Article 221
Using the internal models approach for master netting agreements
An institution may use the internal model approach where all of the following conditions are met:
the institution uses that approach only for exposures for which the risk-weighted exposures amounts are calculated under the IRB Approach set out in Chapter 3;
the institution is granted the permission to use that approach by its competent authority.
Competent authorities shall permit an institution to use an internal models approach only where they are satisfied that the institution's system for managing the risks arising from the transactions covered by the master netting agreement is conceptually sound and implemented with integrity and where the following qualitative standards are met:
the internal risk-measurement model used for calculating the potential price volatility for the transactions is closely integrated into the daily risk-management process of the institution and serves as the basis for reporting risk exposures to the senior management of the institution;
the institution has a risk control unit that meets all the following requirements:
it is independent from business trading units and reports directly to senior management;
it is responsible for designing and implementing the institution's risk-management system;
it produces and analyses daily reports on the output of the risk-measurement model and on the appropriate measures to be taken in terms of position limits;
the institution has sufficient staff skilled in the use of sophisticated models in the risk control unit;
the institution has established procedures for monitoring and ensuring compliance with a documented set of internal policies and controls concerning the overall operation of the risk-measurement system;
the institution's models have a proven track record of reasonable accuracy in measuring risks demonstrated through the back-testing of its output using at least one year of data;
the institution frequently conducts a rigorous programme of stress testing and the results of these tests are reviewed by senior management and reflected in the policies and limits it sets;
the institution conducts, as part of its regular internal auditing process, an independent review of its risk-measurement system. This review shall include both the activities of the business trading units and of the independent risk-control unit;
at least once a year, the institution conducts a review of its risk-management system;
the internal model meets the requirements set out in Article 292(8) and (9) and in Article 294.
An institution may use empirical correlations within risk categories and across risk categories where its system for measuring correlations is sound and implemented with integrity.
Institutions using the internal models approach shall calculate E* in accordance with the following formula:
Ei |
= |
the exposure value for each separate exposure i under the agreement that would apply in the absence of the credit protection, where institutions calculate the risk-weighted exposure amounts under the Standardised Approach or where they calculate risk-weighted exposure amounts and expected loss amounts under the IRB Approach; |
Ci |
= |
the value of the securities borrowed, purchased or received or the cash borrowed or received in respect of each such exposure i. |
When calculating risk-weighted exposure amounts using internal models, institutions shall use the previous business day's model output.
The calculation of the potential change in value referred to in paragraph 6 shall be subject to all the following standards:
it shall be carried out at least daily;
it shall be based on a 99th percentile, one-tailed confidence interval;
it shall be based on a 5-day equivalent liquidation period, except in the case of transactions other than securities repurchase transactions or securities lending or borrowing transactions where a 10-day equivalent liquidation period shall be used;
it shall be based on an effective historical observation period of at least one year except where a shorter observation period is justified by a significant upsurge in price volatility;
the data set used in the calculation shall be updated every three months.
Where an institution has a repurchase transaction, a securities or commodities lending or borrowing transaction and margin lending or similar transaction or netting set which meets the criteria set out in Article 285(2), (3) and (4), the minimum holding period shall be brought in line with the margin period of risk that would apply under those paragraphs, in combination with Article 285(5).
EBA shall develop draft regulatory technical standards to specify the following:
what constitutes an immaterial portfolio for the purpose of paragraph 3;
the criteria for determining whether an internal model is sound and implemented with integrity for the purpose of paragraphs 4 and 5 and master netting agreements.
EBA shall submit those draft regulatory technical standards to the Commission by 31 December 2015.
Power is delegated to the Commission to adopt the regulatory technical standards referred to in the first subparagraph in accordance with Articles 10 to 14 of Regulation (EU) No 1093/2010.