Article 65
Confirmation on the availability of funds
Member States shall ensure that an account servicing payment service provider shall, upon the request of a payment service provider issuing card-based payment instruments, immediately confirm whether an amount necessary for the execution of a card-based payment transaction is available on the payment account of the payer, provided that all of the following conditions are met:
the payment account of the payer is accessible online at the time of the request;
the payer has given explicit consent to the account servicing payment service provider to respond to requests from a specific payment service provider to confirm that the amount corresponding to a certain card-based payment transaction is available on the payer’s payment account;
the consent referred to in point (b) has been given before the first request for confirmation is made.
The payment service provider may request the confirmation referred to in paragraph 1 where all of the following conditions are met:
the payer has given explicit consent to the payment service provider to request the confirmation referred to in paragraph 1;
the payer has initiated the card-based payment transaction for the amount in question using a card based payment instrument issued by the payment service provider;
the payment service provider authenticates itself towards the account servicing payment service provider before each confirmation request, and securely communicates with the account servicing payment service provider in accordance with point (d) of Article 98(1).