Updated 15/01/2025
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Initial Legal Act
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ANNEX VI - Attestation of the competent authority under Article 93(3), second subparagraph, of Directive 2009/65/EC


Attestation of the competent authority under Article 93(3), second subparagraph, of Directive 2009/65/EC

ATTESTATION ESTABLISHED BY ______________________________________________ (name of the competent authority of the UCITS home Member State)

Section 1.   Department responsible for the establishment of the attestation within the competent authority of the UCITS home Member State



Address of the competent authority


Email address of the department establishing the statement


Section 2.   Identification of the UCITS whose units will be marketed in the host Member State

Please fill the below table with information for each UCITS that is notified for marketing in the host Member State. Where a UCITS takes the form of an umbrella UCITS with several compartments or sub-funds, references to the UCITS in the table below shall be understood as referring to the compartment or sub-fund to be marketed in the host Member State and not to the umbrella UCITS, which shall be identified separately in the corresponding column.

Name of the UCITS

Name of the umbrella UCITS (where applicable)

Legal form (1)

UCITS LEI (where available)

Date of authorisation

UCITS national identification code (where available)

Duration of the UCITS (where applicable)

Management company (2)

Management company LEI

Management company national identification code (where available)









































Section 3.   Attestation of the fulfilment of the conditions set out in Directive 2009/65/EC

The below signatory certifies that the UCITS identified in section 2 of the present attestation fulfil the conditions set out in Directive 2009/65/EC and may market

their units in __________________________________ (the host Member State).

(The attestation shall be signed and dated by a representative of the competent authority of the UCITS home Member State. The signatory shall state his or her full name and capacity.)



Name and capacity of the signatory




(1)  The legal form is one of the following: common fund, unit trust or investment company.

(2)  The management company shall be identified only for externally managed UCITS. In case of internally managed investment companies, please leave blank.