Article 222
Financial Collateral Simple Method
Institutions shall assign a risk weight of 10 %, to the extent of the collateralisation, to the exposure values of such transactions collateralised by debt securities issued by central governments or central banks which are assigned a 0 % risk weight under Chapter 2.
For transactions other than those referred to in paragraphs 4 and 5, institutions may assign a 0 % risk weight where the exposure and the collateral are denominated in the same currency, and either of the following conditions is met:
the collateral is cash on deposit or a cash assimilated instrument;
the collateral is in the form of debt securities issued by central governments or central banks eligible for a 0 % risk weight under Article 114, and its market value has been discounted by 20 %.
For the purpose of paragraphs 5 and 6 debt securities issued by central governments or central banks shall include:
debt securities issued by multilateral development banks to which a 0 % risk weight is assigned under or by virtue of Article 117(2);
debt securities issued by international organisations which are assigned a 0 % risk weight under Article 118;
debt securities issued by public sector entities which are treated as exposures to central governments in accordance with Article 116(4).