Updated 22/10/2024
In force

Version from: 02/09/2024
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Report on settlement fails to be made public on an annual basis

Table 1


Details to be published



Reporting period

ISO 8601 date in the format YYYY-MM-DD-YYYY-MM-DD


CSD Legal Entity Identifier

ISO 17442 Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) 20 alphanumerical character code


Securities settlement system operated by the CSD

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Number of settlement instructions during the period covered by the report

Up to 20 numerical characters reported as whole numbers without decimals.


Value (EUR) of settlement instructions during the period covered by the report

Up to 20 numerical characters including decimals. At least one character before and one character after the decimal mark shall be populated. The decimal mark is not counted as a numerical character.

Data on failure to deliver securities


Number of settlement fails due to failure to deliver securities

Up to 20 numerical characters reported as whole numbers without decimals.


Value (EUR) of settlement fails due to failure to deliver securities

Up to 20 numerical characters including decimals. At least one character before and one character after the decimal mark shall be populated. The decimal mark is not counted as a numerical character.


Rate of settlement fails based on volume of settlement instructions

Percentage value up to 2 decimal places.


Rate of settlement fails based on value of settlement instructions

Percentage value up to 2 decimal places.

Data on failure to deliver cash


Number of settlement fails due to failure to deliver cash

Up to 20 numerical characters reported as whole numbers without decimals.


Value (EUR) of settlement fails due to failure to deliver cash

Up to 20 numerical characters including decimals. At least one character before and one character after the decimal mark shall be populated. The decimal mark is not counted as a numerical character.


Rate of settlement fails based on volume of settlement instructions

Percentage value up to 2 decimal places.


Rate of settlement fails based on value (EUR) of settlement instructions

Percentage value up to 2 decimal places

Data covering both settlement fails for lack of securities and lack of cash


Total number of settlement fails (covering both settlement fails for lack of securities and lack of cash)

Up to 20 numerical characters reported as whole numbers without decimals.


Total value (EUR) of settlement fails (covering both settlement fails for lack of securities and lack of cash)

Up to 20 numerical characters including decimals. At least one character before and one character after the decimal mark shall be populated. The decimal mark is not counted as a numerical character.


Rate of settlement fails based on volume of settlement instructions

Percentage value up to 2 decimals places


Rate of settlement fails based on value of settlement instructions

Up to 5 numerical characters including decimals. At least one character before and one character after the decimal mark shall be populated. The decimal mark is not counted as a numerical character.


Measures to improve settlement efficiency

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