Article 4
Additional information relating to the proposed acquirer that is a natural person
The proposed acquirer that is a natural person shall also provide the competent authority of the target entity with the following:
(a) |
in respect of the proposed acquirer and of any undertaking directed or controlled by the proposed acquirer, over the past 10 years:
(b) |
information as to whether an assessment of reputation of the acquirer has already been conducted by another supervisory authority, the identity of that authority, and evidence of the outcome of the assessment; |
(c) |
information regarding the current financial position of the proposed acquirer, including details concerning sources of revenues, assets and liabilities, pledges and guarantees, granted or received; |
(d) |
a description of the business activities of the proposed acquirer; |
(e) |
financial information including credit ratings and publicly available reports on the undertakings controlled or directed by the proposed acquirer and, if applicable, on the proposed acquirer; |
(f) |
a description of the financial and non-financial interests or relationships of the proposed acquirer with:
(g) |
information on any other interests or activities of the proposed acquirer that may be in conflict with those of the target entity and possible solutions for managing those conflicts of interest. |
For the purposes of point (f), credit operations, guarantees and pledges shall be deemed to be part of the financial interests, whereas family or close relationships shall be deemed to be part of the non-financial interests.