Updated 18/09/2024
In force

Version from: 06/02/2018
Amendments (1)
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Article 15a - Scope of the consolidated tape for bonds, structured finance products, emission allowances and derivatives

Article 15a

Scope of the consolidated tape for bonds, structured finance products, emission allowances and derivatives


A CTP shall include in its electronic data stream the data of one or more of the following asset classes:


bonds, excluding exchange traded commodities (ETCs) and exchange traded notes (ETNs);


ETC and ETNs bond types;


structured finance products;


securitised derivatives;


interest rate derivatives;


foreign exchange derivatives;


equity derivatives;


commodity derivatives;


credit derivatives;


contracts for differences;


C10 derivatives;


emission allowance derivatives;


emission allowances.


A CTP shall include in its electronic data stream the data made public pursuant to Articles 10 and 21 of Regulation (EU) No 600/2014 that meet both of the following coverage ratios:


the number of transactions published by a CTP in an asset class listed in paragraph 1 represents at least 80 % of the total number of transactions in the relevant asset class published in the Union by all APAs and all trading venues during the assessment period referred to in paragraph 3;


the volume of transactions published by a CTP in an asset class listed in paragraph 1 represents at least 80 % of the total volume of transactions in the relevant asset class published in the Union by all APAs and all trading venues during the assessment period referred to in paragraph 3.

For the purposes of point (b), the volume of transactions shall be determined in accordance with the measure of volume specified in Table 4 of Annex II to Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/583 ( 3 ).

A CTP shall assess the coverage ratios set out in paragraph 2 every six months, based on data covering the preceding 6 months. The assessment periods shall start on 1 January and 1 July each year. The first period shall cover the first six months of the year 2019.

A CTP shall ensure that it reaches the minimum coverage ratios set out in paragraph 2 as soon as possible, and in any case not later than:


31 January of the calendar year following the period covering 1 January to 30 June;


31 July of the calendar year following the period covering 1 July to 31 December.

( 3 ) Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/583 of 14 July 2016 supplementing Regulation (EU) No 600/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council on markets in financial instruments with regard to regulatory technical standards on transparency requirements for trading venues and investment firms in respect of bonds, structured finance products, emission allowances and derivatives (OJ L 87, 31.3.2017, p. 229).