Updated 12/03/2025
In force

Version from: 01/01/2023
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Article 14d - Delegated Regulation 2017/653

Article 14d

Feeder UCITS


For feeder UCITS, as defined in Article 58 of Directive 2009/65/EC, the key information document shall contain, in the section entitled ‘What is this product?’ the following information specific to the feeder UCITS:


a statement that the master UCITS’ prospectus, key information document, and periodic reports and accounts are available to retail investors of the feeder UCITS upon request, how they may be obtained, and in which language(s);


whether the items listed in point (a) of this paragraph are available in paper copies only or in other durable media, and whether any fee is payable for items not subject to free delivery in accordance with Article 63(5) of Directive 2009/65/EC;


where the master UCITS is established in a different Member State to the feeder UCITS, and where this may affect the feeder UCITS’s tax treatment, a statement to this effect;


information about the proportion of the feeder UCITS’ assets which is invested in the master UCITS;


a description of the master UCITS’ objectives and investment policy, supplemented, as appropriate, by either of the following:


an indication that the feeder UCITS’ investment returns will be very similar to those of the master UCITS; or


an explanation of how and why the investment returns of the feeder and master UCITS may differ.

Where the risk and reward profile of the feeder UCITS differs in any material respect from that of the master UCITS, that fact and the reason for it shall be explained in the section entitled ‘What are the risks and what could I get in return?’ of the key information document.
Any liquidity risk and the relationship between purchase and redemption arrangements for the master and feeder UCITS shall be explained in the section entitled ‘What are the risks and what could I get in return?’ of the key information document.