The amount to be reported in column 060 of this row: Original deduction in accordance with point (d) of Article 66 CRR |
425 | Exemption from deduction of Equity Holdings in Insurance Companies from CET 1 Items Article 471 CRR |
430 |
1.3.3. Additional filters and deductions Article 481 CRR This row reflects the overall effect of transitional provisions on additional filters and deductions. In accordance with Article 481 CRR, institutions shall report in item 1.3.3 information relating to the filters and deductions required under the national transposition measures for Articles 57 and 66 of Directive 2006/48/EC and for Articles 13 and 16 of Directive 2006/49/EC, and which are not required in accordance with Part Two. |
440 |
1.3.4. Adjustments due to IFRS 9 transitional arrangements Institutions shall report information in relation with the transitional arrangements due to IFRS 9 in accordance with the applicable legal provisions. |
25. Institutions shall report information in relation with the transitional provisions of grandfathered instruments not constituting state aid (Articles 484 to 491 CRR). Instructions concerning specific positions
Columns |
010 |
Amount of instruments plus related share premium Paragraphs 3, 4 and 5 of Article 484 CRR Instruments which are eligible for each respective row, including their related share premiums. |
020 |
Base for calculating the limit Paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 of Article 486 CRR |
030 |
Applicable percentage Article 486(5) CRR |
040 |
Limit Paragraphs 2 to 5 of Article 486 CRR |
050 |
(-) Amount that exceeds the limits for grandfathering Paragraphs 2 to 5 of Article 486 CRR |
060 |
Total grandfathered amount The amount to be reported shall be equal to the amounts reported in the respective columns in row 060 of CA5.1. |
Rows |
010 |
1. Instruments that qualified for point (a) of Article 57 of 2006/48/EC Article 484(3) CRR The amount to be reported shall include the related share premium accounts. |
020 |
2. Instruments that qualified for point (ca) of Article 57 and Article 154(8) and (9) of Directive 2006/48/EC, subject to the limit of Article 489 CRR Article 484(4) CRR |
030 |
2.1. Total instruments without a call or an incentive to redeem Article 484(4) and Article 489 CRR The amount to be reported shall include the related share premium accounts. |
040 |
2.2. Grandfathered instruments with a call and incentive to redeem Article 489 CRR |
050 |
2.2.1. Instruments with a call exercisable after the reporting date, and which meet the conditions in Article 52 CRR after the date of effective maturity Article 489(3) and point (a) of Article 491 CRR The amount to be reported shall include the related share premium accounts. |
060 |
2.2.2. Instruments with a call exercisable after the reporting date, and which do not meet the conditions in Article 52 CRR after the date of effective maturity Article 489(5) and point (a) of Article 491 CRR The amount to be reported shall include the related share premium accounts. |
070 |
2.2.3. Instruments with a call exercisable prior to or on 20 July 2011, and which do not meet the conditions in Article 52 CRR after the date of effective maturity Article 489(6) and point (c) of Article 491 CRR The amount to be reported shall include the related share premium accounts |
080 |
2.3. Excess on the limit of CET1 grandfathered instruments Article 487(1) CRR The excess on the limit of CET1 grandfathered instruments may be treated as instruments which can be grandfathered as AT1 instruments. |
090 |
3. Items that qualified for points (e), (f), (g) or (h) of Article 57 of Directive 2006/48/EC, subject to the limit of Article 490 CRR Article 484(5) CRR |
100 |
3.1. Total items without an incentive to redeem Article 490 CRR |
110 |
3.2. Grandfathered items with an incentive to redeem Article 490 CRR |
120 |
3.2.1. Items with a call exercisable after the reporting date, and which meet the conditions in Article 63 CRR after the date of effective maturity Article 490(3) and point (a) of Article 491 CRR The amount to be reported shall include the related share premium accounts. |
130 |
3.2.2. Items with a call exercisable after the reporting date, and which do not meet the conditions in Article 63 CRR after the date of effective maturity Article 490(5) and point (a) of Article 491 CRR The amount to be reported shall include the related share premium accounts. |
140 |
3.2.3. Items with a call exercisable prior to or on 20 July 2011, and which do not meet the conditions in Article 63 CRR after the date of effective maturity Article 490(6) and point (c) of Article 491 CRR The amount to be reported shall include the related share premium accounts. |
150 |
3.3. Excess on the limit of AT1 grandfathered instruments Article 487(2) CRR The excess on the limit of AT1 grandfathered instruments may be treated as instruments which can be grandfathered as T2 instruments. |
26. Templates C 06.01 and C 06.02 shall be reported if own funds requirements are calculated on a consolidated basis. Template C 06.02 consists of four parts in order to gather different information on all individual entities (including the reporting institution) included in the scope of consolidation.
Entities within the scope of consolidation;
Detailed group solvency information;
Information on the contribution of individual entities to group solvency;
Information on capital buffers;
27. Institutions that obtained a waiver in accordance with Article 7 CRR shall only report the columns 010 to 060 and 250 to 400.
28. The figures reported take into account all applicable transitional provisions CRR which are applicable at the respective reporting date.
29. The second part of template C 06.02 (detailed group solvency information) in columns 070 to 210 is designed to gather information on credit and other regulated financial institutions which are effectively subject to particular solvency requirements on individual basis. It provides, for each of those entities within the scope of the reporting, the own funds requirements for each risk category and the own funds for solvency purposes.
30. In the case of proportional consolidation of participations, the figures related to own funds requirements and own funds shall reflect the respective proportional amounts.
31. The objective of the third part of template C 06.02 and template C 06.01 (information on the contributions of all entities within CRR scope of consolidation to group solvency), including those that are not subject to particular solvency requirements on an individual basis, in columns 250 to 400, is to identify which entities within the group generate the risks and raise own funds from the market, based on data that are readily available or can easily be reprocessed, without having to reconstruct the capital ratio on a solo or sub-consolidated basis. At the entity level, both risk and own fund figures are contributions to the group figures and not elements of a solvency ratio on a solo basis and as such must not be compared to each other.
32. The third part also includes the amounts of minority interests, qualifying AT1, and qualifying T2 eligible in the consolidated own funds.
33. As this third part of the template refers to ‘contributions’, the figures to be reported herein shall defer, when applicable, from the figures reported in the columns referring to detailed group solvency information.
34. The principle is to delete the cross-exposures within the same groups in a homogeneous way both in terms of risks or own funds, in order to cover the amounts reported in the group’s consolidated CA template by adding the amounts reported for each entity in ‘Group Solvency’ template. A direct link to the CA template is not possible where the 1 % threshold is not exceeded.
35. The institutions shall define the most appropriate breakdown method between the entities to take into account the possible diversification effects for market risk and operational risk.
36. It is possible for one consolidated group to be included within another consolidated group. That means that the entities within a subgroup shall be reported entity-by-entity in the GS of the entire group, even if the sub-group itself is subject to reporting requirements. A subgroup that is subject to reporting requirements shall also report the GS template on an entity-by-entity basis, although those details are included in the GS template of a higher consolidated group.
37. An institution shall report data of the contribution of an entity when its contribution to the total risk exposure amount exceeds 1 % of the total risk exposure amount of the group or when its contribution to the total own funds exceeds 1 % of the total own funds of the group. That threshold does not apply in the case of subsidiaries or subgroups that provide own funds (in the form of minority interests or qualifying AT1 or T2 instruments included in own funds) to the group.
Columns |
Instructions |
250-400 |
410-480 |
CAPITAL BUFFERS See instructions for C 06.02 |
Rows |
Instructions |
010 |
TOTAL The Total shall represent the sum of the values reported in all rows of template C 06.02. |
Columns |
Instructions |
010-060 |
ENTITIES WITHIN SCOPE OF CONSOLIDATION This template is designed to gather information on all entities on an entity-by-entity-basis within the scope of consolidation in accordance with Chapter 2 of Title II of Part One CRR. |
010 |
NAME Name of the entity within the scope of consolidation. |
020 |
CODE This code is a row identifier and shall be unique for each row in the template. Code assigned to the entity within the scope of consolidation. The actual composition of the code depends on the national reporting system. |
025 |
LEI CODE LEI code stands for Legal Entity Identification code which is a reference code proposed by the Financial Stability Board (FSB) and endorsed by the G20, aimed at achieving a unique and worldwide identification of parties to financial transactions. Until the global LEI system is fully operational, a Local Operational Unit that has been endorsed by Regulatory Oversight Committee (ROC, detailed information may be found at the following website: assigns pre-LEI codes to counterparties. Where a Legal Entity Identification code (LEI code) exists for a given counterparty, it shall be used to identify that counterparty. |
030 |
INSTITUTION OR EQUIVALENT (YES/NO) ‘YES’ shall be reported where the entity is subject to own funds requirements pursuant to CRR and CRD or provisions at least equivalent to Basel provisions. ‘NO’ shall be reported otherwise. Minority interests: Point (a)(ii) of Article 81(1) and point (a)(ii) of Article 82(1) CRR To the effects of minority interests and AT1 and T2 instruments issued by subsidiaries, the subsidiaries whose instruments can be eligible shall be institutions or undertakings subject to the requirements CRR by virtue of applicable national law. |
035 |
TYPE OF ENTITY The type of entity shall be reported based on the following categories: (a) credit institution Point (1) of Article 4(1)CRR; (b) investment firm Point (2) of Article 4(1) CRR; (c) financial institution (other) Points (20), (21) and (26) of Article 4(1) CRR Financial institutions within the meaning of Article 4(1)(26) CRR which are not included in any of the categories (d), (f) or (g); (d) (mixed) financial holding company Points (20) and (21) of Article 4(1)CRR; (e) ancillary services undertaking Point (18) of Article 4(1) CRR; (f) securitisation special purpose entity (SSPE), Point (66) of Article 4(1)CRR; (g) covered bond company Entity set up to issue covered bonds or to hold the collateral securing a covered bond, if not included in any of the categories (a), (b) or (d) to (f) above; (h) other type of entity Entity other than those referred to in points (a) to (g). Where an entity is not subject to CRR and CRD, but subject to provisions at least equivalent to Basel provisions, the relevant category shall be determined on a best effort basis. |
040 |
SCOPE OF DATA: solo fully consolidated (SF) OR solo partially consolidated (SP) ‘SF’ shall be reported for individual subsidiaries fully consolidated. ‘SP’ shall be reported for individual subsidiaries partially consolidated. |
050 |
COUNTRY CODE Institutions shall report the two-letter country code referred to in ISO 3166-2. |
060 |
SHARE OF HOLDING (%) This percentage refers to the actual share of capital the parent undertaking holds in subsidiaries. In case of full consolidation of a direct subsidiary, the actual share is e.g. 70 %. In accordance with point 16 of Article 4(1) CRR, the share of holding of a subsidiary to be reported results from a multiplication of the shares between the subsidiaries concerned. |
070-240 |
INFORMATION ON ENTITIES SUBJECT TO OWN FUNDS REQUIREMENT The section of detailed information (i.e. columns 070 to 240) shall gather information only on those entities and subgroups which, being within the scope of consolidation (Chapter 2 of Title II of Part One CRR), are effectively subject to solvency requirements laid down in CRR or provisions at least equivalent to Basel provisions (i.e, reported yes in column 030). Information shall be included about all individual institutions of a consolidated group that are subject to own funds requirements, regardless where they are located. The information reported in this part shall reflect the local solvency rules of the jurisdiction in which the institution is operating (therefore, for this template, it is not necessary to do a double calculation on an individual basis on the basis of the parent institution’s rules). When local solvency rules differ from CRR and a comparable breakdown is not given, the information shall be completed where data are available in the respective granularity. Therefore, this part is a factual template that summarises the calculations that the individual institutions of a group shall carry out, bearing in mind that some of those institutions may be subject to different solvency rules. Reporting of fixed overheads of investment firms: Investment firms shall include own funds requirements related to fixed overheads in their calculation of capital ratio pursuant to Articles 95, 96, 97 and 98 CRR. The part of the total risk exposure amount related to fixed overheads shall be reported in column 100 of part 2 of this template. |
070 |
TOTAL RISK EXPOSURE AMOUNT The sum of the columns 080 to 110 shall be reported. |
080 |
CREDIT; COUNTERPARTY CREDIT; DILUTION RISKS, FREE DELIVERIES AND SETTLEMENT/DELIVERY RISK The amount to be reported in this column shall correspond to the sum of risk weighted exposure amounts that are equal or equivalent to the ones that must be reported in row 040 ‘RISK WEIGHTED EXPOSURE AMOUNTS FOR CREDIT, COUNTERPARTY CREDIT AND DILUTION RISKS AND FREE DELIVERIES’ and the amounts of own funds requirements that are equal or equivalent to the ones that must be reported in row 490 ‘TOTAL RISK EXPOSURE AMOUNT FOR SETTLEMENT/DELIVERY RISKS’ of template CA2. |
090 |
POSITION, FX AND COMMODITY RISKS The amount to be reported in this column shall correspond to the amount of own funds requirements that are equal or equivalent to the ones that must be reported in row 520 ‘TOTAL RISK EXPOSURE AMOUNT FOR POSITION, FOREIGN EXCHANGE AND COMMODITIES RISKS’ of template CA2. |
100 |
OPERATIONAL RISK The amount to be reported in this column shall correspond to the risk exposure amount that is equal or equivalent to the one that shall be reported in row 590 ‘TOTAL RISK EXPOSURE AMOUNT FOR OPERATIONAL RISKS (OpR)’ of the template CA2. Fixed overheads shall be included in this column including the row 630 ‘ADDITIONAL RISK EXPOSURE AMOUNT DUE TO FIXED OVERHEADS’ of template CA2. |
110 |
OTHER RISK EXPOSURE AMOUNTS The amount to be reported in this column shall correspond to the risk exposure amount not especially listed above. It shall be the sum of the amounts of rows 640, 680 and 690 of template CA2. |
120-240 |
DETAILED INFORMATION ON GROUP SOLVENCY OWN FUNDS The information reported in the following columns shall reflect the local solvency rules of the Member State in which the entity or subgroup is operating. |
120 |
OWN FUNDS The amount to be reported in this column corresponds to the amount of own funds that are equal or equivalent to the ones that must be reported in row 010 ‘OWN FUNDS’ of the template CA1. |
130 |
OF WHICH: QUALIFYING OWN FUNDS Article 82 CRR This column shall only be provided for the subsidiaries reported on an individual basis that are fully consolidated and that are institutions. Qualifying holdings are, for the subsidiaries specified above, the instruments (plus related retained earnings, share premium accounts and other reserves) owned by persons other than the undertakings and included in the CRR consolidation. The amount to be reported shall include the effects of any transitional provisions. It shall be the eligible amount on the date of reporting. |
140 |
150 |
160 |
OF WHICH: QUALIFYING TIER 1 CAPITAL Article 82 CRR This column shall only be provided for the subsidiaries reported on an individual basis that are fully consolidated and that are institutions. Qualifying holdings are, for the subsidiaries specified above, the instruments (plus related retained earnings and share premium accounts) owned by persons other than the undertakings included in the CRR consolidation. The amount to be reported shall include the effects of any transitional provision. It shall be the eligible amount on the date of reporting. |
170 |
180 |
190 |
OF WHICH: MINORITY INTERESTS Article 81 CRR This column shall only be reported for subsidiaries that are fully consolidated and that are institutions, except for the subsidiaries referred to in Article 84(3) CRR. Each subsidiary shall be considered on a sub-consolidated basis for all the calculations required by Article 84 CRR, where relevant, in accordance with Article 84(2), otherwise on a solo basis. Minority interests are, for the subsidiaries specified above, the CET1 instruments (plus related retained earnings and share premium accounts) owned by persons other than the undertakings included in the CRR consolidation. The amount to be reported shall include the effects of any transitional provisions. It shall be the eligible amount on the date of reporting. |
200 |
210 |
220 |
OF WHICH: QUALIFYING ADDITIONAL TIER 1 CAPITAL Articles 82 and 83 CRR This column shall only be provided for the subsidiaries that are fully consolidated and that are institutions, except for the subsidiaries referred to in Article 85(2) CRR. Each subsidiary shall be considered on a sub-consolidated basis for all the calculations required in Article 85 CRR, where relevant, in accordance with Article 85(2), otherwise on a solo basis. Minority interests are, for the subsidiaries specified above, the AT1 instruments (plus related retained earnings and share premium accounts) owned by persons other than the undertakings included in the CRR consolidation. The amount to be reported shall include the effects of any transitional provisions. It shall be the eligible amount on the date of reporting. |
230 |
TIER 2 CAPITAL Article 71 CRR |
240 |
OF WHICH: QUALIFYING TIER 2 CAPITAL Articles 82 and 83 CRR This column shall only be provided for the subsidiaries that are fully consolidated and that are institutions, except for subsidiaries referred to in Article 87(2) CRR. Each subsidiary shall be considered on a sub-consolidated basis for the purpose of all the calculations required in Article 87 CRR, if relevant, in accordance with Article 87(2) CRR, otherwise on a solo basis. Minority interests are, for the subsidiaries specified above, the T2 instruments (plus related retained earnings and share premium accounts) owned by persons other than the undertakings included in the CRR consolidation. The amount to be reported shall include the effects of any transitional provisions, It shall be the eligible amount on the date of reporting. |
250-400 |
250-290 |
CONTRIBUTION TO RISKS The information reported in the following columns shall be in accordance with the solvency rules applicable to the reporting institution. |
250 |
TOTAL RISK EXPOSURE AMOUNT The sum of the columns 260 to 290 shall be reported. |
260 |
CREDIT; COUNTERPARTY CREDIT; DILUTION RISKS, FREE DELIVERIES AND SETTLEMENT/DELIVERY RISK The amount to be reported shall be the risk weighted exposure amounts for credit risk and own funds requirements of settlement/delivery risk in accordance with the CRR, excluding any amount related to transactions with other entities included in the group consolidated solvency ratio computation. |
270 |
POSITION, FX AND COMMODITY RISKS Risk exposure amounts for market risks are to be computed at each entity level in accordance with the CRR. Entities shall report the contribution to the total risk exposure amounts for position, FX and commodity risk of the group. The sum of amounts reported here shall correspond to the amount reported in row 520 ‘TOTAL RISK EXPOSURE AMOUNTS FOR POSITION, FOREIGN EXCHANGE AND COMMODITY RISKS’ of the consolidated report. |
280 |
OPERATIONAL RISK In case of AMA, the reported risk exposure amounts for operational risk shall include the effect of diversification. Fixed overheads shall be included in this column. |
290 |
OTHER RISK EXPOSURE AMOUNTS The amount to be reported in this column shall correspond to the risk exposure amount for risks other than listed above. |
300-400 |
CONTRIBUTION TO OWN FUNDS This part of the template is not intended to impose on institutions a full computation of the total capital ratio at the level of each entity. Columns 300 to 350 shall be reported for those consolidated entities which contribute to own funds by minority interest, qualifying Tier 1 capital or qualifying own funds. Subject to the threshold referred to in the last paragraph of chapter 2.3 of Part II above, columns 360 to 400 shall be reported for all consolidated entities which contribute to the consolidated own funds. Own funds brought to an entity by the rest of entities included within the scope of the reporting entity shall not to be taken into account, only the net contribution to the group own funds shall be reported in this column (mainly the own funds raised from third parties and accumulated reserves). The information reported in the following columns shall be in accordance with the solvency rules applicable to the reporting institution. |
300-350 |
QUALIFYING OWN FUNDS INCLUDED IN CONSOLIDATED OWN FUNDS The amount to be reported as ‘QUALIFYING OWN FUNDS INCLUDED IN CONSOLIDATED OWN FUNDS’ shall be the amount as derived from Title II of Part Two CRR, excluding any fund brought in by other group entities. |
300 |
310 |
320 |
MINORITY INTERESTS INCLUDED IN CONSOLIDATED COMMON EQUITY TIER 1 CAPITAL Article 84 CRR The amount to be reported shall the amount of minority interests of a subsidiary that is included in consolidated CET1 in accordance with the CRR. |
330 |
QUALIFYING TIER 1 INSTRUMENTS INCLUDED IN CONSOLIDATED ADDITIONAL TIER 1 CAPITAL Article 86 CRR The amount to be reported shall the amount of qualifying T1 capital of a subsidiary that is included in consolidated AT1 in accordance with the CRR. |
340 |
QUALIFYING OWN FUNDS INSTRUMENTS INCLUDED IN CONSOLIDATED TIER 2 CAPITAL Article 88 CRR The amount to be reported shall the amount of qualifying own funds of a subsidiary that is included in consolidated T2 in accordance with the CRR. |
350 |
360-400 |
CONSOLIDATED OWN FUNDS Article 18 CRR The amount to be reported as ‘CONSOLIDATED OWN FUNDS’ shall be the amount as derived from the balance sheet, excluding any fund brought in by other group entities. |
360 |
370 |
380 |
390 |
OF WHICH: CONRIBUTIONS TO CONSOLIDATED RESULT The contribution of each entity to the consolidated result (profit or loss (-)) shall be reported. That includes the results attributable to minority interests. |
400 |
OF WHICH: (-) GOODWILL/(+) NEGATIVE GOODWILL Goodwill or negative goodwill of the reporting entity on the subsidiary shall be reported here. |
410-480 |
CAPITAL BUFFERS The structure of the reporting of capital buffers for the GS template shall follow the general structure of the template CA4, using the same reporting concepts. When reporting the capital buffers for the GS template, the relevant amounts shall be reported in accordance with the provisions applicable to determine the buffer requirement for the consolidated situation of a group. Therefore, the reported amounts of capital buffers shall represent the contributions of each entity to group capital buffers. The amounts reported shall be based on the national provisions transposing CRD and on CRR, including any transitional provisions provided for therein. |
410 |
420 |
CAPITAL CONSERVATION BUFFER Point (1) of Article 128 and Article 129 CRD In accordance with Article 129(1) CRD, the capital conservation buffer is an additional amount of Common Equity Tier 1 capital. Due to the fact that the capital conservation buffer rate of 2,5 % is stable, an amount shall be reported in this cell. |
430 |
INSTITUTION SPECIFIC COUNTERCYCLICAL CAPITAL BUFFER Point (2) of Article 128, Article 130 and Articles 135 to 140 CRD In this cell the concrete amount of the countercyclical buffer shall be reported. |
440 |
CONSERVATION BUFFER DUE TO MACRO-PRUDENTIAL OR SYSTEMIC RISK IDENTIFIED AT THE LEVEL OF A MEMBER STATE Point (d)(iv) of Article 458(2) CRR In this cell, the amount of the conservation buffer due to macro-prudential or systemic risk identified at the level of a Member State, which can be requested in accordance with Article 458 CRR in addition to the capital conservation buffer, shall be reported. |
450 |
SYSTEMIC RISK BUFFER Point (5) of Article 128, Articles 133 and 134 CRD In this cell the amount of the systemic risk buffer shall be reported. |
470 |
GLOBAL SYSTEMICALLY IMPORTANT INSTITUTION BUFFER Point (3) of Article 128 and Article 131 CRD In this cell the amount of the Global Systemically Important Institution buffer shall be reported. |
480 |
OTHER SYSTEMICALLY IMPORTANT INSTITUTION BUFFER Point (4) of Article 128 and Article 131 CRD In this cell the amount of the Other Systemically Important Institution buffer shall be reported. |
38. There are different sets of templates for the Standardised Approach and the IRB Approach for credit risk. Additionally, separate templates for the geographical breakdown of positions subject to credit risk shall be reported if the relevant threshold set out in point (4) of Article 5(a) of this Implementing Regulation is exceeded.
3.1.1. Reporting of CRM techniques with substitution effect
39. Article 235 CRR describes the computation procedure of the exposure which is fully protected by unfunded protection.
40. Article 236 CRR describes the computation procedure of the exposure which is fully protected by unfunded protection in the case of full protection/partial protection – equal seniority.
41. Articles 196, 197 and 200 CRR regulate the funded credit protection.
42. Exposures to obligors (immediate counterparties) and protection providers which are assigned to the same exposure class shall be reported as an inflow as well as an outflow to the same exposure class.
43. The exposure type shall not change because of unfunded credit protection.
44. If an exposure is secured by an unfunded credit protection, the secured part shall be assigned as an outflow e.g. in the exposure class of the obligor and as an inflow in the exposure class of the protection provider. However, the type of the exposure shall not change due to the change of the exposure class.
45. The substitution effect in the COREP reporting framework shall reflect the risk weighting treatment effectively applicable to the covered part of the exposure. As such, the covered part of the exposure shall be risk weighted in accordance with the Standardised Approach and shall be reported in the CR SA template.
3.1.2. Reporting of Counterparty Credit Risk
46. Exposures stemming from Counterparty Credit Risk positions shall be reported in templates CR SA or CR IRB independent from whether they are Banking Book items or Trading Book items.
3.2.1. General remarks
47. The CR SA templates provide the necessary information on the calculation of own funds requirements for credit risk in accordance with the Standardised Approach. In particular, they provide detailed information on:
the distribution of the exposure values according to the different, exposure types, risk weights and exposure classes;
the amount and type of credit risk mitigation techniques used for mitigating the risks.
3.2.2. Scope of the CR SA template
48. In accordance with Article 112 CRR each SA exposure shall be assigned to one of the 16 SA exposure classes to calculate the own funds requirements.
49. The information in CR SA is required for the total exposure classes and individually for each of the exposure classes under the Standardised Approach. The total figures as well as the information of each exposure class are reported in a separate dimension.
50. However the following positions are not within the scope of CR SA:
Exposures assigned to exposure class ‘items representing securitisation positions’ as referred to in point (m) of Article 112 CRR, which shall be reported in the CR SEC templates.
Exposures deducted from own funds.
51. The scope of the CR SA template shall cover the following own funds requirements:
Credit risk in accordance with Chapter 2 (Standardised Approach) of Title II of Part Three CRR in the banking book, among which Counterparty credit risk in accordance with Chapter 6 (Counterparty credit risk) of Title II of Part Three CRR in the banking book;
Counterparty credit risk in accordance with Chapter 6 (Counterparty credit risk) of Title II of Part Three CRR in the trading book;
Settlement risk arising from free deliveries in accordance with Article 379 CRR in respect of all the business activities.
52. The template shall include all exposures for which the own funds requirements are calculated in accordance with Chapter 2 of Title II of Part Three CRR in conjunction with Chapters 4 and 6 of Title II of Part Three CRR. Institutions that apply Article 94(1) CRR also need to report their trading book positions in this template when they apply Chapter 2 of Title II of Part Three CRR to calculate the own funds requirements thereof (Chapters 2 and 6 of Title II of Part Three and Title V of Part Three CRR). Therefore the template shall not only provide detailed information on the type of the exposure (e.g. on balance sheet/off balance sheet items), but also information on the allocation of risk weights within the respective exposure class.
53. In addition, CR SA includes memorandum items in rows 290 to 320 to collect further information about exposures secured by mortgages on immovable property and exposures in default.
54. Those memorandum items shall only be reported for the following exposure classes:
Central governments or central banks (point (a) of Article 112 CRR);
Regional governments or local authorities (point (b) of Article 112 CRR)
Public sector entities (point (c) of Article 112 CRR);
Institutions (point (f) of Article 112 CRR);
Corporates (point (g) of Article 112 CRR);
Retail (point (h) of Article 112 CRR).
55. The reporting of the memorandum items shall affect neither the calculation of the risk weighted exposure amounts of the exposure classes referred to in points (a) to (c) and (f) to (h) of Article 112 CRR nor of the exposure classes referred to in points (i) and (j) of Article 112 CRR reported in template CR SA.
56. The memorandum rows provide additional information about the obligor structure of the exposure classes ‘in default’ or ‘secured by immovable property’. Exposures shall be reported in these rows where the obligors would have been reported in the exposure classes ‘Central governments or central banks’, ‘Regional governments or local authorities’, ‘Public sector entities’, ‘Institutions’, ‘Corporates’ and ‘Retail’ of CR SA, if those exposures were not assigned to the exposure classes ‘in default’ or ‘secured by immovable property’. The figures reported, however, are the same as used to calculate the risk weighted exposure amounts in the exposure classes ‘in default’ or ‘secured by immovable property’.
57. E.g. if an exposure, the risk exposure amounts of which are calculated in accordance with Article 127 CRR and the value adjustments are less than 20 %, then that information shall be reported in CR SA, row 320 in the total and in the exposure class ‘in default’. If this exposure, before it defaulted, was an exposure to an institution, then that information shall also be reported in row 320 of exposure class ‘institutions’.
3.2.3. Assignment of exposures to exposure classes under the Standardised Approach
58. In order to ensure a consistent categorisation of exposures into the different exposure classes referred to in Article 112 CRR the following sequential approach shall be applied:
In a first step, the Original exposure pre-conversion factors shall be classified into the corresponding (original) exposure class referred to in Article 112 CRR, without prejudice to the specific treatment (risk weight) that each specific exposure shall receive within the assigned exposure class.
In a second step the exposures may be redistributed to other exposure classes due to the application of credit risk mitigation (CRM) techniques with substitution effects on the exposure (e.g. guarantees, credit derivatives, financial collateral simple method) via inflows and outflows.
59. The following criteria shall apply to for the classification of the Original exposure pre-conversion factors into the different exposure classes (first step) without prejudice to the subsequent redistribution caused by the use of CRM techniques with substitution effects on the exposure or to the treatment (risk weight) that each specific exposure shall receive within the assigned exposure class.
60. For the purpose of classifying the original exposure pre-conversion factor in the first step, the CRM techniques associated to the exposure shall not be considered (note that they shall be considered explicitly in the second phase) unless a protection effect is intrinsically part of the definition of an exposure class as it is the case in the exposure class referred to in point (i) of Article 112 CRR (exposures secured by mortgages on immovable property).
61. Article 112 CRR does not provide criteria for disjoining the exposure classes. This might imply that one exposure could potentially be classified in different exposure classes if no prioritisation in the assessment criteria for the classification is provided. The most obvious case arises between exposures to institutions and corporate with a short-term credit assessment (point (n) of Article 112 CRR) and exposures to institutions (point (f) of Article 112 CRR)/exposures to corporates (point (g) of Article 112 CRR). In that case, it is clear that there is an implicit prioritisation in CRR since it shall be assessed first if a certain exposure is fit for being assigned to Short-term exposures to institutions and corporates and only afterwards assessed if it fits for being assigned to exposures to institutions or exposures to corporates. Otherwise it is obvious that the exposure class referred to in point (n) of Article 112 CRR shall never be assigned an exposure. The example provided is one of the most obvious examples but is not the only one. It is worth noting that the criteria used for establishing the exposure classes under the Standardised Approach are different (institutional categorisation, term of the exposure, past due status, etc.) which is the underlying reason for non-disjoint groupings.
62. For a homogeneous and comparable reporting it is necessary to specify prioritisation assessment criteria for the assignment of the Original exposure pre-conversion factor by exposure classes, without prejudice to the specific treatment (risk weight) that each specific exposure shall receive within the assigned exposure class. The prioritisation criteria presented below, using a decision tree scheme, are based on the assessment of the conditions explicitly laid down in CRR for an exposure to fit in a certain exposure class and, if that is the case, on any decision on the part of the reporting institutions or the supervisor on the applicability of certain exposure classes. Therefore, the outcome of the exposure assignment process for reporting purposes shall be in line with CRR provisions. That does not prohibit institutions from applying other internal assignment procedures that may also be consistent with all relevant CRR provisions and its interpretations issued by the appropriate fora.
63. An exposure class shall be given priority to others in the assessment ranking in the decision tree (i.e. it shall be first assessed if an exposure can be assigned to an exposure class, without prejudice to the outcome of that assessment) if otherwise no exposures would potentially be assigned to it. That will be the case where in the absence of prioritisation criteria one exposure class is a subset of others. Therefore, the criteria graphically depicted in the following decision tree would work on a sequential process.
64. With this background the assessment ranking in the decision tree mentioned below shall follow the following order:
Securitisation positions;
Items associated with particular high risk;
Equity exposures
Exposures in default;
Exposures in the form of units or shares in collective investment undertakings (‘CIU’)/Exposures in the form of covered bonds (disjoint exposure classes);
Exposures secured by mortgages on immovable property;
Other items;
Exposures to institutions and corporates with a short-term credit assessment;
All other exposure classes (disjoint exposure classes) which include Exposures to central governments or central banks; Exposures to regional governments or local authorities; Exposures to public sector entities; Exposures to multilateral development banks; Exposures to international organisations; Exposures to institutions; Exposures to corporate and Retail exposures.
65. In the case of exposures in the form of units or shares in collective investment undertakings and where the look through approach (paragraphs 3, 4 and 5 of Article 132 CRR) is used, the underlying individual exposures shall be considered and classified into their corresponding risk weight line according to their treatment, but all the individual exposures shall be classified within the exposure class of Exposures in the form of units or shares in collective investment undertakings (‘CIU’).
66. ‘nth’ to default credit derivatives, as specified in Article 134(6) CRR that are rated shall be directly classified as securitisation positions. If they are not rated, they shall be considered in the ‘Other items’ exposure class. In that latter case, the nominal amount of the contract shall be reported as the Original exposure pre-conversion factors in the line for ‘Other risk weights’ (the risk weight used shall be that specified by the sum indicated under Article 134(6) CRR.
67. In a second step, as a consequence of credit risk mitigation techniques with substitution effects, exposures shall be reallocated to the exposure class of the protection provider.
Original exposure pre-conversion factors |
Does it fit for being assigned to the exposure class of point (m) of Article 112 CRR? |
Securitisation positions |
NO |
Does it fit for being assigned to the exposure class of point (k) of Article 112 CRR? |
Items associated with particular high risk (see also Article 128 CRR) |
NO |
Does it fit for being assigned to the exposure class of point (p) of Article 112 CRR? |
Equity exposures (see also Article 133 CRR) |
NO |
Does it fit for being assigned to the exposure class of point (j) of Article 112 CRR? |
Exposures in default |
NO |
Does it fit for being assigned to the exposure classes of points (l) and (o) of Article 112 CRR? |
Exposures in the form of units or shares in collective investment undertakings (CIU) Exposures in the form of covered bonds (see also Article 129 CRR) These two exposure classes are disjoint among themselves (see comments on the look-through approach in the answer above). Therefore the assignment to one of them is straightforward. |
NO |
Does it fit for being assigned to the exposure class of point (i) of Article 112 CRR? |
Exposures secured by mortgages on immovable property (see also Article 124 CRR) |
NO |
Does it fit for being assigned to the exposure class of point (q) of Article 112 CRR? |
Other items |
NO |
Does it fit for being assigned to the exposure class of point (n) of Article 112 CRR? |
Exposures to institutions and corporates with a short-term credit assessment |
NO |
The exposure classes below are disjoint among themselves. Therefore the assignment to one of them is straightforward. Exposures to central governments or central banks Exposures to regional governments or local authorities Exposures to public sector entities Exposures to multilateral development banks Exposures to international organisations Exposures to institutions Exposures to corporates Retail exposures |
3.2.4. Clarifications on the scope of some specific exposure classes referred to in Article 112 CRR Exposure Class ‘Institutions’
68. Intra-group exposures referred to in paragraphs 6 and 7 of Article 113 CRR shall be reported as follows:
69. Exposures which fulfil the requirements of Article 113(7) CRR shall be reported in the respective exposure classes where they would be reported if they were not intra-group exposures.
70. According to paragraphs 6 and 7 of Article 113 CRR an institution may, subject to the prior approval of the competent authorities, decide not to apply the requirements of paragraph 1 of that Article to the exposures of that institution to a counterparty which is its parent undertaking, its subsidiary, a subsidiary of its parent undertaking or an undertaking linked by a relationship within the meaning of Article 12(1) of Directive 83/349/EEC. That means that intra-group counterparties are not necessarily institutions but also undertakings which are assigned to other exposure classes, e.g. ancillary services undertakings or undertakings within the meaning of Article 12(1) of Council Directive 83/349/EEC ( 7 ). Therefore intra-group exposures shall be reported in the corresponding exposure class. Exposure Class ‘Covered Bonds’
71. SA exposures shall be assigned to the exposure class ‘covered bonds’ as follows:
72. Bonds referred to in Article 52(4) of Directive 2009/65/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council ( 8 ) shall fulfil the requirements of paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 129 CRR to be classified in the exposure class ‘Covered Bonds’. The fulfilment of those requirements has to be checked in each case. Nevertheless, bonds referred to in Article 52(4) of Directive 2009/65/EC and issued before 31 December 2007 shall also be assigned to the exposure class ‘Covered Bonds’ pursuant to Article 129(6) CRR. Exposure class ‘Collective Investment Undertakings’
73. Where the possibility referred to in Article 132(5) CRR is used, exposures in the form of units or shares in CIUs shall be reported as on balance sheet items in accordance with the first sentence in Article 111(1) CRR.
3.2.5. Instructions concerning specific positions
Columns |
010 |
ORIGINAL EXPOSURE PRE-CONVERSION FACTORS Exposure value calculated in accordance with Article 111 CRR without taking into account value adjustments and provisions, conversion factors and the effect of credit risk mitigation techniques with the following qualifications stemming from Article 111(2) CRR: 1. For derivative instruments, repurchase transactions, securities or commodities lending or borrowing transactions, long settlement transactions and margin lending transactions subject to Chapter 6 of Title II of Part Three CRR or subject to point (f) of Article 92(3) CRR, the original exposure shall correspond to the Exposure Value for Counterparty Credit Risk calculated in accordance with the methods laid down Chapter 6 of Title II of Part Three CRR. 2. Exposure values for leases shall be subject to Article 134(7) CRR. 3. In the case of on-balance sheet netting as laid down in Article 219 CRR, the exposure values shall be reported taking into account the amount of the received cash collateral. 4. In the case of master netting agreements covering repurchase transactions, securities, commodities lending, borrowing transactions or other capital market driven transactions subject to Chapter 6 of Title II of Part Three CRR, the effect of Funded Credit Protection in the form of master netting agreements referred to in Article 220(4) CRR shall be reflected in column 010. Therefore, in the case of master netting agreements covering repurchase transactions subject to Chapter 6 of Title II of Part Three CRR, E* as calculated in accordance with Articles 220 and 221 CRR shall be reported in column 010 of the CR SA template. |
030 |
(-) Value adjustments and provision associated with the original exposure Article 24 and 111 CRR Value adjustments and provisions for credit losses made in accordance with the accounting framework to which the reporting entity is subject |
040 |
Exposure net of value adjustments and provisions Sum of columns 010 and 030 |
050 – 100 |
CREDIT RISK MITIGATION (CRM) TECHNIQUES WITH SUBSTITUTION EFFECTS ON THE EXPOSURE Credit risk mitigation techniques as defined in point (57) of Article 4(1) CRR that reduce the credit risk of an exposure or exposures via the substitution of exposures as described below in ‘Substitution of the exposure due to CRM’. Collateral that has an effect on the exposure value (e.g. if used for credit risk mitigation techniques with substitution effects on the exposure) shall be capped at the exposure value. Items to be reported here: — collateral, incorporated in accordance with the Financial Collateral Simple Method; — eligible unfunded credit protection. Please also see instructions of point 3.1.1. |
050 – 060 |
Unfunded credit protection: adjusted values (GA) Article 235 CRR Article 239(3) CRR contains the formula for the calculation of the adjusted value GA of an unfunded credit protection. |
050 |
Guarantees Article 203 CRR Unfunded Credit Protection as defined in point (59) of Article 4(1) CRR which does not include Credit Derivatives. |
060 |
Credit derivatives Article 204 CRR |
070 – 080 |
Funded credit protection These columns refer to funded credit protection as defined in point (58) of Article 4(1) CRR and subject to the rules laid down in Articles 196, 197 and 200 CRR. The amounts shall not include master netting agreements (already included in Original Exposure pre-conversion factors). Investments in credit linked notes as referred to in Article 218 CRR and on-balance sheet netting positions resulting from eligible on-balance sheet netting agreements as referred to in Article 219 CRR shall be treated as cash collateral. |
070 |
Financial collateral: simple method Paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 222 CRR. |
080 |
Other funded credit protection Article 232 CRR. |
090 – 100 |
SUBSTITUTION OF THE EXPOSURE DUE TO CRM Article 222(3), paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 235 and Article 236 CRR Outflows shall correspond to the covered part of the Original Exposure pre-conversion factors that is deducted from the obligor’s exposure class and subsequently assigned to the protection provider’s exposure class. That amount shall be considered as an inflow into the protection provider’s exposure class. Inflows and outflows within the same exposure classes shall also be reported. Exposures stemming from possible in- and outflows from and to other templates shall be taken into account. |
110 |
120-140 |
CREDIT RISK MITIGATION TECHNIQUES AFFECTING THE EXPOSURE AMOUNT. FUNDED CREDIT PROTECTION, FINANCIAL COLLATERAL COMPREHENSIVE METHOD Articles 223 to 228 CRR. They also include credit linked notes (Article 218 CRR) Credit linked notes as referred to in Article 218 CRR and on-balance sheet netting positions resulting from eligible on-balance sheet netting agreements as referred to in Article 219 CRR shall be treated as cash collateral. The effect of the collateralization of the Financial Collateral Comprehensive Method applied to an exposure, which is secured by eligible financial collateral, shall be calculated in accordance with Articles 223 to 228 CRR. |
120 |
Volatility adjustment to the exposure Paragraphs 2 and 3 of Article 223 CRR. The amount to be reported is the impact of the volatility adjustment to the exposure (EVA-E) = E*He |
130 |
(-) Financial collateral adjusted value (Cvam) Article 239(2) CRR. For trading book operations, financial collateral and commodities eligible for trading book exposures in accordance with points (c) to (f) of Article 299(2) CRR shall be included. The amount to be reported corresponds to Cvam = C*(1-Hc-Hfx)*(t-t*)/(T-t*). For a definition of C, Hc, Hfx, t, T and t* see Sections 4 and 5 of Chapter 4 of Title II of Part Three CRR. |
140 |
(-) Of which: Volatility and maturity adjustments Article 223(1) CRR and Article 239(2) CRR. The amount to be reported is the joint impact of volatility and maturity adjustments (Cvam-C) = C*[(1-Hc-Hfx)*(t-t*)/(T-t*)-1], where the impact of volatility adjustment is (Cva-C) = C*[(1-Hc-Hfx)-1] and the impact of maturity adjustments is (Cvam-Cva) = C*(1-Hc-Hfx)*[(t-t*)/(T-t*)-1] |
150 |
Fully adjusted exposure value (E*) Article 220(4), Article 223(2) to (5) and Article 228(1) CRR. |
160 – 190 |
Breakdown of the fully adjusted exposure value of off-balance sheet items by conversion factors Article 111(1) and point (56) of Article 4(1) CRR. See also Articles 222(3) and 228(1) CRR. The figures reported shall be the fully adjusted exposure values before application of the conversion factor. |
200 |
Exposure value Article 111 CRR and Section 4 of Chapter 4 of Title II of Part Three CRR. Exposure value after taking into account value adjustments, all credit risk mitigants and credit conversion factors that is to be assigned to risk weights in accordance with Article 113 and Section 2 of Chapter 2 of Title II of Part Three CRR. |
210 |
Of which: Arising from Counterparty Credit Risk For Derivative instruments, repurchase transactions, securities or commodities lending or borrowing transactions, long settlement transactions and margin lending transactions subject to Chapter 6 of Title II of Part Three CRR, the exposure value for Counterparty Credit Risk calculated in accordance with the methods laid down in Sections 2 to 5 of Chapter 6 of Title II of Part Three CRR. |
215 |
Risk weighted exposure amount pre SME-supporting factor Paragraphs 1 to 5 of Article 113CRR, without taking into account the SME-supporting factor laid down in Article 501 CRR. |
220 |
Risk weighted exposure amount after SME-supporting factor Paragraphs 1 to 5 of Article 113CRR, taking into account the SME-supporting factor laid down in Article 501 CRR. |
230 |
Of which: with a credit assessment by a nominated ECAI Points (a) to (d), (f), (g), (l), (n), (o) and (q) of Article 112 CRR |
240 |
Of which: with a credit assessment derived from central government Points (b) to d), (f), (g), (l) and (o) of Article 112 CRR |
Rows |
Instructions |
010 |
Total exposures |
015 |
of which: Defaulted exposures in exposure classes ‘items associated with a particular high risk’ and ‘equity exposures’ Article 127 CRR This row shall only be reported in exposure classes ‘Items associated with a particular high risk’ and ‘Equity exposures’. An exposure that is either listed in Article 128(2) CRR or meets the criteria set in Article 128(3) or Article 133 CRR shall be assigned to the exposure class ‘Items associated with particular high risk’ or ‘Equity exposures’. Consequently, there shall be no other allocation, even in case of an exposure in default as referred to in Article 127 CRR. |
020 |
of which: SME All exposures to SME shall be reported here. |
030 |
of which: Exposures subject to the SME-supporting factor Only exposures which meet the requirements of Article 501 CRR shall be reported here. |
040 |
of which: Secured by mortgages on immovable property – Residential property Article 125 CRR Only reported in exposure class ‘Secured by mortgages on immovable property’ |
050 |
of which: Exposures under the permanent partial use of the Standardised Approach Exposures to which the Standardised Approach has been applied in accordance with Article 150(1) CRR |
060 |
of which: Exposures under the Standardised Approach with prior supervisory permission to carry out a sequential IRB implementation Article 148(1) CRR |
070-130 |
BREAKDOWN OF TOTAL EXPOSURES BY EXPOSURE TYPES Reporting institution’s ‘banking book’ positions shall be broken-down, following the criteria provided below, into on-balance sheet exposures subject to credit risk, off-balance sheet exposures subject to credit risk and exposures subject to counterparty credit risk. Exposures to counterparty credit risk arising from the trading book business of the institution as referred to in point (f) of Article 92(3) and Article 299(2) CRR shall be assigned to the exposures subject to counterparty credit risk. Institutions that apply Article 94(1) CRR also break down their ‘trading book’ positions following the criteria provided below, into on-balance sheet exposures subject to credit risk, off-balance sheet exposures subject to credit risk and exposures subject to counterparty credit risk. |
070 |
On balance sheet exposures subject to credit risk Assets referred to in Article 24 CRR not included in any other category. Exposures, which are on-balance sheet items and which are included as Securities Financing Transactions, Derivatives & Long Settlement Transactions or from Contractual Cross Product Netting shall be reported in rows 090, 110 and 130, and therefore shall not be reported in this row. Free deliveries as referred to in Article 379(1) CRR (if not deducted) do not constitute an on-balance sheet item, but nevertheless shall be reported in this row. Exposures arising from assets posted to a CCP as defined in point (90) of Article 4(1)) CRR shall be included if not reported in row 080. |
080 |
Off balance sheet exposures subject to credit risk Off-balance sheet positions comprise the items listed in Annex I CRR. Exposures, which are off-balance sheet items and which are included as Securities Financing Transactions, Derivatives & Long Settlement Transactions or from Contractual Cross Product Netting shall be reported in rows 090, 110 and 130 and therefore not be reported in this row. Exposures arising from assets posted to a CCP as defined in point (90) of Article 4(1) CRR shall be included if they are considered as off-balance sheet items. |
090-130 |
Exposures/Transactions subject to counterparty credit risk |
090 |
Securities Financing Transactions Securities Financing Transactions (SFT), as defined in paragraph 17 of the Basel Committee document ‘The Application of Basel II to Trading Activities and the Treatment of Double Default Effects’, includes: (i) Repurchase and reverse repurchase agreements as defined in point (82) of Article 4(1) CRR as well as securities or commodities lending and borrowing transactions; (ii) margin lending transactions as defined in Article 272(3) CRR. |
100 |
Of which: centrally cleared through a QCCP Article 306 CRR for qualifying CCPs as defined in point (88) of Article 4(1) CRR in accordance with Article 301(2) CRR. Trade exposures, as defined in point (91) of Article 4(1) CRR, to a CCP |
110 |
Derivatives and Long Settlement Transactions Derivatives comprise the contracts listed in Annex II to the CRR. Long Settlement Transactions as defined in Article 272(2) CRR. Derivatives and Long Settlement Transactions which are included in a Cross Product Netting and therefore reported in row 130, shall not be reported in this row. |
120 |
Of which: centrally cleared through a QCCP Article 306 CRR for qualifying CCPs as defined in point (88) of Article 4(1) CRR in accordance with Article 301(2) CRR Trade exposures, as defined in point (91) of Article 4(1) CRR, to a CCP |
130 |
From Contractual Cross Product Netting Exposures that due to the existence of a contractual cross product netting (as defined in Article 272(11) CRR) cannot be assigned to either Derivatives & Long Settlement Transactions or Securities Financing Transactions, shall be included in this row. |
140-280 |
140 |
0 % |
150 |
2 % Article 306(1) CRR |
160 |
4 % Article 305(3) CRR |
170 |
10 % |
180 |
20 % |
190 |
35 % |
200 |
50 % |
210 |
70 % Point (c) of Article 232(3) CRR. |
220 |
75 % |
230 |
100 % |
240 |
150 % |
250 |
250 % Articles 133(2) and 48(4) CRR |
260 |
370 % Article 471 CRR |
270 |
1 250 % Article 133(2) and Article 379 CRR |
280 |
Other risk weights This row is not available for exposure classes Government, Corporates, Institutions and Retail. For reporting those exposures not subject to the risk weights listed in the template. Paragraphs 1 to 5 of Article 113 CRR. Unrated nth-to-default credit derivatives under the Standardised Approach (Article 134(6) CRR) shall be reported in this row under the exposure class ‘Other items’. See also Article 124(2) and point (b) of Article 152(2) CRR. |
290-320 |
Memorandum Items See also the explanation of the purpose of the memorandum items in the general section of the CR SA. |
290 |
Exposures secured by mortgages on commercial immovable property Point (i) of Article 112 CRR This is a memorandum item only. Independent from the calculation of risk exposure amounts of exposures secured by commercial immovable property as referred to in Article 124 and 126 CRR the exposures shall be broken down and reported in this row if the exposures are secured by commercial real estate. |
300 |
Exposures in default subject to a risk weight of 100 % Point (j) of Article 112 CRR Exposures included in the exposure class ‘exposures in default’ which shall be included in this exposure class if they were not in default. |
310 |
Exposures secured by mortgages on residential property Point (i) of Article 112 CRR This is a memorandum item only. Independent from the calculation of risk exposure amounts of exposures secured by mortgages on residential property in accordance with Article 124 and 125 CRR the exposures shall be broken down and reported in this row if the exposures are secured by real estate property. |
320 |
Exposures in default subject to a risk weight of 150 % Point (j) of Article 112 CRR Exposures included in the exposure class ‘exposures in default’ which shall be included in this exposure class if they were not in default. |
3.3.1. Scope of the CR IRB template
74. The scope of the CR IRB template covers own funds requirements for:
Credit risk in the banking book, among which:
Counterparty credit risk in the trading book;
Free deliveries resulting from all business activities.
75. The scope of the template refers to the exposures for which the risk weighted exposure amounts are calculated in accordance with Articles 151 to 157 of Chapter 3 of Title II of Part Three (IRB Approach).
76. The CR IRB template does not cover the following data:
Equity exposures, which are reported in the CR EQU IRB template;
Securitisation positions, which are reported in the CR SEC and/or CR SEC Details templates;
‘Other non credit-obligation assets’, as referred to in point (g) of Article 147(2) CRR. The risk weight for this exposure class has to be set at 100 % at any time except for cash in hand, equivalent cash items and exposures that are residual values of leased assets, in accordance with Article 156 CRR. The risk weighted exposure amounts for this exposure class shall be reported directly in the CA-Template;
Credit valuation adjustment risk, which is reported on the CVA Risk template;
The CR IRB template does not require a geographical breakdown of IRB exposures by residence of the counterparty. This breakdown shall be reported in the template CR GB.
77. In order to clarify whether the institution uses its own estimates for LGD or credit conversion factors, the following information shall be provided for each reported exposure class:
‘NO’ = in case the supervisory estimates of LGD and credit conversion factors are used (Foundation IRB)
‘YES’ = in case own estimates of LGD and credit conversion factors are used (Advanced IRB)
In any case, for the reporting of the retail portfolios ‘YES’ has to be reported.
In case an institution uses own estimates of LGDs to calculate risk weighted exposure amounts for a part of its IRB exposures as well as supervisory LGDs to calculate risk weighted exposure amounts for the other part of its IRB exposures, an CR IRB Total for F-IRB positions and one CR IRB Total for A-IRB positions has to be reported.
3.3.2. Breakdown of the CR IRB template
78. The CR IRB consists of two templates. CR IRB 1 provides a general overview of IRB exposures and the different methods to calculate total risk exposure amounts as well as a breakdown of total exposures by exposure types. CR IRB 2 provides a breakdown of total exposures assigned to obligor grades or pools. The templates CR IRB 1 and CR IRB 2 shall be reported separately for the following exposure and sub-exposure classes:
(The Total template must be reported for the Foundation IRB and, separately for the Advanced IRB Approach.)
Central banks and central governments
(point (a) of Article 147(2) CRR)
(point (b) of Article 147(2) CRR)
Corporate – SME
(point (c) of Article 147(2) CRR
Corporate – Specialised lending
(Article 147(8) CRR)
Corporate – Other
(All exposures to corporates as referred to in point (c) of Article 147(2) CRR, not reported under 4.1 and 4.2).
Retail – Secured by immovable property SME
(Retail exposures as referred to in point (d) of Article 147(2) CRR in conjunction with Article 154(3) CRR which are secured by immovable property).
Retail – Secured by immovable property non-SME
(Retail exposures as referred to in point (d) of Article 147(2) CRR which are secured by immovable property and not reported under 5.1).
Retail – Qualifying revolving
(Retail exposures as referred to in point (d) of Article 147(2) CRR in conjunction with Article 154(4) CRR).
Retail – Other SME
(Retail exposures as referred to in point (d) of Article 147(2) CRR not reported under 5.1 and 5.3).
Retail – Other non – SME
(Retail exposures as referred to in point (d) of Article 147(2) CRR which were not reported under 5.2 and 5.3).
3.3.3. C 08.01 – Credit and counterparty credit risks and free deliveries: IRB Approach to Capital Requirements (CR IRB 1) Instructions concerning specific positions
Columns |
Instructions |
010 |
INTERNAL RATING SYSTEM/PD ASSIGNED TO THE OBLIGOR GRADE OR POOL (%) The PD assigned to the obligor grade or pool to be reported shall be based on the provisions laid down in Article 180 CRR. For each individual grade or pool, the PD assigned to the specific obligor grade or pool shall be reported. For figures corresponding to an aggregation of obligor grades or pools (e.g. total exposures), the exposure weighted average of the PDs assigned to the obligor grades or pools included in the aggregation shall be provided. The exposure value (column 110) shall be used for the calculation of the exposure-weighted average PD. |
For each individual grade or pool, the PD assigned to the specific obligor grade or pool shall be reported. All reported risk parameters shall be derived from the risk parameters used in the internal rating system approved by the respective competent authority. It is neither intended nor desirable to have a supervisory master scale. If the reporting institution applies a unique rating system or is able to report in accordance with an internal master scale, that scale shall be used. Otherwise, the different rating systems shall be merged and ordered in accordance with the following criteria: Obligor grades of the different rating systems shall be pooled and ordered from the lower PD assigned to each obligor grade to the higher. Where the institution uses a large number of grades or pools, a reduced number of grades or pools to be reported may be agreed with the competent authorities. Institutions shall contact their competent authority in advance if they want to report a different number of grades in comparison with the internal number of grades. For the purposes of weighting the average PD, the exposure value reported in column 110 shall be used. All exposures, including defaulted exposures, are to be considered for the the calculation of the exposure weighted average PD (e.g. for ‘total exposure’). Defaulted exposures shall be those assigned to the last rating grade/s with a PD of 100 %. |
020 |
ORIGINAL EXPOSURE PRE-CONVERSION FACTORS Institutions shall report the exposure value before taking into account any value adjustments, provisions, effects due to credit risk mitigation techniques or credit conversion factors. The original exposure value shall be reported in accordance with Article 24 CRR and paragraphs 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 and 7 of Article 166 CRR. The effect resulting from Article 166(3) CRR (effect of on balance sheet netting of loans and deposits) shall be reported separately as Funded Credit Protection and shall therefore not reduce the Original Exposure. |
030 |
OF WHICH: LARGE FINANCIAL SECTOR ENTITIES AND UNREGULATED FINANCIAL ENTITIES Breakdown of the original exposure pre-conversion factor for all exposures of entities referred to in Article 142(4) and (5) CRR subject to the higher correlation determined in accordance with Article 153(2) CRR. |
040-080 |
CREDIT RISK MITIGATION (CRM) TECHNIQUES WITH SUBSTITUTION EFFECTS ON THE EXPOSURE Credit risk mitigation as defined in point (57) of Article 4(1) CRR that reduce the credit risk of an exposure or exposures via the substitution of exposures as defined below in ‘SUBSTITUTION OF THE EXPOSURE DUE TO CRM’. |
040-050 |
UNFUNDED CREDIT PROTECTION Unfunded credit protection as defined in point (59) of Article 4(1) CRR. Collateral that has an effect on the exposure (e.g. used for credit risk mitigation techniques with substitution effects on the exposure) shall be capped at the exposure value. |
040 |
GUARANTEES: Where own estimates of LGD are not used, the Adjusted Value (GA) as defined in Article 236(3) CRR shall be provided. When own estimates of LGD are used in accordance with Article 183 CRR, the relevant value used in the internal model shall be reported. Guarantees shall be reported in column 040 where the adjustment is not made in the LGD. Where the adjustment is made in the LGD, the amount of the guarantee shall be reported in column 150. Regarding exposures subject to the double default treatment, the value of unfunded credit protection shall be reported in column 220. |
050 |
CREDIT DERIVATIVES: Where own estimates of LGD are not used, the Adjusted Value (GA) as defined in Article 236(3) CRR shall be provided. Where own estimates of LGD are used in accordance with Article 183 CRR, the relevant value used in the internal modelling shall be reported. Where the adjustment is made in the LGD, the amount of the credit derivatives shall be reported in column 160. Regarding exposures subject to the double default treatment, the value of unfunded credit protection shall be reported in column 220. |
060 |
OTHER FUNDED CREDIT PROTECTION Collateral that has an effect on the exposure (e.g. where used for credit risk mitigation techniques with substitution effects on the exposure) shall be capped at the exposure value. Where own estimates of LGD are not used, Article 232 CRR shall be applied. Where own estimates of LGD are used, those credit risk mitigation that complies with the conditions in Article 212 CRR shall be reported. The relevant value used in the internal model shall be reported. The amount shall be reported in column 060 where the adjustment is not made in the LGD. Where an adjustment is made in the LGD, that amount shall be reported in column 170. |
070-080 |
SUBSTITUTION OF THE EXPOSURE DUE TO CRM Outflows shall correspond to the covered part of the original exposure pre-conversion factors, that is deducted from the obligor’s exposure class and, where relevant, obligor grade or pool, and subsequently assigned to the protection provider’s exposure class and, where relevant, obligor grade or pool. That amount shall be considered as an inflow into the protection provider’s exposure class and, where relevant, obligor grades or pools. Inflows and outflows within the same exposure classes and, where relevant, obligor grades or pools, shall also be considered. Exposures stemming from possible in- and outflows from and to other templates shall be taken into account. |
090 |
EXPOSURE AFTER CRM SUBSTITUTION EFFECTS PRE-CONVERSION FACTORS Exposure assigned in the corresponding obligor grade or pool and exposure class after taking into account outflows and inflows due to CRM techniques with substitution effects on the exposure. |
100, 120 |
Of which: Off Balance Sheet Items See CR-SA instructions |
110 |
EXPOSURE VALUE The exposure value determined in accordance with Article 166 CRR and the second sentence of Article 230(1) CRR shall be reported. For the instruments referred to in Annex I, the credit conversion factors (paragraphs 8, 9 and 10 of Article 166 CRR), irrespective of the approach chosen by the institution, shall be applied. For rows 040-060 (securities financing transactions, derivatives and long settlement transactions and exposures from contractual cross-product netting), subject to Chapter 6 of Title II of Part Three CRR, the Exposure Value shall be the same as the value for Counterparty Credit Risk calculated in accordance with Sections 3 to 7 of Chapter 6 of Title II of Part Three CRR. Those values shall be reported in this column and not column 130 ‘Of which: arising from counterparty credit risk’. |
130 |
Of which: Arising from counterparty Credit Risk See CR SA instructions. |
140 |
OF WHICH: LARGE FINANCIAL SECTOR ENTITIES AND UNREGULATED FINANCIAL ENTITIES Breakdown of the exposure value for all exposures to entities referred to in Article 142(4) and (5) CRR subject to the higher correlation determined in accordance with Article 153(2) CRR. |
150-210 |
CREDIT RISK MITIGATION TECHNIQUES TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT IN LGD ESTIMATES EXCLUDING DOUBLE DEFAULT TREATMENT CRM techniques that have an impact on LGDs as a result of the application of the substitution effect of CRM techniques shall not be included in these columns. Where own estimates of LGD are not used, Article 228(2), Article 230(1) and (2) and Article 231 CRR shall be taken into account. Where own estimates of LGD are used: — Regarding unfunded credit protection, for exposures to central governments, central banks, institutions and corporates, Article 161(3) CRR shall be taken into account. For retail exposures, Article 164(2) CRR shall be taken into account. — Regarding funded credit protection, the collateral shall be taken into account in the LGD estimates in accordance with points (e) and (f) of Article 181(1) CRR. |
150 |
GUARANTEES See instructions to column 040. |
160 |
CREDIT DERIVATIVES See instructions to column 050. |
170 |
OWN ESTIMATES OF LGDS ARE USED: OTHER FUNDED CREDIT PROTECTION The relevant value used in the internal modelling of the institution. Those credit risk mitigants that comply with the criteria in Article 212 CRR. |
180 |
ELIGIBLE FINANCIAL COLLATERAL For trading book operations, financial instruments and commodities eligible for trading book exposures in accordance with points (c) to (f) of Article 299(2) CRR shall be included. Credit linked notes and on -balance sheet netting in accordance with Section 4 of Chapter 4 of Title II of Part Three CRR shall be treated as cash collateral. Where own estimates of LGD are not used, values shall be determined in accordance with paragraphs 1 to 4 of Article 193 and Article 194(1) CRR. The adjusted value (Cvam) as set out in Article 223(2) CRR shall be reported. Where own estimates of LGD are used, the financial collateral shall be taken into account in the LGD estimates in accordance with points (e) and (f) of Article 181(1) CRR. The amount to be reported shall be the estimated market value of the collateral. |
190-210 |
OTHER ELIGIBLE COLLATERAL Where own estimates of LGD are not used, values shall be determined in accordance with paragraphs 1 to 8 of Article 199 CRR and Article 229 CRR. Where own estimates of LGD are used, other collateral shall be taken into account in the LGD estimates in accordance with points (e) and (f) of Article 181(1) CRR. |
190 |
REAL ESTATE Where own estimates of LGD are not used, values shall be determined in accordance with paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 of Article 199 CRR and shall be reported in this column. Leasing of real estate property shall also be included (see Article 199(7) CRR). See also Article 229 CRR. Where own estimates of LGD are used, the amount to be reported shall be the estimated market value. |
200 |
OTHER PHYSICAL COLLATERAL Where own estimates of LGD are not used, values shall be determined in accordance with paragraphs 6 and 8 of Article 199 CRR and shall be reported in this column. Leasing of property different from real estate shall also be included (see Article 199(7) CRR). See also Article 229(3) CRR. Where own estimates of LGD are used, the amount to be reported shall be the estimated market value of collateral. |
210 |
RECEIVABLES Where own estimates of LGD are not used, values shall be determined in accordance with Articles 199(5) and 229(2) CRR and shall be reported in this column. Where own estimates of LGD are used, the amount to be reported shall be the estimated market value of collateral. |
220 |
SUBJECT TO DOUBLE DEFAULT TREATMENT: UNFUNDED CREDIT PROTECTION Guarantees and credit derivatives covering exposures subject to the double default treatment taking into account Article 202 and Article 217(1) CRR. See also columns 040 ‘Guarantees’ and 050 ‘Credit derivatives’. |
230 |
EXPOSURE WEIGHTED AVERAGE LGD (%) All the impact of CRM techniques on LGD values as specified in Chapters 3 and 4 of Title II of Part Three CRR shall be considered. In- case of exposures subject to the double default treatment, the LGD to be reported shall correspond to the LGD selected in accordance with Article 161(4) CRR. For defaulted exposures, point (h) of Article 181(1) CRR shall be taken into account. The exposure value referred to in column 110 shall be used for the calculation of the exposure-weighted averages. All effects shall be considered (so the floor applicable to mortgages shall be included in the reporting). For institutions applying the IRB Approach but not using their own estimates of LGD, the risk mitigation effects of financial collateral shall be reflected in E*, the fully adjusted value of the exposure, and then reflected in LGD* as referred to in Article 228(2) CRR. The exposure weighted average LGD associated to each PD ‘obligor grade or pool’ shall result from the average of the prudential LGDs, assigned to the exposures of that PD grade/pool, weighted by the respective exposure value of column 110. Where own estimates of LGD are applied, Article 175 and paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 181 CRR shall be taken into account. In case of exposures subject to the double default treatment, the LGD to be reported shall correspond to the LGD selected in accordance with Article 161(4) CRR. The calculation of the exposure weighted average LGD shall be derived from the risk parameters really used in the internal rating system approved by the respective competent authority. Data shall not be reported for specialised lending exposures referred to in Article 153(5). Exposures and the respective LGDs for large regulated financial sector entities and unregulated financial entities shall not be included in the calculation of column 230, but only be included in the calculation of column 240. |
240 |
EXPOSURE WEIGHTED AVERAGE LGD (%) FOR LARGE FINANCIAL SECTOR ENTITIES AND UNREGULATED FINANCIAL ENTITIES Exposure weighted average LGD (%) for all exposures to large financial sector entities as defined in Article 142(4) CRR and to unregulated financial sector entities as defined in Article 142(5) CRR subject to the higher correlation determined in accordance with Article 153(2) CRR. |
250 |
EXPOSURE-WEIGHTED AVERAGE MATURITY VALUE (DAYS) The value reported shall be determined in accordance with Article 162 CRR. The exposure value (column 110) shall be used for the calculation of the exposure-weighted averages. The average maturity shall be reported in days. This data shall not be reported for the exposure values for which the maturity is not an element in the calculation of risk weighted exposure amounts. That means that this column shall not be filled in for the exposure class ‘retail’. |
255 |
RISK WEIGHTED EXPOSURE AMOUNT PRE SME-SUPPORTING FACTOR For central governments and central banks, corporate and institutions, see paragraphs 1 and 3 of Article 153 CRR. For retail, see Article 154(1) CRR. The SME-supporting factor referred to in Article 501(1) CRR shall not be taken into account. |
260 |
RISK WEIGHTED EXPOSURE AMOUNT AFTER SME-SUPPORTING FACTOR For central governments and central banks, corporate and institutions, see paragraphs 1 and 3 of Article 153 CRR. For retail, see Article 154(1) CRR. The SME-supporting factor referred to in Article 501(1) CRR shall be taken into account. |
270 |
OF WHICH: LARGE FINANCIAL SECTOR ENTITIES AND UNREGULATED FINANCIAL ENTITIES Breakdown of the risk weighted exposure amount after SME supporting factor for all exposures to large financial sectors entities as defined in Article 142(4) CRR and to unregulated financial sector entities as defined in Article 142(5) CRR, subject to the higher correlation determined in accordance with Article 153(2) CRR. |
280 |
EXPECTED LOSS AMOUNT For the definition of Expected Loss, see Article 5(3) CRR and, for the calculation of expected loss amounts, see Article 158 CRR. The expected loss amount to be reported shall be based on the risk parameters really used in the internal rating system approved by the respective competent authority. |
290 |
(-) VALUE ADJUSTMENTS AND PROVISIONS Value Adjustments as well as specific and general credit risk adjustments in accordance with Article 159 CRR shall be reported. General credit risk adjustments shall be reported by assigning the amount pro rata on the basis of the expected loss of the different obligor grades. |
300 |
NUMBER OF OBLIGORS Paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 172 CRR. For all exposure classes, with the exception of the exposure class retail and the cases mentioned in the second sentence of point (e) of Article 172(1) CRR, the institution shall report the number of legal entities/obligors which were separately rated, regardless of the number of different loans or exposures granted. Within the exposure class retail, or if separate exposures to the same obligor are assigned to different obligor grades in accordance with the second sentence of point (e) of Article 172(1) CRR in other exposure classes, the institution shall report the number of exposures which were separately assigned to a certain rating grade or pool. In case Article 172(2) CRR applies, an obligor may be considered in more than one grade. As this column deals with an element of the structure of the rating systems, it relates to the original exposures pre-conversion factor assigned to each obligor grade or pool without taking into account the effect of CRM techniques (in particular redistribution effects). |
Rows |
Instructions |
010 |
015 |
of which: Exposures subject to SME-supporting factor Only exposures which meet the requirements of Article 501(2) CRR shall be reported here. |
020-060 |
020 |
On balance sheet items subject to credit risk Assets referred to in Article 24 CRR shall not be included in any other category. Exposures, which are on-balance sheet items and which are included as Securities Financing Transactions, Derivatives & Long Settlement Transactions or from Contractual Cross Product Netting shall be reported in rows 040-060 and, therefore, not reported in this row. Free deliveries as referred to in Article 379(1) CRR (if not deducted) do not constitute an on-balance sheet item, but nevertheless shall be reported in this row. Exposures arising from assets posted to a CCP as defined in point (91) of Article 4(1) CRR shall be included if not reported in row 030. |
030 |
Off balance sheet items subject to credit risk Off-balance sheet items shall comprise those items that are listed in Annex I CRR. Exposures, which are off-balance sheet items and which are included as Securities Financing Transactions, Derivatives & Long Settlement Transactions or from Contractual Cross Product Netting, shall be reported in rows 040-060 and, therefore, not in this row. Exposures arising from assets posted to a CCP as defined in point (91) of Article 4(1) CRR shall be included if they are considered as off-balance sheet items. |
040-060 |
Exposures/Transactions subject to counterparty credit risk |
040 |
Securities Financing Transactions Securities Financing Transactions (SFT), as defined in paragraph 17 of the Basel Committee document ‘The Application of Basel II to Trading Activities and the Treatment of Double Default Effects’, includes: (i) repurchase and reverse repurchase agreements as defined in point (82) of Article 4(1) CRR as well as securities or commodities lending and borrowing transactions and (ii) margin lending transactions as defined in Article 272(3) CRR. Securities Financing Transactions, which are included in a Cross Product Netting and therefore reported in row 060, shall not be reported in this row. |
050 |
Derivatives and Long Settlement Transactions Derivatives comprise those contracts that are listed in Annex II CRR. Derivatives and Long Settlement Transactions which are included in a Cross Product Netting and therefore reported in row 060 shall not be reported in this row. |
060 |
From Contractual Cross Product Netting See CR SA instructions |
070 |
EXPOSURES ASSIGNED TO OBLIGOR GRADES OR POOLS: TOTAL For exposures to corporates, institutions and central governments and central banks, see point (6) of Article 142(1) and point (c) of Article 170(1) CRR. For retail exposures see point (b) of Article 170(3) CRR. For exposures arising from purchased receivables, see Article 166(6) CRR. Exposures for dilution risk of purchased receivables shall not be reported by obligor grades or pools and shall be reported in row 180. Where the institution uses a large number of grades or pools, a reduced number of grades or pools to be reported may be agreed with the competent authorities. A master scale is not used. Instead, institutions shall determine the scale to be used themselves. |
080 |
SPECIALISED LENDING SLOTTING CRITERIA: TOTAL Article 153(5) CRR. This shall only apply to the exposure classes corporates, institutions and central governments and central banks. |
090-150 |
120 |
Of which: In category 1 Table 1 of Article 153(5) CRR |
160 |
ALTERNATIVE TREATMENT: SECURED BY REAL ESTATE Paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 193, paragraphs 1 to 7 of Article 194 and Article 230(3) CRR |
170 |
EXPOSURES FROM FREE DELIVERIES APPLYING RISK WEIGHTS UNDER THE ALTERNATIVE TREATMENT OR 100 % AND OTHER EXPOSURES SUBJECT TO RISK WEIGHTS Exposures arising from free deliveries for which the alternative treatment referred to in the last sentence of the first subparagraph of Article 379(2) CRR is used, or for which a 100 % risk weight is applied in accordance with the last subparagraph of Article 379(2) CRR. Unrated nth-to-default credit derivatives in accordance with Article 153(8) CRR and any other exposure subject to risk weights not included in any other row shall be reported in this row. |
180 |
DILUTION RISK: TOTAL PURCHASED RECEIVABLES See point (53) of Article 4(1) CRR for a definition of dilution risk. For calculation of risk weight for dilution risk see Article 157(1) CRR. In accordance with Article 166(6) CRR, the exposure value of purchased receivables shall be the outstanding amount minus the risk weighted exposure amounts for dilution risk prior to credit risk mitigation. |
3.3.4. C 08.02 – Credit and counterparty credit risks and free deliveries: IRB Approach to capital requirements: breakdown by obligor grades or pools (CR IRB 2 template)
Column |
Instructions |
005 |
Obligor grade (row identifier) This is a row identifier and shall be unique for each row on a particular sheet of the template. It shall follow the numerical order 1, 2, 3, etc. |
010-300 |
Instructions for each of these columns are the same as for the corresponding numbered columns in CR IRB 1 template. |
Row |
Instructions |
010-001 – 010-NNN |
Values reported in these rows must be ordered from the lower to the higher in accordance with the PD assigned to the obligor grade or pool. PD of obligors in default shall be 100 %. Exposures subject to the alternative treatment for real estate collateral (only available when not using own estimates for the LGD) shall not be assigned in accordance with the PD of the obligor and not reported in this template. |
79. All institutions shall submit information aggregated at a total level. Additionally, institutions fulfilling the threshold set in point (4) of Article 5(a) of this Implementing Regulation shall submit information broken down by country regarding the domestic country as well as any non-domestic country. The threshold shall be considered only in relation to the CR GB 1 and CR GB 2 templates. Exposures to supranational organisations shall be assigned to the geographical area ‘other countries’.
80. The term ‘residence of the obligor’ refers to the country of incorporation of the obligor. This concept can be applied on an immediate-obligor basis and on an ultimate-risk basis. Hence, CRM techniques with substitution effects can change the allocation of an exposure to a country. Exposures to supranational organisations shall not be assigned to the country of residence of the institution but to the geographical area ‘Other countries’, irrespective of the exposure class where the exposure to supranational organisations is assigned.
81. Data regarding ‘original exposure pre-conversion factors’ shall be reported referring to the country of residence of the immediate obligor. Data regarding ‘exposure value’ and ‘Risk weighted exposure amounts’ shall be reported as of the country of residence of the ultimate obligor.
3.4.1. C 09.01 – Geographical breakdown of exposures by residence of the obligor: SA exposures (CR GB 1) Instructions concerning specific positions
Columns |
010 |
ORIGINAL EXPOSURE PRE-CONVERSION FACTORS Same definition as for column 010 of CR SA template |
020 |
Defaulted exposures Original exposure pre-conversion factors for those exposures which have been classified as ‘exposures in default’ and for defaulted exposures assigned to the exposure classes ‘exposures associated with particularly high risk’ or ‘equity exposures’. This ‘memorandum item’ shall provide additional information about the obligor structure of defaulted exposures. Exposures classified as ‘exposures in default’ as referred to in point (j) of Article 112 CRR shall be reported where the obligors would have been reported if those exposures were not assigned to the exposure classes ‘exposures in default’. This information is a ‘memorandum item’ – hence does not affect the calculation of risk weighted exposure amounts of exposure classes ‘exposures in default’, ‘exposures associated with particularly high risk’ or ‘equity exposures’ as referred to in points (j), (k) and (p) of Article 112 CRR. |
040 |
Observed new defaults for the period The amount of original exposures which have moved into exposure class ‘Exposures in default’ during the 3-month period since the last reporting reference date shall be reported against the exposure class to which the obligor originally belonged. |
050 |
General credit risk adjustments Credit risk adjustments as referred to in Article 110 CRR. This item shall include the general credit risk adjustments that are eligible for inclusion in T2 capital, before the application of the cap referred to in point (c) of Article 62 CRR. The amount to be reported shall be gross of tax effects. |
055 |
Specific credit risk adjustments Credit risk adjustments as referred to in Article 110 CRR. |
060 |
Write-offs Write-offs include both reductions of the carrying of impaired financial assets recognised directly in profit or loss [IFRS 7.B5.(d).(i)] and reductions in the amounts of the allowance accounts charged against the impaired financial assets [IFRS 7.B5.(d).(ii)]. |
070 |
Credit risk adjustments/write-offs for observed new defaults Sum of credit risk adjustments and write-offs for those exposures which were classified as ‘defaulted exposures’ during the 3-month period since the last data submission. |
075 |
Exposure value Same definition as for column 200 of CR SA template |
080 |
RISK WEIGHTED EXPOSURE AMOUNT PRE SME-SUPPORTING FACTOR Same definition as for column 215 of CR SA template |
090 |
RISK WEIGHTED EXPOSURE AMOUNT AFTER SME-SUPPORTING FACTOR Same definition as for column 220 of CR SA template |
Rows |
010 |
Central governments or central banks Point (a) of Article 112 CRR |
020 |
Regional governments or local authorities Point (b) of Article 112 CRR. |
030 |
Public sector entities Point (c) of Article 112 CRR |
040 |
Multilateral developments banks Point (d) of Article 112 CRR |
050 |
International organisations Point (e) of Article 112 CRR |
060 |
Institutions Point (f) of Article 112 CRR |
070 |
Corporates Point (g) of Article 112 CRR |
075 |
of which: SME Same definition as for row 020 of CR SA template |
080 |
Retail Point (h) of Article 112 CRR |
085 |
of which: SME Same definition as for row 020 of CR SA template |
090 |
Secured by mortgages on immovable property Point (i) of Article 112 CRR |
095 |
of which: SME Same definition as for row 020 of CR SA template |
100 |
Exposures in default Point (j) of Article 112 CRR |
110 |
Items associated with particularly high risk Point (k) of Article 112 CRR |
120 |
Covered bonds Point (l) of Article 112 CRR |
130 |
Claims on institutions and corporates with a short-term credit assessment Point (n) of Article 112 CRR |
140 |
Collective investments undertakings (CIU) Point (o) of Article 112 CRR |
150 |
Equity exposures Point (p) of Article 112 CRR |
160 |
Other exposures Point (q) of Article 112 CRR |
170 |
Total exposures |
3.4.2. C 09.02 – Geographical breakdown of exposures by residence of the obligor: IRB exposures (CR GB 2) Instructions concerning specific positions
Columns |
010 |
ORIGINAL EXPOSURE PRE-CONVERSION FACTORS Same definition as for column 020 of CR IRB template |
030 |
Of which defaulted Original exposure value for those exposures which have been classified as defaulted exposures in accordance with Article 178 CRR. |
040 |
Observed new defaults for the period The amount of original exposures which have moved into exposure class ‘Exposures in default’ during the 3-month period since the last reporting reference date shall be reported against the exposure class to which the obligor originally belonged. |
050 |
General credit risk adjustments Credit risk adjustments as referred to in Article 110 CRR. |
055 |
Specific credit risk adjustments Credit risk adjustments as referred to in Article 110 CRR. |
060 |
Write-offs Write-offs include both reductions of the carrying of impaired financial assets recognised directly in profit or loss [IFRS 7.B5.(d).(i)] and reductions in the amounts of the allowance accounts charged against the impaired financial assets [IFRS 7.B5.(d).(ii)]. |
070 |
Credit risk adjustments/write-offs for observed new defaults Sum of credit risk adjustments and write-offs for those exposures which were classified as ‘defaulted exposures’ during the 3-month period since the last data submission. |
080 |
INTERNAL RATING SYSTEM/PD ASSIGNED TO THE OBLIGOR GRADE OR POOL (%) Same definition as for column 010 of CR IRB template |
090 |
EXPOSURE WEIGHTED AVERAGE LGD (%) Same definition as for columns 230 and 240 of CR IRB template: the exposure weighted average LGD (%) shall refer to all exposures, including exposures to large financial sector entities and unregulated financial entities. Point (h) of Article 181(1) CRR shall apply. Data shall not be reported for specialised lending exposures referred to in Article 153(5) CRR. |
100 |
Of which: defaulted Exposure weighted LGD for those exposures which have been classified as defaulted exposures in accordance with Article 178 CRR. |
105 |
Exposure value Same definition as for column 110 of CR IRB template. |
110 |
RISK WEIGHTED EXPOSURE AMOUNT PRE SME-SUPPORTING FACTOR Same definition as for column 255 of CR IRB template |
120 |
Of which defaulted Risk weighted exposure amount for those exposures which have been classified as defaulted exposures in accordance with Article 178(1) CRR. |
125 |
RISK WEIGHTED EXPOSURE AMOUNT AFTER SME-SUPPORTING FACTOR Same definition as for column 260 of CR IRB template |
130 |
EXPECTED LOSS AMOUNT Same definition as for column 280 of CR IRB template |
Rows |
010 |
Central banks and central governments Point (a) of Article 147(2) CRR |
020 |
Institutions Point (b) of Article 147(2) CRR |
030 |
Corporates All exposures to corporates as referred to in point (c) of Article 147(2) CRR |
042 |
Of which: Specialised lending (excl. SL subject to slotting criteria) Point (a) of Article 147(8) CRR Data shall not be reported for specialized lending exposures as referred to in Article 153(5) CRR. |
045 |
Of which: Specialised lending subject to slotting criteria Point (a) of Article 147(8) and Article 153(5) CRR |
050 |
Of which: SME Point (c) of Article 147(2) CRR |
060 |
Retail All retail exposures as referred to in point (d) of Article 147(2) CRR |
070 |
Retail – Secured by real estate property Retail exposures as referred to in point (d) of Article 147(2) CRR which are secured by real estate |
080 |
SME Retail exposures as referred to in point (d) of Article 147(2) and Article 154(3) CRR which are secured by real estate |
090 |
non-SME Retail exposures as referred to in point (d) of Article 147(2) CRR which are secured by real estate |
100 |
Retail – Qualifying revolving Retail exposures as referred to in point (d) of Article 147(2) in conjunction with Article 154(4) CRR |
110 |
Other Retail Other retail exposures as referred to in point (d) of Article 147(2) CRR which are not reported in rows 070 – 100 |
120 |
SME Other retail exposures as referred to in point (d) of Article 147(2) CRR to SMEs |
130 |
non-SME Other retail exposures as referred to in point (d) of Article 147(2) CRR to non-SMEs |
140 |
Equity Equity exposures as referred to in point (e) of Article 147(2) CRR |
150 |
Total exposures |
3.4.3. C 09.04 – Breakdown of credit exposures relevant for the calculation of the countercyclical buffer by country and institution-specific countercyclical buffer rate (CCB) General remarks
82. This template aims at receiving more information regarding the elements of the institution-specific countercyclical capital buffer. The information required refers to the own funds requirements determined in accordance with Title II and Title IV of Part Three CRR and the geographical location for credit exposures, securitisation exposures and trading book exposures relevant for the calculation of the institution-specific countercyclical capital buffer (CCB) in accordance with Article 140 CRD (relevant credit exposures).
83. Information in template C 09.04 shall be reported for the ‘Total’ of relevant credit exposures across all jurisdictions where those exposures are located and individually for each of the jurisdictions in which relevant credit exposures are located. The total figures as well as the information of each jurisdiction shall be reported in a separate dimension.
84. The threshold set in point (4) of Article 5(a) of this Implementing Regulation shall not apply for the reporting of this breakdown.
85. In order to determine the geographical location, the exposures shall be allocated on an immediate obligor basis as provided for in Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 1152/2014 ( 9 ). Therefore, CRM techniques shall not change the allocation of an exposure to its geographical location for the purpose of reporting information set out in this template. Instructions concerning specific positions
Columns |
010 |
Amount The value of the relevant credit exposures and their associated own-funds requirements determined in accordance with the instructions for the respective row. |
020 |
Percentage |
030 |
Qualitative Information This information shall only be reported for the country of residence of the institution (the jurisdiction corresponding to its home Member State) and the ‘Total’ of all countries. Institutions shall report either {y} or {n} in accordance with the instructions for the relevant row. |
Rows |
010-020 |
Relevant credit exposures – Credit risk Relevant credit exposures as referred to in point (a) of Article 140(4) CRD. |
010 |
Exposure value under the Standardised Approach Exposure value calculated in accordance with Article 111 CRR for relevant credit exposures as referred to in point (a) of Article 140(4) CRD. The exposure value of securitisation positions in the banking book shall be excluded from this row and reported in row 055. |
020 |
Exposure value under the IRB Approach Exposure value calculated in accordance with Article 166 CRR for relevant credit exposures as referred to in point (a) of Article 140(4) CRD. The exposure value of securitisation positions in the banking book shall be excluded from this row and reported in row 055. |
030-040 |
Relevant credit exposures – Market risk Relevant credit exposures as referred to in point (b) of Article 140(4) CRD. |
030 |
Sum of long and short positions of trading book exposures for Standardised Approach Sum of net long and net short positions in accordance with Article 327 CRR of relevant credit exposures as referred to in point (b) of Article 140(4) CRD subject to own funds requirements under Chapter 2 of Title IV of Part Three CRR: — exposures to debt instruments other than securitisation; — exposures to securitisation positions in the trading book; — exposures to correlation trading portfolios; — exposures to equity securities; — exposures to CIUs where capital requirements are calculated in accordance with Article 348 CRR. |
040 |
Value of trading book exposures under internal models For relevant credit exposures as referred to in point (b) of Article 140(4) CRD subject to own funds requirements under Chapters 2 and 5 of Title IV of Part Three CRR, the sum of the following shall be reported: — Fair value of non-derivative positions, that represent relevant credit exposures as referred to in point (b) of Article 140(4) CRD, determined in accordance with Article 104 CRR. — Notional value of derivatives, that represent relevant credit exposures as referred to in point (b) of Article 140(4) CRD. |
055 |
Relevant credit exposures – Securitisation positions in the banking book Exposure value calculated in accordance with Article 248 CRR for relevant credit exposures as referred to in point (c) of Article 140(4) CRD. |
070-110 |
Own funds requirements and weights |
070 |
Total own funds requirements for CCB The sum of rows 080, 090 and 100. |
080 |
Own funds requirements for relevant credit exposures – Credit risk Own funds requirements calculated in accordance with Chapters 1 to 4 and Chapter 6 of Title II of Part Three CRR for relevant credit exposures as referred to in point (a) of Article 140(4) CRD, in the country in question. Own fund requirements for securitisation positions in the banking book shall be excluded from this row and reported in row 100. The own-funds requirements are 8 % of the risk-weighted exposure amount determined in accordance with Chapters 1 to 4 and Chapter 6 of Title II of Part Three CRR. |
090 |
Own funds requirements for relevant credit exposures – Market risk Own funds requirements calculated in accordance with Chapter 2 of Title IV of Part Three CRR for specific risk, or in accordance with Chapter 5 of Title IV of Part Three CRR for incremental default and migration risk for relevant credit exposures as referred to in point (b) of Article 140(4) CRD, in the country in question. The own funds requirements for relevant credit exposures under the market risk framework shall include, among others, the own fund requirements for securitisation positions calculated in accordance with Chapter 2 of Title IV of Part Three, CRR and the own funds requirements for exposures to Collective Investment Undertakings determined in accordance with Article 348 CRR. |
100 |
Own funds requirements for relevant credit exposures – Securitisation positions in the banking book Own funds requirements calculated in accordance with Chapter 5 of Title II of Part Three CRR for relevant credit exposures as referred to in point (c) of Article 140(4) CRD in the country in question. The own-funds requirements are 8 % of the risk-weighted exposure amount calculated in accordance with Chapter 5 of Title II of Part Three, CRR. |
110 |
Own funds requirements weights The weight applied to the countercyclical buffer rate in each country shall be calculated as a ratio of own fund requirements, determined as follows: 1. Numerator: The total own funds requirements that relate to the relevant credit exposures in the country in question [r070; c010; country sheet], 2. Denominator: The total own funds requirements that relate to all credit exposures relevant for the calculation of the countercyclical buffer as referred to in Article 140(4) CRD [r070; c010; ‘Total’]. Information on the Own fund requirements weights shall not be reported for the ‘Total’ of all countries. |
120-140 |
Countercyclical buffer rates |
120 |
Countercyclical capital buffer rate set by the Designated Authority Countercyclical capital buffer rate set for the country in question by the Designated Authority of that country in accordance with Articles 136, 137, 139, points (a) and (c) of Article 140(2) and point (b) of Article 140(3) CRD. This row shall be left empty when no countercyclical buffer rate was set for the country in question by the Designated Authority of that country. Countercyclical capital buffer rates that were set by the Designated Authority but are not yet applicable in the country in question at the reporting reference date shall not be reported. Information on the Countercyclical capital buffer rate set by the Designated Authority shall not be reported for the ‘Total’ of all countries. |
130 |
Countercyclical capital buffer rate applicable for the country of the institution Countercyclical capital buffer rate applicable for the country in question which was set by the Designated Authority of the country of residence of the institution, in accordance with Articles 137, 138, 139 and point (b) of Article 140(2) and point (a) of Article 140(3) CRD. Countercyclical capital buffer rates that are not yet applicable at the reporting reference date shall not be reported. Information on the Countercyclical capital buffer rate applicable in the country of the institution shall not be reported for the ‘Total’ of all countries. |
140 |
Institution-specific countercyclical capital buffer rate Institution-specific countercyclical capital buffer rate, calculated in accordance with Article 140(1) CRD. The institution-specific countercyclical capital buffer rate shall be calculated as the weighted average of the countercyclical buffer rates that apply in the jurisdictions where the relevant credit exposures of the institution are located or are applied for the purposes of Article 140 by virtue of paragraphs 2 or 3 of Article 139 CRD. The relevant countercyclical buffer rate shall reported in [r120; c020; country sheet], or [r130; c020; country sheet], as applicable. The weight applied to the countercyclical buffer rate in each country shall be the share of own funds requirements in total own funds requirements, and shall be reported in [r110; c020; country sheet]. Information on the institution-specific countercyclical capital buffer rate shall only be reported for the ‘Total’ of all countries and not for each country separately. |
150 – 160 |
Use of the 2 % threshold |
150 |
Use of 2 % threshold for general credit exposure In accordance with point (b) of Article 2(5) of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 1152/2014, foreign general credit risk exposures, the aggregate of which does not exceed 2 % of the aggregate of the general credit, trading book and securitisation exposures of that institution, may be allocated to the institutions’ home Member State. The aggregate of the general credit, trading book and securitisation exposures shall be calculated by excluding the general credit exposures located in accordance with point (a) of Article 2(5) and Article 2(4) of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 1152/2014. If the institution makes use of this derogation, it shall indicate ‘y’ in the template for the jurisdiction corresponding to its home Member State and for the ‘Total’ of all countries. If an institution does not make use of this derogation, it shall indicate ‘n’ in the respective cell. |
160 |
Use of 2 % threshold for trading book exposure In accordance with Article 3(3) of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 1152/2014, institutions may allocate trading book exposures to their home Member State where the total trading book exposures do not exceed 2 % of their total general credit, trading book and securitisation exposures. If the institution makes use of this derogation, it shall indicate ‘y’ in the template for the jurisdiction corresponding to its home Member State and for the ‘Total’ of all countries. If an institution does not make use of this derogation, it shall indicate ‘n’ in the respective cell. |
3.5.1. General remarks
86. The CR EQU IRB template consists of two templates: CR EQU IRB 1 provides a general overview of IRB exposures of the equity exposure class and the different methods to calculate total risk exposure amounts. CR EQU IRB 2 provides a breakdown of total exposures assigned to obligor grades in the context of the PD/LGD approach. ‘CR EQU IRB’ refers to both ‘CR EQU IRB 1’ and ‘CR EQU IRB 2’ templates, as applicable, in the following instructions.
87. The CR EQU IRB template provides information on the calculation of risk weighted exposure amounts for credit risk (point (a) of Article 92(3) CRR) in accordance with Chapter 3 of Title II of Part Three CRR for equity exposures as referred to in point (e) of Article 147(2) CRR.
88. In accordance with Article 147(6) CRR, the following exposures shall be assigned to the equity exposure class:
non-debt exposures conveying a subordinated, residual claim on the assets or income of the issuer;
debt exposures and other securities, partnerships, derivatives, or other vehicles, the economic substance of which is similar to the exposures specified in point (a).
89. Collective investment undertakings treated in accordance with the simple risk weight approach as referred to in Article 152 CRR shall also be reported in the CR EQU IRB template.
90. In accordance with Article 151(1) CRR, institutions shall provide the CR EQU IRB template when applying one of the three approaches referred to in Article 155 CRR:
Moreover, institutions applying the IRB Approach shall also report in the CR EQU IRB template risk-weighted exposure amounts for those equity exposures which attract a fixed risk-weight treatment (without however being explicitly treated in accordance with the Simple Risk Weight approach or the (temporary or permanent) partial use of the Standardised Approach for credit risk), e.g. equity exposures attracting a risk-weight of 250 % in accordance with Article 48(4) CRR, respectively a risk-weight of 370 % in accordance with Article 471(2) CRR.
91. The following equity claims shall not be reported in the CR EQU IRB template:
3.5.2. Instructions concerning specific positions (applicable to both CR EQU IRB 1 and CR EQU IRB 2)
Columns |
005 |
OBLIGOR GRADE (ROW IDENTIFIER) The obligor grade shall be a row identifier and shall be unique for each row in the template. It shall follow the numerical order 1, 2, 3, etc. |
010 |
INTERNAL RATING SYSTEM PD ASSIGNED TO THE OBLIGOR GRADE (%) Institutions applying the PD/LGD approach shall report in column 010 the probability of default (PD) calculated in accordance with Article 165(1) CRR. The PD assigned to the obligor grade or pool to be reported shall be in line with the minimum requirements laid down in Section 6 of Chapter 3 of Title II of Part Three CRR. For each individual grade or pool, the PD assigned to that specific obligor grade or pool shall be reported. All reported risk parameters shall be derived from the risk parameters used in the internal rating system approved by the respective competent authority. For figures corresponding to an aggregation of obligor grades or pools (e.g. ‘total exposures’), the exposure weighted average of the PDs assigned to the obligor grades or pools included in the aggregation shall be provided. All exposures, including defaulted exposures, are to be considered for the purpose of the calculation of the exposure weighted average PD. For the calculation of the exposure-weighted average PD, the exposure value taking into account unfunded credit protection (column 060) shall be used for weighting purposes. |
020 |
ORIGINAL EXPOSURE PRE-CONVERSION FACTORS Institutions report in column 020 the original exposure value (pre-conversion factors). In accordance with Article 167 CRR, the exposure value for equity exposures shall be the accounting value remaining after specific credit risk adjustments. The exposure value of off-balance sheet equity exposures shall be its nominal value after specific credit risk adjustments. Institutions shall also include in column 020 the off balance sheet items referred to in Annex I CRR assigned to the equity exposure class (e.g. ‘the unpaid portion of partly-paid shares’). Institutions applying the Simple Risk Weight approach or the PD/LGD approach (as referred to in Article 165(1) CRR) shall also take into account the offsetting referred to in the second subparagraph of Article 155(2) CRR. |
030-040 |
CREDIT RISK MITIGATION (CRM) TECHNIQUES WITH SUBSTITUTION EFFECTS ON THE EXPOSURE UNFUNDED CREDIT PROTECTION GUARANTEES CREDIT DERIVATIVES Irrespective of the approach adopted for the calculation of risk weighted exposure amounts for equity exposures, institutions may recognise unfunded credit protection obtained on equity exposures (Paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 of Article 155 CRR). Institutions applying the Simple Risk Weight approach or the PD/LGD approach shall report in columns 030 and 040 the amount of unfunded credit protection under the form of guarantees (column 030) or credit derivatives (column 040) recognised in accordance with the methods set out in Chapter 4 of Title II of Part Three CRR. |
050 |
CREDIT RISK MITIGATION (CRM) TECHNIQUES WITH SUBSTITUTION EFFECTS ON THE EXPOSURE SUBSTITUTION OF THE EXPOSURE DUE TO CRM (-) TOTAL OUTFLOWS Institutions shall report in column 050 the part of the original exposure pre-conversion factors covered by unfunded credit protection recognised in accordance with the methods set out in Chapter 4 of Title II of Part Three CRR. |
060 |
EXPOSURE VALUE Institutions applying the Simple Risk Weight approach or the PD/LGD approach shall report in column 060 the exposure value, taking into account substitution effects stemming from unfunded credit protection (Paragraphs 2 and 3 of Article 155 and Article 167 CRR). In the case of equity off-balance sheet exposures, the exposure value shall be the nominal value after specific credit risk adjustments (Article 167 CRR). |
070 |
EXPOSURE WEIGHTED AVERAGE LGD (%) Institutions applying the PD/LGD approach shall report the exposure weighted average of the LGDs assigned to the obligor grades or pools included in the aggregation. The exposure value taking into account unfunded credit protection (column 060) shall be used for the calculation of the exposure-weighted average LGD. Institutions shall take into account Article 165(2) CRR. |
080 |
RISK WEIGHTED EXPOSURE AMOUNT Institutions shall report risk-weighted exposure amounts for equity exposures calculated in accordance with Article 155 CRR. Where institutions applying the PD/LGD approach do not have sufficient information to use the definition of default set out in Article 178 CRR, a scaling factor of 1,5 shall be assigned to the risk weights when calculating risk weighted exposure amounts (Article 155(3) CRR). With regard to the input parameter M (Maturity) to the risk-weight function, the maturity assigned to equity exposures equals 5 years (Article 165(3) CRR). |
090 |
MEMORANDUM ITEM: EXPECTED LOSS AMOUNT Institutions shall report in column 090 the expected loss amount for equity exposures calculated in accordance with paragraphs 4, 7, 8 and 9 of Article 158 CRR. |
92. In accordance with Article 155 CRR, institutions may employ different approaches (Simple Risk Weight approach, PD/LGD approach or Internal Models approach) to different portfolios when they use these different approaches internally. Institutions shall also report in the CR EQU IRB 1 template risk-weighted exposure amounts for those equity exposures which attract a fixed risk-weight treatment (without however being explicitly treated in accordance with the Simple Risk Weight approach or the (temporary or permanent) partial use of the credit risk Standardised Approach).
Rows |
CR EQU IRB 1 – row 020, |
PD/LGD APRROACH: TOTAL Institutions applying the PD/LGD approach (Article 155(3) CRR) shall report the required information in row 020 of the CR EQU IRB 1 template. |
CR EQU IRB 1 – rows 050- 090 |
SIMPLE RISK WEIGHT APPROACH: TOTAL BREAKDOWN OF TOTAL EXPOSURES UNDER THE SIMPLE RISK WEIGHT APPROACH BY RISK WEIGHTS: Institutions applying the Simple Risk Weight approach (Article 155(2) CRR) shall report the required information in accordance with the characteristics of the underlying exposures in rows 050 to 090. |
CR EQU IRB 1 – row 100 |
INTERNAL MODELS APPROACH Institutions applying the Internal Models approach (Article 155(4) CRR) shall report the required information in row 100. |
CR EQU IRB 1 – row 110 |
EQUITY EXPOSURES SUBJECT TO RISK WEIGHTS Institutions applying the IRB Approach shall report risk weighted exposure amounts for those equity exposures which attract a fixed risk weight treatment (without however being explicitly treated in accordance with the Simple Risk Weight approach or the (temporary or permanent) partial use of the credit risk Standardised Approach). As an example: — the risk weighted exposure amount of equity positions in financial sector entities treated in accordance with Article 48(4) CRR, as well as — equity positions risk-weighted with 370 % in accordance with Article 471(2) CRR shall be reported in row 110. |
BREAKDOWN OF TOTAL EXPOSURES UNDER THE PD/LGD APRROACH BY OBLIGOR GRADES: Institutions applying the PD/LGD approach (Article 155(3) CRR) shall report the required information in the CR EQU IRB 2 template. Institutions using the PD/LGD approach that apply a unique rating system or that are able to report in accordance with an internal master scale shall report in CR EQU IRB 2 the rating grades or pools associated to this unique rating system/master scale. In any other case, the different rating systems shall be merged and ordered in accordance with the following criteria: Obligor grades or pools of the different rating systems shall be pooled together and ordered from the lower PD assigned to each obligor grade or pool to the higher. |
3.6.1. General remarks
93. This template requests information on both trading and non-trading book transactions which are unsettled after their due delivery dates, and their corresponding own funds requirements for settlement risk as referred to in point (c)(ii) of Article 92(3) and Article 378 CRR.
94. Institutions shall report in the CR SETT template information on the settlement/delivery risk in connection with debt instruments, equities, foreign currencies and commodities held in their trading or non-trading book.
95. In accordance with Article 378 CRR, repurchase transactions, securities or commodities lending and securities or commodities borrowing in connection with debt instruments, equities, foreign currencies and commodities are not subject to own funds requirements for settlement/delivery risk. Note however that, derivatives and long settlement transactions unsettled after their due delivery dates shall nevertheless be subject to own funds requirements for settlement/delivery risk as determined in Article 378 CRR.
96. In case of unsettled transactions after the due delivery date, institutions shall calculate the price difference to which they are exposed. That is the difference between the agreed settlement price for the debt instrument, equity, foreign currency or commodity in question and its current market value, where the difference could involve a loss for the institution.
97. Institutions shall multiply that difference by the appropriate factor of Table 1 of Article 378 CRR to determine the corresponding own funds requirements.
98. In accordance with point (b) of Article 92(4) CRR, the own funds requirements for settlement/delivery risk shall be multiplied by 12,5 to calculate the risk exposure amount.
99. Note that own funds requirements for free deliveries as laid down in Article 379 CRR are not within the scope of the CR SETT template. Those own funds requirements shall be reported in the credit risk templates (CR SA, CR IRB).
3.6.2. Instructions concerning specific positions
Columns |
010 |
UNSETTLED TRANSACTIONS AT SETTLEMENT PRICE Institutions shall report the unsettled transactions after their due delivery date at the respective agreed settlement prices as referred to in Article 378 CRR. All unsettled transactions shall be included in this column, irrespective of whether or not they are at a gain or at a loss after the due settlement date. |
020 |
PRICE DIFFERENCE EXPOSURE DUE TO UNSETTLED TRANSACTIONS Institutions shall report the price difference between the agreed settlement price and its current market value for the debt instrument, equity, foreign currency or commodity in question, where the difference could involve a loss for the institution, as referred to in Article 378 CRR. Only unsettled transactions at a loss after the due settlement date shall be reported in this column. |
030 |
OWN FUNDS REQUIREMENTS Institutions shall report the own funds requirements calculated in accordance with Article 378 CRR. |
040 |
TOTAL SETTLEMENT RISK EXPOSURE AMOUNT In accordance with point (b) of Article 92(4) CRR, institutions shall multiply their own funds requirements reported in column 030 by 12,5 in order to obtain the settlement risk exposure amount. |
Rows |
010 |
Total unsettled transactions in the Non-trading Book Institutions shall report aggregated information about settlement/delivery risk for non-trading book positions (as referred to in point (c)(ii) of Article 92(3) and Article 378 CRR). Institutions shall report in {r010;c010} the aggregated sum of unsettled transactions after their due delivery dates at the respective agreed settlement prices. Institutions shall report in {r010;c020} the aggregated information for price difference exposure due to unsettled transactions at a loss. Institutions shall report in {r010;c030] the aggregated own funds requirements derived from summing the own funds requirements for unsettled transactions by multiplying the ‘price difference’ reported in column 020 by the appropriate factor based on the number of working days after due settlement date (categories referred to in Table 1 of Article 378 CRR). |
020 to 060 |
Transactions unsettled up to 4 days (Factor 0 %) Transactions unsettled between 5 and 15 days (Factor 8 %) Transactions unsettled between 16 and 30 days (Factor 50 %) Transactions unsettled between 31 and 45 days (Factor 75 %) Transactions unsettled for 46 days or more (Factor 100 %) Institutions shall report in rows 020 to 060 the information about settlement/delivery risk for non-trading book positions in accordance with the categories referred to in Table 1 of Article 378 CRR. No own funds requirements for settlement/delivery risk are required for transactions unsettled less than 5 working days after the due settlement date. |
070 |
Total unsettled transactions in the Trading Book Institutions shall report aggregated information about settlement/delivery risk for trading book positions (as referred to in point (c)(ii) of Article 92(3) and Article 378 CRR). Institutions shall report in {r070;c010} the aggregated sum of unsettled transactions after their due delivery dates at the respective agreed settlement prices. Institutions shall report in {r070;c020} the aggregated information for price difference exposure due to unsettled transactions at a loss. Institutions shall report in {r070;c030} the aggregated own funds requirements derived from summing the own funds requirements for unsettled transactions by multiplying the ‘price difference’ reported in column 020 by an appropriate factor based on the number of working days after due settlement date (categories referred to in Table 1 of Article 378 CRR). |
080 to 120 |
Transactions unsettled up to 4 days (Factor 0 %) Transactions unsettled between 5 and 15 days (Factor 8 %) Transactions unsettled between 16 and 30 days (Factor 50 %) Transactions unsettled between 31 and 45 days (Factor 75 %) Transactions unsettled for 46 days or more (Factor 100 %) Institutions shall report in rows 080 to 120 the information about settlement/delivery risk for trading book positions in accordance with the categories referred to in Table 1 of Article 378 CRR. No own funds requirements for settlement/delivery risk are required for transactions unsettled less than 5 working days after the due settlement date. |
3.7.1. General remarks
100. Where institution acts as originator, the information in this template shall be required for all securitisations for which a significant risk transfer is recognised. Where the institution acts as investor, all exposures shall be reported.
101. The information to be reported shall be contingent on the role of the institution in the securitisation process. As such, specific reporting items shall be applicable for originators, sponsors and investors.
102. This template shall gather joint information on both traditional and synthetic securitisations held in the banking book.
3.7.2. Instructions concerning specific positions
Columns |
0010 |
TOTAL AMOUNT OF SECURITISATION EXPOSURES ORIGINATED Originator institutions shall report the outstanding amount at the reporting date of all current securitisation exposures originated in the securitisation transaction, irrespective of who holds the positions. As such, on-balance sheet securitisation exposures (e.g. bonds, subordinated loans) as well as off-balance sheet exposures and derivatives (e.g. subordinated credit lines, liquidity facilities, interest rate swaps, credit default swaps, etc.) that have been originated in the securitisation shall be reported. In case of traditional securitisations where the originator does not hold any position, the originator shall not consider that securitisation in the reporting of this template. For that purpose, securitisation positions held by the originator shall include early amortisation provisions, as defined in Article 242(16) CRR, in a securitisation of revolving exposures. |
0020-0040 |
SYNTHETIC SECURITISATIONS: CREDIT PROTECTION TO THE SECURITISED EXPOSURES Articles 251 and 252 CRR. Maturity mismatches shall not be taken into account in the adjusted value of the credit risk mitigation techniques involved in the securitisation structure. |
0020 |
(-) FUNDED CREDIT PROTECTION (CVA) The detailed calculation procedure of the volatility-adjusted value of the collateral (CVA) which shall be reported in this column is laid down in Article 223(2) CRR. |
0030 |
(-) TOTAL OUTFLOWS: UNFUNDED CREDIT PROTECTION ADJUSTED VALUES (G*) Following the general rule for ‘inflows’ and ‘outflows’, the amounts reported under this column shall appear as ‘inflows’ in the corresponding credit risk template (CR SA or CR IRB) and exposure class to which the reporting entity allocates the protection provider (i.e. the third party to which the tranche is transferred by means of unfunded credit protection). The calculation procedure of the ‘foreign exchange risk’- adjusted nominal amount of the credit protection (G*) is laid down in Article 233(3) CRR. |
0040 |
NOTIONAL AMOUNT RETAINED OR REPURCHASED OF CREDIT PROTECTION All tranches which have been retained or bought back, e.g. retained first loss positions, shall be reported with their nominal amount. The effect of supervisory haircuts in the credit protection shall not be taken into account when computing the retained or repurchased amount of credit protection. |
0050 |
SECURITISATION POSITIONS: ORIGINAL EXPOSURE PRE-CONVERSION FACTORS This column shall include the exposure values of securitisation positions held by the reporting institution, calculated in accordance with paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 248 CRR, without applying credit conversion factors, gross of value adjustments and provisions, and any non-refundable purchase price discounts on the securitised exposures as referred to in point (d) of Article 248(1) CRR, and gross of value adjustments and provisions on the securitisation position. Netting shall only be relevant with respect to multiple derivative contracts provided to the same SSPE, covered by an eligible netting agreement. In synthetic securitisations, the positions held by the originator in the form of on-balance sheet items and/or investor’s interest shall be the result of the aggregation of columns 0010 to 0040. |
0060 |
(-) VALUE ADJUSTMENTS AND PROVISIONS Article 248 CRR. Value adjustments and provisions to be reported in this column shall only refer to securitisation positions. Value adjustments of securitised exposures shall not be considered. |
0070 |
EXPOSURE NET OF VALUE ADJUSTMENTS AND PROVISIONS This column shall include the exposure values of securitisation positions calculated in accordance with paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 248 CRR, net of value adjustments and provisions, without applying conversion factors and gross of any non-refundable purchase price discounts on the securitised exposures as referred to in point (d) of Article 248(1) CRR, and net of value adjustments and provisions on the securitisation position. |
0080-0110 |
CREDIT RISK MITIGATION (CRM) TECHNIQUES WITH SUBSTITUTION EFFECTS ON THE EXPOSURE Point (57) of Article 4(1) CRR, Chapter 4 of Title II of Part Three, CRR and Article 249 CRR Institutions shall report in these columns information on credit risk mitigation techniques that reduce the credit risk of an exposure or exposures via the substitution of exposures (as indicated below for Inflows and Outflows). Collateral that has an effect on the exposure value (e.g. if used for credit risk mitigation techniques with substitution effects on the exposure) shall be capped at the exposure value. Items to be reported here: 1. collateral, incorporated in accordance with Article 222 CRR (Financial Collateral Simple Method); 2. eligible unfunded credit protection. |
0080 |
(-) UNFUNDED CREDIT PROTECTION: ADJUSTED VALUES (GA) Unfunded credit protection as defined in Article 4(1)(59), Articles 234 to 236 CRR. |
0090 |
(-) FUNDED CREDIT PROTECTION Funded credit protection as defined in Article 4(1)(58) CRR, as referred to in the first subparagraph of Article 249(2) CRR and as regulated in Articles 195, 197 and 200 CRR. Credit linked notes and on-balance sheet netting as referred to in Articles 218 and 219 CRR shall be treated as cash collateral. |
0100-0110 |
SUBSTITUTION OF THE EXPOSURE DUE TO CRM: Inflows and outflows within the same exposure classes and, when relevant, risk weights or obligor grades shall be reported. |
0100 |
(-) TOTAL OUTFLOWS Article 222(3), paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 235 and Article 236 CRR. Outflows shall correspond to the covered part of the ‘Exposure net of value adjustments and provisions’ that is deducted from the obligor’s exposure class and, where relevant, risk weight or obligor grade, and subsequently assigned to the protection provider’s exposure class and, where relevant, risk weight or obligor grade. That amount shall be considered as an Inflow into the protection provider’s exposure class and, where relevant, risk weights or obligor grades. |
0110 |
TOTAL INFLOWS Securitisation positions which are debt securities and are used as eligible financial collateral in accordance with Article 197(1) CRR and where the Financial Collateral Simple Method is used, shall be reported as inflows in this column. |
0120 |
NET EXPOSURE AFTER CRM SUBSTITUTION EFFECTS PRE-CONVERSION FACTORS This column shall include the exposures assigned in the corresponding risk weight and exposure class after taking into account outflows and inflows due to ‘Credit risk mitigation (CRM) techniques with substitution effects on the exposure’. |
0130 |
0140 |
FULLY ADJUSTED EXPOSURE VALUE (E*) The exposure value of securitisation positions calculated in accordance with Article 248 CRR, but without applying the conversion factors laid down in point (b) of Article 248(1) CRR |
0150 |
OF WHICH: SUBJECT TO A CCF OF 0 % Point (b) of Article 248(1) CRR In this respect, point (56) of Article 4(1) CRR defines a conversion factor. For reporting purposes, fully adjusted exposure values (E*) shall be reported for the 0 % conversion factor. |
0160 |
(-)NON REFUNDABLE PURCHASE PRICE DISCOUNT In accordance with point (d) of Article 248(1) CRR, an originator institution may deduct from the exposure value of a securitisation position which is assigned a 1 250 % risk weight any non-refundable purchase price discounts connected with such underlying exposures to the extent that such discounts have caused the reduction of own funds. |
0170 |
(-) SPECIFIC CREDIT RISK ADJUSTMENTS ON UNDERLYING EXPOSURES In accordance with point (d) of Article 248(1) CRR, an originator institution may deduct from the exposure value of a securitisation position, which is assigned a 1 250 % risk weight or is deducted from Common Equity Tier 1, the amount of the specific credit risk adjustments on the underlying exposures as determined in accordance with Article 110 CRR. |
0180 |
EXPOSURE VALUE The exposure value of securitisation positions calculated in accordance with Article 248 CRR |
0190 |
(-) EXPOSURE VALUE DEDUCTED FROM OWN FUNDS In accordance with point (b) of Article 244(1), point (b) of Article 245(1) and Article 253(1) CRR, in case of a securitisation position to which a 1 250 % risk weight applies, institutions may, as an alternative to including the position in their calculation of risk-weighted exposure amounts, deduct from own funds the exposure value of the position. |
0200 |
EXPOSURE VALUE SUBJECT TO RISK WEIGHTS Exposure value minus the exposure value deducted from own funds. |
0210 |
SEC-IRBA Point (a) of Article 254(1) CRR |
0220-0260 |
BREAKDOWN BY RW BANDS SEC-IRBA exposures broken down by risk-weight bands. |
0270 |
OF WHICH: CALCULATED UNDER ARTICLE 255(4) (PURCHASED RECEIVABLES) Article 255(4) CRR For the purpose of this column, retail exposures shall be treated as purchased retail receivables and non-retail exposures as purchased corporate receivables. |
0280 |
SEC-SA Point (b) of Article 254(1) CRR |
0290-0340 |
BREAKDOWN BY RW BANDS SEC-SA exposures broken down by risk-weight bands. For the RW = 1 250 % (W unknown), the fourth paragraph of point (b) of Article 261(2) CRR stipulates that the position in the securitisation shall be risk-weighted at 1 250 % where the institution does not know the delinquency status for more than 5 % of underlying exposures in the pool. |
0350 |
SEC-ERBA Point (c) of Article 254(1) CRR |
0360-0570 |
BREAKDOWN BY CREDIT QUALITY STEPS (SHORT/LONG TERM CREDIT QUALITY STEPS) Article 263 CRR SEC-ERBA Securitisation positions with an inferred rating as referred to in Article 254(2) CRR shall be reported as positions with a rating. Exposure values subject to risk weights shall be broken down by short and long-term and credit quality steps (CQS) as laid down in Tables 1 and 2 of Article 263 and Tables 3 and 4 of Article 264 CRR. |
0580-0630 |
BREAKDOWN BY REASON FOR APPLICATION OF SEC-ERBA For each securitisation position, institutions shall consider one of the following options in columns 0580-0620. |
0580 |
AUTO LOANS, AUTO LEASES AND EQUIPMENT LEASES Point (c) of Article 254(2) CRR All auto loans, auto leases and equipment leases shall be reported in this column, even if they qualify for Article 254(2)(a) or (b) of CRR. |
0590 |
SEC-ERBA OPTION Article 254(3) CRR |
0600 |
POSITIONS SUBJECT TO POINT (a) OF ARTICLE 254(2) CRR Point (a) of Article 254(2) CRR |
0610 |
POSITIONS SUBJECT TO POINT (b) OF ARTICLE 254(2) CRR Point (b) of Article 254(2) CRR |
0620 |
POSITIONS SUBJECT TO ARTICLES 254(4) OR 258(2) CRR Securitisation positions subject to SEC-ERBA, where the application of SEC-IRBA or SEC-SA has been precluded by the competent authorities in accordance with Articles 254(4) or 258(2) CRR |
0630 |
FOLLOWING THE HIERARCHY OF APPROACHES Securitisation positions where SEC-ERBA is applied by following the hierarchy of approaches laid down in Article 254(1) CRR |
0640 |
INTERNAL ASSESSMENT APPROACH Article 254(5) CRR on the ‘Internal Assessment Approach’ (IAA) for positions in ABCP programmes |
0650-0690 |
BREAKDOWN BY RW BANDS Internal Assessment Approach exposures broken down by risk-weight bands |
0700 |
OTHER (RW = 1 250 %) Where none of the previous approaches is applied, a risk weight of 1 250 % shall be assigned to securitisation positions in accordance with Article 254(7) CRR. |
0710-0860 |
RISK-WEIGHTED EXPOSURE AMOUNT Total risk-weighted exposure amount calculated in accordance with Section 3 of Chapter 5 of Title II of Part Three CRR, prior to adjustments due to maturity mismatches or infringement of due diligence provisions, and excluding any risk weighted exposure amount corresponding to exposures redistributed via outflows to another template. |
0840 |
IAA: AVERAGE RISK WEIGHT (%) The exposure-weighted average risk weights of the securitisation positions shall be reported in this column. |
0860 |
RWEA OF WHICH: SYNTHETIC SECURITISATIONS For synthetic securitisations with maturity mismatches, the amount to be reported in this column shall ignore any maturity mismatch. |
0870 |
ADJUSTMENT TO THE RISK-WEIGHTED EXPOSURE AMOUNT DUE TO MATURITY MISMATCHES Maturity mismatches in synthetic securitisations RW*-RW(SP), as calculated in accordance with Article 252 CRR, shall be included, except in the case of tranches subject to a risk weighting of 1 250 % where the amount to be reported shall be zero. RW(SP) shall not only include the risk weighted exposure amounts reported under column 0650, but also the risk weighted exposure amounts corresponding to exposures redistributed via outflows to other templates. |
0880 |
OVERALL EFFECT (ADJUSTMENT) DUE TO INFRINGEMENT OF CHAPTER 2 OF REGULATION (EU) 2017/2402 (1) In accordance with Article 270a CRR, whenever certain requirements are not met by the institution, competent authorities shall impose a proportionate additional risk weight of no less than 250 % of the risk weight (capped at 1 250 %) which would apply to the relevant securitisation positions under Section 3 of Chapter 5 of Title II of Part Three CRR. |
0890 |
BEFORE CAP Total risk-weighted exposure amount calculated in accordance with Section 3 of Chapter 5 of Title II of Part Three CRR, before applying the limits specified in Articles 267 and 268 CRR. |
0900 |
(-) REDUCTION DUE TO RISK WEIGHT CAP In accordance with Article 267 CRR, an institution which has knowledge at all times of the composition of the underlying exposures may assign the senior securitisation position a maximum risk weight equal to the exposure-weighted-average risk weight that would be applicable to the underlying exposures as if the underlying exposures had not been securitised. |
0910 |
(-) REDUCTION DUE TO OVERALL CAP In accordance with Article 268 CRR, an originator institution, a sponsor institution or other institution using the SEC-IRBA or an originator institution or sponsor institution using the SEC-SA or the SEC-ERBA may apply a maximum capital requirement for the securitisation position it holds equal to the capital requirements that would be calculated under Chapter 2 or 3 of Title II of Part Three in respect of the underlying exposures had they not been securitised. |
0920 |
TOTAL RISK-WEIGHTED EXPOSURE AMOUNT Total risk-weighted exposure amount calculated in accordance with Section 3 of Chapter 5 of Title II of Part Three CRR, considering the total risk weight as specified in Article 247(6) CRR. |
0930 |
MEMORANDUM ITEM: RISK WEIGHTED EXPOSURE AMOUNT CORRESPONDING TO THE OUTFLOWS FROM SECURITISATIONS TO OTHER EXPOSURE CLASSES Risk weighted exposure amount stemming from exposures redistributed to the risk mitigant provider, and therefore computed in the corresponding template, that are considered in the computation of the cap for securitisation positions. |
(1) Regulation (EU) 2017/2402 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 December 2017 laying down a general framework for securitisation and creating a specific framework for simple, transparent and standardised securitisation, and amending Directives 2009/65/EC, 2009/138/EC and 2011/61/EU and Regulations (EC) No 1060/2009 and (EU) No 648/2012 (OJ L 347, 28.12.2017, p. 35). |
103. The template is divided into three major blocks of rows which gather data on the originated/sponsored/retained or purchased exposures by originators, investors and sponsors. For each of them, the information shall be broken down by on-balance sheet items and off-balance sheet items and derivatives, as well as if it is subject to differentiated capital treatment or not.
104. Positions treated in accordance with the SEC-ERBA and unrated positions (exposures at reporting date) shall be broken down in accordance with the credit quality steps applied at inception (last block of rows). Originators, sponsors as well as investors shall report this information.
Rows |
0010 |
TOTAL EXPOSURES Total exposures refer to the total amount of outstanding securitisations and re-securitisations. This row summarises all the information reported by originators, sponsors and investors in subsequent rows. |
0020 |
SECURITISATION POSITIONS Total amount of outstanding securitisation positions, as defined in point (62) of Article 4(1) CRR, which are not re-securitisations as defined in point (63) of Article 4(1) CRR. |
0030 |
QUALIFYING FOR DIFFERENTIATED CAPITAL TREATMENT Total amount of securitisation positions which fulfil the criteria of Article 243 or 270 CRR and therefore qualify for differentiated capital treatment. |
0040 |
STS EXPOSURES Total amount of STS securitisation positions that meet the requirements set out in Article 243 CRR. |
0050 |
SENIOR POSITION IN SMEs SECURITISATIONS Total amount of senior securitisation positions in SMEs which meet the conditions set out in Article 270 CRR. |
0060, 0120, 0170, 0240, 0290, 0360 and 0410 |
NOT QUALIFYING FOR DIFFERENTIATED CAPITAL TREATMENT Paragraphs 1, 4, 5 and 6 of Article 254 and Articles 259, 261, 263, 265, 266 and 269 CRR Total amount of securitisation positions which do not qualify for differentiated capital treatment. |
0070, 0190, 0310 and 0430 |
RE-SECURITISATION POSITIONS Total amount of outstanding re-securitisations positions as defined in point (64) of Article 4(1) CRR. |
0080 |
ORIGINATOR: TOTAL EXPOSURES This row summarises information on on-balance items and off-balance sheet items and derivatives of those securitisation and re-securitisation positions for which the institution plays the role of originator, as defined in point (13) of Article 4(1) CRR. |
0090-0130, 0210-0250 and 0330-0370 |
SECURITISATION POSITIONS: ON-BALANCE SHEET ITEMS In accordance with point (a) of Article 248(1) CRR, the exposure value of an on-balance sheet securitisation position shall be its accounting value remaining after any relevant specific credit risk adjustments on the securitisation position have been applied in accordance with Article 110 CRR. On-balance sheet items shall be broken down to capture information regarding application of differentiated capital treatment, as referred to in Article 243 CRR, in rows 0100 and 0120 and on the total amount of senior securitisation positions, as defined in Article 242(6) CRR, in rows 0110 and 0130. |
0100, 0220 and 0340 |
QUALIFYING FOR DIFFERENTIATED CAPITAL TREATMENT Total amount of securitisation positions which fulfil the criteria of Article 243 CRR and therefore qualify for differentiated capital treatment. |
0110, 0130, 0160, 0180, 0230, 0250, 0280, 0300, 0350, 0370, 400 and 420 |
OF WHICH: SENIOR EXPOSURES Total amount of senior securitisation positions as defined in Article 242(6) CRR. |
0140-0180, 0260-0300 and 0380-0420 |
SECURITISATION POSITIONS: OFF-BALANCE SHEET ITEMS AND DERIVATIVES These rows shall gather information on off-balance sheet items and derivatives securitisation positions subject to a conversion factor under the securitisation framework. The exposure value of an off-balance sheet securitisation position shall be its nominal value, less any specific credit risk adjustment of that securitisation position, multiplied by a 100 % conversion factor unless otherwise specified. Off-balance sheet securitisation positions arising from a derivative instrument listed in Annex II to the CRR, shall be determined in accordance with Chapter 6 of Title II of Part Three CRR. The exposure value for the counterparty credit risk of a derivative instrument listed in Annex II to the CRR shall be determined in accordance with Chapter 6 of Title II of Part Three CRR. For liquidity facilities, credit facilities and servicer cash advances, institutions shall provide the undrawn amount. For interest rate and currency swaps, the exposure value (calculated in accordance with Article 248(1) CRR) shall be provided. Off-balance sheet items and derivatives shall be broken down to capture information regarding the application of differentiated capital treatment, as referred to in Article 270 CRR, in rows 0150 and 0170 and on the total amount of senior securitisation positions, as defined in Article 242(6) CRR, in rows 0160 and 0180. The same legal references as for rows 0100 to 0130 shall apply. |
0150, 0270 and 0390 |
QUALIFYING FOR DIFFERENTIATED CAPITAL TREATMENT Total amount of securitisation positions which fulfil the criteria of Article 243 or Article 270 CRR and therefore qualify for differentiated capital treatment. |
0200 |
INVESTOR: TOTAL EXPOSURES This row summarises information on on-balance and off-balance sheet items and derivatives of those securitisation and re-securitisation positions for which the institution plays the role of an investor. For the purposes of this template, an investor shall be understood as an institution that holds a securitisation position in a securitisation transaction for which it is neither originator nor sponsor. |
0320 |
SPONSOR: TOTAL EXPOSURES This row summarises information on on-balance and off-balance sheet items and derivatives of those securitisation and re-securitisation positions for which the institution plays the role of a sponsor, as defined in point (14) of Article 4(1) CRR. If a sponsor is also securitising its own assets, it shall fill in the originator’s rows with the information regarding its own securitised assets. |
0440-0670 |
BREAKDOWN OF OUTSTANDING POSITIONS BY CQS AT INCEPTION These rows gather information on outstanding positions (at reporting date) for which a credit quality step (as laid down in Tables 1 and 2 of Article 263 and Tables 3 and 4 of Article 264 CRR) was determined at origination date (inception). For securitisations positions treated under IAA, the CQS shall be the one at the time an IAA rating was first assigned. In the absence of this information, the earliest CQS-equivalent data available shall be reported. |