Article 230
Calculating risk-weighted exposure amounts and expected loss amounts for an exposure with an eligible funded credit protection under the IRB Approach
Under the IRB Approach, except for those exposures that fall under the scope of Article 220, institutions shall use the effective LGD (LGD*) as the LGD for the purposes of Chapter 3 to recognise funded credit protection eligible pursuant to this Chapter. Institutions shall calculate LGD* as follows:
E |
= the exposure value before taking into account the effect of the funded credit protection; for an exposure secured by financial collateral eligible in accordance with this Chapter, that amount shall be calculated in accordance with Article 223(3); in the case of securities lent or posted, that amount shall be equal to the cash lent or securities lent or posted; for securities that are lent or posted, the exposure value shall be increased by applying the volatility adjustment (HE) in accordance with Articles 223 to 227; |
ES |
= the current value of the funded credit protection received after the application of the volatility adjustment applicable to that type of funded credit protection (HC) and the application of the volatility adjustment for currency mismatches (Hfx) between the exposure and the funded credit protection, in accordance with paragraphs 2 and 3; ES shall be capped at the following value: E·(1+HE); |
EU |
= E·(1+HE) – ES; |
= the applicable LGD for an unsecured exposure as set out in Article 161(1); |
= the applicable LGD to exposures secured by the type of eligible FCP used in the transaction, as specified in paragraph 2, Table 1. |
Table 1 specifies the values of LGDS and Hc applicable in the formula set out in paragraph 1.