Updated 12/03/2025
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Article 21 - Delegated Regulation 2023/1616

Article 21

Steps of the valuation

When determining whether a difference in treatment as referred to in Article 61(2), point (c), of Regulation (EU) 2021/23 exists, the valuer shall assess the following:


the treatment that shareholders and creditors in respect of which resolution actions have been taken would have received had the CCP entered normal insolvency proceedings, following the full application of the applicable contractual obligations and other arrangements in its operating rules, at the resolution decision date, disregarding any provision of extraordinary public financial support;


the value of the restructured claims following the application of resolution powers and tools and the value of other proceeds received by shareholders and creditors as at the actual treatment date or dates, discounted back to the resolution decision date if deemed necessary to enable a fair comparison with the treatment referred to in point (a);


whether the treatment referred to in point (a) exceeds the treatment referred to in point (b) for each creditor in accordance with their order of priority under normal insolvency proceedings, as identified according to Article 20.