Updated 09/03/2025
In force

Version from: 02/08/2022
QA1818 - Information to clients on costs and charges
Status: Final
Answered: 28/03/2019
Art. 50
QA1820 - Information to clients on costs and charges
Status: Final
Answered: 06/06/2017
Art. 50
QA1841 - Information to clients on costs and charges
Status: Final
Answered: 29/05/2023
Art. 50
QA1830 - Information to clients on costs and charges
Status: Final
Answered: 03/10/2017
Art. 50(1)
QA1831 - Information to clients on costs and charges
Status: Final
Answered: 03/10/2017
Art. 50(1)
QA20 - Investor protection under MiFID-II/MiFIR
Status: Final
Updated: 03/10/2017
Art. 50(2)
QA1817 - Information to clients on costs and charges
Status: Final
Answered: 06/06/2017
Art. 50(2)
QA1825 - Information to clients on costs and charges
Status: Final
Answered: 06/06/2017
Art. 50(2)
QA1832 - Information to clients on costs and charges
Status: Final
Answered: 03/10/2017
Art. 50(2)
QA1834 - Information to clients on costs and charges
Status: Final
Answered: 28/03/2019
Art. 50(2)
QA2024 - Information to clients on costs and charges
Status: Final
Answered: 13/12/2023
Art. 50(2)
QA1836 - Information to clients on costs and charges
Status: Final
Answered: 28/03/2019
Art. 50(2), 50(5)
QA1838 - Information to clients on costs and charges
Status: Final
Answered: 28/03/2019
Art. 50(2), 50(5)
QA1835 - Information to clients on costs and charges
Status: Final
Answered: 28/03/2019
Art. 50(2), 50(6)
QA2025 - Information to clients on costs and charges
Status: Final
Answered: 13/12/2023
Art. 50(3)
QA1119 - Information to clients on costs and charges
Status: Final
Answered: 28/05/2021
Art. 50(5)
QA1842 - Information to clients on costs and charges
Status: Final
Answered: 29/05/2019
Art. 50(5)
QA1839 - Information to clients on costs and charges
Status: Final
Answered: 29/05/2019
Art. 50(6), 50(10)
QA1826 - Information to clients on costs and charges
Status: Final
Answered: 06/06/2017
Art. 50(8)
QA1827 - Information to clients on costs and charges
Status: Final
Answered: 03/10/2017
Art. 50(8)
QA1843 - Information to clients on costs and charges
Status: Final
Answered: 29/05/2019
Art. 50(8)
QA1813 - Reporting to clients
Status: Final
Answered: 16/12/2016
Art. 50(9)
QA4 - Investor protection under MiFID-II/MiFIR
Status: Final
Updated: 16/12/2016
Art. 50(9)
QA1816 - Information to clients on costs and charges
Status: Final
Answered: 16/12/2016
Art. 50(9)
QA1833 - Information to clients on costs and charges
Status: Final
Answered: 03/10/2017
Art. 50(9)
QA1844 - Information to clients on costs and charges
Status: Final
Answered: 04/12/2019
Art. 50(9)
QA1845 - Information to clients on costs and charges
Status: Final
Answered: 04/12/2019
Art. 50(9)
QA1814 - Information to clients on costs and charges
Status: Final
Answered: 16/12/2016
Art. 50(10)
QA1815 - Information to clients on costs and charges
Status: Final
Answered: 16/12/2016
Art. 50(10)
QA2136 - Information to clients on costs and charges
Status: Final
Answered: 18/03/2024
Art. 50(10)
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Article 50 - Delegated Regulation 2017/565

Article 50

Information on costs and associated charges

(Article 24(4) of Directive 2014/65/EU)

For the purposes of providing information to clients on all costs and charges pursuant to Article 24(4) of Directive 2014/65/EU, investment firms shall comply with the detailed requirements in paragraphs 2 to 10.

Without prejudice to the obligations set out in Article 24(4) of Directive 2014/65/EU, investment firms providing investment services to professional clients shall have the right to agree to a limited application of the detailed requirements set out in this Article with these clients. Investment firms shall not be allowed to agree such limitations when the services of investment advice or portfolio management are provided or when, irrespective of the investment service provided, the financial instruments concerned embed a derivative.

Without prejudice to the obligations set out in Article 24(4) of Directive 2014/65/EU, investment firms providing investment services to eligible counterparties shall have the right to agree to a limited application of the detailed requirements set out in this Article, except when, irrespective of the investment service provided, the financial instruments concerned embed a derivative and the eligible counterparty intends to offer them to its clients.


For ex-ante and ex-post disclosure of information on costs and charges to clients, investment firms shall aggregate the following:


all costs and associated charges charged by the investment firm or other parties where the client has been directed to such other parties, for the investment services(s) and/or ancillary services provided to the client; and


all costs and associated charges associated with the manufacturing and managing of the financial instruments.

Costs referred to in points (a) and (b) are listed in Annex II to this Regulation. For the purposes of point (a), third party payments received by investment firms in connection with the investment service provided to a client shall be itemised separately and the aggregated costs and charges shall be totalled and expressed both as a cash amount and as a percentage.

Where any part of the total costs and charges is to be paid in or represents an amount of foreign currency, investment firms shall provide an indication of the currency involved and the applicable currency conversion rates and costs. Investments firms shall also inform about the arrangements for payment or other performance.
In relation to the disclosure of product costs and charges that are not included in the UCITS KIID, the investment firms shall calculate and disclose these costs, for example, by liaising with UCITS management companies to obtain the relevant information.

The obligation to provide in good time a full ex-ante disclosure of information about the aggregated costs and charges related to the financial instrument and to the investment or ancillary service provided shall apply to investment firms in the following situations:


where the investment firm recommends or markets financial instruments to clients; or


where the investment firm providing any investment services is required to provide clients with a UCITS KIID or PRIIPs KID in relation to the relevant financial instruments, in accordance with relevant Union legislation.

Investment firms that do not recommend or market a financial instrument to the client or are not obliged to provide the client with a KID/KIID in accordance with relevant Union legislation shall inform their clients about all costs and charges relating to the investment and/or ancillary service provided.
Where more than one investment firm provides investment or ancillary services to the client, each investment firm shall provide information about the costs of the investment or ancillary services it provides. An investment firm that recommends or markets to its clients the services provided by another firm, shall aggregate the cost and charges of its services together with the cost and charges of the services provided by the other firm. An investment firm shall take into account the costs and charges associated to the provision of other investment or ancillary services by other firms where it has directed the client to these other firms.
Where calculating costs and charges on an ex-ante basis, investment firms shall use actually incurred costs as a proxy for the expected costs and charges. Where actual costs are not available, the investment firm shall make reasonable estimations of these costs. Investment firms shall review ex-ante assumptions based on the ex-post experience and shall make adjustment to these assumptions, where necessary.
Investment firms shall provide annual ex-post information about all costs and charges related to both the financial instrument(s) and investment and ancillary service(s) where they have recommended or marketed the financial instrument(s) or where they have provided the client with the KID/KIID in relation to the financial instrument(s) and they have or have had an ongoing relationship with the client during the year. Such information shall be based on costs incurred and shall be provided on a personalised basis.

Investment firms may choose to provide such aggregated information on costs and charges of the investment services and the financial instruments together with any existing periodic reporting to clients.


Investment firms shall provide their clients with an illustration showing the cumulative effect of costs on return when providing investment services. Such an illustration shall be provided both on an ex-ante and ex-post basis. Investment firms shall ensure that the illustration meets the following requirements:


the illustration shows the effect of the overall costs and charges on the return of the investment;


the illustration shows any anticipated spikes or fluctuations in the costs; and


the illustration is accompanied by a description of the illustration.