Article 52
Information about investment advice
Where advice is offered or provided to the same client on both an independent and non-independent basis, investment firms shall explain the scope of both services to allow investors to understand the differences between them and not present itself f as an independent investment adviser for the overall activity. Firms shall not give undue prominence to their independent investment advice services over non-independent investment services in their communications with clients.
Investment firms shall provide a description of:
the types of financial instruments considered;
the range of financial instruments and providers, analysed per each type of instrument according to the scope of the service;
where relevant, the sustainability factors taken into consideration in the selection process of financial instruments;
when providing independent advice, how the service provided satisfies the conditions for the provision of investment advice on an independent basis, and the factors taken into consideration in the selection process used by the investment firm to recommend financial instruments, including risks, costs and complexity of the financial instruments.
Investments firms providing a periodic assessment of the suitability of the recommendations provided pursuant to Article 54(12) shall disclose all of the following:
the frequency and extent of the periodic suitability assessment and where relevant, the conditions that trigger that assessment;
the extent to which the information previously collected will be subject to reassessment; and
the way in which an updated recommendation will be communicated to the client.