Article 64
Consent and withdrawal of consent
Member States shall ensure that a payment transaction is considered to be authorised only if the payer has given consent to execute the payment transaction. A payment transaction may be authorised by the payer prior to or, if agreed between the payer and the payment service provider, after the execution of the payment transaction.
Consent to execute a payment transaction or a series of payment transactions shall be given in the form agreed between the payer and the payment service provider. Consent to execute a payment transaction may also be given via the payee or the payment initiation service provider.
In the absence of consent, a payment transaction shall be considered to be unauthorised.
Consent may be withdrawn by the payer at any time, but no later than at the moment of irrevocability in accordance with Article 80. Consent to execute a series of payment transactions may also be withdrawn, in which case any future payment transaction shall be considered to be unauthorised.
The procedure for giving consent shall be agreed between the payer and the relevant payment service provider(s).