Liabilities structure
010 |
Legal entity name |
Bank A |
020 |
Legal idenfier |
111 |
030 |
Governing law of the liabilities |
040 |
Date |
12/31/2013 |
Counterparties |
Debt with a legal subordination qualifying as additional tier 1 |
Debt with a legal subordination qualifying as tier 2 |
Debt with a legal subordination |
Senior unsecured debt |
Deposits |
Secured debt |
Other liabilities excluded by Article 44(2) of BRRD |
Derivatives |
< 1 month |
< 1 year |
> 1 year |
< 1 month |
< 1 year |
> 1 year |
< 1 month |
< 1 year |
> 1 year |
Total |
of which eligible deposits |
of which covered deposits |
Exposure after prudential netting |
Exposure after deducting margin and collateral |
010 |
020 |
030 |
040 |
050 |
060 |
070 |
080 |
090 |
100 |
110 |
120 |
130 |
140 |
150 |
160 |
170 |
180 |
050 |
Natural persons |
055 |
of which eligible liabilities |
060 |
Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises |
065 |
of which eligible liabilities |
070 |
Large non-financial enterprises |
075 |
of which eligible liabilities |
080 |
Institutions |
085 |
of which eligible liabilities |
090 |
Insurance firms and pension funds |
095 |
of which eligible liabilities |
100 |
Other financial undertakings |
105 |
of which eligible liabilities |
110 |
Intragroup |
115 |
of which eligible liabilities |
120 |
Government, central banks and supranationals |
125 |
of which eligible liabilities |
130 |
Others/non-identified |
140 |
of which eligible liabilities |
150 |
160 |
Total eligible liabilities |