Updated 09/03/2025
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Version from: 09/05/2023
Amendments (2)
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Article 4 - Delegated Regulation 241/2014

Article 4

Type of undertaking recognised under applicable national law as a cooperative society for the purposes of Article 27(1)(a)(ii) of Regulation (EU) No 575/2013

Competent authorities may determine that a type of undertaking recognised under applicable national law qualifies as a cooperative society for the purpose of Part Two of Regulation (EU) No 575/2013, where all of the conditions in paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 are met.

To qualify as a cooperative society for the purposes of paragraph 1, an institution’s legal status shall fall within one of the following categories:


in Austria: institutions registered as ‘eingetragene Genossenschaft (e.Gen.)’ or ‘registrierte Genossenschaft’ under the ‘Gesetz über Erwerbs- und Wirtschaftsgenossenschaften (GenG)’;


in Belgium: institutions registered as ‘société coopérative/coöperatieve vennootschap’ and approved in application of the Royal Decree of 8 January 1962 fixing the conditions of approval of the national groupings of cooperative societies and cooperative societies;


in Cyprus: institutions registered as ‘Συνεργατικό Πιστωτικό Ίδρυμα ή ΣΠΙ’ established by virtue of the Cooperative Societies Laws of 1985;


in the Czech Republic: institutions authorised as ‘spořitelní a úvěrní družstvo’ under ‘zákon upravující činnost spořitelních a úvěrních družstev’;


in Denmark: institutions registered as ‘andelskasser’or ‘sammenslutninger af andelskasser’ under the Danish Financial Business Act;


in Finland: institutions registered as one of the following:


‘Osuuspankki’ or ‘andelsbank’ under ‘laki osuuspankeista ja muista osuuskuntamuotoisista luottolaitoksista’ or ‘lag om andelsbanker och andra kreditinstitut i andelslagsform’;


‘Muu osuuskuntamuotoinen luottolaitos’ or ‘annat kreditinstitut i andelslagsform’ under ‘laki osuuspankeista ja muista osuuskuntamuotoisista luottolaitoksista’ or ‘lag om andelsbanker och andra kreditinstitut i andelslagsform’;


‘Keskusyhteisö’ or ‘centralinstitutet’ under ‘laki talletuspankkien yhteenliittymästä’ or ‘lag om en sammanslutning av inlåningsbanker’;


in France: institutions registered as ‘sociétés coopératives’ under the ‘Loi no47-1775 du 10 septembre 1947 portant statut de la coopération’ and authorised as ‘banques mutualistes ou coopératives’ under the ‘Code monétaire et financier, partie législative, Livre V, titre Ier, chapitre II’;


in Germany: institutions registered as ‘eingetragene Genossenschaft (eG)’ under the ‘Gesetz betreffend die Erwerbs- und Wirtschaftsgenossenschaften (Genossenschaftsgesetz –GenG)’;


in Greece: institutions registered as ‘Πιστωτικοί Συνεταιρισμοί’ under the Cooperative Law 1667/1986 that operate as credit institutions and may be labeled as ‘Συνεταιριστική Τράπεζα’ according to the Banking Law 3601/2007;


in Hungary: institutions registered as ‘Szövetkezeti hitelintézet’ under Act CXII of 1996 on Credit Institutions and Financial Enterprises;


in Italy: institutions registered as on of the following:


‘Banche popolari’ referred to in Legislative Decree 1 September 1993, no. 385;


‘Banche di credito cooperativo’ referred to in Legislative Decree 1 September 1993, no. 385;


‘Banche di garanzia collettiva dei fidi’ referred to in art. 13 of Decree Law 30 September 2003, no. 269, converted into Law 24 November 2003, no. 326;


in Lithuania: institutions registered as ‘Centrinė kredito unija’ under the ‘Centrinių kredito unijų įstatymas’;


in Luxembourg: institutions registered as ‘sociétés coopératives’ as defined in Section VI of the law of 10 August 1915 on commercial companies;


in the Netherlands: institutions registered as ‘coöperaties’ or ‘onderlinge waarborgmaatschappijen’ under ‘Title 3 of Book 2 Rechtspersonen of the Burgerlijk wetboek’;


in Poland: institutions registered as ‘bank spółdzielczy’ under the provisions of ‘Prawo bankowe’;


in Portugal: institutions registered as ‘Caixa de Crédito Agrícola Mútuo’ or as ‘Caixa Central de Crédito Agrícola Mútuo’ under the ‘Regime Jurídico do Crédito Agrícola Mútuo e das Cooperativas de Crédito Agrícola’ approved by Decreto-Lei n.o 24/91, de 11 de Janeiro;


in Romania: institutions registered as ‘Organizații cooperatiste de credit’ under the provisions of Government Emergency Ordinance no. 99/2006 on credit institutions and capital adequacy, approved with amendments and supplements by Law no. 227/2007;


in Spain: Institutions registered as ‘Cooperativas de Crédito’ under the ‘Ley 13/1989, de 26 de mayo, de Cooperativas de Crédito’;


in Sweden: institutions registered as ‘Medlemsbank’ or as ‘Kreditmarknadsförening’ under Lag (2004:297) om bank- och finansieringsrörelse;


in the United Kingdom: institutions registered as ‘cooperative societies’ under the Industrial and Provident Societies Act 1965 and under the Industrial and Provident Societies Act (Northern Ireland) 1969.

With respect to Common Equity Tier 1 capital, to qualify as a cooperative society for the purposes of paragraph 1, the institution shall be able to issue, according to the national applicable law or company statutes, at the level of the legal entity, only capital instruments referred to in Article 29 of Regulation (EU) No 575/2013.
To qualify as a cooperative society for the purposes of paragraph 1, when the holders, which may be members or non-members of the institution, of the Common Equity Tier 1 instruments referred to in paragraph (3) have the ability to resign, under the applicable national law, they may also have the right to put the capital instrument back to the institution, but only subject to the restrictions of the applicable national law, company statutes, of Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 and of this Regulation. This does not prevent the institution from issuing, under applicable national law, Common Equity Tier 1 instruments complying with Article 29 of Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 to members and non-members that do not grant a right to put the capital instrument back to the institution.