Article 6
1. In its decision on a complaint, the crypto-asset service provider shall address all points raised in the complaint and shall state the reasons for the outcome of the investigation. That decision shall be consistent with any previous decision taken by the crypto-asset service provider in respect of similar complaints, unless the crypto-asset service provider is able to justify why a different conclusion is drawn.
2. Crypto-asset service providers shall communicate their decision on a complaint to the complainant without undue delay as soon as possible within the timeframe referred to in Article 1(2), point (e), and in any case within 2 months from the date the crypto-asset service provider has received the complaint.
3. Where, in exceptional situations, the decision on a complaint cannot be provided within the timeframe referred to in of Article 1(2), point (e) or within the 2 months of the date the complaint is received, crypto-asset service providers shall inform the complainant without undue delay about the reasons for that delay and specify the date of the decision.
4. Where the decision of the crypto-asset service provider does not satisfy the complainant’s demand or only partly satisfies it, the crypto-asset service provider shall clearly set out the reasoning of its decision and contain information on available remedies.