Article 14
Fees in 2013
Trade repositories which apply for registration in 2013 shall pay the registration fee referred to in Article 6 in full 30 days after the entry into force of this Regulation or at the date of submission of the application for registration, whichever is the later.
Trade repositories registered in 2013 shall pay for 2013, an initial annual supervisory fee calculated in accordance with Article 7(4) in full 60 days after the entry into force of this Regulation or 30 days after the adoption of the decision on registration, whichever is the later.
Third country trade repositories which apply for recognition in 2013 shall pay the recognition fee referred to in Article 8(1) in full 30 days after the entry into force of this Regulation or at the date of submission of the application, whichever is the later.
Third country trade repositories recognised in 2013 shall pay, for 2013, an annual supervisory fee calculated in accordance with Article 8(3) in full 60 days after the entry into force of this Regulation or 30 days after the adoption of the decision on recognition, whichever is the later.