Article 6
Type of undertaking recognised under applicable national law as a mutual for the purposes of Article 27(1)(a)(i) of Regulation (EU) No 575/2013
To qualify as a mutual for the purposes of paragraph 1, the institution’s legal status shall fall within one of the following categories:
in Denmark: Associations (‘Foreninger’) or funds (‘Fonde’) which originate from the conversion of insurance companies (‘Forsikringsselskaber’), mortgage credit institutions (‘Realkreditinstitutter’), savings banks (‘Sparekasser’), cooperative savings banks (‘Andelskasser’) and affiliations of cooperative savings banks (‘Sammenslutninger af andelskasser’) into limited companies as defined under the Danish Financial Business Act;
in Ireland: institutions registered as ‘building societies’ under the Building Societies Act 1989;
in the United Kingdom: institutions registered as ‘building societies’ under the Building Societies Act 1986; institutions registered as a ‘savings bank’ under the Savings Bank (Scotland) Act 1819.