Updated 18/10/2024
In force

Initial Legal Act
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Article 11 - Selection of the measurement basis

Article 11

Selection of the measurement basis

1.   In selecting the most appropriate measurement basis or bases, the valuer shall take into account the range of resolution actions to be examined according to Article 10(1).

2.   The valuer shall determine the cash flows that the entity can expect on the basis of fair, prudent and realistic assumptions from existing assets and liabilities following adoption of the examined resolution action or actions, discounted at an appropriate rate as determined in accordance with paragraph 6.

3.   Cash flows shall be determined at the appropriate level of aggregation, ranging from individual assets and liabilities to portfolios or businesses, with due consideration to differences in the risk profiles.

4.   Where the resolution actions referred to in Article 10(1) require that assets and liabilities are to be retained by an entity that continues to be a going concern institution, the valuer shall use the hold value as the appropriate measurement basis. The hold value may, if considered fair, prudent and realistic, anticipate a normalisation of market conditions.

The hold value shall not be used as the measurement basis where assets are transferred to an asset management vehicle pursuant to Article 42 of Directive 2014/59/EU or to a bridge institution pursuant to Article 40 of that Directive, or where a sale of business tool pursuant to Article 38 of Directive 2014/59/EU is used.

5.   Where the resolution actions referred to in Article 10(1) envisage the sale of assets the expected cash flows shall correspond to the disposal values envisaged for the expected disposal horizon.

6.   The discount rates shall be determined having regard to the timing of cash flows, risk profile, financing costs and market conditions as appropriate to the asset or liability being measured, the disposal strategy considered and the entity's post-resolution financial position.