Information systems (General information)
System |
Group entity party to the contract |
Type of contract |
Counterparty |
Person responsible |
Impact of resolution proceedings on continuity of access to information systems |
Identification |
Type |
Description |
Entity name |
Legal identifier |
Entity name |
Legal identifier |
Name |
Phone number |
Email address |
010 |
020 |
030 |
040 |
050 |
060 |
070 |
080 |
090 |
100 |
110 |
120 |
System A |
internet banking |
Bank A |
111 |
License |
Entity A |
System B |
credit approval |
Bank A |
111 |
License |
Entity B |
credit approval |
Bank B |
112 |
License |
Entity B |
System C |
other |
Bank C |
113 |
Shared service |
Entity C |
Information systems (Mapping)
System |
User |
Entity name |
Legal identifier |
Critical function |
Core business line |
010 |
020 |
030 |
040 |
050 |
System A |
Bank A |
111 |
Deposit taking |
Deposit taking |
System A |
Bank B |
112 |
Deposit taking |
Deposit taking |
System B |
Bank A |
111 |
Credit |
Retail |
System B |
Bank C |
113 |
Credit |
Corporate banking |
System C |
Bank A |
111 |
All |
All |