Updated 08/03/2025
In force since 28/12/2024

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Implementing Regulation 2024/3117

Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2024/3117 of 29 November 2024 laying down implementing technical standards for the application of Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to supervisory reporting of institutions and repealing Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/451

RecitalsArticle 1 - Submission of the informationArticle 2 - Reporting reference datesArticle 3 - Reporting remittance datesArticle 4 - Reporting thresholds – entry and exit criteriaArticle 5 - Reporting on own funds and own funds requirements on an individual basis – quarterly reportingArticle 6 - Reporting on own funds and own funds requirements on an individual basis – semi-annual reportingArticle 7 - Reporting on own funds and own funds requirements on a consolidated basisArticle 8 - Reporting on own funds and own funds requirements – additional reporting requirements on individual and consolidated basisArticle 9 - Reporting on own funds and own funds requirements for investment firms that are subject to Articles 95 and 96 of Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 on an individual basisArticle 10 - Reporting on own funds and own funds requirements for groups that consist only of investment firms that are subject to Articles 95 and 96 of Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 on a consolidated basisArticle 11 - Reporting on financial information on a consolidated basis for institutions subject to Regulation (EC) No 1606/2002 of the European Parliament and of the CouncilArticle 12 - Reporting on financial information on a consolidated basis for institutions applying national accounting frameworksArticle 13 - Reporting, in accordance with Article 430a (1) of Regulation (EU) No 575/2013, on an individual and a consolidated basis, on losses stemming from lending collateralised by immovable propertyArticle 14 - Reporting on large exposures on both an individual and a consolidated basisArticle 15 - Reporting on leverage ratio on both an individual and a consolidated basisArticle 16 - Reporting on the liquidity coverage on both an individual and a consolidated basisArticle 17 - Reporting on stable funding on both an individual and a consolidated basisArticle 18 - Reporting on additional liquidity monitoring metrics on both an individual and a consolidated basisArticle 19 - Reporting on asset encumbrance on both an individual and a consolidated basisArticle 20 - Supplementary reporting for the purposes of identifying G-SIIs and assigning G-SII buffer ratesArticle 21 - Reporting on interest rate risk in the banking book on both an individual and a consolidated basisArticle 22 - IT solutions, reporting templates and instructionsArticle 23 - Data exchange formats and information accompanying submissionsArticle 24 - Transitional provisions Q&AArticle 25 - Repeal of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/451Article 26 - Entry into force and application