Updated 18/10/2024
In force

Version from: 21/03/2024
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Article 13 - Process for raising annual contributions

Article 13

Process for raising annual contributions

The resolution authority shall notify each institution referred to in Article 2 of its decision determining the annual contribution due by each institution at the latest by 1 May each year.

The resolution authority shall notify the decision in any of the following ways:


electronically or by other comparable means of communication allowing for an acknowledgment of receipt;


by registered mail with a form of acknowledgment of receipt.

The decision shall specify the condition and the means by which the annual contribution shall be paid and the share of irrevocable payment commitments referred to in Article 103 of Directive 2014/59/EU that each institution can use. The resolution authority shall accept collateral only of the kind and under conditions that allow for swift realisability including in the event of a resolution decision over the weekend. The collateral should be conservatively valued to reflect significantly deteriorated market conditions.
Without prejudice to any other remedy available to the resolution authority, in the event of partial payment, non-payment or non-compliance with the requirement set out in the decision, the institution concerned shall incur a daily penalty on the outstanding amount of the instalment.

The daily penalty interest shall accrue on a daily basis on the amount due at an interest rate applied by the European Central Bank to its principal refinancing operations, as published in the C series of theOfficial Journal of the European Union, in force on the first calendar day of the month in which the payment deadline falls increased by 8 percentage points from the date on which the instalment was due.

Where an institution is a newly supervised institution for only part of a contribution period, its partial annual contribution shall be collected together with the annual contribution due for the subsequent contribution period.