Table 1
Number |
Field |
Content to be reported |
Format and Standard to be used for reporting |
1. |
National identifier |
Unique identifier of the uploaded record, assigned by the sending NCA |
2. |
Related national identifier |
Unique identifier of the record to which the uploaded record relates, assigned by the sending NCA Not reported in case the related national identifier is not applicable |
3. |
Sending Member State |
Country code of the Member State which approved the uploaded record or with which the uploaded record was filed |
4. |
Receiving Member State(s) |
Country code of the Member State(s) to which uploaded record is to be notified or communicated When multiple Member States shall be communicated, field 4 shall be reported as many times as necessary |
5. |
Document type |
The type of uploaded document(s) |
Choice from list of predefined fields: — ‘BPFT’ — Base prospectus with final terms — ‘BPWO’ — Base prospectus without final terms — ‘STDA’ — Standalone prospectus — ‘REGN’ — Registration document — ‘URGN’ — Universal registration document — ‘SECN’ — Securities note — ‘FTWS’ — Final terms, including the summary of the individual issue annexed to them — ‘SMRY’ — Summary — ‘SUPP’ — Supplement — ‘SUMT’ — Translation of summary — ‘COAP’ — Certificate of Approval — ‘AMND’ — Amendment When multiple documents shall be communicated, field [5] shall be reported as many times as necessary to describe each document composing the record |
6. |
Structure type |
The format chosen for the prospectus |
Choice from list of predefined fields: — ‘SNGL’ — Single document prospectus — ‘SPWS’ — Prospectus consisting of separate documents with summary — ‘SPWO’ — Prospectus consisting of separate documents without summary |
7. |
Approval or filing date |
The date on which the uploaded record was approved or filed |
8. |
Language |
The EU language in which the uploaded record is drafted |
9. |
Offeror standardised name |
Name and surname of the offeror in case the offeror is a natural person When multiple offerors shall be communicated, field [9] shall be reported as many times as necessary |
{ALPHANUM-280} |
10. |
Guarantor standardised name |
Name and surname of the guarantor in case the guarantor is a natural person When multiple guarantors shall be communicated, field [10] shall be reported as many times as necessary |
{ALPHANUM-280} |
11. |
Issuer LEI |
Legal Entity Identifier of the issuer When multiple issuers shall be communicated, field [11] shall be reported as many times as necessary |
{LEI} |
12. |
Offeror LEI |
Legal Entity Identifier of the offeror When multiple offerors shall be communicated, field [12] shall be reported as many times as necessary |
{LEI} |
13. |
Guarantor LEI |
Legal Entity Identifier of the guarantor When multiple guarantors shall be communicated, field [13] shall be reported as many times as necessary |
{LEI} |
14. |
Offeror residency |
Offeror’s residency in case the offeror is a natural person When multiple offerors shall be communicated, field [14] shall be reported as many times as necessary |
15. |
Guarantor residency |
Guarantor’s residency in case the guarantor is a natural person When multiple guarantors shall be communicated, field [15] shall be reported as many times as necessary |
16. |
Financial Instrument Short Name of the security This field should be repeated for each ISIN |
{FISN} |
17. |
International Securities Identification Number |
{ISIN} |
18. |
Classification of Financial Instrument code This field should be repeated for each ISIN |
19. |
Issuance currency |
Code representing the currency in which the nominal or notional value is denominated This field should be repeated for each ISIN |
20. |
Denomination per unit |
Nominal value or notional value per unit in the issuance currency This field should be repeated for each ISIN Field applicable to securities with defined denomination |
{DECIMAL-18/5} |
21. |
Identifier or name of the underlying |
ISIN code of the underlying security/index or name of the underlying security/index if an ISIN does not exist When basket of securities, to be identified accordingly Field applicable to securities with defined underlying. This field should be repeated for each ISIN of such securities |
For unique underlying: — In case of security or index with existing ISIN: {ISIN} — In case the index has no ISIN: {INDEX} — Otherwise: {ALPHANUM-50} For multiple underlyings (more than one): ‘BSKT’ |
22. |
Maturity or expiry date |
Date of maturity or expiry date of the security, when applicable This field should be repeated for each ISIN Field applicable to securities with defined maturity |
{DATEFORMAT} For perpetual debt securities field 22 should be populated with the value 9999-12-31. |
23. |
Volume offered |
Number of securities offered Field applicable only to equity This field should be repeated for each applicable ISIN |
{INTEGER-18} Either as single value, range of values, maximum |
24. |
Price offered |
Price per security offered, in monetary value. The currency of the price is the issuance currency Field applicable only to equity This field should be repeated for each applicable ISIN |
{DECIMAL-18/5} Either as single value, range of values, maximum ‘PNDG’ in case the price offered is not available but pending ‘NOAP’ in case the price offered is not applicable |
25. |
Consideration offered |
Total amount offered, in monetary value of the issuance currency This field should be repeated for each ISIN |
{DECIMAL-18/5} Either as single value, range of values, maximum ‘PNDG’ in case the consideration offered is not available but pending ‘NOAP’ in case the consideration offered is not applicable |
26. |
Type of security |
Classification of categories of equity and non-equity securities This field should be repeated for each ISIN |
Choice from list of predefined fields: Equity — ‘SHRS’: Share — ‘UCEF’: Unit or share in closed end funds — ‘CVTS’: Convertible security — ‘ DPRS’: Depository receipt — ‘OTHR’: Other equity Debt — ‘DWLD’: Debt with denomination per unit of at least EUR 100 000 — ‘DWHD’: Debt with denomination per unit of less than EUR 100 000 — ‘DLRM’: Debt with denomination per unit of less than EUR 100 000 traded on a regulated market to which only qualified investors have access to ‘ABSE’: ABS ‘DERV’: Derivative security |
27. |
Type of offer/admission |
Taxonomy according to PR and MiFID/MIFIR |
Choice from list of predefined fields: — ‘IOWA’: Initial offer without admission to trading/listing — ‘SOWA’: Secondary offer without admission to trading/listing — ‘IRMT’: Initial admission to trading on regulated market — ‘IPTM’: Initial admission to trading on regulated market from previously being traded on MTF — ‘IMTF’: Initial admission to trading on MTF with offer to the public — ‘SIRM’: Secondary issuance on a regulated market or MTF |
28. |
Characteristics of the trading venue where the security is initially admitted to trading |
Taxonomy according to PR and MiFID/MIFIR |
Choice from list of predefined fields: — ‘RMKT’: RM open to all investors — ‘RMQI’: RM, or segment thereof, limited to qualified investors — ‘MSGM’: MTF which is a SME growth market — ‘MLTF’: MTF which is not a SME growth market |
29. |
Disclosure regime |
The annex number in accordance with which the prospectus is drafted under the Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) [] When multiple annexes shall be communicated, field 29 shall be reported as many times as necessary |
{INTEGER-2} From 1 to [29] |
30. |
EU Growth prospectus category |
Reason based on which an EU Growth prospectus has been used |
Choice from list of predefined fields: — ‘S15A’: SME under PR Article 15(1)(a) — ‘I15B’: Issuer other than SME under PR Article 15(1)(b) — ‘I15C’: Issuer other than SME under PR Article 15(1)(c) — ‘O15D’: Offeror of securities under PR Article 15(1)(d) |
Table 2
Symbol |
Data Type |
Definition |
Up to n alphanumerical characters |
Free text field |
6 characters |
CFI code, as defined in ISO 10962 |
2 alphanumerical characters |
2 letter country code, as defined by ISO 3166-1 alfa-2 country code |
Dates in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD Dates shall be reported in UTC |
ISO 8601 date format |
2 letter code |
ISO 639-1 |
{LEI} |
20 alphanumerical characters |
Legal entity identifier as defined in ISO 17442 |
{FISN} |
35 alphanumerical characters with the following structure |
FISN code, as defined in ISO 18774 |
{ISIN} |
12 alphanumerical characters |
ISIN code, as defined in ISO 6166 |
3 alphanumerical characters |
3 letter currency code, as defined by ISO 4217 currency codes |
{DECIMAL-n/m} |
Decimal number of up to n digit in total, of which up to m digits can be fraction digits |
Numerical field Decimal separator is ‘.’ (full stop) Values are rounded and not truncated |
Integer number of up to n digits in total |
Numerical field |
4 alphabetic characters |